So yesterday Palin decided to climb on the bandwagon along with Nancy French and Bristol. Assuming of course that Bristol even knows that she is part of this ridiculous conversation.
Here take a flashlight and wander through her
Facebook post. But be careful, it is a dark and scary place:
I Guess Muhammad's Pencil Box is Cooler Than the Palin Kids'
"It doesn't look like a pencil box to me." I love Bristol's perspective on this. You have to read this:
(Palin then offers the entire URL for Brancy's post because she does not yet understand how to do links.)
Talk about the dangers of a reactionary-slash-biased media! The first reports on this potential bomb-imitator were so fishy to begin with.
Friends, consider the kids disciplined and/or kicked out of school for bringing squirt guns to school or taking bites out of a pop tart until it resembled (to some politically correct yahoo) a gun. Or the student out deer hunting with his dad early one morning who forgot he had a box of ammo in his truck when he parked in the school's lot later that day. Kids humiliated and intimidated for innocent actions like those real examples are often marked the rest of their lives and made to feel really rotten. (As much as it pains me to say it I kind of agree with Snowdrift Snooki here. This zero tolerance thing in schools is way out of control.)
Whereas Ahmed Muhammad, an evidently obstinate-answering student bringing in a homemade "clock" that obviously could be seen by conscientious teachers as a dangerous wired-up bomb-looking contraption (teachers who are told "if you see something, say something!") gets invited to the White House. (Annd now I am back to finding what she says ignorant.)
By the way, President Obama's practice of jumping in cases prematurely to interject himself as the cool savior, wanting so badly to attach himself to the issue-of-the-day, got old years ago. Remember him accusing police officers doing their job as "acting stupid"; claiming if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon Martin; claiming he needed to know who was a fault in an industrial accident so he'd "know who's a** to kick"; etc., etc. Those actions are about as presidential as his selfie stick.
(Hang on I need to wring the jealousy out of this post before continuing.)
Here's background on Muhammad's innocent "clock" he brought to school, and his suspicious refusal to answer authorities:
(Palin then links to Breitbart who, as you would expect, blames the incident on Ahmed and on President Obama who they claim is using it to attack Texas and paint conservatives as xenophobic. Helpful hint to Breitbart: The conservatives certainly do not need Obama's help in painting them as racist.)
Yep, believing that's a clock in a school pencil box is like believing Barack Obama is ruling over the most transparent administration in history. Right. That's a clock, and I'm the Queen of England.
Compare Muhammad's pencil box to the ones laying around the Palin household:
- Sarah Palin
Palin then shows pictures of what she claims are her kid's pencil boxes though I have no idea why she would still have them lying around the house. (Maybe because they never learned to use pencils?)
And then of course she offers this picture of Ahmed's pencil box to prove how terrorist like it is by comparison.
Of course as
I showed everybody yesterday, there is nothing sinister about the pencil box.
It's just a little more expensive than the cheap crap Palin bought her kids, that's all.
By the way the cops
knew Ahmed's clock was not a bomb when they arrested him, but arrested him anyway.
And the school knew it was only a misunderstanding and still suspended him.
So once again, how is this Ahmed's fault? Or the President's?