Showing posts with label radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label radio. Show all posts

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Christian radio broadcaster James Dobson wins temporary injunction against requirement to provide access to emergency contraception to female emplyees.

Courtesy of ABC 7 in Denver: 

Christian radio broadcaster James Dobson has won a temporary injunction preventing the federal government from requiring his ministry to include the morning-after pill and other emergency contraception in its health insurance. 

A federal judge in Denver issued the injunction. 

Dobson sued in December, saying the Affordable Care Act mandate to provide the contraception violates the religious beliefs of his Colorado Springs-based ministry, called Family Talk.

Good news for employees of Dobson's Family Talk radio show with a uterus. You no longer have to struggle with that  painful decision of what to do in the case of an unplanned pregnancy.

James Dobson has made that decision for you.

You have to keep it, and of course if you terminate it using your own money, then it is very likely, considering Dobson's draconian views on abortion, that you will lose not only a potential child, but also a very real job.

Isn't religion great?

Monday, February 04, 2013

Pastor claims that women who use the pill have "tiny fetuses embedded in their wombs" and serve as "graveyards for lots of little babies."

From Americans Against the Tea Party:

TEApublican radio host Pastor Kevin Swanson is certainly no scientist. On his radio show he claimed that upon examination by “certain doctors and certain scientists” that “there are these little tiny fetuses, these little babies, that are embedded into the womb…Those wombs of women who have been on the birth control pill effectively have become graveyards for lots and lots of little babies.”

I almost don't even know where to begin with this one.

This idiot's lack of knowledge about how women's bodies work, what the pill actually does, and how babies are made is beyond comprehension.

The insane part is that there are people listening to his radio show who believe that, simply due to his credentials as a minister, he has some revealed knowledge that they need to accept as fact.

Of course there are NO doctors or scientists that have "done research on women's wombs" and discovered tiny fetuses embedded in them, that is simply something this idiot made up and expects others to accept without questions.

And the sad thing is that due to being undereducated, home schooled, or educated in a Christian school, there are a number of people who will simply buy into these statements without any further research.

Sometimes there is just so much stupid in this country that it is exhausting.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Bristol Palin stands up Mike Huckabee on his radio show. Huckabee not amused!

Courtesy of Mediaite:

 “Once the child decides, ‘Hey, I like the spotlight, I like the limelight, I want to have more of it,’ then they become fair game. Then they are there by their own choice and their own volition. So, if you go on Dancing with the Stars, or a lecture tour, or do a reality show, then all the bets are off.”

Oh man, Huckabee is PO'd!

Well what do you expect when you have Sarah Palin as your role model?

How many events and appointments did she skip? Gotta be in the dozens.

" What can I tell you? Haters gonna hate!"

Sunday, March 04, 2012

ProFlowers pulls advertising from Rush Limbaugh show. Sort of gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, "Say it with flowers!"

Courtesy of ProFlowers Facebook page:

PROFLOWERS STATEMENT At ProFlowers, our mission is to delight our customers with fresh and long lasting flowers, and that is our singular focus each and every day. We do not base our advertising decisions to align with any particular political view or opinion as our employees and customers are as diverse as the USA. Mr. Limbaugh’s recent comments went beyond political discourse to a personal attack and do not reflect our values as a company. As such, ProFlowers has suspended advertising on The Rush Limbaugh radio program. 

I am fairly impressed that ProFlowers is taking this stand, and perhaps the next time I have to apologize to a woman I will give them a ring.

Of course to be honest with THIS kind of thing popping up on their Facebook page, perhaps they just felt they did not have much choice.

Friday, March 02, 2012

President Obama calls Sandra Fluke, victim of horrible smear campaign by Rush Limgaugh, to offer his support.

Once again I am impressed with our President's sheer humanity.

Good for him for calling Sandra Fluke and telling her that her parents should be proud of her.  I have little doubt that they are indeed proud of her.

On the other hand Limbaugh's day is going from bad to worse.

He is hemorrhaging advertisers, while there is an organized effort to boycott those who remain with him.

His name is being used to paint Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum as cowards and misogynists for  not calling him out over his disgusting remarks.

And even Greta Van Susteren has been singled out by Mediaite as a hypocrite for staying silent on the issue when she has a long history of going after liberals and others for any perceived sexist remarks on THEIR part.

Limbaugh, who many believe is essentially in charge of the Republican party these days, is causing the kind of damage to his party that President Obama and the leaders of the DNC could only dream of doing on their own.

In the past individuals who have said far less inflammatory things on the air, like Don Imus, Ed Schultz, and David Shuster, were suspended or their remarks or lost their jobs altogether.

So one must ask, is there a double standard when it comes to Rush Limbaugh? Is EVERYBODY too afraid of his fat ass to fire him or demand that he be suspended?

 This piece of shit is a fucking bully and he needs to be taught that he cannot abuse people like this and get away with it.  Perhaps if he loses enough advertisers Clear Channel will finally get the message that his kind of hateful rhetoric is just not welcome in Barack Obama's America.

(I added that last part just to REALLY piss off the racists!)

Thursday, March 01, 2012

The very definition of a Chauvinist PIG!

As many of you undoubtedly know Rush Limbaugh, a despicable excuse for a human being if there ever was one, referred to Georgetown University Law student, who recently testified before Congress, a prostitute and a slut this past Wednesday.

Now you might expect most people to come back the next day and have some regrets about directing that kind of language at a young women, but not this flatulent piece of human excrement.

Courtesy of ABC News:

On today’s show, Limbaugh turned up the heat and suggested that women who use insurance-covered birth control should post sex tapes online: “So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you to post the videos online so we can all watch,” he said.

It takes lot for me to feel shame for being a man, but this just about does that.

This is the worst kind of ugly testosterone fueled rhetoric, that usually spills out of the mouths of those pimply faced guys in high school who could not get any female to pay attention to them so they made hateful, vulgar, sexually explicit jokes about them to their buddies as a way to release their rage and minimize their insecurities.

Did you ever wonder what happened to those guys when they got older.
They turn out like this.

Well now you know.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sarah Palin continues to wander around Fox studios desperately looking for attention. Update!

"Look at me, look at me, look at me now!"
I was not going to include any Palin interviews today, because frankly I am fed up with Palin's flirtatious Fox photo-ops.

However this one, where she wanders into the studio of some radio host I have never heard of called Tom Sullivan, was interesting in that Palin seemed to completely misunderstand the point he was making, and tries to defend HER version of "family values" by using Bristol as an example.

Here is the statement that Sullivan makes:

"The day before President Kennedy was assassinated, most rich people, most poor people. Most minorities, most majorities. 98% of the people were..that were adults..were married. They mostly went to church. They may have been in different economic zones, but they all kind of had the same values. And we don't have that now. Not even close to that, now we're down to something like 40% of adults are married, we're at a minority."

Now he is quoting from a book written by Charles Murray, and I am very suspicious of his data on this, but the point that Sullivan is making is clear. He blames much of the "breakdown of the American families" on a new looser moral code.  This is, purposefully or not, a direct attack on Palin, her morals, and how she has raised her family.

I am not at all sure that his point was completely understood by the Grizzled Mama who responds with this:

"You know what though? Look at my own, kinda thinking selfishly here, look at my life situation and how, perhaps, some of the things that I personally have gone through can be used as an example of, 'life happens.' For instance look at my daughter, she was a teenager, she was pregnant, she has this most beautiful baby now, but she recognizes, wow life would have been a lot easier and made more sense had this happened to me a decade from now, once I had my education, if I were married, and all that. However, and life also is all about, and your chances for prosperity and for success are all about how you are going to deal with the circumstances that your facing. My daughter Bristol decided, welp I'm going to DO this, I'm going to be independent and responsible, I will take responsibility, I will work extremely hard. She has two jobs, she works very, very hard. She's and humble about where she does spend her money so that she has a future for her son. She's reacted well to the circumstances that she has been in, and it's an example of, okay life happens, it's not always perfect, ideal situations, how are you going to react to those? And again are you going to be personally responsible or are you going to have government do it for you?"

Now I am not a moralist, and don't necessarily agree with Sullivan, but his point about the fact that strong healthy families, usually make for strong healthy children, who then go on to have strong healthy families of their own, is not entirely incorrect. (Though I also believe that unhealthy relationships which "stay together for the children" can be much more damaging than divorce.)

I don't believe that Palin recognizes that the unhealthy environment which she had created at home (And which has been colorfully illustrated by Joe, Levi, and Frank Bailey's books), had essentially predetermined some of the problems her children are facing today.

So instead she did what she always does. She invented a healthy outcome for her daughter's "mistake," in which today everything is perfect, despite imperfect decisions in the past. Bristol is working two jobs, is modest and humble, and is NOT relying on the government for a hand out.

Of course WE know that Bristol's reality show, her job, seems to have crashed and burned, she has had several cosmetic surgeries, and that she is being partially supported by her mother.

She doesn't need a government handout because her mother's influence has helped her to get a book deal, appear on television, and film a pilot for a now defunct reality show.

So how was that being "personally responsible?"

And let's certainly not forget that Bristol got pregnant on purpose, it did not just happen to her.

She did it to get her mother's attention, force her to stop making her take care of the house, and to force her to stop taking her for granted. And it worked.

And, if rumors are true, it is STILL the best way to get Mommy's attention.

In a nutshell those are Sarah Palin's "family values" whether she admits them or not. How does that stack up to what the GOP is promoting in this 2012 election cycle?

Still think she will emerge victorious from a brokered convention?

(P.S. to hear this interview for yourself just click Tom Sullivan's name at the top of the post.)

Update: I don't want to do yet another Palin post today so let me just  attach the link to the Grizzled Mama's personal message to fans here.

And here are a few of more interesting excerpts for your enjoyment. 

 I’ll miss the start of the race because I’m visiting troops in Indiana on their way to Afghanistan, and it is important … these deployed troops and those returning — whom I so honor — they are our heroes. So, I’ll miss the first day of the Iron Dog, but then I’ll get home to cheer Todd on throughout that week. That’s one day in our lives, that’s Sunday. (laughter) 

Yep just visiting the troops, like any ex-reality show star would do. Certainly does NOT indicate any problems in the old marriage, right?

The kids are very busy. My son’s in the service, the oldest. And Bristol’s very busy. She’s working full-time for a dermatologist. She loves her job in an office there, raising her son Tripp, a single parent, doing great. She’s also shooting a [documentary] series – kind of the antithesis of the ‘Teen Mom’ stuff you see on MTV, for Lifetime. She’s shooting these segments that show what real life is like for a single mom who loves her son more than life itself, but sure wishes that maybe a decade from now after she had an education, after she had some career experience under her belt, then she would have had a baby. 

Actually there may be a NEW Alaska based reality show in the works for Bristol.  Or so says some film insider pals of mine. Apparently THAT is one of the "two jobs" she is currently working on,

Willow’s doing awesome. She’s going to graduate high school a year early, and then she’s going off to hair school, and she’s so excited about that. She’s 17, and she was in New York and D.C. with me at the beginning of the week, and Willow got a little taste of real life because she was telling some folks that she was proud that she was getting to graduate a year early and that she’d gotten everything lined up and then she got accepted to hair school. Then it occurred to her, she was like, “I think they looked at me, mom, like, ‘well if you’re willing to pay the tuition, doesn’t everybody get accepted to hair school?’” But she’s still real excited, and I’m excited for her. 

I will let this pass without comment. I am sure many of you will take up the slack.

And Trigg is just the light of our life … just an awesome little kid. He got glasses yesterday. He’s almost four years old, and [it's] just the sweetest little heart of gold that he has. He keeps us grounded, keeps us knowing what our right priorities are. 

Trigg got glasses today? Well that's about damn time!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Actually Palin DID invent a word on yesterday's Sean Hannity radio show, "McGinniss'd." What a "dumbarse!"

Click photo to play interview.
After Hannity brings up the new information coming out about Gingrich's second wife and Romney's Cayman Island offshore accounts Palin refers to it thusly:  "I refer to it as being Joe McGinniss'd, and I think that the American public really could care less right now about being Joe McGinniss'd. Not when there are real issues." (1:31 mark.)

Somewhere Joe has a big smile on his face knowing that he did a great job. Cause he did!

So in Palin's world, REAL information about a political figure should NOT be investigated?  Somehow I doubt she feels that same way about the investigations into Bill Clinton's or John Edward's affairs.

Later Palin brings up the troops, and suggests that since they are dying for a free press (?) that journalists have an obligation to ignore information about a person's character. Oh and she also mentions that she understands the "cornerstones" of journalism, ("I having a degree in it.") even though there is no actual proof that she received this much phantom degree of which she speaks.

Sarah Palin using her journalist degree, to find dates. Oh did she just get "Joe McGinniss'd" again?

And I swear literally in the next breath Palin then complains that the media did NOT investigate John Edwards properly until it, and she is careful not to mention the National Enquirer here, "came out."

So to sum up, investigating Republicans demonstrates poor journalism, and not investigating Democrats ALSO demonstrates poor journalism. Just so we're clear.

This "energy expert" then goes on to completely misrepresent the impact that the Keystone XL pipeline project would have had on gas prices in this country if it had gone forward. (It would not have impacted domestic gasoline prices at all, and in fact the oil would have been transported overseas to be refined.)

The rest of the interview is a relative orgy of attacks against Obama for everything under the sun (She even manages to work in a reference to Tony Rezko), but it is toward the 11:52 mark, after Hannity brings up the criticism that Newt received for suggesting that high school kids clean bathrooms to learn a work ethic, where Palin gets to add a little more to her personal mythology.

"You know how I made it through college? I was a janitor through my high school days. Every Sunday night I would walk over to a local business office, and I would clean that office, by myself, Sunday nights. And I made enough money, socked it away, in order to pay tuition bills, and I got through college."


Hadn't she claimed earlier that she had earned a college scholarship for placing second (Sorry that should read "placed as second place RUNNER UP." Which would of course be third.) in the Miss Alaska contest?  This information about working as a janitor, once a week through high school for college tuition is new to me. (I stand corrected it says in her book "Going Rogue," page 32: "In between sports and school we worked. I cleaned a small local office building by myself, every Sunday night, through four years of high school, for $30.a weekend. I babysat....." She did not call herself a "janitor," but she apparently DID clean the Menard Dental office.)

And how much did this business pay their janitors? I worked for an entire year after high school, just to earn money for one year of college, and STILL had to take out a student loan.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Joe McGinniss interview with Mike Porcaro, right wing radio host in what is clearly no longer "Sarah Palin's Alaska." Update!

You can hear the full one hour interview here.

Joe does not pull any punches here in defending his use of anonymous sources, the Palin induced fear which grips the people of Wasilla, and the utter dishonesty that permeates Sarah's personality.

In the second half of the interview Porcaro asks Joe to discuss the issue of babygate, and Joe does not shy away from the topic in any way. Though he still claims to be a "Trig-nostic" his focus on the issue indicates otherwise.

Now you must remember that this is a RIGHT WING radio host on the same radio station that also broadcasts programs by Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Mike Huckabee, yet Porcaro allows Joe to go into great detail about the pregnancy hoax without once interrupting him, which should indicate just how completely OVER Sarah Palin Alaskans are these days.

I ma certainly NOT a fan of Porcaro, but I have to admit that this was one of the best interviews I have heard Joe give thus far.

Update: For those who are having trouble hearing the entire interview, here is a better version that I found over at Progressive Alaska:

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Palin going back to her roots, and talking to the two most dedicated Palin panty sniffers on the Alaska airwaves.

Some low lights from this self pitying interview:

Palin at the 8:24 mark: "I came very close to saying yes..I..I..certainly did not want to string people along..and..and I did NOT do that."

Uh, yes you did!

Bob at the 9:51 mark: "Now millions and millions of dollars has been raised in a lot of different action committees in the hopes that you were going to mount a campaign against Barack Obama. Where does that money go?

Palin: "Um you know I ...don't think that there are millions and millions of dollars sitting out to be used for Sarah Palin to mount a campaign against Barack Obama. Um but PAC dollars will be used in support of efforts to get the right people elected. And speaking of money though, you guys need to remember that this is, it is a battle in front of us and we need to be aggressive and we need to be very wise in how we go forward to fulfill this mission of getting the right people elected and turn the country around. Blah, blah, blah."

Bob at the 12:07 mark: " Do you think, I mean if I made a donation of $ thinking it was going to go to you to campaign because I really wanted you to be the President of the United States. Do you think its fair to tell that person well she's not running so we're going to use it for this other person, who I might NOT support, Do you think that legitimately people could say, Hey listen I want my money back? And if they DID say that what happens to that request?" (Does anybody else think that Bob might want his $500 back?)

Palin: "Um SarahPAC has a million dollars in it. And if that's the.. those contributions that you were speaking of I can speak to THAT. I'm not in charge of SarahPAC but of course that is the one that is closely associated with me..but..SarahPAC, with the 1.1 million dollars in it..I..I don't believe that people have been ever under the impression that..that SarahPAC was ONLY case Sarah Palin ran for president."

Seriously? Is she that completely out to lunch?  These people ONLY gave money because she teased them into a frenzy over the possibility that SHE might run for president.I can guarantee they do NOT want their money to go to any other candidate. She should give the ma full refund, with interest.

Bob at the 14:03 mark: "Was there ANYONE in your family that said, I want you to run for President, Mom?"

Palin: "Took that vote of the kids and it was..half and half in support." 

I don't EVER want to hear another Palin-bot claim that the Left wing bloggers are attacking her children again. She just held up her children as flesh and blood shields to deflect anger and frustration from some of the most unhinged people in this country. Her supporters.

The truth of the matter is, as Bristol let slip months ago, that she had made her decision NOT to run a long, long time ago, and was only stringing the inbred paint chip eaters along in order to continue using them as her own private ATM machines.

And now becasue she is such a fucking coward she has used her family, yet again, as an excuse to do something that she NEVER actually had any intention of doing in the first place.

And one more thing, while I am on the subject of children, asking questions about the circumstances surrounding the birth of a child that was used to deflect questions about ANOTHER politically convenient child, is NOT attacking her family!

It is a little thing called "journalism." And in the next couple of days I will demonstrate that the answer to those questions holds the key to understanding exactly how, and hopefully why, Sarah Palin was able to trick everybody in the mainstream media, and several close family members as well, into believing that she had actually given birth to a Down syndrome little boy who COINCIDENTALLY gave her the pro-life credibility to allow certain factions in the GOP to force her onto John McCain's 2008 ticket.

Stay tuned folks, this is going to be a barn burner!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Joe McGinniss to appear on Piers Morgan tonight. Update!

This week Joe starts his media tour, and it appears that his first stop will be CNN and a sit down with Piers Morgan:

Palin author Joe McGinniss and more 
Author of controversial Sarah Palin book "The Rogue," Norway Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and former Gov. Jennifer Granholm

As  a rule I tend to avoid CNN, but of course this time I will make an exception.

Joe sent me this e-mail to give me a heads up to where he will be making appearances:

I do Piers Morgan show on CNN Monday, with Colbert and Bill Maher down the line. Also next week, Chris Matthews, Lawrence O'Donnell plus daytime MSNBC. Also The View and Joy Behar. 

Joe tends to keep me in the loop, so I imagine he will firm up these dates and let me know in time to alert all of you.

By the way to the person who keeps sending me messages saying that Joe used me, let me  respond.

Why yes, yes he  did.

He used me to make contacts, to promote his book, and to bounce ideas off of.

But here is the thing, I used him as well.  I used him to reach out to sources that were afraid to go on the record with me. I used him to give me access to the deck of the house right next to the Palins where I got to sit, eat Yak burgers, and gloat. And I used him to get the babygate story out to a much wider audience.

Except that I don't think either one of us consider that "using" each other.  We both had an agenda, and did nothing to hide it from one another.

I believe that is called "cooperation."

Update: A lot of you have been sending me the Doonesbury strip from today, so I thought I would post it along with some quotes that show up on the website. (And before anybody asks me, no I don't know who the redheaded lady is.)

SAY WHAT? "Never hurts to rumormonger." — Sarah Palin, in an email musing on ways to prevent Alaska Senate President Lyda Green from being re-elected 

"Flippin' unbelievable. Wouldn't you think they'd be afraid of being proved wrong when they rumor around the building like that?" — Palin, in a subsequent email objecting to a (true) rumor that Bristol Palin was pregnant

Hypocrisy thy name is Palin!

Update 2: You have GOT to listen to this radio interview that Joe gives on the Leonard Lopate radio show!  He goes into MUCH more detail about Palin's fling with Glen Rice, and even says that Rice has a copy of "The Rogue" and called him to say that, "It's all good."

In other words the stories swirling around that Rice did NOT confirm the affair are bullshit.

McGinniss also says that he confirmed what is in the book with multiple sources ,and nothing was sourced to only one person. The Palin-bots can bitch and moan all they want, but Joe is no dummy and he had all of his ducks in a row before he sent his manuscript to the publisher.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Laura Ingraham blasts Sarah Palin's ghostwritten Facebook post. Seriously?

Courtesy of Politico:

Conservative radio host Laura Ingraham, one of the high-profile certified non-moderates urging the GOP to support John Boehner's debt ceiling bill, leveled criticism at Sarah Palin during today's show for raising the prospect of 2012 primary challenges to House Republicans.

Palin published a Facebook message Thursday urging Republicans to stand firm on fiscal issues, adding: "Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries."

"Well, just, watch out, 'Everyone I talk to still believes in contested primaries.' God bless her, Sarah Palin's saying that in a message she put out," Ingraham said.

She proceeded to run through a list of conservatives who have endorsed Boehner's plan, quipping sarcastically: "I guess we're threatening, implicitly, explicitly, Paul Ryan, Col. Allen West, Mike Pence is gonna be out of the House of Representatives. He'll be the governor of Indiana. Maybe we can run someone else as governor of Indiana, to run for the governorship, 'cause Pence is obviously a sellout. Can I have the whole list of sellouts? I need the list so I can make sure I understand who's going to get the primary challenge."

"It's a very odd way to go about things if we have a common goal," Ingraham continued, urging tea party-aligned Republicans to seek a "real and meaningful" role — "not just, ok, I'm the spoiler here. I stood on principle, everybody else is impure."

"You can stand on that soapbox and it might make you feel good in the moment. It make might you feel good to put out these Facebook postings," she said. "But in the end, does it actually advance your cause? And does it advance the cause of fiscal restraint, which I think we all have?"

Interesting, it looks like Palin's scorched earth philosophy is not selling well with the people who have some rudimentary connection to reality.

After all Ingraham is pretty damn wingnutty her own darn self, so if Palin starts losing the batshit crazy crowd, she will end up simply standing next to an isolated lake in a remote part of the world talking to herself.

Though come to think of it, that is already kind of what she is doing NOW!

Only in the rapidly approaching future, nobody will bother to pay any attention to what the crazy lady is screaming into the chilly Alaskan night.  Pretty sure Todd and her kids (Except Bristol of course) stopped listening to her quite some time ago.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

"I don't snuff my own seed!" Extremely racially insulting radio ad voiced by Herman Cain in 2006 in attempt to persuade African Americans to vote Republican.

Yes I know that you are thinking this MUST be a parody.  But nope!

And no your ears are not deceiving you, one of the voices in that ad indeed belongs to ex-Godfather's Pizza CEO, radio host, and now candidate for the GOP Presidential ticket, Herman Cain. Which raises the question, "Is it possible for a black man to be a racist against his own people?"

The ad was put out in 2006 by a group calling themselves America's PAC. And they were trying what were they trying to do?

Well here let Herman Cain himself explain it to from an interview he gave to the New York Sun:

"The main thing that America's Pac is up to is it basically is challenging the thesis or the belief on the part of the Republican Party that they cannot attract the black vote," Mr. Cain said. He said similar advertisements run in 2004 helped boost President Bush's share of the black vote in Ohio to 16%, from 9% in 2000.

"We don't believe that was an accident," Mr. Cain said. The IRS filing indicates that the ads are running this year in 10 battleground states, including Ohio, New Mexico, and Nevada.

Mr. Cain, who once managed the Godfather's Pizza chain and ran unsuccessfully for the Senate from Georgia in 2004, said he was not troubled that Mr. Rooney, who is white, is funding ads using black voices who claim to speak on behalf of the black community."You don't have a lot of black billionaires who would want to fund something like this," he said.

Gee, ya think?

You know I have to imagine that the NAACP feels toward Herman Cain about the same way that women's organizations feel toward Sarah Palin. They just want them to go far, far away.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Could there be a MORE appropriate day for Sarah Palin to announce her candidacy for 2012 than on April 1st? I don't think so.

From Hollywood Life:

A source from the station tells, “Looks like Palin might be on this Friday at 7:30 a.m. Working out details now, but right now it’s about 99% locked in. Gonna be a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!” Sarah has said all along — including on the final episode of her TLC show Sarah Palin’s Alaska — that she would announce her candidacy on the radio via Bob and Mark.

You know Hollywood Life is right, Palin DID promise that if she were to announce her candidacy it WOULD happen on the Bob and Mark Show. (Which all by itself demonstrates Palin's complete lack of seriousness.)

The funny thing is that earlier today I was on the phone with a friend from England who was asking me what I thought about this. I started to respond with "It is a ridiculous notion that Sarah Palin would tell the world she is running for President on April Fool's Day. I mean she would have to be"...and then I stopped.

She would have to be what?

I ended up telling my friend that I had no idea if she would announce or not, but that if ANYBODY would choose such a ridiculous day it would HAVE to be Klondike Kardashian herself.

So do I think Sarah Palin is actually going to announce that she is throwing her hat into the ring for 2012? I would REALLY like to say, "Of course not!"  However this IS Sarah "death panels, blood libel, squirmishes" Palin.

What BETTER day for her to announce perhaps the most foolish, and ill-conceived Presidential candidacy of all time, than on April the first, better known as April Fool's Day?

BTW personally I will NOT be listening to the Bob and Mark show on Friday, because I have a low tolerance for assholes.  But if any of you hear that she announces, please let me know and, just as soon as I stop laughing, I will put up a post excoriating her for being such a moron.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Glenn Beck attempts to drum up sympathy for Sarah Palin by suggesting SHE might be in danger. Updated!

“I hate violence,” Palin wrote back. “I hate war. Our children will not have peace if politicos just capitalize on this to succeed in portraying anyone as inciting terror and violence. Thanks for all you do to send the message of truth and love. And God has the answer. Sarah ”

Sarah Palin is NOT in any danger.  And the reason that Glenn Beck requires security is to protect him from his own followers, NOT the people on the left.  And he damn well knows it!

This is the absolute height of hypocrisy for Glenn Beck to suggest that he and Sarah Palin are somehow victims of an atmosphere that THEY did their very best to create.

The LA Times reported this about one of the women who was shot by Jared Loughner:

Patricia Maisch watched a gunman shoot a woman who was using her own body to shield her teenage daughter.

"I thought: 'I'm next. I'm next to her. He's going to shoot me. I'm next,' " she said in an interview Sunday.

The woman who threw her own body on top of her daughter to protect her from a hail of gunfire is how a truly loving parent reacts to danger.  But here we have Sarah Palin, facing nothing more than criticism, wasting no time in throwing her children out in front to protect HER.

And we have seen that same cowardly response used time, and time again, whenever Sarah Palin has felt vulnerable.

This ridiculous act by both Beck and Palin should fool nobody.  They are doing nothing more than attempting to cover their own ass by doing what both of them have turned into an art form, playing the victim. 

Well we have REAL victims who require our love and prayers today.  Victims who did nothing to deserve their fate except to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

Nobody wants to hurt Sarah Palin or Glenn Beck.  We just want them  to finally understand how much damage they have done to our country, and for the love of all that is holy, to PLEASE STOP before any more mothers have to bury their children, or throw their body on top of them to protect them from being torn apart by a killer's bullet.

(H/T to Politico)

Update: Unbelievable!  This woman has no fucking shame!

From TMZ (Who, by the way, is Thomans Van Flein's go to tabloid outlet.):

TMZ has learned ... 19-year-old Shawn Christy has told family members he plans to travel to Wasilla in the hopes of removing the restraining order issued against him last year after Sarah and her close friend Kristan Cole proved he sent them threatening emails and letters.

Now, Cole is launching a preemptive strike -- through the courts -- in the hopes of blocking Shawn from "dissolving" the restraining order.

I call "bullshit attempt to play the victim by Sarah Palin" on this. And I would love some real journalist in Pennsylvania to look this family up and get the real story.

By the way this is Kristan Cole's last tweet from five hours ago.

Just ordered a wireless keyboard for IPAD from
5 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Does she sound frightened or concerned to you?

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Have these idiots heard Bristol Palin speak?

Apparently the people who manage this radio station are so hard up for publicity that they are actually offering the famously monosyllabic Bristol Palin a job on the air.

No I am NOT kidding! Read the offer for yourself.

See? I told you.

Perhaps somebody needs to send these morons this example of Bristol Palin's on air personality to give them a little perspective.

And THAT is while talking to a paste eater like Eddie Burke!  Imagine how much worse she would be with somebody who did not occasionally lick the microphone because he thinks it is a giant fudgesicle?

Oh wait!  Is this another example of my attempts to destroy Sarah Palin's children again?  Or am I just stating the obvious?

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Shannyn Moore is moving.

From the Alaska Ear:

WHOA . . . Left-wing opinionator Shannyn Moore is moving her radio show to a FOX affiliate.

Did your head explode? Ear's lobe is dangling in fragments. But it's true, darlings, starting Monday. Here's the story as reported by ADN's Elizabeth Bluemink: KUDO, the local progressive (i.e., liberal) station is going off the air. Owner IBEW wants out of the radio business. Mike Robbins, who's been running KUDO for the union, is starting a new station -- KOAN. Motto: "FOX News 1020, Fair and Balanced for Alaska."

The new station's lineup will include well-known FOX News personalities, including lefty Alan Colmes. It will also include Shannyn and the other local hosts from KUDO, Robbins said. He thinks the mix is going to make for very interesting talk radio.

Shannyn said she's good to go. "Nothing's changing for me," she said Friday. Same show, same opinions, same producer, same studio, same time. Just a slightly different spot on the dial.

 This kind of took me by surprise as well.  I have been dutifully listening to KUDO as I do my errands around town virtually every day and had no idea there were problems behind the scenes.

Well anyhow it is good to know that Shannyn's voice will not be silenced.  Let's see 1080 to 1020, that is only a few clicks of the radio dial, I guess I can manage that.

I just hope I don't have to sit through any of those crappy Glenn Beck or Sean Hannity promos like I did when Shannyn was over at her OLD conservative home on KBYR.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

For those who may still find themselves on the fence about whether Bristol Palin wrote that Facebook post down below, here she is on the Bob and Mark Show demonstrating her REAL personality.

For those who may not be aware, the Bob and Mark show is the same radio program that had Sarah Palin on laughing in response to Bob Lester calling cancer survivor, Lyda Green, both a "cancer" and a "bitch."

So here we have Bristol on laughing as they call Keith Olbermann a "dick."  The snotty acorn certainly does not fall far from the bitchy tree now does it?

Are these idiots actually comparing the birth of Tripp to lung cancer?  And not one word of argument from his mother?  Especially a mother who has made hundreds of thousands of dollars simply for having given birth to him?

And then, almost unbelievably, Bristol goes on to say that IF a teenager does NOT have a child at this age her life will so much easier.  Easier than Bristol Palin's?  The same Bristol Palin who gets paid $30,000 to talk about giving birth?  The same Bristol Palin who made a reported $345,000 for allowing her partner Mark Ballas to dance all around her on national television as she shook her bosoms at the camera?

Does Bristol even have a clue that she is indeed sending the exact opposite message? Wait, what am I saying?  That was a stupid question.

Later Bristol displays more ignorance by saying she does not believe she will ever have to explain to Tripp when he is older why she referred to him as a mistake and told young women not to have babies like him of their own. Her  reasoning is because Tripp knows he is a gift from God. Uh oh, I think I know where this is going!

Then they bring on John Ziegler to increase the intensity of attack on Olbermann.  Ziegler is perhaps one of the biggest Palin panty sniffers of all time!

You know if Bristol really wants to go on MSNBC and sit at the table with Keith Olbermann, I am relatively sure he would be accommodating.  After all it is not the MEDIA which is afraid of the Palins, but rather the other way around.

I think it is amazing that, of all of the possible media outlets the Palin family could choose to get out their message, they choose these two morons.  Even little Piper Palin has been encouraged to call in and talk on the air with these two reprobates.

Look once again I have to disagree with Olbermann's assigning of WPITW to Bristol, but their over the top response makes for an amazing look into how the Palin publicity machine gets all "wee wee'd up" and starts repeatedly shooting themselves in the foot. Who is really benefiting by having Bristol on the infantile Bob and Mark show, while the ridiculous John Ziegler calls Keith Olbermann insane?

Once again could ANY of you imagine Malia or Sasha calling into a show like this to express anger at a talk show host?  Or Chelsea Clinton?  Or even the Bush twins? It simply would never happen.

This is the kind of response that you expect from the clueless, and classless.  NOT from a family that aspires to one day sit in the White House.  A dream that, thankfully, becomes less and less realistic every time Sarah Palin or one of her family members gets some unscripted air time.