Showing posts with label Huffington Post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huffington Post. Show all posts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Non-Catholic demands that Catholic change Catholic liturgy to affirm her equal status with God....

"Dear Pope Francis,

Every single day before communion, millions of Christians verbally declare one of the most destructive phrases in human history. On Sunday, it’s tens of millions if not a half billion of the over one billion Catholic Christians worldwide—and not without repercussions.

In the Bible, a Centurion soldier relates, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof...” (Matthew 8:8) before recounting the inner workings of the blindness of patriarchal hierarchies and slavery that exists to this day.

Applying religious context, what’s important for Christians to note is that the soldier uttered the phrase pre-salvation. An unsaved (ignorant) man sharing his feelings and a religion demanding a billion saved Christians repeat the phrase daily post-salvation are entirely two different matters.

Dialogue and constructs that perpetuate “I am not worthy” are the root of all evil. It is divisiveness personified. By believing we are not worthy, we open the door for the mistreatment of ourselves and the mistreatment of others as we seek to assuage the psychological pain the false belief imparts.

The guilt of unworthiness calls for us to judge ourselves and to judge others just as harshly. We cower within power-over structures or worse; we attempt to control others in our imagined superiority. The insanity continues as inferiority complexes pursue power and wealth as outward substitutes for what Jesus, Buddha, and many other saints and sages have said can only come from within.

Tacking on “but only say the word and my soul shall be healed” is not enough. Jesus did say the Word. Yet, Christianity along with many other religions, continue to shove a dagger of inequality into the hearts of those the religious community is supposed to be serving. Where is the healing?"

Well, aren't we all just the hunky-doriest.

Confession: that line is my FAVORITE part of the Mass, coming as it does just before receipt of the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ, since it represents my last-chance to throw myself completely on God's mercy, just as the Centurion did, before my unworthy self asks the One Who made the universe and Who keeps the universe in existence at ever moment and splits right from wrong to enter into communion with me....because, Huff Po notwithstanding, I know I am not worthy for that kind of intimacy.

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