Showing posts with label Michael Coren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Coren. Show all posts

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Soft Fascism of Kindness - Canadian Content.

Michael Coren discusses criminal actions in Canada and France against offensive speech.
"The definition of a racist...

...someone who is winning an argument with a liberal." - Michael Coren.

Michael Coren interviews the head of the English Defence League.

I was surprised by (a) how articulate this guy - who I initially thought was a soccer hooligan - was and (b) the implication that the lower class Brits may be more radicalized than we are led to believe.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Michael Coren responds to an atheist on the World Trade Center Cross Litigation.

Here is the clip.

The best part of the clip is the beginning - starting around 4:20 - when Coren refuses to permit the typical atheist hit-and-run equating Christianity to a belief in the tooth fairy.  It's a well-done response.  Study it.  Use it. Let's encourage atheists to stop attacking strawmen and start using reason instead of simply worshipping it.

Coren comments on his blog:

I interviewed one of New York’s leading atheists on my new show The Arena – weeknights 7pm, Sun News. These types always use the same lines, always insult, and usually get away with it. In my experience, the Jewish ones – sadly, a lot of them – will always use some Yiddish, or mention something vaguely folksy and Jewish, to try and get people on their side. The non-Jewish ones are just rude. We have to stand up to them; Hitchens is clever and funny, but the rest are bores and blowhards. My debate with this fellow starts about half way through the clip.
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