Wednesday, November 03, 2010

New Atheist Aphilosophy.

Michael Egnor deconstructs some really awful answer to basic question provided by New Atheist P.Z. Myers.

Why is there anything?

 Nothing is unstable.

Me: "Nothing" is not unstable. Nothing is not stable. Nothing is not metastable, nor hypostable, nor quasi-stable. Nothing is nothing. Nothing has no properties. "Nothing is unstable" is gibberish. Hence its central place in New Atheist atheology.

If by "nothing" Myers is referring to the emergence of matter by quantum fluctuations (today's trendy New Atheist evasion of theism), I observe that a quantum field isn't "nothing." A quantum field is very much something, in need of explanation. A quantum field gives rise to particles, not to itself. You have to explain the existence of the quantum field. Nice try.

The question "why is there anything" is fundamental. The classical theist answer is that God's essence is His existence, and He is the ground of existence. Note that God (as understood classically) does not need explanation or cause. The uncaused nature of God is demonstrated, not stipulated, by classical theism (see Aristotle's Prime Mover argument and Aquinas' First, Second, and Third Ways). Furthermore, the Prime Mover argument (Aquinas' First Way) demonstrates that God's existence is necessary even if the universe was eternal and had no beginning; His existence is necessary for existence of the universe at every moment.

New Atheists don't understand the question, don't understand the terminology, and don't understand their own rudimentary logical contradictions. New Atheist ignorance doesn't mean that classical theism is true; it merely means that New Atheism has nothing to say. But I sort of suspected that.
Via Wintery Knight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the more we pay attention to half-wits like this the more important they will think they are.

I know it's hard for some to ignore such easily disproven crap but his blog is so childish and amateur that every time I hear his name mentioned I wonder if people are just feeding his shallow desire to be considered 'important.'

Who links to me?