Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Laws are still for the little people.

Even with this hypothetical "plea bargain," Hillary still gets treated as royalty with no charges being brought against her.

She will simply have to admit that she committed a prosecutable offense.

She will be lying about it before the ink dries and the media will be amplifying her lies in the same way that Bill Clinton's resignation of his law license in order to avoid disbarment means "he wasn't disbarred so shut up!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your tribe controls every branch of the federal government. The leader of your tribe openly campaigned on the notion of putting Secretary Clinton in jail and now controls the Department of Justice. A major leader of your tribe, a man who openly despises Secretary Clinton, now directly manages the Department of Justice. Yet still no charges have been filed or are pending. There doesn't even appear to be an open investigation. I wonder why?

Who links to me?