"Maybe if I suck hard I'll get more money." |
So I have taken a tour through SarahPAC's most recent
FEC filing and have found the story is much the same as it has always been.
We already
pointed out yesterday that the PAC took in less than it spent, which is a clear indication that Palin's star has not only fallen but that the crater it left behind is now becoming overgrown with weeds and new foliage.
Many of the expenditures are ones we have seen numerous times in the past:
Direct Mail: Approximately $43,000
Postage: Approximately $74,450
Consulting: Just a hair under $200,000 (Quite a lot of this was for RAM, a substantial chunk for Timothy Crawford, and the rest to Northstar Strategies and Pamela Pryor.)
Speech writing: $31,900. Boy did she get ripped off! (My favorite itemized cost in this section was $400 to a Dave Berg on May 9th. I have to wonder what kind of a contribution is only worth $400?)
Legal fees: Now this was an interesting one because Palin only paid Clapp, Peterson, Tiemessen, Thorsness L, a fee of $1,275 one time in January and then no more. Which makes me wonder if Palin has decided that she no longer needs a law firm on retainer, or if she simply cannot afford one?
Part Time Clerical: $20,000 still to the same two women as always, Marilyn Lane and Carol Ryan, both of Wasilla.
You may remember Marilyn as the Palin friend who
helped her go after Wooten:
In her letter, Palin said Adrian and Marilyn Lane, who are friends of Palin's family and who lived in the same subdivision as Wooten, had seen him drink a beer at their house and then drive off in a patrol car "waving with beer in hand."
In their interview with the investigator, Wall, the Lanes said they had seen Wooten come by their house and drink a beer before driving his patrol car during the summer of 2004.
Marilyn Lane said she had seen Wooten drive off in his patrol car with another beer in hand.
Wooten denied the Lanes' allegations, and Wall's investigation ruled that the claims made by the Lanes were unsubstantiated.
Oh yeah, Palin owes this woman from WAY back. (Perhaps this is one of the many payoffs that I have been told about?)
Air fare: Approximately $21,800. Damn does this woman pay for any of her travel?
I know, silly question.
Okay well here was an item that really caught my eye.
Refunds: One for $5,000 to Elizabeth Martin Wiskemann for a contribution she made in 2012, and one for $2,000 to a Dr Donald R Scifres, TTEE. Also a 2012 donation.
Hmm, interesting! It appears that there is a way for at least SOME of the people Palin scammed into thinking she was running in 2012 to get their money back.
I wonder what is stopping the rest from following suit?
There were also two other expenditures that stood out.
One was to Wal-Mart for $271, and earmarked as items for gift bags. And the other is for Todd the Pimp for $325.62, earmarked as "shipping and items for gift bags."
Now the Wal-Mart purchase is on May 14th, which was two days before this
Facebook post:
One last blast of Alaska winter today, hopefully? This is what "Grad Blast" means in Alaska! We'll move our graduation b-b-q indoors and watch the mini-blizzard from 'round the fireplace. (Global warming my gluteus maximus.) Congratulations to this year's graduates all across America. Job well done. Now the real job begins.
And the other one to the Toad, is right before Snowdrift Snooki gave
this high school speech. And also where she handed out "goodie bags" and taped one dollar to the bottom of every student's chair.
All 27 of them.
Yep that's Palin for you, too cheap to even pay 27 dollars of her own money to make a stupid point.
As I said before this, to me, is clearly the end of the line for Palin. And as somebody who has waited a long time to see it arrive, I have to admit it is a thing of beauty.
Of course Palin and her few remaining Palin-bots are in complete denial that this is in fact what we are seeing. Here is how treasurer Timothy Crawford
explained the low numbers:
SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford said in an email to The Associated Press on Wednesday that the PAC, for the most part, gave donors a break and didn't fundraise aggressively during the latest reporting period.
"Very pleased with the results," he said. "It is an off year after a presidential election where every donor was bombarded with requests."
Oh yeah, and if you believe THAT I have a Bridge to Nowhere to sell you at the end of which you will find Palin's pathetic excuse for a future.
Nice try though.
Update: Oh I forgot to mention that SarahPAC only paid out $5000 to Missouri's Jason Smith as their single campaign donation for this filing period. Which essentially undermines ANY idea that this is a true political PAC.
And let's face it, she only did THAT because he was the only political candidate
willing to do this:
As Todd says, "What's in it for us?"