Glen Reynolds observes:
JUST IN TIME FOR THE ELECTION RUN-UP: Authorities rank “sovereign citizen” movement among greatest threats. And the Southern Poverty Law Center — ever eager to help the Democrats paint the right as violent — chimes in.
Notice that there’s never any “why do they hate us?” agonizing where these groups are concerned.
Also "Dissent is Patriotic" only when a Republican is in the White House.
Here is the article that Reynolds is referring to.
People who espouse the idea of being "sovereign citizens" are loons. But, then, so are the Occupy idiots, Black Supremacists and Islamic Extremists, and, yet, the media goes in searcho of "root causes" with them, but when it comes to disaffected white crazy folks, they have zero interest in "root causes."
The root causes for all of these kinds of groups, by the way, was classically dissected by Eric Hoffer in The True Believer, which should be "must reading" for anyone who wants to pretend to being "well-read."