Showing posts with label Boy Scouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boy Scouts. Show all posts

Friday, October 13, 2017

Roll left and crash.

The thing that turned me off of journalism is that I have to read blogs to get the story behind the story.

This makes sense. In fact, given the huge support the LDS Church has given the BSA, I've been waiting for this to unfold, but, of course, this isn't news to the arbiters of "news":

//Meanwhile, the Girl Scouts are quite miffed about the announcement. In fact, they’ve been smelling a rat for a while now. Back in August, the Girl Scouts sent a, well, strongly worded letter to the BSA accusing them of a “covert campaign to recruit girls.” Furthermore, they wondered why the BSA would seek to recruit girls rather than the “90 percent of boys who are not involved” in Boy Scouts.

Could the BSA be floundering because of its 2015 decision to allow openly gay adults into the program as leaders? Oh, nothing to see here! chirped the AP. The Boy Scouts seem “more robust” than they have in years, it wrote.

Really? Than why is the Mormon church peeling off about 200,000 Boy Scouts as it starts its own program? Why are Boy Scout camps closing? Moreover, why is the BSA printing articles in its publication on “how to revive a declining pack or troop?”

No, the BSA isn’t looking for girls to join because its numbers shrank 7% in a ten-year period, would it?//

Like the Methodist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and other denominations, the initial tilt into left-wing activism drove off the base, which has led to the BSA "doubling-down" on inclusiveness in order to make up for the loss of membership, which will drive off more of its base. ....Lather, rinse, repeat.

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Boy Scouts Changes its Admission Policies.

My thinking on the Boy Scouts change to admit boys with same sex attraction tracks that of Canonist Ed Peters. To wit, Catholicism teaches that is not licit to discriminate against those with same sex attraction and since the Boy Scouts is not endorsing homosexuality as normative, and since both homosexual and heterosexual Boy Scouts  are supposed to be chaste, I don't see the admission of boys with same sex attraction as being antithetical to the Boy Scout mission of teaching moral probity.

Of course, we may suspect based on past experience - with a suspicion bordering on ontological certainty - that this is not where it is going to end.  We know from past experience that the next move will be a demand to identify any teaching that heterosexual sex inside of marriage as being normative as "hateful" and "exclusive" and then the Boy Scouts will tip over into stewpot of post-modern morality.

We also know that as that tilt becomes more pronounced, the membership of the BSA will plummet even more than it has in the last 40 years.

But as Peters says, that hasn't happened yet.

Maybe it won't happen.

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