Showing posts with label Circumcision Initiative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circumcision Initiative. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holy Freakin' Moly.

Walter Russell Mead writes:

German Court Declares Judaism A Crime

Hard to believe, but that’s what the decision handed down by the regional court in Cologne, Germany means: circumcising a child under the age of consent is a crime, notwithstanding the religious beliefs of the parents.

Many judges who loyally served the Third Reich finished their careers in perfect peace and quiet after World War Two; in some cases, they are still collecting pensions for administering Hitler’s laws. However, Germany’s moral sensibilities are so refined and so pure today that the thought of Jewish parents (or Muslims for that matter) performing an immemorial religious rite is unacceptable.

Jews believe that the circumcision of infants is a necessary act; the command to circumcise male children at the age of eight days is the first command that God gives Abraham to mark their covenant; for thousands of years this has been a foundation of Jewish life. To ban infant circumcision is essentially to make the practice of Judaism illegal in Germany; it is now once again a crime to be a Jew in the Reich.

Here is the source.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Court tosses San Francisco circumcision ban... an illegal attempt by a city to regulate medicine.

Friday, June 03, 2011

"Hmmmmm. Blonde superhero. An evil rabbi before a baby, a glass and a bottle of wine."...

...A wild idea, but could there possibly be something...I don't know... anti-Semitic in San Francisco's anti-circumcision initiative?

Wesley J. Smith links to a post from the "Token Conservative" column at the S.F. Chronicle which demonstrates an exuberant usage of anti-semitic tropes that haven't been seen since the Nuremberg Trials.

For example:



Wesley J. Smith observes:

This is really vile stuff, classic–and dangerous–anti Semitism. Or in the modern vernacular, it is unmitigated hate speech. Is it any wonder there were no religious exemptions allowed in the proposed law?

It is also worth noting the linking of the Foreskin Man Website from the main MGMbill Website isn’t an innocent mistake: Matthew Hess, the president of MGMbill, a non profit organization that pushes anti circumcision statutes nationwide, is also the author and prime mover behind the SF referendum, who also just happens to be the big cheese at the anti Semitic Foreskin Man site. There are other anti Semitic “trading cards” too. Awful. Just awful. This kind of advocacy has no place in a free and diverse society.

In the words of German Liberal leader Eduard Windthorst, "Freedom protects everything except unfreedom, and tolerance endures everything except intolerance."


Here are some more frames playing on clearly anti-semitic tropes.

And from Pajama Media:

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