Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Monday, June 20, 2011
Before I turn in for the night let me leave you with a little gift. Keith Olbermann's first Special Comment from his new home on Current TV.
Ahh, now I shall sleep like a baby, knowing all is right with the world again.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for January 17th.
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Keith does not hold back.
Teabaggers, radio shock jocks, that whiny lady from Alaska, they all get called on the carpet.
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for December 7, 2010.
For all of you who have expressed anger at me for posting Bill Maher's clip on Sunday, or have quickly lashed out at ANYBODY who dares challenge the fact that our President is not living up to the promises that he made in order to get the job that he now appears to be overwhelmed by, what do you say today?
And don't bother telling me all of the good things he has accomplished, I do understand and accept that he has muscled through a lot of important legislation. He has, in fact, almost accomplished more in these first two years than any other President before him has accomplished in two full terms.
However hardly anybody knows it.
Ask yourself, how many American know about the Lily Ledbetter Fair Pay Act? Or the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility, and Disclosure Act? Not very many, I am afraid.
This President abhors conflict and ALWAYS seeks compromise, but he is compromising in the middle of a war. I don't know about everybody else, but I worked on the campaign of a man who I expected to be a warrior. After eight years of the George Bush White House, I wanted to see a pile of neo-con bodies piled up on my television screen (Metaphorically speaking of course.)
And I am not alone. Yesterday's decision may have permanently cost the President the support of his base and it STILL might fail to pass. It is bad enough to compromise your principles in order to make some progress, but quite another to do so and face certain defeat.
So I am interested in your thoughts. You can get mad at me, or frustrated with the President, but please let's try to keep it civil. And no this is NOT an open invitation to simply trash Barack Obama.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment. You might want to sit down for this one.
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Monday, February 15, 2010
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for February, 15 2010.
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Amen Mr. Olbermann, amen.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Countdown is a must see today with a smack down for Sarah Palin, a guest appearance by Shannyn Moore, and a Special Comment! My cup runneth over!
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"Coming out of the woodwork". Did you hear that?
Isn't that what I have been telling you people? By gosh it is.
Here is Geoffrey Dunn's wonderful post on the John Wooden/John Wooden Legs mistake from Palin's "Book of Lies"..
Now for Keith's Special Comment. Quick somebody tell our President to watch this!
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Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Today Keith Olbermann's entire program was one long Special Comment. And it was amazing.
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Part Two
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Part Three
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Part Four
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Part Five
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I am positive that Keith does not need any further comment from me, what he said was extraordinarily powerful, but I will say that if you skipped any of the segments you have missed out on part of Olbermann's most compelling Special Comment.
So if you could not get through the whole thing in one sitting, take a break, have a snack or perhaps go for a walk, and then do yourself a favor and finish watching it. Because it really is THAT good.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
You knew it was coming, Keith Olbermann's Special Comment to Rep. Joe Wilson.
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Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Keith Olbermann's Special Comments for August 3rd.
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Wow! Now that is how you confront the liars about health care reform!
Friday, February 06, 2009
Keith Olbermann returns with a Special Comment.
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Wow first Shannyn Moore returns to blogging and now Keith Olbermann issues another of his brilliant Special Comments. It is like Christmas, Valentines Day, and Hanukkah all rolled into one.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Keith Olbermann's Special Comment on Proposition 8.
Keith makes a very compelling argument for love.
I really think that if some of these hateful people were really to listen to his argument they might change their opinions. Unless they are hate filled demagogues who have to make themselves feel better by oppressing those who are diff.....Oh yeah....I almost forgot.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Keith Olbermann's brief Special Comment yesterday calls the McCain campaign to task for inciting hate among its followers.
The fact that John McCain and Sarah Palin are feeding into such hateful, racist, rhetoric is a criminal activity that should have already triggered an investigation by the FBI.
Both McCain and Palin are complicit in increasing the anger and fear that seems to permeate their audiences and they have are ultimately responsible for any actions taken by these inflamed lunatics.
I have no doubt that if any violence is directed at Barack Obama or his campaign staff, that the American people will demand an investigation into John McCain's campaign tactics and he will find himself fighting criminal charges as he heads into the November election.
Perhaps McCain should consider THAT before he continues to allow his rallies to be used for impromptu KKK gatherings.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
Olbermann is going to make a Special Comment about Obama and the FISA bill.
Here it is:
Olbermann's Special Comments focuses on telling Obama how to approach this FISA conundrum and come out with his "change candidate cred' still intact.
My only problem with this, and I know that Keith did not want to go into details on the particulars of his ideas, is that if Obama follows Keith's advice to the letter, he may look all "tough on the Bush immunity deal" but come out looking like Olbermann's butt boy.
My advice? Vote against the FISA bill, and then when it passes and you become President prosecute the hell out of the Telecoms and the administration that told them to spy on all of us.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Keith Olbermann has a Special Comment for John McCain.
Everytime I see one of Keith's Special Comments I am extremely glad he is on our side. This one was so good it literally gave me chills.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Keith Olbermann's Special Comments 5-14-08.
Keith holds nothing back in his anger and frustration at this President.
Good for him.
He is still the best newsman in the business.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Remind me to NEVER allow myself to be the subject of one of Keith Olbermann's Special Comments.
Keith goes after Clinton for her hypocrisy, her obvious decision to use the race card, and her scorched earth policy toward this Democratic nomination.
It is brilliant, and I think, a little sad since Keith is obviously conflicted and upset about the need for these comments.
Tonight Keith Olbermann's Special Comment will target Hillary Clinton.
There is no way I am missing this.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Keith Olbermann's Special Comments about FISA last night.
I wish CNN would stop putting their debates on opposite Countdown.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Here is Keith Olbermann's Special Comment for Nov. 5, 2007
If you have not watched this then please do so. It is Keith at his very best,