Showing posts with label Valentine's Day is for Losers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine's Day is for Losers. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Great Moments in Modern Romance.

Man immolates self in working through "issues" with ex on C-Span.

It's a sad case of "nerd love" gone wrong.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why Leftist Feminists are so Popular

Two movements are adamantly opposed to Valentine's Day - well, three if you include bitter, single, divorced men who go out and heckle Valentine's day daters - Muslim fundamentalists and feminazis.  About the latter, this article from Front Page observes:

In the West, meanwhile leftist feminists are not to be outdone by their jihadi allies in reviling — and trying to kill — Valentine’s Day. Throughout all Women’s Studies Programs on American campuses, for instance, you will find the demonization of Valentine’s Day, since, as the disciples of Andrea Dworkin angrily explain, the day is a manifestation of how capitalist and homophobic patriarchs brainwash and oppress women and push them into spheres of powerlessness. As a person who spent more than a decade in academia, I was privileged to witness this grotesque attack and “deconstruction” of Valentine’s Day at close range. Feminist icons like Jane Fonda, meanwhile, help lead the attack on Valentine’s Day in society at large. As David Horowitz has documented, Fonda has led the campaign to transform this special day into “V-Day” (“Violence against Women Day”) — which is, when it all comes down to it, a day of hate, featuring a mass indictment of men.

So, ladies, if you really want to throw off the chains of patriarchal oppression, tell that special man in your life where he can stick those diamonds, perfume and dinner out.

Yeah, I'm sure that is going to rally the sisters.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Save the Date!

This is a "Youtubish" wedding announcement that was done by the engaged couple without professional assistance. You'll enjoy it, unless you're a total misanthrope and/or curmudgeon, but, then, I'm a total misanthrope and curmudgeon - I go out on Valentine's Day to heckle people with dates - and even I enjoyed it.

Plus the short guy gets the hot, tall chick, so what's not to like?

Monday, January 25, 2010

File this under "Public Service Announcement"

The good people at OK Cupid have crunched the numbers and come up with the conclusion that the best strategy for women on Computer Dating sites - and you know who you are - who are seeking a "return on investment" in "increased hit counts" - and isn't amazing how dirty those terms sound when they are in quotes? - is to show cleavage:

"As you would expect, women get fewer and fewer new messages as they age (which is a topic for another whole post!), but this decrease in new contacts is substantially slower for women with cleavage pics. A 32 year-old woman showing her body gets only 1 less message a month than the equivalent 18 year-old; an older woman not showing off gets 4 messages less, a large relative fall-off in popularity. The older the woman, the more relatively successful she is showing off her bodyWe find this anti-aging trend surprising. When we look further into the data, we can see that as women get older, they are more hesitant to emphasize their bodies, despite its still being a good strategy (at least in terms of message volume). Instead, they increasingly choose to show themselves in non-sexual contexts, like being outdoors."

So, less outdoor pictures and more skin - unless you can combine the two -  which goes to show one thing - men are visually oriented creatures, or pigs, which is two things.


This analysis on the effect of race on desirability is fascinating.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mathematics... she has always been there for us.

One of the many great lines from "Better off Ted" last night was:

"Phil: If mathematics was a lady, I'd marry her."

"Carl: Stand in line, big guy."

This guy must feel the same way in light of his analysis re: "Why I don’t have a girlfriend: An application of the Drake Equation to love in the UK."

Sadly, the math is even more depressing when you input "Fresno" and "5'7"."

Saturday, January 02, 2010

Ahem...Ladies, if you are interested in improving your romantic situation during 2010 ...

.... and I'm not saying that anyone needs to, or even wants to - Marie Claire has a few tips.

"Flirting with Nerds" seems like shooting fish in a barrel, frankly.
I like this one:

"MAURA: What's a good way to win a nerd over?

MATT: Simply express interest in his nerdy interests. A true nerd wants someone to be interested in his area of expertise. He will talk about it ad nauseam if presented with a willing and enthusiastic audience — particularly a female one."
Well.... D'uh!!!!
Just don't get me started on Heresiology.

Consider this a "PSA" from the "Love Lawyer."
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