Showing posts with label Stephen Colbert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stephen Colbert. Show all posts

Monday, January 08, 2018

Now with people actually looking forward to it Trump pushes back date for his "fake news awards."

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Trump announced last week that he would present “The Most Dishonest & Corrupt Media Awards” on Monday to highlight reporters who run with what he calls "fake news." 

Celebrity chef Jose Andres offered a free lunch at any of his popular restaurants to winners, and the watchdog group American Oversight planned to hand out “Most Dishonest and Corrupt” awards to Trump administration officials on Monday as a response to Trump's plans.

Some folks got themselves a little excited about the possibility of being singled out for one of these "honors."

For instance The Daily Show took out a full page ad in the New York Times.
.@realdonaldtrump, prove you're not semiliterate by reading our full-page ad in the Failing @nytimes! #InItToWinIt #TheFakies #Fakies2018
While Stephen Colbert bought advertising space in Times Square.

Now I am a little torn over all of this.

On the one hand these comedians have given Donald Trump positive attention, and clearly he is excited about stringing them along now. 

But on the other hand if he focuses on putting together another reality show like this, he will be too distracted to keep tearing down the country.

Yep, that's a conundrum alright.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Stephen Colbert travels to Russia to spend the night in the presidential suite mentioned in the infamous "pee pee tape."

Courtesy of Slate: 

On Thursday, Colbert shared what he calls “the whole damn reason” he went to Russia in the first place: He wanted to find evidence that the Steele dossier, a series of leaked memos full of scandalous allegations about Trump’s campaign’s ties to Russia, was real. But Colbert wasn’t interested in the parts about financial ties and collusion—no, Colbert wanted to find the alleged compromising footage the Kremlin took of Trump watching Russian prostitutes urinate on the bed at the presidential suite at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton. In other words, he wanted to find “the pee pee tape.” 

With that noble mission in mind, Colbert set out through the streets of Moscow to ask bewildered interview subjects and pedestrians whether they have any leads on “the pee pee tape.” And when those questions yielded nothing, he did what any serious investigative journalist worth his salt would do: He rented the presidential suite for a night, bringing along surveillance expert Andrei Soldatov, to help him look for clues. He didn’t find any, but he definitely had a great time cracking urine puns and jumping on the bed. Maybe the real pee pee tape was the friends we made along the way.

Did you ever not realize how much you needed something, until you saw it?

Well that describes me and this bit.

I had no idea how much I would enjoy this until I was in fact enjoying it.

Now, now I can go back to covering the craziness surrounding Donald Trump with a smile on my face, a song in my heart, and absolutely no pee pee in my bed.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

MSNBC host Joe Scarborough quits the Republican party many years too late for it to make a difference.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Joe Scarborough, the conservative co-host of MSNBC’s political commentary show “Morning Joe,” is leaving the Republican Party. 

He made the announcement Tuesday night during an appearance on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” alongside his co-host Mika Brzezinski. A two-minute clip of the segment was teased on the program’s Twitter account earlier Tuesday. 

Scarborough tore into what he characterized as a complacent Republican Party unwilling to stand up to President Trump. 

“You have to ask yourself, what exactly is the Republican Party willing to do?” Scarborough said to Colbert. “How far are they willing to go? How much of this country and our values are they willing to sell out?” 

“Aren’t you a Republican?” Colbert asked. 

“I am a Republican, but I’m not going to be a Republican anymore,” Scarborough said to loud applause from the audience. “I’ve got to become an independent.”

First off that was a very weak statement for somebody who is supposedly so fed up with his former political party.

Second if he were REALLY fed up he would register as a Democrat, instead of taking the easy way out and calling himself an Independent.

And third it is really too late for this to matter anymore.

From the time that Scarborough started "Morning Joe" in 2007 he has been almost schizophrenic when sharing his political pint of view.

Sometimes he has obviously been carrying water for the GOP, and other times, mostly when it is safe, he has been a vocal critic.

To his credit Scarborough was an early critic of Sarah Palin, and McCain's decision to pluck her from the wilds of Wasilla and deposit her on the national stage, but he was also an early fan of Donald Trump and provided him with a platform from which he later launched his campaign for president.

If Scarborough were really a man of conviction he would have bailed on the GOP after it became clear that his party members covered for Bush's lie that there were WMDs in Iraq.

Once again Scarborough is playing it safe by supposedly leaving the GOP at a time when literally EVERYBODY with any conscience should be leaving the GOP.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Good news, the FCC will NOT be taking any action against Stephen Colbert for suggesting that Trump's mouth was only good as Putin's c**k holster.

Courtesy of Variety:

The FCC will not take any action in response to complaints over a May 1 broadcast of “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” in which the host quipped during his opening monologue that “the only thing [Trump’s] mouth is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s c— holster.” 

The FCC received thousands of complaints following the broadcast. In response to an inquiry, an FCC spokesman provided a statement on the status of its review. 

“Consistent with standard operating procedure, the FCC’s Enforcement Bureau has reviewed the complaints and the material that was the subject of these complaints,” the FCC statement said. “The Bureau has concluded that there was nothing actionable under the FCC’s rules.”

The Right Wing really went after Colbert hard on this one.

They even comically suggested that his remarks were homophobic.

Unfortunately for them after "teh gays" stopped laughing their asses off, they responded with  "No, not at all."

Personally I hope that every other late night comic sees this and is emboldened to make their own obscene, yet totally accurate, remarks about Donald Trump.

And if they want to see how that is done they simply have to watch the master at work.

God I love that clip.

Saturday, May 06, 2017

FCC may go after Stephen Colbert for suggesting that Donald Trump's mouth was Putin's "c**k holster."

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Late night talk show host Stephen Colbert’s controversial joke about President Trump drew the attention of the Federal Communications Commission. The agency received “a number” of complaints about Colbert’s commentary earlier in the week, according to the FCC’s chief. 

FCC Chairman Ajit Pai promised to “take the appropriate action” following a comprehensive investigation of Colbert’s remarks. 

The FCC's response will depend on whether Colbert’s remarks are considered “obscene.” 

“We are going to take the facts that we find and we are going to apply the law as it’s been set out by the Supreme Court and other courts and we’ll take the appropriate action,” he told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT Thursday. 

“Traditionally, the agency has to decide, if it does find a violation, what the appropriate remedy should be,” he said. "A fine, of some sort, is typically what we do.”

Somehow I doubt that Colbert is going to sweat any FCC fine, since currently his show is enjoying its best ratings since it first went on the air: 

As conservative activists call on CBS to #FireColbert, the network reports that The Late Show with Stephen Colbert has just scored its best overnight rating since the week the show premiere in September 2015. Thursday night's episode scored a 2.5 rating, far surpassing NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon, which came in at 1.9. According to CBS, this number marked a 19% increase from the previous Thursday and a 32% bump from the same night last year. 

By the way if you are one of the few people who have not yet seen the bit that caused all of his hullabaloo, well here's your chance to join the club.

And you're welcome.

Thursday, May 04, 2017

Stephen Colbert earns #FireColbert hashtag on Twitter after daring to mock Donald Trump.

That brilliant bit of truth telling, did not go over well with the Trumpians.
However, as you might imagine, this has inspired those on the Left to openly mock the effort.
Personally I think that any late night comedian who inspires this kind of anger from Trump supporters, is doing a hell of a job.

Just watch how quickly his ratings start going up. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Vox points out the important role that comedians play in helping us deal with Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Vox:  

The first few months of the Trump administration have been a goldmine for late-night comedians and political satirists. Shows like Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, Saturday Night Live, and Late Night With Seth Meyers have enjoyed ratings boosts thanks to their regular lampooning of the Trump White House. 

But beyond the jokes and sight gags, political satirists have done an excellent job of seriously covering the Trump administration — sometimes even better than major TV news networks. And that’s because while traditional journalists feel compelled to take President Trump’s often absurd statements and conspiracy theories seriously, political satirists have demonstrated an extremely low tolerance for bullshit.

I'm actually a little bit late in sharing this article.

I missed it when it first came out, but when I saw it on You Tube I knew it was worth sharing.

As I pointed out last night, it is getting harder and harder to find the humor in the Trump presidency.

However it is important to our mental health that we continue to do so.

Let's face it, most of us currently feel as is if our emotions are constantly under attack, and the only way to help alleviate the depression that accompanies such a feeling is to be able to mock and ridicule the individual responsible.

Donald Trump IS a giant joke, and being reminded of that, and that his presidency will likely be seen as illegitimate, is perhaps the best survival tool that we possess.

Personally I still wish that Jon Stewart had remained at the Daily Show, but Trevor Noah, Stephen Colbert, Samantha Bee, Seth Meyers, and John Oliver are doing a great job of taking up the slack.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Stephen Colbert helps Donald Trump break down the costs for his border wall.

I love this because it illustrates so well how preposterous this border wall scheme really is, and how ignorant the people are who believe it is possible.

Saturday, February 04, 2017

Ricky Gervais gives greatest answer ever concerning the existence of god.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“I know that you’re an atheist,” Colbert began during Wednesday’s episode of the Late Show with Stephen Colbert. “Do you want to debate the existence of god?” 

After Gervais signaled he was up for the challenge, Colbert asked his fellow comedian, “Why is there something instead of nothing, why does the universe exist at all?” 

Gervais protested the premise of Colbert’s question, insisting the argument for religion isn’t over why the universe exists, but how. He explained that he’s “agnostic atheist,” meaning while he doesn’t know for sure whether there is a god, he doesn’t think anything outside “science and nature” created the universe. 

“Atheism isn’t a belief system,” Gervais said, arguing it is “only rejecting the claim there’s a god.” 

“You don’t believe in 2,999 gods,” Gervais added. “And I don’t believe in just one more.”

This has become my go to response to the question about god, except that I now say that there are actually over 100,000, and then suggest the insanity in simply accepting the existence of only one while rejecting so many thousands that don't meet your simple standards.

Which are typically that you have never heard of them, or that the argument for their existence has not been drummed into your head since birth.

Later in the conversation Gervais added his about science: 

"Science is constantly proved all the time. If we take something like any fiction, any holy book, and destroyed it, in a thousand years’ time that wouldn’t come back just as it was. Whereas if we took every science book and every fact and destroyed them all, in a thousand years they’d all be back, because all the same tests would be the same result.”

Yes, much of this. 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Sarah Palin promotes fake news story while slamming young people for getting an education. (The Palins don't cotton to no "edjumication.")

This of course links once again to that "Young Conservative" page which I think we all know is probably run by a bunch of middle aged white dudes.

On the site it misrepresents one of the Podesta e-mails that Russia so kindly hacked so that it could be used to defeat Hillary and undermine our democracy.

The e-mail references a Clinton Global initiative staff member bragging that they "had" Colbert do a show interviewing Bill Clinton.

The tag line after the e-mail on the YC page says, "So, kids thought they were smart because they’re informed by a comedian, yet said comedian was just doing Hillary’s bidding the whole time."

Essentially the conservatives seem to think that millennials seeing a person being interviewed  by a comedian will trick them into becoming liberals.

What makes this even more ridiculous is that Stephen Colbert already addressed this Wikileaks leak, and mocked its conclusions, two days ago. (Fun starts at the 4:30 mark.)

You know perhaps somebody ought to explain to Palin that since she is now pushing a story promoted by Wikileaks, which is based on hacked data from the Russian government, that she is now doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.

That is quite a change for the woman who once claimed that she single handedly kept Putin out of Alaska during her time as Governor.

Don'tcha think?

Friday, November 11, 2016

Stephen Colbert on Donald Trump's likely cabinet picks, “It makes sense: They’re exactly what I’d expect to find at the bottom of a drained swamp.”

Courtesy of People:

“Donald Trump is really going to be the next president,” said Colbert, 52. “For a while I was poking myself with a straight pin to try to wake up from this, but now I just keep doing it to feel something. It’s so real that Trump is now receiving the classified daily intelligence briefing known as ‘the book,’ making it the only book he owns that doesn’t have his picture on it.” 

“Today the transfer of power began when President Obama hosted Trump at the White House for the most surprising remake of Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” he quipped, before launching into a lengthy analysis of how uncomfortable the sit-down between the two men might have been. 

“Can you imagine? Just put yourself in room, in that private room when they were together. Can you imagine? Awkward!” said Colbert. “The first African-American president sitting down with a president-elect who was endorsed by the Klan. A guy who spent five years, created his political career, demanding Obama prove where he was born, then denying he did it.” 

“What did they talk about? What was the tour like?” continued Colbert. ” ‘Alright, Donald, this is the Blue Room. This is the Red Room. Down that hall is the office I said you were fundamentally unfit for.’ ”

I think my favorite part of this monologue was when Colbert got to Trump's possible cabinet choices.

Which include Donald Trump Jr., Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Sid Miller (Who referred to Hillary Clinton on Twitter as a c*nt.), Ben Carson (For Education Secretary no less.), and of course....Sarah Palin.

That last inclusion sparked an incredibly humorous imitation of Snowdrift Snooki:

"How's that hopey changey stuff going? Drill baby drill. Forget about Yosemite Park, Yosemite Sam, Uncle Sam, Sam I Am, don't go bugging tree hugging bloggers, cause I'm calling the loggers. Fracking Old Faithful, you're going to be grateful, executions in sports stadiums, arrest your enemies, tie a typewriter around his neck, what the heck? Shoot'em he's gettin' away. Tag, Trig, Tripp, Knick Knack paddywhack, Tick Tock out of wedlock, give a dog a bone. ET phone home, snowmachine."

You know after eight years of transcribing Sarah Palin's speeches and interviews, I would say that Colbert nailed it. My only criticism is that it might have made a little TOO much sense.

I would suggest that something about this election has really brought out the best in Stephen Colbert, and currently he is running neck and neck with my current comedy crush Samantha Bee, as the very best commentators on these the end days.

Of course to be fair tonight Bill Maher gets to weigh in, and I would imagine that he has quite a bit to say about all of this as well.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

I think the best way to end today is with the great Stephen Colbert.

Yeah I think that made me feel a little bit better.

No it certainly did not take the hurt away, but it helped.

It helped.

Every little helps.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Here is a brief mental health break for today. Stephen Colbert helps President Obama with his resume.

The rest of the day is going to be chick full of upsetting news stories and of course tonight is the last debate between Hillary Clinton and that guy who already lost the election but doesn't know it, so I just felt that this would be a nice respite.

P.S. If that is not enough to engage your funny bone there is also the fact that Colbert is on the TV censor's shit list for drawing a Venn diagram for all of the Trump conspiracies.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Stephen Colbert brilliantly responds to Sarah Palin's Facebook post about her "rock running" injury.

Courtesy of Decider: 

“Governor Palin, I hope you rest up there heck what with the rock-running and the stone-skipping and the boulder-bingo. Remember my middle name is Tyrone with with the media coverup with the danger zone and everybody cutting footloose loosey-goosey good for the gander, good for the planner of the Down Dog wedding. Hey! The cookies are ready! Track Trig Trig Track Break your momma’s back – why? Because our veterans. Drill baby drill! Try our mozzarella sticks! Ask me about free shipping. God bless it. Just leave it alone, voices.”

Yep that sounds exactly like her.

However for my money nothing beats Stephen Colbert's response to Sarah Palin's bizarre take on Paul Revere's ride.

Late night punchline, just like I predicted back in 2009. 

Friday, July 22, 2016

Jon Stewart returns to late night with the help of his good friend Stephen Colbert.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Jon Stewart made a triumphant return to late night Thursday to eviscerate the newly-christened GOP nominee and his Fox News hype man, Sean Hannity. Stewart took Stephen Colbert's seat on "The Late Show” to repeatedly slam “angry groundhog” Donald Trump, who he said embodies the same values that "Lumpy" Hannity has spent years decrying from President Obama. 

“You just want that person to give you your country back. Because you feel that you’re this country’s rightful owners,” Stewart said. 

“There’s only one problem with that. This country isn’t yours. You don’t own it. It never was.”

Boy seeing Stewart on the air talking about the GOP convention, Roger Ailes, and politics in general just feels right doesn't it?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

The Late Show features the best Melania Trump impersonator ever, and the Trump campaign finally got a scapegoat for "speech-gate."

I actually think that speech would have gone over better than the one that Melania actually gave.

In other news the Trumps have thrown some woman named Meredith McIver under the bus as the bitch who wrote those plagiarized portions of Melania's speech.

Here is her Everipedia page, which totally does not look like it was thrown together in a hurry.

(Some are even wondering if a Meredith McIver actually exists.)

Interestingly enough if this is all true it may cause a completely different problem.

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

But there's another problem. Notice the letterhead of the statement: The Trump Organization, which is to say Donald Trump's personal business. And notice how McIver describes herself: As an employee of the Trump Organization, not the campaign. 

If Trump used corporate resources to write a political speech, that could be illegal. 

"On the face of it, this looks like a corporate violation," explained Lawrence Noble, general counsel for the Campaign Legal Center. And that is "a violation of federal law. It can result in civil penalties to the corporation and the campaign." If the campaign used corporate resources "willingly and knowingly," the offense is a criminal one.

Anybody need a refill on popcorn?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Covering the RNC was such a herculean undertaking that Stephen Colbert not only enlisted the help of Jon Stewart, but he took the REAL/FAKE Stephen Colbert out of mothballs.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

Stephen Colbert tromped out to a cabin in the woods to find Jon Stewart on last night’s “Late Show,” in hopes that the former “Daily Show” host could explain how Donald Trump came to pass. 

Putting aside his chi kombucha, Colbert invited his friend in for some kale jerky, but desperately begged him to forego his beard care to explain how Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for president.

And ye shall know him as Colbert.

The Word, I thought I was going to die and go to heaven.

As if that was not exciting enough, and it was exciting enough, Daily Show alumna Samantha Bee also took a turn at mocking the convention. And she even brought a little Sarah Palin into the mix.

Courtesy of The Wrap:

Samantha Bee kicked off her Republican National Convention coverage with a scorching indictment of — well, pretty much everything about the convention. 

She began by mocking the fact that numerous sponsors pulled their support from the RNC due to Donald Trump’s controversial nature and the fact that many popular Republicans like Sarah Palin have declined to speak at the event. 

Bee also ripped the party’s ultra-conservative platform, which solidified its staunch stances on transgender bathroom use and against gay marriage.

There is literally so much to mock that I think these shows may have to hire extra staff.

I can hardly wait to see what is in the offing for tomorrow. 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Stephen Colbert takes over the GOP convention stage.

Pretty sure that "security guard" is one of his people.

Looks like it is going to be a very entertaining week inside the convention center, and a possible blood bath outside on the streets:

Crowds of protesters were expected to pack the streets of downtown Cleveland on Sunday just as Republicans were arriving for Monday’s kickoff of the Republican National Convention. 

The groups expected to descend on the city were focused on a range of agendas. A coalition of activists planned to hold a “Shut Down Trump and the R.N.C.” march to oppose the nomination of Donald J. Trump. The group wants to march through downtown to City Hall and the area outside the Quicken Loans Arena, where delegates will meet to vote on the party’s nominee. But pro-Trump rallies are also planned.

And even the Ohio Governor has very little he can do to protect his citizens from armed protesters:

Ohio Gov. John Kasich (KAY’-sihk) says he doesn’t have authority to suspend the state’s law allowing people to openly carry guns. 

Kasich responded Sunday to a request by the Cleveland police union president for the suspension of the law during the Republican National Convention, which begins Monday. 

The request by union president Steve Loomis followed Sunday morning’s fatal shooting of three police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Personally you could not pay me enough to go to Cleveland right now.

I certainly hope that Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have security, because I don't think it is an exaggeration to say that all lives are in danger in that environment.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart together again? Yes please!

Courtesy of Vulture:

Pro tip for anyone who’s been bummed about the absence of Jon Stewart during this election cycle: Make sure to watch Monday’s edition of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert. The former host of The Daily Show will appear on Colbert’s CBS 11:35 p.m. program to help kick off two weeks of live editions timed to the Republican and Democratic National Conventions, Vulture has learned exclusively. Exactly what he’ll be doing Monday remains a mystery, at least to prying reporters. (A CBS rep declined to comment.) Colbert is anchoring the Late Show from New York, so it doesn’t seem a stretch to imagine — or maybe the word is “pray” — Stewart will be on location in Cleveland as a correspondent at the RNC. (If so, he’ll almost certainly be spotted by one of the thousands of journalists in town to cover the expected coronation of Donald Trump.) It’s also possible that Stewart’s visit Monday could be nothing more than a quick cameo, as he’s done it before for both the Late Show (on which he serves as an executive producer) and fellow Daily Show colleague Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal. Either way, Jon Stewart + Stephen Colbert + Republican National Convention = is it Monday yet?

I think right now this country desperately needs Jon Stewart to offer his patented brand of snark and on point political satire.

Personally I think it is his patriotic duty to provide, in light of what we are facing in these final months of 2016.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016