Well it is nice that Todd paid the electric bill so that this time people can see the lunacy emanating from the Grizzled Mama's giant pupils. (Seriously how much meth does it take to give somebody that "forever surprised" look?)
And the fire is a nice touch. I mean it's only the middle of summer, and at the tail end of a huge heat wave, so hell why WOULDN'T you build a roaring fire in a fake living room in a television studio? Duh!
Palin's first volley in her war on reality is aimed at the conservative's newest target. Lois Lerner, the IRS agent who plead the fifth during her last appearance before Darrell Issa and his "hang'em high" posse.
Susteren asks if Issa should call her back.
"They should absolutely call her back, and charge her with contempt if she continuous to refuse to answer questions though she has prefaced her testimony with a claim of innocence, saying she has nothing to do with this IRS corruption. ("Corruption?" When did anybody accuse the IRS of corruption over this?)
And then has refused to answer the people's representatives about what bolsters her claim of innocence? Yes they need to call her back. It's amazing she is still being paid in her position though she's not doing a lick of work. (What? She's still being paid?)
She's on leave without pay. (Wait, didn't you just say...)
It's amazing that those who have been involved in this IRS corruption haven't been fired or been held accountable."
After this Palin closes her mouth and adopts a maniacal stare which appears both incredibly unhinged and self satisfied at the very same time.
(By the way for those of us in the reality based world, documents which Issa was purposefully withholding from the American people in order to cry "scandal"
have already proven that there was no "corruption" and no unfair "targeting" of the Tea Party.)
Greta then asks the Wasilla Wendigo if she thinks that it is time for a Special Prosecutor to be brought in. You know because Palin is such an expert on legal matters.
"Well I would say that it is if Lois is going to return, if she is going to be called back, and with her counsel decide she is going to plead the fifth yet again. Um we need to make sure we're getting to the bottom of this. And if it's not Congress able to get to the bottom of it, via questioning her in front of a panel or committee, then yeah a special investigation needs to ensue. But look this is such a circus. and the ringleader of this circus is (Darrell Issa.)
our President Barack Obama (Wait, what?)
, has opportunity to do something about IRS corruption. He had promised that he would, and yet we haven't heard word one from him since that promise of getting to the bottom of corruption. We haven't heard from Nancy Pelosi who had promised that she would 'drain the swamp,' if she, and some of her colleagues, got reelected. Uh wanting to clean up the corruption in Washington D.C.. All those broken promises just give us fewer and fewer reasons to trust our government."
Back to that hundred yard meth stare.
Susteren then pulls Palin off of the meatless IRS bone and throws her the fresh meat of Fourth of July fireworks on Army bases being cancelled, due to military spending cutbacks.
Palin eagerly latches on:
"Should we do something patriotic like allow our military personnel, who are willing to sacrifice their lives to defend our Republic, should we reward them with something as simple as fireworks on the Fourth of July? It's a matter of priorities, here Barack Obama is on a hundred million dollar trip to Africa with his family, and extended family, and whomever else he chooses to bring on these trips. And yet wants to pull the rug out from under traditional events, that perhaps would bring some inspiration and some thanks to our military personnel, this is ALL a matter of priorities Greta, and our government has their priorities all screwed up."
Yes, how could our government possibly choose to keep military personnel, who have spent years ducking enemy fire and having things blow up all around them, from having the opportunity to suffer an episode of PTSD during a completely unnecessary fireworks display? Fucking Obama!
Greta then eggs Palin on further saying it is "beyond" her as to why the soldiers are not getting to see the fireworks. At this Palin "releases the Kraken."
"It's bigger than that though Greta, it's bigger than that. And there are more significant examples than just this fireworks, I mean look at some of our troops with their equipment, some left over surplus equipment that they're using from back in the Vietnam War. We're not equipping them with the tools that they need to, as I say defend our Republic and do their jobs. And yet we spend money left and right on the most ridiculous things. And you know that's that's for another show because you could go on all day long about the expenditures of our governemtn that make absolutely no sense."
Annnd now we're back to the hundred yard stare. (Okay that is freaking me out!)
Okay so is Palin actually suggesting that our soldiers are currently using 40 year old equipment in Afghanistan? Equipment that has been gathering dust since the end of the Vietnam War?
Now when the wars first started there was an embarrassing lack of adequate armor for the vehicles and the soldiers were creating what they called "
hillbilly armor" to compensate, but that was the fault of Donald Rumsfeld and the Bush Administration and has long since been resolved, so I have NO idea what Palin is referring to here.
However I must say that the better lighting did her NO favors. She looked extremely fucked up and her pupils could not have been larger if you jumped out of one her closets wearing a Rachel Maddow mask,
I think that it is Roger Ailes plan to have her give these short, carefully structured interviews, in the hopes that it will keep her from saying anything TOO stupid.
Unfortunately for Ailes he failed to take into account just how fast the stupid bubbles out of Palin's gaping maw of miserable misinformation.
You know I wonder how much Greta drinks after one of these shows?