Friday, May 25, 2012

The Empty Suit Presidency - Obama is just "phoning in" his speeches.

Obama Twice Mistakenly Mentions ‘My Sons,' While Defending Contraception Mandate:

In two campaign speeches over the last two days, President Barack Obama has twice mistakenly mentioned “my sons” when defending his administration’s regulation requiring virtually all health-care plans in the United States to provide women, without any fees or co-pay, with sterilizations and all Food and Drug Administration-approved contraceptives, including those that can cause abortions.

Obama, of course, has two daughters--10-year-old Sasha and 13-year-old Malia--but no sons.

The video has Obama clearly saying that he doesn't want his daughters treated differently than his "son."

Son? Where have they been hiding him?

Ann Althouse observes:

He was relying on the Teleprompter, which isn't really odd. It's the kind of mistake you make when the words aren't coming out of your own head.

I wonder if perhaps Obama is a bit tired. You know, unlike Mitt Romney, he has a whole other job in addition to presidential campaigning.

This kind of thing has been happening throughout Obama's presidency, suggesting that there is an absence in basic proof-reading because of the arrogant assumption that the "smartest guy in the world" is too good for that.

For example, remember when Obama read the Irish PM's speech by accident?

Or when he accidentally signaled the band to play "Hail to the Queen" during his toast of the Queen during the same 2010 trip where he signed in to a guest book with a "2008" date?

Or this?

This is sitcom or late night comedy worthy stuff.

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