Showing posts with label Projection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Projection. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

If it wasn't for double standards...

VDH sets forth the commandments of Swampland.

//1) Improper Meetings. Always meet in his/hers jets, “accidentally” nose to nose on the airport tarmac. Style mitigates unethical behavior. When caught, claim the discussions centered around “grandchildren.” In contrast, never go to any meeting with a Russian anything. If one must meet a foreign official for dubious reasons, then a revolutionary Cuban, Iranian, or Palestinian is always preferable.

2) Emails. Delete at least 30,000 before the subpoenas come, claiming they are mostly about yoga and wedding planning. Political fallout from a leaked email trove is more likely to arise from politically incorrect messaging than from clear evidence of legal wrongdoing.

N.B.: All of the above commandments are subsidiaries of an overriding tenet: when conservatives in Washington sin, it is valuable window into their dark souls; when liberals do the same, it is a minor and regrettable lapse, attributable to the toll taken on them for heroically advancing the morally superior cause.//

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"The Tea Party Did It!"

Ace of Spades collects the various moments when the Tea Party was initially blamed from some massacre or outrage, only to have the media have to walk-back the claim.

It's so easy to forget these tragedies, which were so captivating at the moment, like the Aurora shooting will be in a few months, and to forget, as well, the constant, repetitively identical "mistake" made by the media that has so far failed to link the Tea Party to a single instance of political violence. On the other hand, Muslims and Occupiers and nut-job leftists crop up regularly as the actual perpetrators.

It's all proof then of the iron maxim that when someone is accusing you of doing something you would never think of doing, you can bet they are doing it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Must read post by "The Other McCain."

Robert Stacy McCain reflects on the ideology of a particularly noxious specimen of leftist feminism named Amanda Marcotte, of whom it is said that "no Democratic sex scandal is complete until Amanda Marcotte embarrasses herself."

Marcotte is a talentless hack who had 15 minutes of fame in being named as partof John Edwards' presidential campaign, until she was cut loose by Edwards for some particularly toxic stuff she wrote during his campaign, all of which was consistent with the toxic writing that recommended her to him in the first place.

Given Marcotte's record of picking alpha males who abuse the women who trust them, such as Edwards, it is no surprise that she is totally in the tank for Anthony Weiner.  Marcotte even suggests that the result of the "Weiner Gotterdammerung" may be that thousands of people will be deterred from offering themselves up for public service, as if that is necessarily a bad thing.

Read the post, but I found the concluding observation in this section particularly interesting:

Amanda Marcotte is her own insoluble problem, and the appeal of politics to such an irreparably warped personality is that it appears to make sense of her alienation from society. All she needs to do is to re-frame her grievances in an ideological context — to say that “sexists” or the “right-wing smear machine” or some other such politicized bogeyman is to blame for her own unhappiness — and suddenly she is no longer a whining malcotent, but a heroic crusader for social justice.

Voila! By that simple trick, she acquires admirers cheering her on in her one-woman drama, Amanda Marcotte vs. the Forces of Right-Wing Evil. She is published at Slate, so that she might spread her particular psychological dysfunction, the Typhoid Mary of an epidemic of idiocy.

The fact that she is so habitually wrong is ignored by her admiring allies because, if they stopped to ponder the significance of her habitual wrongness, it might clue them into the inherent flaws of the ideology that they and Ms. Marcotte share.

And what is true of Ms. Marcotte is likewise true of the scoundrel she now endeavors to defend, Rep. Anthony Wiener.

Now that we know Weiner was engaged in a series of “online relationships” with different women, Tweeting his crotch photos hither and yon, to coeds and single moms and Vegas blackjack dealers, etc. — as I say, now that we know these things, don’t certain other aspects of Weiner’s political career appear in a new light?

Doesn’t Weiner’s fanatical 100% pro-abortion record make sense as an epiphenomenon of the deeper psycho-sexual syndrome at the root of his pseudo-”progressive” politics? And are we surprised that the deluded True Believers in that ideology gladly accept Ms. Marcotte as a spokeswoman for their cause?
Well, yes, particularly in light of the tendency of powerful men to abstain from the use of "protection," as demonstrated by Edwards, Schwartzenegger, etc.

Nonetheless, projection explains quite a lot.  If people are accusing you of doing something you're not doing, then odds are that they are doing it.

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Projection - when you're being accused of doing something you're not doing, you can bet the accuser is doing it.

A bunch of liberal white people at a Common Cause rally express a lot of racism and hate at the drop of a hat.

Who links to me?