Showing posts with label Confederate Statues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Confederate Statues. Show all posts

Saturday, September 23, 2017

The difference is that conservatives know that Nazis are imbeciles and thugs, while liberals think that Communists are liberals with the courage of their convictions.

Notice the diversity of Communist flags and symbols in this protest against Confederate statues.

Communists killed tens of millions and enslaved hundreds of millions.

In a better ordered universe they would be shunned every bit as much as the Nazis.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

There are 42 Nazis in the State Department!

Lyft and SPLC have the list.

They get to work via Lyft.

True story.


One of the values of free speech is that it lets you spot the idiots.

This guy should not be punished for his opinions, but you have to wonder about how he treats "white" or Republican students.

Perhaps there should be more diversity on college campuses and more free speech?

Friday, August 18, 2017

The Taliban Left and their Useful Idiots will probably try to explain that this was an example of striking fear among freed slaves...

...rather than the perfectly normal attempt of a group defined by a war, and their families, to remember them by that formative event.

Confederate markers removed from Hollywood cemetery.

In other words, this is about Confederate-shaming, not about satisfying the political aspirations of the short end of 44% versus 40% of the Black population.

I stand with Abe on this issue - "Malice toward none."

The Taliban Wing of American Politics.

Disgusting and alarming.

Apparently, something as innocuous, decent and humane as a plaque paying tribute to the valor of Confederate prisoner of war dead in Madison, Wisconsin needs to be stripped from sites where it has been for 150 years.

This is disgusting and alarming moral panic that insults the memory of Abraham Lincoln and impoverishes future Americans.

This is a cemetery to Confederate soldiers who died in Madison Wisconsin as prisoners of war during the Civil War.

Up until this month, that little cement marker had a plaque that commemorated the dead soldiers who had fought "valiantly."

Now, America is engaged in "Confederate-shaming" and is repudiating the human decency that our ancestors were able to demonstrate after a bloody Civil War.

Worse, America is in a moral panic at the behest of a small minority of Communists, fellow travelers and useful idiots.

Our ancestors may have made mistakes, but they were better people than we are.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Political Necrophagy.

Reframing Confederate statues as "emblems of oppression" rather than as the rather conventional attempt of one group of Americans to honor fathers and grandfathers who died in a "great civil war" is obviously a part of the grand game of "disinformation" which has been played against America for the last 70 years.  The effort is obviously intended to plant in American minds the notion that America is corrupt, evil and illegitimate.

This is what Romanian spy chief Ion Pacepa referred to as "political necrophagy."

//Political necrophagy—blaming and condemning one’s predecessor in office—is a dangerous game. It hurts the country’s national pride, and it usually turns against its own user. When Khrushchev died, Brezhnev decreed that his predecessor had badly harmed the country’s historical respect for the Kremlin, and that he was not worthy of being buried in the Kremlin Wall next to the other former leaders. The Soviet government even refused to pay for Khrushchev’s gravestone.//

Political necrophagy was the principle behind the attacks on Pope Pius XII for being an alleged "Nazi sympathizer."

"There is no hard evidence that Cornwell was connected with the Russian intelligence services; their archives are still sealed—some 29 billion pages are hidden away in them. Nevertheless, Cornwell resorted to political necrophagy. He used Khrushchev-style tactics of framing and dezinformatsiya to distort the historical truth about Pius XII. The flyleaf to the cover of the American edition boldly declares a hard-hitting new war on the memory of Pius XII..."

And it has been injected into American politics:

"Now political necrophagy has spread to the United States and is eroding our own international prestige. During 2002, a group of 128 American intellectuals who opposed the notion that the “war on terrorism” was a “just war” sent a letter to their European counterparts calling for “a sane and frank European criticism of Bush’s war policy.”3 Soon, European governments and public opinion began denigrating the United States with almost the same ferocity they’d had during the Vietnam War. France and Germany accused the US of torturing the al-Qaeda prisoners held at its military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The British newspaper Mirror alleged that the United States was “killing innocents in Afghanistan.”4 The Paris daily Le Monde published a front-page article by Jean Baudrillard (a revered figure among American humanities professors over the last twenty-five years) asserting that “the Judeo-Christian West, led by the US, not only provoked the [September 11, 2001] terrorist attacks, it actually desired them.”"

Which is why this shouldn't be surprising, at all.

//From The Daily Caller:

Taqiyah Thompson, a student at North Carolina Central University, was arrested Tuesday following a press conference in which she defended the actions of the demonstrators and equated police officers to Confederate soldiers and Ku Klux Klan members.

“I did the right thing,” she said. “Everyone who was there — the people did the right thing. The people will continue to keep making the right choices until every Confederate statue is gone, until white supremacy is gone. That statue is where it belongs. It needs to be in the garbage.”

Thompson is a member of the Worker’s World Party (WWP), a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist group originally formed in 1959 as a hard-line offshoot of the more moderate Socialist Workers Party. In addition to supporting a wide range of far-left causes, the group also defends the North Korean regime of dictator Kim Jong-un against alleged U.S. imperialism.

Oh, ok because yeah, THAT totally makes sense.//

Hey, middle-class America!

If you had any doubt, the elites really hate you.

Any nation that accepts this as its worldview is already finished:

//Which made me wonder: If Rushmore ever did get "blown up," what should those dudes be replaced with? Fact is, I'm not sure there is any American president worthy of being etched into the side of a 60-foot mountain with explosives and jackhammers. I mean, every single one has at least been partially complicit in horrific atrocities.//

History is awful because our ancestors were not the plaster saints that our elites think they have evolved into.

We live in a fallen world. We are fighting barbarians and despots. Any civilization fighting such enemies is going to be forced to make inhuman choices if it wants to do more than surrender.  We mark victory by our effort to make the least bad choice.

Who links to me?