Picture window into Dante's Hell.
Teens mock drowning man.
This kind of thing crops up periodically. The story about 32 New Yorkers watching Kitty Genovese being murdered without intervening or calling the police back in the early 1960s come to mind, albeit that story has been debunked.
With the Kitty Genovese story, the blame was ascribed to the alienation of living in a large city.
On this one, you have to wonder about social media which trains people to treat other people as deracinated and abstract objects of entertainment. People say horrible things on social media that I can't imagine them saying face to face with the people they are talking to.
The audio is brutal.
Perhaps, the teen-agers didn't understand what was happening, but teens raised to see themselves as heroic would have done something.
Showing posts with label Slouching to Gomorrah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Slouching to Gomorrah. Show all posts
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Cultural Watch
Bengals v. Steelers: Bengals lose in two unnecessary acts of violence.
//This was unnecessary! The game was won! It's more than hotheads losing control. There's something seriously wrong here. The motivation obviously on the part of some of these players was not to win the game. They had another purpose being on that field Saturday night, and that's where this problem breaks down. And the people that employ them -- and they're college people! They're college graduates, for crying out loud. They're college men. You know, people ask me all the time, "Why don't these coaches tell these people not to do it? You know, how the...? Stupid penalties in the end zone after a touchdown, a 15-yard penalty for celebrating!"
You may think the penalty's crazy or the rule's crazy, but it is what it is. Why can't a coach tell a young kid, "Don't do it! I run this team; you're not gonna do it. If you score a touchdown, give the ball to the ref and get off the field." But the coaches today say, "They're grown men; I can't tell 'em what to do." It's a different era. "They're grown men; I can't tell you what to do"? Then why do we need coaches? What do you mean, "They're grown men; I can't tell 'em what to do"? It'd be no different than a parent saying, "This kid is my kid and he's a little out of control, but I can't tell him what to do." It's absurd. I'm telling you, folks: There's a lot wrapped up in this that goes beyond the football field. //
Plus this.
Stay classy, football fans!
Bengals v. Steelers: Bengals lose in two unnecessary acts of violence.
//This was unnecessary! The game was won! It's more than hotheads losing control. There's something seriously wrong here. The motivation obviously on the part of some of these players was not to win the game. They had another purpose being on that field Saturday night, and that's where this problem breaks down. And the people that employ them -- and they're college people! They're college graduates, for crying out loud. They're college men. You know, people ask me all the time, "Why don't these coaches tell these people not to do it? You know, how the...? Stupid penalties in the end zone after a touchdown, a 15-yard penalty for celebrating!"
You may think the penalty's crazy or the rule's crazy, but it is what it is. Why can't a coach tell a young kid, "Don't do it! I run this team; you're not gonna do it. If you score a touchdown, give the ball to the ref and get off the field." But the coaches today say, "They're grown men; I can't tell 'em what to do." It's a different era. "They're grown men; I can't tell you what to do"? Then why do we need coaches? What do you mean, "They're grown men; I can't tell 'em what to do"? It'd be no different than a parent saying, "This kid is my kid and he's a little out of control, but I can't tell him what to do." It's absurd. I'm telling you, folks: There's a lot wrapped up in this that goes beyond the football field. //
Plus this.
Stay classy, football fans!
Slouching to Gomorrah
Saturday, January 09, 2016
Large Sections of Post-Christian Civilization need an Intervention.
//Performance art is a joke. Taken terribly seriously by the art world, it is a litmus test of pretension and intellectual dishonesty. If you are wowed by it, you are either susceptible to pseudo-intellectual guff, or lying.....
Performance artist Milo Moiré creates abstract paintings by pushing eggs filled with paint and ink out of her vaginal canal. She does this while standing naked in front of an audience. The nudity, apparently, is artistically essential. As for the act of pushing paint-filled eggs out of her body, it is – as no doubt you perceive – a powerful feminist statement about women, fertility and creativity.
And yet it's not a strong statement at all. It is absurd, gratuitous, trite and desperate. Anywhere but an art gathering, this would be regarded as a satire on modern cultural emptiness.//
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The Fever-swamp Left is impossible to parody.
Welcome to Civilization 3.0:
//Not to be outdone, #Gamergate critic, and former NFL player Chris Kluwe Tweeted pictures of his own daughter to a pedophile, because The Narrative ™ must be protected at all cost. Yes. He sent pictures of his child to a pedophile. What kind of sick bastard would do such a thing? But these two paragons of morality, who constantly lecture us on our evil Capitalist ShitLord, Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Rapist ways are only the tip of the ideological iceberg of depravity. Salon, naturally, decided that this was a great time to post an article defending pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” and not some kind of filth or evil.
The agenda, of course, is to force acceptance of this practice onto the population at large. And after pedophilia, what next? Soylent Green? There appears to be no floor, no bottom, to Social Justice evil.
But it gets worse, for child pornography and pedophilia are only two tiny drops in the Progressive bucket. In Sweden, a gay pride parade was organized, and it so happened that the proposed route went through two Muslim areas of town. Naturally, this created conflict because Muslims don’t like gays. They aren’t “homophobic” in the sense that they might find the practice odd, or would prefer if it took place someplace else. No. They kill gays. They hang them, they throw them off of buildings, they behead them.
So an LGBT group entered the fray to weigh in on this subject. Who did they back? Who wins when victim group meets victim group?
Islam won. Yes, the LGBT group accused its own people of being racist Islamophobes for daring to conduct their parade through an area of town in which Muslims resided. Leftists called each other racists and bowed to the wishes of militant Islam. Of course, Islam has a long and colorful history where pedophilia and rape are concerned too. In fact, one of the points of agreement between the Left and Islam is that child rape is no big deal, and wanting to have sex with your cousin is just dandy.//
Welcome to Civilization 3.0:
//Not to be outdone, #Gamergate critic, and former NFL player Chris Kluwe Tweeted pictures of his own daughter to a pedophile, because The Narrative ™ must be protected at all cost. Yes. He sent pictures of his child to a pedophile. What kind of sick bastard would do such a thing? But these two paragons of morality, who constantly lecture us on our evil Capitalist ShitLord, Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Rapist ways are only the tip of the ideological iceberg of depravity. Salon, naturally, decided that this was a great time to post an article defending pedophilia as a “sexual orientation” and not some kind of filth or evil.
The agenda, of course, is to force acceptance of this practice onto the population at large. And after pedophilia, what next? Soylent Green? There appears to be no floor, no bottom, to Social Justice evil.
But it gets worse, for child pornography and pedophilia are only two tiny drops in the Progressive bucket. In Sweden, a gay pride parade was organized, and it so happened that the proposed route went through two Muslim areas of town. Naturally, this created conflict because Muslims don’t like gays. They aren’t “homophobic” in the sense that they might find the practice odd, or would prefer if it took place someplace else. No. They kill gays. They hang them, they throw them off of buildings, they behead them.
So an LGBT group entered the fray to weigh in on this subject. Who did they back? Who wins when victim group meets victim group?
Islam won. Yes, the LGBT group accused its own people of being racist Islamophobes for daring to conduct their parade through an area of town in which Muslims resided. Leftists called each other racists and bowed to the wishes of militant Islam. Of course, Islam has a long and colorful history where pedophilia and rape are concerned too. In fact, one of the points of agreement between the Left and Islam is that child rape is no big deal, and wanting to have sex with your cousin is just dandy.//
Tuesday, September 08, 2015
Of course, we are also seeing that former "victims" have little concern for new "victims" who are not on the list of officially approved "victims."
The transition to "victim morality."
Over at the Righteous Mind blog, New York University moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt is signposting a fascinating article, "Microaggression and Moral Cultures," by two sociologists in the journal Comparative Sociology. The argument in the article is that U.S. society is in the midst of a large-scale moral change in which we are experiencing the emergence of a victimhood culture that is distinct from the honor cultures and dignity cultures of the past. If true, this bodes really bad for future social and political peace.
In honor cultures, people (men) maintained their honor by responding to insults, slights, violations of rights by self-help violence. Generally honor cultures exist where the rule of law is weak. In honor cultures, people protected themselves, their families, and property through having a reputation for swift violence. During the 19th century, most Western societies began the moral transition toward dignity cultures in which all citizens were legally endowed with equal rights. In such societies, persons, property, and rights are defended by recourse to third parties, usually courts, police, and so forth, that, if necessary, wield violence on their behalf. Dignity cultures practice tolerance and are much more peaceful than honor cultures.
Sociologists Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning are arguing that the U.S. is now transitioning to a victimhood culture that combines both the honor culture's quickness to take offense with the dignity culture's use of third parties to police and punish transgressions. The result is people are encouraged to think of themselves as weak, marginalized, and oppressed. This is nothing less than demoralizing and polarizing as everybody seeks to become a "victim." //
The transition to "victim morality."
Over at the Righteous Mind blog, New York University moral psychologist Jonathan Haidt is signposting a fascinating article, "Microaggression and Moral Cultures," by two sociologists in the journal Comparative Sociology. The argument in the article is that U.S. society is in the midst of a large-scale moral change in which we are experiencing the emergence of a victimhood culture that is distinct from the honor cultures and dignity cultures of the past. If true, this bodes really bad for future social and political peace.
In honor cultures, people (men) maintained their honor by responding to insults, slights, violations of rights by self-help violence. Generally honor cultures exist where the rule of law is weak. In honor cultures, people protected themselves, their families, and property through having a reputation for swift violence. During the 19th century, most Western societies began the moral transition toward dignity cultures in which all citizens were legally endowed with equal rights. In such societies, persons, property, and rights are defended by recourse to third parties, usually courts, police, and so forth, that, if necessary, wield violence on their behalf. Dignity cultures practice tolerance and are much more peaceful than honor cultures.
Sociologists Bradley Campbell and Jason Manning are arguing that the U.S. is now transitioning to a victimhood culture that combines both the honor culture's quickness to take offense with the dignity culture's use of third parties to police and punish transgressions. The result is people are encouraged to think of themselves as weak, marginalized, and oppressed. This is nothing less than demoralizing and polarizing as everybody seeks to become a "victim." //
Slouching to Gomorrah
Friday, April 24, 2015
The liberal sacrament of abortion.
Don't be like stuffy white women; be hip.
Be proud.
Abortion - it is no longer a regrettable choice; it's a money-making enterprise.
Don't be like stuffy white women; be hip.
Be proud.
Abortion - it is no longer a regrettable choice; it's a money-making enterprise.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
It's not a slippery slope; it's a logical unfolding of the basic principle.
Check out Instapundit for the links.
//WHEN LOVE ISN’T FREE: An organization representing prostitutes in California (yes, you read that right) has filed a lawsuit in a federal district court in San Francisco, arguing that the Supreme Court’s substantive due process “liberty” decisions–which protect the right of consenting adults to engage in sex in private–also protect the right of consenting adults to pay for sex. If it’s legal to have sex, the plaintiffs argue, how can it be illegal to pay for it? And relatedly they argue: If a person can pay for dinner, wine, roses and other items as a prelude to sex, why not just offer to pay the sexual partner cash instead?
This kind of litigation was predictable after the Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas (recognizing the liberty of consenting adults to engage in private, homosexual sodomy), though the Lawrence Court did explicitly note that the case didn’t involve sex-for-hire. Justice Scalia’s dissent in Lawrence presciently predicted that it would open the floodgates to challenges of traditional marriage laws, prostitution, polygamy, and even incest.
In August, a federal trial judge in Utah struck down that state’s polygamy ban, concluding that it violated the 1st Amendment free exercise of religion rights of the “Sister Wives” polygamist TV show family. Ruling on First Amendment grounds, however, is much narrower than on substantive due process “liberty” grounds. So the question remains: Do the rest of us–who aren’t particularly religious–have a constitutional right to polygamy? Stay tuned– a lesbian “throuple” (3 persons) in Massachusetts is openly defying that state’s anti-polygamy law, claiming a right to polygamy.
Polygamy aside, if we have a constitutional liberty to have sex, do we have a corresponding liberty to pay for sex? Arguably, yes. After all, doesn’t criminalization of prostitution demean the humanity and dignity of a person who has no romantic sexual partner? Or whose partner is physically unable to have sex with him/her? Must that person seek out an adulterous or other third party “romantic” relationship, when all he/she really wants is sex?
One possibility the courts may use to distinguish prostitution is that it involves “commercialization” of sex, which is a distinction that still justifies legal prohibition of the sale/distribution of obscenity, but simultaneously allows individuals to consume/possess obscene materials in the privacy of their own home (Stanley v. Georgia). But then again, if prostitution occurs in private– and particularly, in a private home (as opposed to a commercial establishment, such as a brothel), one would think the privacy-of-the-home rationale of Stanley could similarly grant constitutional protection to in-home prostitution.??
Should the courts be “constitutionalizing” these sexual activities, or allow the political process to play out? One state, Nevada, has statutorily allowed prostitution in certain places, pursuant to state regulation.
Being a libertarian, I see the policy arguments for enacting statutes like Nevada’s. But being a constitutionalist, I think there are some democratic dangers to giving unelected federal judges the power to constitutionalize every “liberty” claim, which cuts short the political debate inherent with legislative change. And the mother in me (which is inherently conservative) –with a teenage daughter– gets a little worried when I think of a world in which prostitution and polygamy are legal. The times, they are a-changin.’//
Check out Instapundit for the links.
//WHEN LOVE ISN’T FREE: An organization representing prostitutes in California (yes, you read that right) has filed a lawsuit in a federal district court in San Francisco, arguing that the Supreme Court’s substantive due process “liberty” decisions–which protect the right of consenting adults to engage in sex in private–also protect the right of consenting adults to pay for sex. If it’s legal to have sex, the plaintiffs argue, how can it be illegal to pay for it? And relatedly they argue: If a person can pay for dinner, wine, roses and other items as a prelude to sex, why not just offer to pay the sexual partner cash instead?
This kind of litigation was predictable after the Court’s decision in Lawrence v. Texas (recognizing the liberty of consenting adults to engage in private, homosexual sodomy), though the Lawrence Court did explicitly note that the case didn’t involve sex-for-hire. Justice Scalia’s dissent in Lawrence presciently predicted that it would open the floodgates to challenges of traditional marriage laws, prostitution, polygamy, and even incest.
In August, a federal trial judge in Utah struck down that state’s polygamy ban, concluding that it violated the 1st Amendment free exercise of religion rights of the “Sister Wives” polygamist TV show family. Ruling on First Amendment grounds, however, is much narrower than on substantive due process “liberty” grounds. So the question remains: Do the rest of us–who aren’t particularly religious–have a constitutional right to polygamy? Stay tuned– a lesbian “throuple” (3 persons) in Massachusetts is openly defying that state’s anti-polygamy law, claiming a right to polygamy.
Polygamy aside, if we have a constitutional liberty to have sex, do we have a corresponding liberty to pay for sex? Arguably, yes. After all, doesn’t criminalization of prostitution demean the humanity and dignity of a person who has no romantic sexual partner? Or whose partner is physically unable to have sex with him/her? Must that person seek out an adulterous or other third party “romantic” relationship, when all he/she really wants is sex?
One possibility the courts may use to distinguish prostitution is that it involves “commercialization” of sex, which is a distinction that still justifies legal prohibition of the sale/distribution of obscenity, but simultaneously allows individuals to consume/possess obscene materials in the privacy of their own home (Stanley v. Georgia). But then again, if prostitution occurs in private– and particularly, in a private home (as opposed to a commercial establishment, such as a brothel), one would think the privacy-of-the-home rationale of Stanley could similarly grant constitutional protection to in-home prostitution.??
Should the courts be “constitutionalizing” these sexual activities, or allow the political process to play out? One state, Nevada, has statutorily allowed prostitution in certain places, pursuant to state regulation.
Being a libertarian, I see the policy arguments for enacting statutes like Nevada’s. But being a constitutionalist, I think there are some democratic dangers to giving unelected federal judges the power to constitutionalize every “liberty” claim, which cuts short the political debate inherent with legislative change. And the mother in me (which is inherently conservative) –with a teenage daughter– gets a little worried when I think of a world in which prostitution and polygamy are legal. The times, they are a-changin.’//
Slouching to Gomorrah
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Remember when "the right to choose" was considered a good thing?
But that was back when it was only a trivial choice about killing children, not a really important issue like buying a cake.
It’s Legal to Kill Babies, But Let’s Worry About a Gay Person’s Right to Cake
Life is so much better when we lack a belief in logic, consistency and objective morality.
I say that morality is whatever advantages the definers of culture!
Who is with me?
But that was back when it was only a trivial choice about killing children, not a really important issue like buying a cake.
It’s Legal to Kill Babies, But Let’s Worry About a Gay Person’s Right to Cake
Life is so much better when we lack a belief in logic, consistency and objective morality.
I say that morality is whatever advantages the definers of culture!
Who is with me?
Culture of Death,
Slouching to Gomorrah
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Anymore, it is hard to tell where reality ends and parody begins.
Head transplants seen as cure for transgendered individuals.
Head transplants seen as cure for transgendered individuals.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
We've reached a point where life and parody have finally merged.
So, being against murder is "disgusting," while surgically maiming your genitals to pass as a faux-woman is "hunky-dory."
// An anti-abortion and euthanasia society ratified last week has been branded “disgusting” by students.
Life Matters, a group dedicated to awareness and understanding of pro-life issues including abortion, euthanasia and embryonic cell research, formed on Friday after being approved by YUSU’s Societies Committee.
But despite similar groups existing at other universities, its ratification at York has sparked a backlash from students and pro-choice campaigners.
Jack Chadwick, the queer convenor for the LGBTQ Network, said: “I think it’s disgusting.//
So, being against murder is "disgusting," while surgically maiming your genitals to pass as a faux-woman is "hunky-dory."
// An anti-abortion and euthanasia society ratified last week has been branded “disgusting” by students.
Life Matters, a group dedicated to awareness and understanding of pro-life issues including abortion, euthanasia and embryonic cell research, formed on Friday after being approved by YUSU’s Societies Committee.
But despite similar groups existing at other universities, its ratification at York has sparked a backlash from students and pro-choice campaigners.
Jack Chadwick, the queer convenor for the LGBTQ Network, said: “I think it’s disgusting.//
Slouching to Gomorrah
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Excuse me...
...I threw up in my mouth.
Leading Jesus Mythicist Richard Carrier comes out as committed to sin, which makes it convenient that he also doesn't believe that Jesus - who had harsh things to say about adultery - existed.
He describes his habitual disposition toward infidelity as a "sexual orientation."
So, adultery is now a "sexual orientation"?
Well, hey! Let's give it civil rights.
And an equal right to marriage!
...I threw up in my mouth.
Leading Jesus Mythicist Richard Carrier comes out as committed to sin, which makes it convenient that he also doesn't believe that Jesus - who had harsh things to say about adultery - existed.
He describes his habitual disposition toward infidelity as a "sexual orientation."
So, adultery is now a "sexual orientation"?
Well, hey! Let's give it civil rights.
And an equal right to marriage!
Richard Carrier,
Slouching to Gomorrah
Sunday, February 15, 2015
This is pretty good for a couple of reasons.
First, listening to an Australian says words like "serial killer" and "bondage" is always a hoot.
Second, I knew that Twilight was the moment when Western Civilization jumped the shark.
First, listening to an Australian says words like "serial killer" and "bondage" is always a hoot.
Second, I knew that Twilight was the moment when Western Civilization jumped the shark.
Slouching to Gomorrah
A favorable "50 Shades of Gray" movie review.
Remember to always have a lawyer review your "bondage contract."
A favorable "50 Shades of Gray" movie review.
Remember to always have a lawyer review your "bondage contract."
Slouching to Gomorrah
Monday, November 03, 2014
Who will be the next oppressed minority whose cry for justice must be met?
Incestuous siblings or polygamists?
The smart money is on incest.
Incestuous siblings or polygamists?
The smart money is on incest.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Friday, August 22, 2014
Just when you thought mass culture had reached the maximally lowest point it could reach...
....it gets a shovel and keeps on digging.
....it gets a shovel and keeps on digging.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Tuesday, October 01, 2013
Welcome to Civilization 2.0
The most grotesque thing about this story is about how it euphemistically describes the transexual as choosing to "die." He didn't die. He was murdered. He was obviously a person who needed psychological intervention, and instead of helping him, Belgium allowed him to be murdered.
The most grotesque thing about this story is about how it euphemistically describes the transexual as choosing to "die." He didn't die. He was murdered. He was obviously a person who needed psychological intervention, and instead of helping him, Belgium allowed him to be murdered.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Life unworthy of life.
In the UK, according to the Daily Mail:
In the UK, according to the Daily Mail:
And:Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan
- Practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients
- Doctor admits starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in neonatal unit
- Liverpool Care Pathway subject of independent inquiry ordered by ministers
- Investigation, including child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors' decisions
Sick children are being discharged from NHS hospitals to die at home or in hospices on controversial ‘death pathways’.
Until now, end of life regime the Liverpool Care Pathway was thought to have involved only elderly and terminally-ill adults.
But the Mail can reveal the practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube is being used on young patients as well as severely disabled newborn babies.
One doctor has admitted starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in the neonatal unit of one hospital alone.
Writing in a leading medical journal, the physician revealed the process can take an average of ten days during which a baby becomes ‘smaller and shrunken’.
The LCP – on which 130,000 elderly and terminally-ill adult patients die each year – is now the subject of an independent inquiry ordered by ministers.
Culture of Death,
Slouching to Gomorrah
The tenth most popular gift requested by children at Christmas...
.. A Dad.
Other than in times of war, when dads are deployed away from home, has this ever been the case.
Is there a war on?
.. A Dad.
Other than in times of war, when dads are deployed away from home, has this ever been the case.
Is there a war on?
Men and Women,
Slouching to Gomorrah
Friday, December 07, 2012
Slouching to Gomorrah.
For legal reasons, they don't touch, but they are going to be filthy rich.
Mother and daughter porn team.
First, the Berkeley newspaper slut and now this.
For legal reasons, they don't touch, but they are going to be filthy rich.
Mother and daughter porn team.
First, the Berkeley newspaper slut and now this.
Slouching to Gomorrah
Well, Penthouse Letters to the Editor can just fold its tent, now that...
...it is competing with the U.C. Berkeley Daily Californian "Sex on Tuesday" column.
Student columnists writes about having sex in the Berkeley library.
*Sneeze* Slut *Sneeze*
Why the bleep would any rational woman write an advice column about "It’s best to have some empty shelves toward the bottom so that you can climb them and feel like Spider-Man while your partner penetrates you standing up" in a publication not geared to pervy old men?
Her parents must be so proud of making the sacrifice involved in paying the tuition to U.C.Berkeley so that their daughter can write about copulating in public places with her "partner," apparently someone who doesn't rate highly enough to be a boyfriend or even a friend.
Then a discussion breaks out about the sheer lack of human decency involved in making librarians deal with that kind of immature narcissism.
...it is competing with the U.C. Berkeley Daily Californian "Sex on Tuesday" column.
Student columnists writes about having sex in the Berkeley library.
*Sneeze* Slut *Sneeze*
Why the bleep would any rational woman write an advice column about "It’s best to have some empty shelves toward the bottom so that you can climb them and feel like Spider-Man while your partner penetrates you standing up" in a publication not geared to pervy old men?
Her parents must be so proud of making the sacrifice involved in paying the tuition to U.C.Berkeley so that their daughter can write about copulating in public places with her "partner," apparently someone who doesn't rate highly enough to be a boyfriend or even a friend.
Then a discussion breaks out about the sheer lack of human decency involved in making librarians deal with that kind of immature narcissism.
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