Showing posts with label Sheryl Attkisson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sheryl Attkisson. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cui Bonum.

Sheryl Atkinson wonders why "fake news" has become such a crisis all of a sudden.

It's amazing how political corruption never took off as a story, but fake news does.

Should be interesting to read the Wikileaks on how the Fake News Moral Panic of 2016 was coordinated by the Journalistas.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Bob Schieffer - another Democrat political hack with press credentials.

From a memo uncovered by Judicial Watch, it seems that the Obama administration knew who to call if it wanted to stop Sheryl Attkisson from, you know, doing the job of a reporter:

//In an email dated October 4, 2011, Attorney General Holder’s top press aide, Tracy Schmaler, called Attkisson “out of control.” Schmaler told White House Deputy Press Secretary Eric Schultz that he intended to call CBS news anchor Bob Schieffer to get the network to stop Attkisson.//

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