Showing posts with label Ozone Hole. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ozone Hole. Show all posts

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Don't panic...

...the ozone hole over the Antarctic is the smallest it has ever been over the last 20 years.

And global warming has been flat for the last 15 years.

What is the left going to do without an existential disaster it can blame on capitalism?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Why you aren't hearing about ...

...the gender gap.

So why run yet another ad with the same ridiculous claims? Reinhard says the key is in swing-state polling — which shows Barack Obama’s big lead among women shrinking substantially:

A look at the dwindling gender gap in just one of the states where the ad is running gives it away. In Virginia — ground zero for the so-called “war on women” because of anti-abortion initiatives in the state capitol — Obama was running ahead of Romney in Quinnipiac University polls in March and June, largely because of monster leads among women. The gender gap was 13 points in March and 16 points in June.

Then came July’s survey, which found the candidates deadlocked at 44 percent each. The gender gap had shrunk to only 5 points.

In the latest week-long survey results (July 16-22) from Rasmussen’s daily presidential tracking poll, which sampled 3500 likely voters, the gender gap has fallen to five points (48/43) — but it’s only down to two points in today’s three-day rolling average (46/44). Meanwhile, Romney has a 13-point lead among men, 54/41, in today’s result, and a nine-point edge from the previous weeklong results, 50/41. When leaners are included in the three-day rolling average, Romney has a twelve-point lead among men, 55/43 — and a tie among women with Obama at 47/47. Among those women “certain” of their vote, Obama only has a one-point edge, 38/37. Among men certain of their vote, Romney leads by 14, 47/33.

Romney also leads the tracking poll overall by five points, 49/44 — and that was before today’s GDP report.

It seems that Team Obama has good reason to hit the panic button, and not just in Virginia. They need to scare women back onto the Democratic reservation, and setting their own pants on fire looks like their only option, now that “Julia” has been banished to the Island of Misfit Political Mascots.

In other news, you don't hear about the ozone hole because it's getting better. You probably also didn't hear about the so-called arctic ozone hole of 2011, because that one was caused by the fact that 2011 had record cold temperatures, which is strictly inadmissible for a narrative of global warming.
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