Thursday, August 02, 2012

What. A. Tool.

Leftist Asshat villifies Chick-Fill-A drive-up window employee for daring - daring! - to work for a "hateful corporation."

On the other hand, the minimum wage-earning Chick-Fill-A employee handles it like a trooper with polite unflappibility like she had just returned from a week-long course on "How to deal with Asshat Liberals."

Mark Shea explains the reaction to this bizarre bit of self-righteousness.


Anonymous said...

I work in customer service and feel really proud of that girl. When someone says something like "I'll never come back here again!" to staff at a large corporation (1) that would at most mean a 0.000001% dent in profits (in his case he probably wasted more in petrol than he cost them in "free water") and (2) the customer service representative has no control over corporate policy so they're barking up the wrong tree.

Anonymous said...

Looks like he lost his job:

John Kasaian said...

Me and Charles Mingus say-

Who links to me?