Sunday, October 25, 2009

Right here in Fresno

There's usually a prayer vigil outside the Planned Parenthood clinic on Van Ness Avenue.  When I've driven by the people are usually doing nothing more than standing there with signs, essentially exercising their First Amendment rights.

Of course, we've had decades of the media demonizing people who oppose abortion as oppressive haters who are basically outside of civil discourse.  So, it's not surprising that some on the pro-abortion side feel privileged to engage in conduct that amounts to a criminal assault and battery.

This video is provided by the Catholic Caveman.  I certainly did not hear about this from any conventional media source.


Anonymous said...

Seems as though pro-choicers believe in freedom of speech--only as long as they're doing all of the talking.

They're a nasty bunch, though, aren't they?

lara said...

And when exactly did pro-lifers become 'fascists?' I suspect that the catty californian has never been asked to actually define just what a fascist is.

cg said...

Why didn't that man take the girl's license plate number and file a charge against her for assault? Or destruction of property?

Surely, something could have been done--she wouldn't have dared to behave as she did if she didn't think she'd get away with it.

cg said...

I was asking a question legit, Peter? Clearly the man had a case, no?

Peter Sean said...

He probably has a civil tort claim for battery - which is the unconsented, offensive touching of one person by another. I think that he also may have a claim for violation of the Unruh Civil Rights Act which provides civil penalties and a right to attorneys fees for violent acts intended to suppress, inter alia, free speech.

The problem with a civil action is that it compensates for physical injury and emotional distress. This guy's claim is not going to be all that high, albeit the attorney's fees aspect of the Unruh Act can give an attorney an incentive to pursue the assailant. It may be worth doing just on principle.

Of course, they do have a claim for criminal assault and battery. I'm not sure how impressed the DA would be with this case, but it was an assault.

I think the man should do something. Maybe next time I'm down that way I'll stop and find out what he did.

cg said...

Oh, definitely, if you can. That kind of violence has to be nipped in the butt right away--it'll only get worse if pro-lifers let it go.

Her vicious hostility bordered on creepy. She could barely contain herself and obviously here in the video, she didn't have to, but that's just what she's going to need to start doing if she's slapped about the head with a lawsuit or two.

And thanks for the response.

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