Saturday, September 23, 2017

The difference is that conservatives know that Nazis are imbeciles and thugs, while liberals think that Communists are liberals with the courage of their convictions.

Notice the diversity of Communist flags and symbols in this protest against Confederate statues.

Communists killed tens of millions and enslaved hundreds of millions.

In a better ordered universe they would be shunned every bit as much as the Nazis.


mrez said...

Why in Texas? Why in Austin?

Anonymous said...

More generalizing from the generalizer-in-chief here at Lex Communis.

Using the Peter Bradley rules of attribution, here is what all Republicans & conservative believe based on the spoken beliefs of Ray Moore, noted Alabama Republican and conservative and future U.S. Senator:

1. Homosexuality should be illegal and is equivalent to bestiality.
2. God's Wrath is felt on earth as the 9/11 attacks were a sign of God's divine anger.
3. Reds and Yellows (i.e. native Americans and Asians) don't get along
4. Darwin was wrong. there is no such thing as biological evolution
5. Islam is a 'false' religion and Sharia law is being enforced in parts of Illinois and Indiana.
6. God (the Christian one) is the only source of our law, liberty and government
7. Republicans think like Putin
8. Obama was not born in the U.S.
9. Lower court judges do not have to follow the decisions of higher court judges.

Soon we will welcome this new Republican / conservative U.S. Senator to D.C. as a representative of what all Republicans / conservatives think and represent. This guy isn't a blogger or pundit or college student or right wing nut job, he has been a judge (fired twice) and is very likely to be the a Republican U.S. Senator in a few months after having decisively won a Republican primary race.

Maybe I wasn't generalizing so much.

Anonymous said...

Another belief held by all Republicans, conservatives (and christians) because one of them said the following:

“I don't have any problems with anybody’s religion as long as it’s Christian.”
- Chairman of the Russell County, Alabama, Republican Party

Isn't generalizing fun?

Who links to me?