Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Newt Gingrich. Show all posts

Saturday, June 17, 2017

That took less than a month.

It's like all of the remaining Trump supporters have suddenly developed split personalities and are in vehement disagreement with their past selves.

Another example.

I am not sure if this is comical or just extremely sad.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Callista Gingrich will be chosen as the ambassador to the Vatican. That'll teach the Pope.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Callista Gingrich, the wife of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, is the preferred nominee to be the next ambassador to the Vatican. 

The White House hopes to announce her nomination before President Donald Trump meets with Pope Francis on May 24 in Rome. 

The decision to nominate Gingrich has been made, but the announcement has taken longer than expected pending approval from the Office of Government Ethics, an administration official said. 

The White House hopes to formally nominate Gingrich as soon as this week.

Well now we know what Trump offered to keep Newt kissing his ass for all this time.

Look I know that there has been some friction between Trump and the Pope, but at least you would think he might send an ambassador who looks like she was born on this planet.

When you keep getting mistaken for an actress made up to be an alien.
Callista's qualifications for the job include being Newt's third wife, having sex with him while his second wife was fighting cancer, and promoting the theory that all cancers were cured in 1925 but that the government is covering up the evidence.

Just another reminder that Trump is actively trying to destroy our reputation around the world.

Except for Russia that is, he so wants Daddy Putin to love him.

Friday, November 11, 2016

Stephen Colbert on Donald Trump's likely cabinet picks, “It makes sense: They’re exactly what I’d expect to find at the bottom of a drained swamp.”

Courtesy of People:

“Donald Trump is really going to be the next president,” said Colbert, 52. “For a while I was poking myself with a straight pin to try to wake up from this, but now I just keep doing it to feel something. It’s so real that Trump is now receiving the classified daily intelligence briefing known as ‘the book,’ making it the only book he owns that doesn’t have his picture on it.” 

“Today the transfer of power began when President Obama hosted Trump at the White House for the most surprising remake of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” he quipped, before launching into a lengthy analysis of how uncomfortable the sit-down between the two men might have been. 

“Can you imagine? Just put yourself in room, in that private room when they were together. Can you imagine? Awkward!” said Colbert. “The first African-American president sitting down with a president-elect who was endorsed by the Klan. A guy who spent five years, created his political career, demanding Obama prove where he was born, then denying he did it.” 

“What did they talk about? What was the tour like?” continued Colbert. ” ‘Alright, Donald, this is the Blue Room. This is the Red Room. Down that hall is the office I said you were fundamentally unfit for.’ ”

I think my favorite part of this monologue was when Colbert got to Trump's possible cabinet choices.

Which include Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Sid Miller (Who referred to Hillary Clinton on Twitter as a c*nt.), Ben Carson (For Education Secretary no less.), and of course....Sarah Palin.

That last inclusion sparked an incredibly humorous imitation of Snowdrift Snooki:

"How's that hopey changey stuff going? Drill baby drill. Forget about Yosemite Park, Yosemite Sam, Uncle Sam, Sam I Am, don't go bugging tree hugging bloggers, cause I'm calling the loggers. Fracking Old Faithful, you're going to be grateful, executions in sports stadiums, arrest your enemies, tie a typewriter around his neck, what the heck? Shoot'em he's gettin' away. Tag, Trig, Tripp, Knick Knack paddywhack, Tick Tock out of wedlock, give a dog a bone. ET phone home, snowmachine."

You know after eight years of transcribing Sarah Palin's speeches and interviews, I would say that Colbert nailed it. My only criticism is that it might have made a little TOO much sense.

I would suggest that something about this election has really brought out the best in Stephen Colbert, and currently he is running neck and neck with my current comedy crush Samantha Bee, as the very best commentators on these the end days.

Of course to be fair tonight Bill Maher gets to weigh in, and I would imagine that he has quite a bit to say about all of this as well.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

During on air clash over allegations against Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich accuses Megyn Kelly of being "fascinated with sex."

Courtesy of NPR:

"You are fascinated with sex, and you don't care about public policy," Gingrich said. 

Kelly replied, "Me, really?" 

Gingrich: "That's what I get out of watching you tonight." 

Kelly: "You know what, Mr. Speaker? I'm not fascinated by sex, but I am fascinated by the protection of women and understanding what we're getting in the oval office ... "

Of course then Gingrich attempts to make the case that Bill Clinton is also a sexual predator and dares Kelly to say that out loud on her show.

She refuses.

And then she ends the contentious exchange with this: 

"We're going to have to leave it at that, and you can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them, Mr. Speaker. Thanks for being here."

You know I am not always Megyn Kelly's biggest fan, but that was fairly impressive.

By the way it should be pointed out that Gingrich is a slimeball of epic proportions, and that while he was working to impeach President Clinton for that blowjob, he himself was cheating on his first wife (Update: Oops sorry, his SECOND wife.) with his current, much younger, wife.

P.S. Gingrich was upset enough about the exchange with Kelly that he channeled his boss and took to Twitter to defend himself.
Notice he did not say he was not a hypocritical philandering POS. So I guess we can assume he accepts that about himself.

P.P.S. Apparently Trump also weighed in on this.
And of course he was very impressed.

Perhaps he is preparing for his own defeat by watching another entitled white man getting his ass handed to him by a woman.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Newt Gingrich is suspended from Fox News. Does that mean he will be Donald Trump's running mate?

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is no longer a contributor to Fox News, the network announced Tuesday. 

“Fox News Channel has mutually agreed to suspend its contributor agreement with Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich effective immediately,” said a statement from Jay Wallace, the network’s executive vice president of news. “Due to the intense media speculation about Gingrich’s potential selection as Donald Trump’s vice presidential candidate, we felt it best to halt his contributor role on the network to avoid all conflicts of interest that may arise.”

Rachel Maddow pointed out on her show last night that when a Republican loses his job on Fox News that it typically indicates that they are about to launch a campaign for political office.

So does this prove that Gingrich is the guy for Trump?

I have no idea.

Nothing about Donald Trump makes any kind of sense, therefore I make no predictions.

However what we do know is that the other two names that have been bandied about recently are Mike Pence..
Zzzz, okay does anybody else have trouble staying awake while looking a a picture of Mike Pence?

and Chris Christie.

So we can logically assume that Trump is going to appoint another white dude to join him on the ticket.

And since he recently said that he wants an attack dog for a VP, that would seem to put Chris Christie and his mangina in the front of the pack.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

New poll shows that if Donald Trump REALLY wants to lose the presidential election, he simply needs to add Sarah Palin.

Courtesy of USA Today: 

Presidential nominees weigh a variety of factors when selecting their running mates, not the least of which is the ability to boost the ticket's chances of winning in November. So among the plausible vice presidential choices this year, who would help Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump the most? 

In a Monmouth University Poll out Thursday, six potential running mate choices from each party were gauged to see how much they would help — or hurt — their party's prospects. While a lack of name recognition is a significant factor for many, a couple of notable findings emerged. 

Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, would seem to be a drag on Trump's chances should he pick her to once again be on the Republican ticket. 

Among the 803 registered voters polled, 42% said they would be less likely to vote for the real estate mogul with Palin as his running mate, compared to only 13% who said they'd be more likely to.

I checked the poll myself and found the following about possible VP choices:

Newt Gingrich-

More likely to vote for Trump: 24%
Less likely: 26%

Chris Christie-

More likely: 20%
Less likely: 28%

Marco Rubio-

More likely: 27%
Less likely: 20%

Joni Ernst-

More likely: 7%
Less likely: 15%

As you can see only Marco Rubio actually helps Trump more than he hurts Trump.

But if he really wants to lose this thing, and there are a number of people saying that he does not actually want to be the President, then adding Sarah Palin to the ticket will certainly help Trump to do just that.

What's even more convenient is that he can simply turn around and blame his loss on her.

And true or not pretty much everybody in the country would be happy to agree with him. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Hey look who finally broke her vow of silence.

Courtesy of the Wasilla Wendigo's Facebook page.
Wait is today Memorial Day?

No, that's not until Monday.

So without a Facebook ghostwriter this idiot cannot even read a calendar?

Well maybe she is just distraught because tomorrow is the long awaited beginning of Track's trial for assault.

Yep even knocking her up does not erase the fact that you beat her ass in a drunken rage.

You know it must really rub salt in the wound to read about Chris Christie and Newt Gingrich making time with your boyfriend while you are stuck up here waiting for yet more embarrassing details about your fucked up family to be reported by the media.

I'd feel sorry for her but, you know, I don't.

Monday, May 09, 2016

My favorite new rumor that I really want to be true.

Courtesy of Politico:  

The ties between Donald Trump and Newt Gingrich are growing stronger. 

The former House speaker is an informal Trump adviser, and has said that he’s open to being considered for the VP slot. 

Please, please, please let this be true.

If Trump thought he was going to lose the women voters on his own, just watch the mass exodus after he adds Gingrich to the ticket. 

In my opinion the next best thing to Trump choosing Palin for his running mate would be if he choose Newt "Freaking" Gingrich.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Palin the political pole dancer is taking her act to Iowa. You know what that means folks! (Well nothing really.)

"Come on girls, we're going to Iowa!"
Courtesy of the Naughty North Star's Facebook page:

Iowa! Can't wait to be back next weekend. We looked back at pictures of our many fun, diverse adventures in the Hawkeye State over the years and wanted to share some here. Thank you to Citizens United and your courageous, selfless Congressman Steve King for putting together this awesome Freedom Summit. I look forward to joining you and our new and old Iowa friends to forge the future path – bright and successful – of our party and more importantly our country! If you can't make it to Iowa, you can watch the Freedom Summit live here: - 

Sarah Palin 

PS - Try to catch our friend Senator Joni Ernst's Iowa straight talk response to President Obama's Second-to-Last State of The Union speech on Tuesday night. Thank you Iowa for sending Joni to DC to fight for all of us!

Wow! One can really only speculate as to how this will affect Viagra sales for teabaggers as you just know this is going to give them wood.

Just the idea that Sarah Palin is going to Iowa where every politician wanting to be president, political book author wanting to sell books, and grifters wanting to scam the paint chip eaters, go in order to gain media attention and head fake the dipshits, is certain to cause the kind of excitement her last few pathetic followers have not felt since their mobility scooter managed to steer past that pile of dog poop on their way to pick up their disability check.

And Palin will not be the ONLY grifter in attendance either.

Also appearing is perennial presidential candidate Newt Gingrich, former UN Ambassador (Who actually hated the UN.) John Bolton, Donald Trump and his gravity defying hair, and Jim DeMint, as well as many other conservative clowns.

Not to mention a few folks who might actually have a shot at winning the GOP nomination, such as Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson, Scott Walker, and Rick Santorum.

I'm just kidding none of those losers have chance.

And the only two that do, Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney, are persona non grata among this crowd.

So I would expect a whole lot of flag waving, Ronald Reagan necrophilia, and piles of red, white, and blue bullshit. But nothing of any real substance.

In other words, the PERFECT venue for Sarah Louise Palin, and her amazing inflatable hooters.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Newt Gingrich suggests that constituents ask their GOP House members what their replacement for Obamacare will be. Damn, now I'm agreeing with Newt Gingrich!

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

There’s been lot of chatter today about these rather blunt remarks from Newt Gingrich about the perils of the GOP’s obsession with destroying Obamacare while refusing to offer any meaningful alternative: 

“I will bet you, for most of you, you go home in the next two weeks when your members of Congress are home, and you look them in the eye and you say, ‘What is your positive replacement for Obamacare?’ They will have zero answer,” Gingrich said. 

Gingrich blamed the problem on Republican culture that rewards obstruction and negativity instead of innovation and “being positive.” 

“We are caught up right now in a culture, and you see it every single day, where as long as we are negative and as long as we are vicious and as long as we can tear down our opponent, we don’t have to learn anything,” Gingrich said, acknowledging the “totally candid” nature of his remarks. “We have to do the homework.” “This is a very deep problem,” said Gingrich. 

I don’t think this is an accident or an off the cuff remark. It looks to me like there are enough data points out there to suggest that Republicans now recognize that their overall posture on Obamacare — not to mention on the president himself — is deeply problematic, and are seriously grappling with it at the highest levels of the party.

Okay is this a sign that some in the GOP are starting to think reasonably?

Because if that is true there is about to be a HUGE scuffle within the party to grab hold of the reins of power. 

Chris Matthews just declared that Rand Paul WILL be the 2016 Republican candidate. But that will ONLY happen if the old guard of the party lose their hold completel , and if that happens it could be great news for the Democrats in the short run but bad news for the country in the long.

Of course it should be remember that Gingrich says off the wall things all the time simply to get attention, so this could simply be more of that. Even though, this time, it does sound pretty reasonable.

Saturday, June 08, 2013

Evangelical calls for Christians to martyr themselves in war to save America from "pagan onslaught." I don't think I like the sound of this.

This from World Net Daily:  

“Throughout Scripture, the only power that can overcome the seemingly invincible omnipotence of a Babel or a Beast is the power of martyrdom, the power of the witness to King Jesus to the point of loss and death. American Christianity has not done a good job of producing martyrs, and that is because we have done such an outstanding job of nurturing Americanists who regret that they have only one life to give for their country. Americanists cannot break Babelic or bestial power because they cannot distinguish heretical Americanism from Christian orthodoxy. Until we do, America will lurch along the path that leads from Babel to Beast. If America is to be put in its place – put right – Christians must risk martyrdom and force Babel to the crux where it has to decide either to acknowledge Jesus an imperator and the church as God’s imperium or to begin drinking holy blood.”

The above is a quote from  Peter J. Leithart’s “Between Babel and the Beast.” This portion is not:

Where are the champions of Christ to save the nation from the pagan onslaught imposing homosexual marriage, homosexual scouts, 60 million babies done to death by abortion and red ink as far as the eye can see on America? Who will wage war for the Soul of America and trust the living God to deliver the pagan gods into our hands and restore America to her Judeo-Christian heritage and re-establish a Christian culture? 

Let’s make it crystal clear: Those who embrace homosexual marriage and homosexual Scouting – or homosexuality in general – know little and practice nothing of Christianity. Notwithstanding Sen. Rob Portman – or the 1,400 Boy Scout delegates who buckled – Christian love is regulated not by impulse, but by principle. “We hence conclude, that not only the reprobates ought to be reproved, severely, and with sharp earnestness, but also the elect themselves, even those whom we deem to be children of God.” [John Calvin] 

As to the future of America – and the collapse of this once-Christian nation – Christians must not only be allowed to have opinions, but politically, Christians must be retrained to war for the Soul of America and quit believing the fabricated whopper of the “Separation of Church and State,” the lie repeated ad nauseum by the left and liberals to keep Christian America – the moral majority – from imposing moral government on pagan public schools, pagan higher learning and pagan media. Bill Bennett’s insight, “… the two essential questions Plato posed as: Who teaches the children, and what do we teach them?” requires deep thought, soul-searching and a response from Christian America to the secular, politically correct and multicultural false gods imposing their religion on America’s children.

And just in case you were not certain where Lane was going with this, here is how he ended this psychotic commentary:

You ask, “What is our goal?” To wage war to restore America to our Judeo-Christian heritage with all of our might and strength that God will give us. You ask, “What is our aim?” One word only: victory, in spite of all intimidation and terror, victory, however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, America will ultimately collapse. 

So essentially, according to this wingnut, America IS a Christian nation despite the words of the Founders themselves to the contrary, and the only hope for its salvation is for Christians to martyr themselves while waging war on...well on everybody else. 

So as America becomes less and less a nation defined by its Christian faith, and our young people turn away from the prejudice and hatred embraced by their parents, the solution to that "problem," according to this lunatic, is to wage a holy war and FORCE their beliefs on people who do not readily accept them.

Who needs to worry about the Taliban? We apparently have our very own version right here in America.

Oh by the way just in case you think that the author's name, David Lane, sounds familiar, well it just might. You see he has worked with Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Michelle Bachmann, and Rand Paul, just to name a few. You see in certain circles this point of view is NOT considered insane.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Former Mitt Romney intern arrested for trying to use nude photos to blackmail women into sending him more.

Well of course he worked for THIS guy!
Courtesy of Raw Story: 

A former intern for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was arrested Tuesday over an alleged sexual extortion scheme.

 In a press release, the FBI said 21-year-old Adam Savader allegedly stalked 15 different women from three states between May 2012 and this past February. 

The New York Daily News reported that Savader was a political science major at SUNY Farmingdale. He had worked on the political campaigns of Newt Gingrich, Paul Ryan, and Romney. 

Savader claimed to have nude photos of the women, and threatened to release the photos unless they sent him more. He demanded that one woman answer “a series of personal questions, relating to sexual preferences, positions, etc.,” according to a FBI complaint. He also informed at least two women that he was masturbating to their stolen pictures. 

“I swear on all that is holy. If you fuck with me again I will send these to your parents. I have no problem sending them to ur [sic] parents, friends and sorority sisters unless you cooperate by answering me,” he allegedly told one woman. 

Some of the victims attended the same high school as Savader, according to the complaint. 

One of his victims contacted the Ann Arbor Police Department, who referred the case to the FBI. Savader used Google Voice to keep his identity a secret, but the FBI was able to track him down via his IP address. 

FBI agents arrested Savader at his home in New York. He was charged with Internet extortion and cyberstalking. Savader faces up to five years in prison if convicted.

This guy was doing this WHILE Romney was running for office. And apparently there are tons of pictures of him with all kinds of GOP headliners. (And yes that also includes you-know-who.)

Boy did Mittens dodge a bullet with this one!

Gee I wonder what kind of job this guy would have had if Romney HAD won the 2012 election?

Secretary in charge of those "Binders full of women" perhaps?

Monday, November 19, 2012

George Will on Mitt Romney: "You have a political problem when the voters don't like you, but you've got a REAL problem when the voters think you don't like them."

Okay so here you have George Will, Bobby Jindal, and Newt Gingrich piling on Mitt Romney for not presenting the "right message" to the voters.

What was it Newt said? "If we can't offer a better future, that is believable, to more people, we're not going to win."

In my opinion that is what the Republican party is struggling with, how to present themselves as more palatable to the American people. But the problem is that what the voters heard, that turned them off so much, was NOT a poorly packaged message.  What they heard, that turned them off so much, was the unvarnished truth.

When Mitt Romney was caught on hidden camera saying that 47% of the American people would not vote for him because they were essentially people who wanted handouts, THAT was not a poorly worded stump speech, that was a conversation with a group of like minded supporters who thought EXACTLY the same way.

When Todd Akin suggested that if a woman were the victim of "legitimate rape" that she had "ways of shutting that whole thing down" to prevent pregnancy, he was in NO WAY hesitant in making that claim. It was clearly something that he firmly believed, and that he had undoubtedly repeated numerous times around like minded individuals.

And to that point when Georgia Rep. Paul Brown claimed that science was "lies straight from the pit of Hell," he said it with the religious fervor of a man who has heard and believed those words, undoubtedly delivered from the pulpit, virtually his entire life.

These Republicans were not guilty of saying something stupid that upset their constituents and drove away voters, they are were guilty of breaking the Republican 11th Commandment, "Never Tell the Truth."

As the GOP struggles to reinvent themselves, they are really struggling to think up more attractive and digestible lies to cover for their REAL agenda. And trust me, at least when it comes to their base, they KNOW their audience.

This from The American Prospect:

Clearly, the only explanation for all this delusion is that conservative media and campaign consultants, steeped in years of confidently lying about everything from global warming to the causes of the deficit, got a little too bold about their ability to create their own realities. The only question is whether conservatives will learn their lesson and exhibit more skepticism about their self-selected news media in the future. 

The answer is almost surely no, for a very good reason: Conservative credulousness is so baked into the culture of the right that it could well be considered a defining feature. This has been true for as long as movement conservatism as we know it has existed, and there’s no real reason to think conservatives are going to sharpen up about this now.

Have you ever wondered how somebody who was caught in as many lies as Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan, could STILL manage to pull in 47% of the vote? Simple, because lying is really of little to no consequence to the base of the Republican party. In fact they seem to prefer it, and even respect those that are good at it.

Kind of explains why, for a brief time at least, Sarah Palin was so incredibly popular doesn't it?

It seems that the only real problem faced by the GOP is the allergic reaction to bullshit demonstrated by the Independents and Democrats. You know the people who think rather than believe, who depend on logic rather than faith, and who investigate rather than digest.

So really, it is ANY wonder that they are constantly attacking the public school system? If everybody were just as open to being lied to as the Republican voters, these guys could rule like kings!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Republican hypocrisy.

But you know, despite the skeletons overcrowding their closets, the Right Wing will NEVER be able to let this pass without using it to attack Obama in the hopes of diminishing him in the eyes of his constituents.

Good luck with that assholes!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mitt Romney's Greatest Hits. Okay, well maybe not GREATEST.

Jesus! I swear if you look up the word "awkward" there should simply be a picture of Mitt Romney.

And yet he STILL managed to garner almost 48% of the vote in this election. Even though, and I still maintain this to be fact, he was disliked by virtually everybody who knew him best. A statement that is given even more credence by the fact that Obama won EVERY county in Massachusetts, where of course Romney had been Governor from 2002 to 2006.

In fact even those who served as supporters and surrogates, from Newt Gingrich, to Chris Christie, to even Sarah Palin, could ONLY do so minimally. And of course in the end, after Hurricane Sandy, Christie could not even bring himself to PRETEND that he respected the arrogant prick.

Still even in the face of that kind of lackluster support, Romney remained unreasonably overconfident, even going so far as to purchase $25,000 worth of fireworks to celebrate, and prematurely launching an ill conceived transitional website.

Like I said, awkward.

However to be fair Romney's support was not exclusively driven by anti-Obama anger. There were at least some who were genuinely committed to his presidency.

Oh you poor bastard.

Now I am no clairvoyant, but I predict that this may go down as the very WORST decision ever made by this young man. And he appears to be a young man with many truly bad decisions in his future.

Of course, to be fair, it could have been much, much worse.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

It appears that Mitt Romney has fake Twitter followers. Is NOTHING about this man authentic?

"What? Doesn't everybody have to pay people to follow them on Twitter?"
I first saw this brought up by the folks over at Reddit, who reported the following:  

He is buying thousand by the minute, most don't speak English or are computer generated... all this in the midst of all the #Aurora tweets and #theatreshooting ones... Is he so unlikeable he had to buy followers?

And this: 

Every time i refresh he gets 50 or so new followers. Most followers are following exactly 4 people. Most have no tweets or one generic quote tweet from a semifamous person. 

The tweets these people have made are almost all done in the last minute or so for the new additions to the list. While that is evidence of nothing, it certainly is suspicious.

(Here is the link to the account so you an see for yourselves.)

Later I discovered there were others on the case:

I’m not saying he bought them, but Romney’s follower stats have taken a sharp and sudden rise since Friday 5PM EST. Could it be a weekend blitz? Twitter noticed. Romney was gaining around 3000-4000 new followers per day for the past month. 

Yesterday he acquired 23,926 new followers and is climbing well over 50,000 today. The hourly stats make it pretty clear where this began. (If you click the link you can also see two rather remarkable graphics.)

Some of you may remember that his same tactic was used by both Newt Gingrich and Sarah Palin last year.

I don't know about the rest of you but I am beginning to think that there is absolutely NOTHING trustworthy about the Republican part any more. (And yes that was a bit of snark.)

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Newt Gingrich suspends campaign, while calling it a "truly wild ride" and thanking Todd Palin. In other news, Newt Gingrich WAS STILL running for President!

"The secret to looking thin is to find someone fatter to stand next to. How am I doing?"
Today Newt officially suspended his campaign, which virtually NOBODY even realized was still active.

As you can see in the video linked here, Newt took the time to thank virtually EVERYBODY who ever helped him out, bought him lunch, or resisted the urge to tell him that he was an embarrassment to the party. Surprisingly this also included Todd Palin, who endorsed Gingrich and made those robo-calls for him in  Florida, which apparently confused voters who thought the soft feminine voice on the line was from a phone sex service.

Here is more from Politico:

Although he did not officially back Mitt Romney, he offered lukewarm words of praise for the man who beat him for the GOP presidential nod, saying that “this is not a choice between Mitt Romney and Ronald Reagan.” Given that it is a choice between Romney and President Barack Obama, Gingrich argued “the gap” between the two “is as wide as any point in American history.” 

He called the campaign a “truly wild ride.” (Really? Try flying back under the cover of darkness to fake a birth in Alaska sometime!)

Going forward, Gingrich said: “Callista and I are going to focus on a series of key issues…and try to educate and move policies in Washington, D.C. Probably central to this is a deep commitment to American exceptionalism.” 

He added that the couple would also focus on religious liberty and domestic energy independence, as well as traveling to college campuses to talk about saving for retirement.

So what Gingrich is really is that he will continue trying to get lobbying gigs, grift from religious dimwits, and attempt to talk college kids into buying into one of his get rich quick schemes.

Which means that, with the exception that there won't be any reporters following him around anymore, nothing has really changed.

I would like to say that I am going to miss Newt Gingrich, but that is kind of hard to do when I totally forgot he was still running. I mean don't people usually hang out at the zoo when they don't have anything else to do?

Obviously this is not a shock, I mean not only did Sarah Palin vote for him in the Alaska primary, but Todd made robo-calls for him.  The guy was doomed.

Monday, March 26, 2012

President Obama's "hot mic" incident with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev encourages the Right Wing to go on the attack, and coaxes the Whiny Wendigo of Wasilla to emerge from the shadows with claws at the ready.

I am sure that many of you have already heard of this incident from earlier today, but here is what the Chicago Sun-times had to report, just to bring you up to speed.

President Barack Obama told Russia’s leader Monday that he would have more flexibility after the November election to deal with the contentious issue of missile defense, a candid assessment of political reality that was picked up by a microphone without either leader apparently knowing. 

“This is my last election,” Obama is heard telling outgoing Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. “After my election, I have more flexibility.” 

Medvedev replied in English, according to a tape by ABC News: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir,” an apparent reference to incoming President Vladmir Putin. 

Obama and Medvedev did not intend for their comments, made during a meeting in Seoul, South Korea, to be made public. 

Once they were, the White House said Obama’s words reflected the reality that domestic political concerns in both the U.S. and Russia this year would make it difficult to fully address their long-standing differences over the contentious issue of missile defense. 

Obama, should he win re-election, would not have to face voters again. 

“Since 2012 is an election year in both countries, with an election and leadership transition in Russia and an election in the United States, it is clearly not a year in which we are going to achieve a breakthrough,” White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said.

It seems pretty cut and dried right? It is difficult to give the issue of the planned U.S. missile defense shield in Europe the attention necessary during an election year, not to mention that the constant attacks and scrutiny from the Right make it virtually impossible for Obama to make delicate policy decisions in such a divisive climate, so of course this is something that will be postponed until a later time.

I doubt that too many people would find that kind of candid talk shocking, or even particularly newsworthy.

Unless of course it was caught by a hot mic during an election year, at which time it becomes a highly exploitable political opportunity.

Already Romney and Gingrich have started to lob stones at the President from behind their thin glass walls.

 "That is an alarming and troubling development," said Romney, calling the president's comment "revealing" for what he called Obama's unwillingness to provide more details about missile defense. 

"This is no time for our president to be pulling his punches with the American people," Romney said while campaigning in San Diego. "I will make it very clear that the relationship we have around the world is one where America will be strong, that America's strength and commitment to our friends and allies will be unshakable and unwavering."

Yeah you keep rattling that saber Mitt, after all you have that magic underwear to protect YOU.

Gingrich called the exchange with Medvedev an "extraordinary moment caught on tape where the president basically said to a Russian leader, 'Please wait until after the election so I can sell out.' 

"If you read what he said, it is the most blatant comment about selling out American defenses I think any American president's ever made and I don't see how any American could trust him ever again after that comment," Gingrich said. "I mean, he thinks it's in private and he's saying to the Russians, please quote 'give me some space' so I can be re-elected and then I'll be free to do anything I want to. Well, that just told you how radically left-wing Obama's going to be in the second term."

Of course there is NO indication that the President is planning to sell out America defenses (And isn't this the same President who has been picking off Al Qaeda leaders like tin cans on a fencepost?), though of course he has gone on record as wanting to dramatically reduce the number of nuclear weapons we have stockpiled. (Which by the way is the exact same goal that both Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush fought for during THEIR Presidencies as well.)

Personally I would trust this President's plan for defending this nation over Newt "Fly me to the moon" Gingrich's any day of the week.  I mean can you imagine anybody LESS trustworthy on this topic?
'Hey, I have an opinion ya flippin moron, what about me?"

Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Rick Perry can be funny on purpose? Who knew?

"Screw politics! I'm gonna be the new Carrot Top!"
Rick Perry apparently tried out a little stand up at last night's Gridiron Dinner.

And do you know what? He was pretty damn good!

Rick Perry: “I can't tell you … what a relief it is to be on a stage with just one podium. … [Laughter]] The Gridiron’s the only time that politicians and journalists can get together for some lighthearted silliness – well, I mean, other than the debates. … Some have said that my debating style is very similar to that other Texas Cicero, George W. Bush. [Laughter] Only difference between GEORGE and me is that I say, ‘Oops.’ [Applause] … Y’know, I shouldn’t make fun of George. But he’s, like, the only one that I can. [Laughter] Y’know, I say stuff like Solyndra’s a country or that the voting age is 21. But MITT would say things like his wife drives a coupla Cadillacs, or his pals own NASCAR teams. Y’known, my problem was sayin’ stuff that WASN’T right. Mitt's problem is sayin’ stuff that IS. [Applause] So with all my gaffes, people forgot that I once led the Republican primary. It was the most exhilarating three hours of my life. Awesome! Now, officially, I have only suspended my campaign -- I never really quit. So technically, I'm still in the race – ’cept I can go home, spend the evening with Anita, relax, and still do about as well. Well, listen, here’s the hardest part for me: The weakest Republican field in history -- and they kicked my BUTT! … Y’know, very once in a while, Herman Cain, Michele Bachman and myself’ll get together. We’ll kinda act silly, we’ll say some stupid things—you know, kinda like old times. "

“Y’know it’s weird standing next to [Mitt] on the debate podium. Y’know, I keep waiting for him to say, ‘Pardon me, would you have any Grey Poupon?’ … I LIKE Mitt Romney. I mean, I like Mitt Romney as much as one really good looking man can like a really good looking man –and not break Texas law. And then there's Rick Santorum. I used to have SO much fun needling Rick. I'd say, ‘Now, Rick, tell me again, which one of the Village People are you? You’re the policeman? Or you’re the Indian?’ And then there's Ron Paul. … Y’know, he kinda reminds me of that crazy uncle that you expect to pull a nickel out of your ear. … Then we have Gingrich. He's like this Pillsbury Doughboy, with this really huge brain. … I do wish I were still in the race. I mean, I don't know why I didn't do better: Governor of a big state. Former military pilot. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in animal husbandry. [Laughter] Maybe that was the problem. Animal husbandry: That sounds like what Rick Santorum thinks gay marriage leads to. …

Not bad.

You know it kind of makes me miss Perry on the campaign trail.

I mean yes the idea of a President Perry scared the pee right out of me, but you have to admit he kind of livened the place up. 

By the way this is still my favorite Rick Perry moment from the campaign.