Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United Nations. Show all posts

Sunday, June 12, 2016

If only UN peace-keeping forces could marry.

MINUSCA, the mission resulting in nearly a hundred allegations of child sexual abuse, gave soldiers the mandate “to protect civilians and support transition processes” following the devastation of war.

Instead, numerous Blue Helmets have used their position as an opportunity to engage in acts of rape and paedophilia. This abuse of power is no secret: it first emerged over a year ago. In fact, it is so widespread that the United Nations was subject to an independent report “on the Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by International Peace Keeping Forces.”

In exchange for the assistance they were deployed in order to provide, in exchange for basic necessities such as food and water, UN soldiers have been sexually exploiting children. The Blue Helmets attacked the very people they were sent to protect. Children as young as 7 have been targeted, with a girl forced to perform “oral sex on French soldiers in exchange for a bottle of water and a sachet of cookies.”

Three girls reported being stripped, tied up, and forced to engage in bestiality with a dog by a French military commander.

The brutality of this systematic child sexual abuse is entirely at odds with the humanitarian values the UN claims to uphold. Yet UN troops have a history of exploiting people in communities shattered by war and natural disaster, an institutional failure which is yet to see any meaningful resolution. From the international powers-that-be down to right-on liberals, many a blind eye has been turned.//

Liberals? Turning a blind eye to sexual abuse not involving Catholics?


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Covering up for the UN is part of the system.

Child abuse or source of deadly doesn't matter.

//Yet the map on display makes no particular mention of that spot. There’s no highlight around it, no explanatory blurb, no special color, no icon akin to the one on Snow’s map. The inset in the top right, which purports to show “villages affected with cholera along the Artibonite River,” doesn’t even include it.

In fact, despite making the direct analogy between Snow’s map and the Haiti map, the CDC display does not indicate a source of the epidemic at all.

Why not? A spokeswoman for the CDC says in an email that the Haiti map was devised “to optimize response activities on the ground.” Mapping the origin of the epidemic, she says, “was not germane to the purpose.”

That’s one answer. Another is that the CDC knows as well as anyone else that the source—that unidentified spot beside the red triangle, the Broad Street pump of Haiti—was a U.N. peacekeeping base. //

Saturday, October 03, 2015

The nice thing about having a Democrat in the White House is that there is never any bad news.

Yay! Another first for the Obama administration.

Voting against America.

//Castro told Obama “the pace of the normalization process will depend on lifting of the embargo,” according to Rodriguez. Therefore, he added, Cuba will present its annual America-bashing resolution at the General Assembly in a few weeks. “We’ll continue to present this resolution as long as the blockade persists,” he said. He even demanded compensation for Cuba’s suffering under the embargo.

Rodriguez referred to a resolution Cuba’s initiated at the Havana-friendly General Assembly every year since President John F. Kennedy established the embargo. In recent years, America found itself increasingly isolated, as all our allies, including Britain and the rest of Europe, joined Cuba in condemning us. Only Israel joined America last year in voting against that resolution.
But this year, our own amabassador reportedly might abstain from the vote. Senior American officials have so far declined to deny those reports, suggesting they may indeed be true.

No UN diplomats can remember a case in which a country voted against its own policies, or abstained on them.//

Let's see...China is actively making connections in Latin America, Russia is bombing insurgent forces we support in Syria, and this idiot may join the anti-American mob in the UN.

But where's the American outrage?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Meet the next Secretary General of the United Nations.

Watch this farce:

More details from Mark Shea.

Looks like the idiots at the ITCCS mean business.

These were the same morons who "indicted" Pope Benedict in 2013, which gave all the leftists in the world a moment of joy as if the whole thing wasn't a total nutshow.

Of course, the real UN is not all that different.

PS -

Apparently, Kevin Annett is the ITCCS.  Someone has been doing yeoman's work keeping track of this crackpot's activities.

But, wait!  It gets worse -

“We have learned that Reverend Annett faces very real and dire dangers because of his exposure of Vatican child sacrifice rituals. Kevin is far too vulnerable and valuable to be traveling on his own right now, since he is pivotal to our case and to the work of the Court” said George Dufort for the Public Information Agency of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ).
"Vatican child sacrifice rituals"?????

But, wait! It gets better!  This child sacrifice cult is a Jesuit child-sacrifice cult!

Recent evidence submitted by Kevin Annett to the proceedings against Pope Francis and others documents the murderous actions of a Jesuit-run child sacrificial cult known as the Ninth Circle. (see, April 10, 2014). Members of the Ninth Circle are apparently targeting Rev. Annett for elimination.

The anti-Catholic New Left simply is the anti-Catholic Old Protestant.

What ought to be iconic is how this book treated the ITCCS as being something more than a single crackpot - which is why my one star review of it is in first place (and you should give my review a helpful vote to keep it there.) (At the time, I had no idea about exactly how much of a charade the ITCCS was, such is the power of a grand sounding title and a Belgium address.)

It also appears that Annett was kicked out ministry by his denomination for "conduct unbecoming," including failing to obtain ordered psychiatric counseling. It seems that his retaliatory m.o. was to make accusations of child abuse. Annett also made baseless claims linking his case with Amnesty International.

But wait!  It gets better.

There has never been a United Nations Tribunal to investigate alleged genocide by the United Church of Canada. The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities (IHRAAM) has not made a report to the UN about this matter. The Secretary General of Amnesty International has disavowed any involvement in the “case” of Mr. Annett.
The Circle of Justice has distanced itself from Mr. Annett in a public statement in which they say he has “spread unproven gossip,” “slandered and libeled trusted and dedicated First Nations activists,” and has “for purposes of self-promotion assigned to himself and used in print and word non-existent titles like ‘Advisor,’ ‘Chief Researcher,’ ‘Chief Expert Witness to the Vancouver Tribunal’ and others that were neither authorized nor voted on or ratified by the Circle of Justice.”
We know of no recognized First Nations group which still endorses the work or words of Mr. Annett.
I recognize that some of the articles and flyers that you might encounter include allegations that are horrific and distressing in nature. In some cases specific names of United Church clergy and lay leaders have been mentioned. I am confident of the integrity and the deeply faithful commitment of the individuals who have been named. I am continuing to work with the RCMP, national staff and our legal counsel to ensure that Conference is doing all that is possible to be transparent and accountable.

Apparently, Annett has taken the same tactics and gone after bigger game.

But, wait!  It gets better.

Here is the ITCCS' "Common Law Community Training Manual," by which the ITCCS is vying for "international terrorist" status. (If it was anything more than one or two crackpots.)

Annett is co-founder of ITCCS.
US out of UN; UN out of US.

If the best that the UN can do is declare opposition to abortion to be "torture," who needs it?

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Forget Iran or Sudan or China....

....the big danger is the Vatican.

Despite having a membership that includes some of the worst human-rights abusers in the world (or because of it), the UN has spent the last few weeks grilling the Vatican for its track record on child abuse. While there are certainly grounds for lengthy and detailed criticism on that point, the UN hardly has its hands clean in that area — and it turned out to be an excuse for attacking Catholic doctrine on abortion and contraception anyway:

Who links to me?