Friday, September 14, 2012

The nice thing about having a Democrat in the White House is that there is no bad news...

...and the media makes sure that there is no bad news by not being interested in whether attacks on Americans were caused by a failure of the Democrat White House. [Jake Tapper being the exception.]

This is a pretty remarkable piece of video, as is this, but the transcript provided at Tapper's Political Punch fills in the blanks.

Two points: The first is how careful Carney's language is when discussing the news that the White House might have been warned about the embassy attacks in advance. Notice how Carney keeps his answer in the realm of "actionable intelligence" and intelligence that could "prevent" theattacks. He doesn't say there was "no" warning or "no" intelligence. And as we already know, there were threats from al-Qaeda against Americans in Libya just a day or two before we lost four Americans.

You have to watch the videos linked above again, especially the second, to understand my second point. Tapper did his best to grill Carney and pin him down, but he was on his own. Look at the other White House correspondents in that room. Not a single one has any energy and certainly no desire to get to the bottom of the only question that should matter today: Were the murders of these four Americans preventable?

Other than Tapper, no one wants the answer and they're not even willing to make news in pushing for an answer.

Might hurt Obama.

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