Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lesson: Whenever you interact with the police, act as if your life is in danger because it probably is.

This is a horrifying story about a West Point grad whose lawful trip to Costco and lawful conduct cost him his life.


Anonymous said...

That's a really sad story. I think that one benefit to the widespread use of mobile phone cameras is that sometimes injustices like this can be captured and shown to the rest of the world. Unfortunately no one here used their phone's camera.

John Kasaian said...

Tragic, but he should not have done the "Disarming" nonsense. He should have allowed the officers to disarm him or at least waited for the instructions.
Even though the Vegas officer sounds like a Dirty Harry and the history of LVPD Internal Affairs looks to be suspect (and rightfully so) any responding officer would think the suspect was going for his gun. To continue shooting when the suspect is down and no longer a threat is murder and those officers should be prosecuted.

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