...Linking Romney to a Mormon massacre that happened in the 19th Century - Totally Kosher.
WaPo attacks Romney for Mountain Meadows Massacre:
Reporting from Carrollton, Arkansas, the Washington Post finds some locals still upset with actions of a "Mormon militia" over 150 years ago. The Post reports:
On Sept. 11, 1857, a wagon train from this part of Arkansas met with a gruesome fate in Utah, where most of the travelers were slaughtered by a Mormon militia in an episode known as the Mountain Meadows Massacre. Hundreds of the victims’ descendants still populate these hills and commemorate the killings, which they have come to call “the first 9/11.”
Many of the locals grew up hearing denunciations of Mormonism from the pulpit on Sundays, and tales of the massacre from older relatives who considered Mormons “evil.”
But the main concern of the paper is ... will this hurt Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney?
The article, headlined "Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith tangles with a quirk of Arkansas history," attacks Romney for being a Mormon, because, according to the paper, his coreligionists and ancestors were responsible for "the first 9/11."
Several questions:
1. How obviously lame and stupid.
2. Is this the year that the mainstream media finally loses all credibility?
3. "...which they have come to call 'the first 9/11.'"???????
I call utter bullshit on that. Who are "they"?
Seriously, who are these Arkansans who huddle around their lodges and re-live an event that happened 150 years ago and hundreds of miles away?
4. I repeat, is this the year that the mainstream media finally loses all credibility?
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