Friday, December 09, 2016

The nice thing about having a Democrat in the White House is that there is never any bad news.....the Return of the Homeless.

So, in time for Trump's inauguration, the Boston Globe is running a series on .....homelessness.

It's nice to see the media return to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good thing is that Peter Bradley and the most respected blog in North-Central Fresno County has never left us through the stormy and devastating days we have faced while a Democrat sat in the Oval Office and Republicans controlled congress. It will be a dark day indeed for journalism when Mr. Bradley Esq. stops posting links that always prove him right about everything. Its amazing how he can scour the Internet and find things that prove his every thought correct, truthful and unchallengeable. His Internet research skills are unparalleled. I can find nothing herein but an ernest desire to enlighten the masses to the proper way of thinking and impeccable logical skills when I conduct my daily breeze through this remarkable repository of news from the intersection of Highway 99 and the Yellow Brick Road where Dorothy met the Scarecrow.

If only we allowed Fresno bloggers to marry . . .

The nice thing about reading a respected Fresno blogger is there is never any good news . . .

The best part about the most respected blog in Northwest Fresno County is all the racial healing it promotes . . .

Who links to me?