Showing posts with label 9-12. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9-12. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

FOX's complaint that the 9-12 protests were not covered have already been disproven by CNN and MSNBC, and here is Bill Moyers take on the protest.

I have to imagine that this is not what FOX had in mind when it imagined how their fake protest would be covered by the media. But you know what they say, "be careful what you wish for, for you will surely get it."

(H/T to FEDUP for sending me this link.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

He is back!

After three weeks in which I went through some of the worst withdrawals of my life the Daily Show has returned. And just in time to, as I had actually become so desperate for a laugh that I had resorted to watching old Gilbert Gottfried bits on YouTube. (Seriously who finds that guy funny?)

But no more my friends, for Jon Stewart has returned. And he has brought the comedy goodness with him.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Apothecary Now
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Did you like that? Well then you will LOVE this.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Mad Men
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Ah Jon how we missed you.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Because YOU demanded it, here is the 9-12 counter protest group "Billionaires for Wealthcare".

I do not often cave in to demands from my visitors.

Oh I will post a good link if it is brought to my attention but I don't usually succumb to repeated requests for a post. I am just stubborn like that.

But this one kept showing up in my comments section over an over again. And then it turned out to be really good, not to mention it came from the Rachel Maddow show who is my all time favorite cable news host.

So what the hell.

Here by, popular demand, is the Rachel Maddow video showing the "Billionaires for Wealthcare" making schmucks out of the 9-12 teabaggers. Enjoy.

P.S. Since I always believe in giving credit where credit is due clicking the title will take you to Shannyn Moore's blog where this video was originally embedded.

Countdown points out the hypocrisy of the Republicans 9-12 protest. Not hard to do as now the GOP hypocrisy can be seen from space!

Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

I would have liked it better with Keith at the helm, but Shuster did pretty good.

I would like to say I am amazed at the hatred on display at these rallies, but sadly I have become accustomed to seeing that kind of ignorance and unabashed prejudice. We are entering a very sad chapter in the history of our country to be sure.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

You know maybe I was little too rough on the Teabaggers and their 9-12 protest. Maybe they are rational people just trying to get their message out.

I'll tell you what, here is a video of the Washington D.C. rally as broadcast by CNN, you judge for yourself.

So what do you think? American patriots trying to get their message out to the public at large, or bat-shit crazy morons with no idea exactly WHAT they are doing?

I hope that somebody took that poor reporter out after that broadcast and bought her a frosty adult beverage, because she earned it.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Bottom feeders Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck exploit 9-11 for their own personal gain.

The Republicans have been trying to somehow take ownership of 9-11 since the day it happened. They want us to believe that only THEY feel the pain that occurred on that terrible day. Or only THEY understand the importance of that day. Or only THEY should receive the credit for how America came together after 9-11.

I'll tell you what. I will give the Republicans what they want.

I will give them the credit for 9-11.

After all it DID happen while a Republican president was in the White House.

It did happen while that same President sat for 7 minutes reading "My Pet Goat" to a room full of children whose lives may have been in danger just for the fact that he was sitting among them.

It DID happen after Rudy Guiliani moved the emergency-command center to the WTC where it was incapacitated by the attack.

In May 2001, by Presidential Order, Richard Cheney was put in direct command and control of all war game and field exercise training and scheduling exercises. Especially FEMA. This also extended to all of the conflicting and overlapping NORAD exercises. Standard scramble and shoot down orders for hijacked aircraft were specifically removed from NORAD generals and placed in the exclusive control of Cheney. So Vice President Cheney(a Republican) is directly responsible for the fact that the jets were not shot down.

Republicans want to "own" 9-11? Do you really want to be responsible for the biggest terrorist attack in the history of the world? Fine you can have it. Because it certainly took place on your watch.

But what you cannot do is pretend that your pain was more intense then mine. Or that you were more shocked then I was. Or that you were able to turn off the television and stop watching the towers crashing to the ground over and over any faster then I was able to.

Three days I sat and watched that footage. Tears streaming down my face. My brain trying to make sense of it to no avail. Appointments missed. Children fending for themselves, as I sat immobilized by what I was seeing.

No my Republican friends, even way up here in Alaska I felt the debilitating impact of 9-11, 2001. Which is why I would NEVER use it to further my political agenda, or receive donations, or create a media show to increase my ratings.

Unlike the despicable Glenn Beck and the opportunistic Sarah Palin.