It’s easy to know who supports the troops more. Anyone who supports policies that would save the most troop lives, and/or reduce injuries, is the most supportive. That’s me!
For example, I think we should be doing a lot more to guarantee the soldiers have the right kind of armor and veteran hospital services, even if it means raising taxes or cutting expenses for other social benefits at home.
I also think we shouldn’t be fighting a war that most informed, unbiased military experts think we can’t win. I’m willing to change that view if my assumption is wrong. Active generals in Iraq obviously say they support the surge. Otherwise they’d get fired. So you can’t trust their opinions. I want to know the opinions of recently retired officers whose last assignment was in Iraq. I don’t recall seeing any polls of that type, but I’m guessing that group thinks the surge won’t work.
If such a poll of recently retired officers exists, and the majority supports the surge, then there’s a good argument that all Americans should support it too. No one doubts that a stable democracy in Iraq would be good for our national security. People simply doubt it’s achievable. I can be swayed by the weight of expert opinions.
Without those unbiased, expert military opinions, I can’t justify putting additional soldiers in harm’s way. You have to form opinions with the information you have, not the information you wish you had. And the information I have does not support risking the lives of more soldiers in Iraq. I’m willing to change that opinion if my information changes.
That’s why I support the troops more than you do. I think we can all agree that Mr. Adams presents a very clear and measured assumption about the effectiveness of this Iraq war.
I enjoy finding the opinions of individuals that I respect, especially when they mirror mine so closely. It makes me feel that the members of the critical thinkers club has some fairly impressive members.
On the flip side I am always very upset to find that there is somebody who I once thought of as educated and informed who takes an opposing viewpoint, especially on Iraq and President Bush. I find it almost impossible to remain impressed by them.