Saturday, October 23, 2010

United States Government Declares that Stigmatizing Muslims as "Scary" and "Un-American" is Perfectly Alright.

Ha, ha!  Fooled you!

Obviously it would be horribly bigoted to stigmatize Muslims. Saying something like that could get you fired.

The government would never permit Muslims to be described as a threat to our way of life. That might cause the public to react against Muslims.

No, rather, the subject of the resolution describing a particular religious group as a threat to the "San Francisco way of life" were those scary and dangerous Catholics, about whom it is perfectly acceptable to stigmatize because (a) they aren't Muslim and (b) they take positions that the Left disagrees with.

And if you can't see the principled distinction between stigmatizing Catholics and Muslims, then you are hate-filled homophobic racist.

Ninth Circuit rejects lawsuit against San Francisco resolution that Catholicism is "Un-American."

A splintered federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit Friday by Catholics who objected when San Francisco supervisors condemned the Vatican for prohibiting Catholic Charities from placing adoptive children with gay and lesbian couples.

The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco denied requests by a Catholic organization and two local residents to order the city to repeal the supervisors' 2006 resolution.

But the 8-3 ruling failed to decide whether the city had expressed official hostility toward Catholicism, in violation of the constitutional separation of church and state.
It makes perfect sense.  It's only religion. It's not like it was something explicitly mentioned in the Constitution, like abortion or homosexuality or something really important.

OK, let's set up those detention facilities for Catholics, like the ones that they had for the Japanese-Americans during World War II. Because while we know those were wrong, wrong, wrong, I just get the feeling that detention facilities for Catholics will be completely different.

And we need to refer the issue to Rachel Maddow of whether - although one has a right to be Catholic - one has a right to a job while being Catholic.
Sometimes I wonder when I dropped into this weird alternate universe.

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