Showing posts with label Michelle Bachman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michelle Bachman. Show all posts

Friday, December 19, 2014

Michelle Bachmann claims that she defeated her liberal foes using "evidence based arguments." Wait, what?

Courtesy of Raw Story:

Bachmann told World Net Daily, which referred to her as a “GOP legend” in the headline, that she had become a media target because she had basically outsmarted her liberal foes. 

“I took them on, and their agenda, and I went to the heart of whatever it was they wanted to advance, and tried to take it apart through evidence-based arguments, and they don’t like that,” Bachmann said. “When the left argues, they argue from emotionalism.” 
“That’s the best way to defeat them, by the way — defeat them with evidence and defeat them with their false premises, and I did that,” she said.

“The Republican Party always gets a bad rap because there are not as many women that are in elective office, but it’s a tough business,” Bachmann said. “It is public humiliation, public ridicule, constant criticism when you’re in public office – if you take on the left.”

Yeah, I don't think the ridiculing had anything to do with her gender.

Let's revisit some of Michelle Bachmann's "evidenced-based arguments" shall we?

These are courtesy of the Daily Kos:

Accusing members of Congress of being "anti-American:

The news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look. I wish they would, I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out are they are pro-America or anti-America. 

Claiming that the Obama Administration was going to be forcing Americans to attend re-education camps:

The real concerns is that there are provisions for what I would call re-education camps for young people, where young people have to go and get trained in a philosophy that the government puts forward and then they have to go to work in some of these politically correct forums. 

Claiming that actor John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, when instead it was serial killer John Wayne Gacy:

What I want them to know is just like John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa, that's the spirit that I have too. It's really about not being ashamed of America. It's embracing America. 

Terrifying parents by relaying an unsubstantiated story from an anti-vaxxer:

There’s a woman who came up crying to me tonight after the debate. She said her daughter was given [the HPV] vaccine. She told me her daughter suffered mental retardation as a result. There are very dangerous consequences. 

Claiming that earthquakes and hurricanes are messages from God about reining in big government:

I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?' Listen to the American people because the American people are roaring right now. They know government is on a morbid obesity diet and we've got to rein in the spending.

There are more, in fact the Daily Kos lists 40 altogether, but I think we get the point. 

That my friends is the kind of "logic" that Michelle Bachmann used to "defeat" us.

Gosh, I guess we never had a chance.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Sarah Palin gets invited to help energize the Teabaggers and inspire them to destroy government one election at a time.

"What? Seriously? You're going to invite me to an actual conference? What's in it for me?"
Courtesy of Earned Media: 

The Faith & Freedom Coalition is pleased to announce that Governor Sarah Palin will be addressing the "Road to Majority" Conference, June 13-15 at the JW Marriot Hotel in Washington, DC. The "Road to Majority" Conference is one of the premier events for people of faith and conservative activists. 

The conference will energize, train, and equip our top activists and chapter leaders on voter registration, voter education, get-out-the-vote, lobbying their legislators, building a church and neighborhood organization, and utilizing social media to mobilize supporters. 

When: Thursday, June 13, 2013, 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 

Where: The Pavilion Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 

When: Friday, June 14, 2013- Saturday, June 15, 2013 

Where: JW Marriot Hotel 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC Governor 

Palin will speak Saturday morning and joins other notable speakers including:  Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Marco Rubio, Governor Rick Perry, former Senator Rick Santorum, former Governor Jeb Bush, Rep Paul Ryan, Rep. Michelle Bachmann, Ambassador John Bolton, Rep. Randy Forbes, Rep. Louie Gohmert, Senator Mike Lee, radio host Michael Medved, actor John Ratzenberger, Dr. Pat Robertson, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump, and former Rep. Allen West.

Senator Ted Cruz, Rand Paul. Governor Rick Perry, the newest quitter in chief Michelle Bachmann, and Louie Gohmert? This reads like a who's who of "What in the hell did they just say?" 

All of these sorry excuse for political leaders at one conference AND Sarah Palin?

Well one thing is for sure, she will be among her people.

You know the stupid and desperate.

Hell I wish them well. Because the more Republicans who listen to Ted Cruz, Louie Gohmert, Michelle Bachmann, and Sarah Palin, the easier it will be for the Democrats to win elections.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Apparently an endorsement from God is almost as career ending as one from Sarah Palin.

If image does not enlarge please click here.
Hey you know what I just noticed?

I think Palin also endorsed all of these candidates at one time or another.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Jon Stewart tackles the "Obama Birth Certificate Mystery."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tales of Principled Behavior - Obama Birth Certificate Mystery
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Of course the mystery is that since HE offered real verifiable proof that he was born in Hawaii why is anybody still talking about this? Now if we were talking the mystery of Trig Palin's birth....

BTW I just loved that he called Michelle Bachman "Minnesota Palin."

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Palin goes on crazed Twitter rant that even her fellow wingnuts cannot support.

Right before the big compromise between the Democrats and the Teabaggers Republicans last night, Sister Sarah was frantically tweeting her little digits off trying to stop any compromise from taking place. I imagine that she thought if the government shut down she could simply declare herself the "Queen of Everything" (Sorry Crissy.).  I know, UNBELIVEABLE isn't it?

So last night while the grownups were trying to save jobs, and keep services available for the American people, Snowdrift Snooki was  twittering this:

GOP: don't retreat! The country is going broke. We can't AFFORD cowboy poetry & subsidizing abortion.
17 hours ago via web

Followed immediately by this:

If we can't fight to defund this nonsense now when we have the chance, do you think we'll win the big fight on entitlement reform later on?
17 hours ago via web

She is like some maniacal version of Chicken Little, "The sky is falling!  the sky is falling! And DAMMIT, I want it to fall!  Bwa-ha-ha!"

Of course as we know Palin was denied again (Bwa-ha-ha! Sorry couldn't help it.), and the Democrats dutifully stopped struggling after the GOP finally agreed to put on a condom before screwing them over. (Now do you see why we need Planned Parenthood?)

After the agreement Sister Sarah's tweets fell silent. One can only imagine where she vented her rage when she realized that her social media approach to influencing the outcome had fallen on deaf ears.

Of course as angry as that realization might have made her, just think how she will feel once she realizes that she was virtually all on her own while tilting at that Planned Parenthood windmill?

Courtesy of ABC News:

Notably, some of Palin’s fellow possible 2012 presidential contenders appeared to be at odds with her Friday evening tweet, counseling GOP leaders on Capitol Hill that it’s time to cut a deal.

“I am ready for a big fight that will change the arc of history,” Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-Minn., wrote on Twitter this afternoon. “The current fight in Washington is not that fight.”

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee had this to say in an interview on Fox Business Network:

“Nobody’s more pro-life than me. Nobody. But as much as I want to see Planned Parenthood defunded, as much as I want to see N.P.R lose their funding, the reality is the president and the Senate are never going to go along with that. So win the deal you can win and live to fight another day.”

And then there was Newt:

"If they can't find some way to work their way through this, they have much bigger problems coming down the road,” Gingrich added.

Just how batshit crazy do you have to be, in order for your fellow batshit crazy cohorts to say they simply cannot support your batshit crazy point of view?  I am going to go out on a limb here and say, "pretty freaking batshit crazy!"

I believe it is safe to assume that this is why Palin has recently hit bottom in terms of her support among Republicans. It has nothing to do with how she is portrayed by the so-called "Lamestream" media, it is that there is a level of irresponsibility and insanity that the vast majority of Americans, even dyed in the wool Republican Americans, are simply not willing to go beyond.

You can almost imagine the Grizzled Mama running out into the night with her nightgown flapping behind her to lead a charge on Washington, only to look back and realize that she is standing all alone in the dark.

And hopefully some day soon "all alone in the dark" will be the only place that Sarah Palin will ever find herself standing. As always I am working on that right now.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Quinnipiac poll uses "Feelings thermometer" to determine warmth felt toward political figures. Guess who is right at the bottom.

Here is my question, how in the hell does Chris Christie rank higher than President Obama?  I mean seriously?

But don't you love that Snowdrift Snooki only rates higher than Pelosi and Reid, who the Teabaggers spent so much time and money trying to vilify?  Gee I wonder how THAT makes her feel?

Yeah, that's kind of what I thought.
You can see the actual Quinnipia University poll by clicking here.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

In case you missed it, here is the President's SOTU speech in full.

Wow! That was amazing. (And once again for those who cannot watch the video, you can find the transcript here.)

Just in case your television's parental controls do not allow you to receive the batshit crazy channel, here is Michelle "I sound a LITTLE saner than Sarah Palin" Bachmann's rebuttal.

I especially enjoyed the huge lipstick stains she left on the Tea Party's ass before whipping out her Ross Perot charts of made up statistics to prove how scholarly she is.

Update: You ahve GOT to read the Guardian's take on Bachmann's speech.  Too funny!

Here is a taste:

Bachmann's comments, spoken to camera and broadcast only by CNN, appeared to be off the mark, literally. She spoke directly into a camera operated by a dedicated broadcaster, Tea Party HD, thinking it was on air when the live camera was to one side.

So when she came to praise American voters — "thanks to you, there's reason for all of us to have hope" — she appeared to be thanking an off-screen CNN cameraman.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Joe Miller's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week continues.

The Alaska Dispatch (The bane of Joe Miller's existence) has all that you need to know about Miller's personnel file.  I would cut and paste it here, but they did such a good job that I will simply post the link, and encourage you to head on over there for the 411 on this guy's unethical and bizarre behaviors while working with the North Star Borough in Fairbanks.

However I will post what might possibly be the most damning portion, just because I find it so incredibly juicy:

Miller's scheme was revealed by his own attempts to cover his tracks. When he erased each computer's cache he also erased important passwords and IDs that the other attorneys needed to access legal research websites. Miller's co-workers knew something was wrong when they couldn't log on after lunch.

In the short span of time the employees were trying to get to the bottom of what had happened, Miller lied no less than four times:

--He told them he'd had to use another computer because he couldn't access the website he needed to get to on his.
--He claimed he had to clear the cache or the website might block his access.
--He initially denied being on more than one computer
--And he claimed he was visiting a professor's website at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.

Just imagine if you were looking to hire somebody, and read THAT on their resume.  Would you give them the job?

Wickersham's Conscience also has a very interesting take on the revelations.

For those who have not had a chance to read the documents for yourself the ADN makes them very accessible to the public.

Not only is Miller having the week from hell, but those associated with him are having their own problems.

Commanders at Fort Richardson, Alaska are investigating two soldiers who were involved in a highly publicized altercation with a reporter at an event for Republican Senate candidate Joe Miller, a base spokesman said.

I imagine that as the rest of the week unfolds the bad news for Joe Miller will keep right on coming. I just hope I can keep up with it all as I am winging my way to D.C.!

Obviously Miller has become so overwhelmed by the constant flood of bad press that he has broken down and called on the Grizzled Mama herself to help him out of the jam:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and other big names in the GOP will appear with U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller of Alaska at a free public event Thursday at the Dena'ina Center in Anchorage.

A Miller campaign worker confirmed to Alaska Dispatch the event starts at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6 p.m. The event will include appearances via video from 2008 Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, and South Carolina's Sen. Jim DeMint, the campaign worker said.

The Twitter Quitter, the bat-shit crazy lady from Minnesota, AND the guy who wants to look into the bedrooms of school teacher's are now rushing to show their support to help Joe Miller? 

Damn, exactly WHICH Alaskan voters does Miller believe this terrible trio will convince to vote for him?  I thought the wingnuts and lunatics were ALREADY in his corner!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Here is perhaps the funniest part of last night's Real Time.

This is the last part of Bill's "New Rules."

Beware of the very NSFW language, but be prepared to find yourself laughing at things you really don't think you should be laughing at.

For those who cannot hear the audio you can find a transcript here.

Maher's point about who REALLY supports Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, and Christine O'Donnell is DEAD ON!

Monday, May 03, 2010

Uh..Sarah Palin? I think one of your supporters needs their medication adjusted.

If you strain your ears and attempt to hear anything past the spittle ridden diatribe, you can just make out Michele Bachman giving one of her wingnutty speeches in the background.

A couple of points.

First, I am sure that this guy cannot be a good indicator for the mental health of all of the Teabaggers. Right?

Second, since he is from Nicaragua it proves that the Teabagggers cannot just be racists either. Right?  (Of course until you hear his accent he could easily pass for a person of European heritage.)

However I have seen a number of these videos, and granted they were made by people not terribly sympathetic to the Teabagger movement, but they still do show some very unhinged, or tragically misinformed  people showing up at these rallies.

I am just saying.

Monday, April 19, 2010

President Obama to nominate Jesus Christ to Supreme Court.

President Barack Obama is expected to nominate Jesus Christ, an immigrant originally born to a virgin mother in Bethlehem, to fill the new vacancy on the Supreme Court. Although Mr. Christ is over 2,000 years old, He is immortal, so Democrats and Republicans expect that He will serve on the high court forever or until He decides to start the End Times. Republicans are expected to fight the nomination on the grounds that Mr. Christ would radically move the Court to the left. The GOP is also concerned that, despite decades of controversy and speculation, Mr. Christ has never revealed his position on abortion. Mr. Christ, according to many authorities, is expected to oppose the death penalty in all forms. Michael Steele, the head of the GOP national committee, issued a statement: "Christ is a complete mystery to us. He won't reveal His physical appearance and many of His positions are unknown or the subject of speculation. He is a stealth candidate. Why won't He reveal himself? Who does He think He is?"

Republicans are reportedly outraged that Mr. Obama even considered Mr. Christ, who has been widely quoted for his sentiments supporting the poor over the wealthy. In a Facebook post, former half-term Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin called for an investigation into the Bethlehem chapter of ACORN because of what she termed the "highly suspicious" coincidence that both President Obama and Mr. Christ had each spent three years as community organizers. In her post, Palin also wrote that "More and more of good God-fearing smalltime Americans from hardworking smalltime towns from great parts of this real America, West, South, East, North, are seeing more and more every day that Christ is a community organizer. We don't need another community organizer in the White House!"

Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-MN) asked, "We're not even sure where He was born. Why is He afraid to show us his birth certificate?" Bachmann also announced that she would vote "no" when the Christ nomination came before the House of Representatives. Later, her congressional staff released a statement saying that the Congresswoman had forgotten that the House does not vote on judicial nominations.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Come to Minneapolis Wednesday night! Now with hot and cold running crazy! Update!

In desperate attempt to win her bid for reelection Michele Bachman unleashes the Palinator on the unsuspecting Minneapolis populace.  Oh the horror!

Bachman-Palin Overdrive?  Oh that is just sad.

Boy wouldn't you like to be a psychologist studying this group of wingnuts?  Just imagine the crazy data you could gather!

Update:  It does not look like Palin did very well with her speech to the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America’s national convention,

Friday, March 12, 2010

Minnesota to get a double dose of crazy!

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin will hold a fundraiser for Rep. Michele Bachmann next month, the Minnesota Republican’s campaign announced Thursday.

Palin will co-host the April 7 fundraiser with Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, former Sen. Norm Coleman (R-Minn.) and Minnesota GOP Reps. John Kline and Erik Paulsen.

Donors to Bachmann’s reelection campaign can give more to attend a private reception with Palin prior to a dinner at the Minneapolis Hilton.

Bachmann’s staff is also trying to organize a rally with the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee, but has yet to settle on any specifics.

Tickets will be $500.00 each. (You can read the rest of Politico's article by clicking the title.)

Just imagine paying five hundred dollars to see the Grifter from Wasilla and the Dingbat from Minnesota in the same room. I am just stunned that the circus freak show costs so much these days. I wonder if they will also trot out a bearded lady and pinhea...oh..never mind.

Michele Bachman may be the only woman, this side of Orly Taitz, who can make Sarah Palin seem reasonable.

What? Don't believe me? Well then you need to take a few minutes to watch this compilation of her greatest hits courtesy of Countdown.

Of course Michele Bachman is not the only politician who believes that the bright and shiny object known as Sarah Palin can attract the knuckle draggers and terminally ignorant to support their campaign. The Dr. Franken-Senator responsible for creating this monster has also humbled himself enough to beg for her support.

Former Republican vice presidential nominee and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin will be in Arizona the last weekend of March as part of Senator John McCain's re-election campaign. Details of that trip are now starting to come into focus.

McCain and his 2008 running mate will host a campaign rally in Tucson on the afternoon of Friday March 26th, before holding a high dollar fundraiser at the Arizona Biltmore later that evening. On Saturday the 27th they will hold another rally in Phoenix.

For the fundraiser, $2500 gets you into the dinner as well as an hour-long pre-dinner VIP reception, including a photo opportunity with McCain and Palin.

Tickets to the dinner alone run for $500, or $1000 for preferred seating.

Can you just imagine how uncomfortable the small talk would be between these two losers?

"Hey John remember how surprised you were when James Dobson made you choose me for your running mate?"

"Yeah Sarah, remember how you destroyed my campaign, my reputation, and my sanity?"

"Yeah I do. Do you remember how you wouldn't let me burn Obama in effigy or let my supporters wear their white hoods? We could have won John! If you had just let "Sarah be Sarah", we could have won John!"

"I am getting too old for this shit."

Sadly for McCain he has no choice but to bring the Queen of the Teabaggers out to slap down his opponent JD Hayworth, who essentially is just posing as a teabaggger to get their support. I just hope he remembers how horrible he felt the morning after the LAST time he hooked up Sarah Palin.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Villagers prepare celebration for launch of 2010 census in Noorvik Alaska. Also on high alert to repel possible attack from Michele Bachmann.

(AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

The U.S. Census Bureau is launching its 2010 count of the nation's residents in a remote Alaska village.

Census Bureau Director Robert Groves is flying to Noorvik in northwest Alaska on Monday to count the first household in the Inupiat Eskimo community of 650. Groves and other arriving officials are scheduled to be taken to the village school by sled dog teams driven by schoolchildren.

The first to be counted will be Clifton Jackson, a World War II veteran and the oldest resident, according to residents.

Villagers have prepared a day of festivities at the school to welcome Groves and other visiting federal, state and tribal officials. The residents plan to hold traditional dances, an Inupiat fashion show and a feast of subsistence foods including moose and caribou.

The school also will serve as lodging for Groves and most of the 50 visitors, who will bunk down in empty classrooms.

Census workers and trained locals are expected to take a week to interview the rest of Noorvik's residents, using the same 10-question forms to be mailed to most households on March 15. Census workers also will visit 217 other rural Alaska communities in the coming weeks. (Click title to read entire Washington Post article.)

Oh the poor simply people of Noorvik Alaska! Apparently they are completely unaware of the danger they have just put themselves in by allowing these so-called "census takers" to come to their village.

For one thing WHY does our government need to know we exist? I mean who needs to track population growth, get more money allocated for local schools, and determine if more money is needed to house those living in poverty? No wait that sounds kind of reasonable.

Well what if Alaska attacks America? Then these villagers could find themselves placed in internment camps just like the Japanese during World War 2. Wait, what?

Here maybe Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann can explain it better.

Wow! Did he just say that ACORN is coming to Alaska?

Internment camps and ACORN? Are those really things that people should fear by filling out a census form? That is a whole new level of crazy.

And do you know what is truly ironic? If every single person in Minnesota does NOT fill out a census form, Michele Bachman may lose her congressional seat.

Minnesota's state demographer estimated the North Star state could be within 1,000 people of losing one of its eight congressional seats, WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, reported Monday.

The district that's most vulnerable to being lost? Bachmann's 6th District, experts said.

It is at times like this that I start to think, you know maybe there is a God!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

On February fourth through the sixth the vortex of insanity will be in Nashville, Tennessee. Run, hide your children!

The first ever National Tea Party Convention will be held on February 4-6, 2010 at the famous Opryland Hotel Nashville, Tennessee. The event is being organized in part by Tea Party Nation.

TPN announced today (Nov. 24) that U.S. Rep. Michele Bachman "just confirmed" that she will be one of the Breakfast speakers at the convention. Bachman is just one of the luminaries who will attend this landmark event. Sarah Palin has already agreed to be the Special Keynote Speaker for the convention, which will feature other well known speakers, workshops, seminars, information centers, and organizational tools for leaders to take back to their respective local Tea Party organizations.

There is not enough Prozac on the planet to get me through speeches by both Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman on the same day without my skull popping open and my brain making a mad dash for the exit.

The tickets to attend this psychosis inducing convention are going for a whopping $549. I wonder if that includes the price of the safety corks that cover the tips of the forks.

We don't want those poor teabaggers to put out an eye, now do we?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Kentucky census taker found naked and bound with duct tape. I think we can safely assume this was NOT a suicide.

A part-time census worker found hanging in a rural Kentucky cemetery was naked, gagged and had his hands and feet bound with duct tape, said an Ohio man who discovered the body two weeks ago.

The word "fed" was written in felt-tip pen on 51-year-old Bill Sparkman's chest, but authorities have released very few other details in the case, such as whether they think it was an accident, suicide or homicide.

Jerry Weaver of Fairfield, Ohio, told The Associated Press on Friday that he was certain from the gruesome scene that someone killed Sparkman.

"He was murdered," Weaver said. "There's no doubt."

There is not yet definitive proof that this was a hate crime, but if I were a betting man I would be putting all of my money on that possibility.

And if it was, and it turns out the perpetrator was a FOX News junkie, I hope to hell that Homeland Security investigates them fully for the hate mongering that pours forth from that vile cable channel daily. And if a connection can be found between the spittle drenched rantings of Glenn Beck and this murder I hope they arrest his ass his on camera, right in the middle of one of his signature crybaby tantrums.

And while they are at it perhaps they can prove a link between Dr. Tillman's murder and the rantings of Bill O'Reilly. Perhaps if few of these assholes get thrown in jail for conspiracy to commit murder Fox News will finally either leave the air completely or evolve into a REAL news outlet.

Update: Leah Burton, of God's Own Party, finds that the crazies may be using biblical language to foment fear about census takers. Is there no level of insanity that the bible cannot be used to reinforce?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Last night's Rachel Maddow Show discusses the hanging of a census bureau employee.

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If this in fact turns out to have been a homicide committed by somebody who was terrified that his "guvment" was gathering information in order to take away his freedoms, as promoted by Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly, then I believe that Homeland Security should launch a comprehensive investigation into the anti-American activities promoted by Fox News.

I would love to see the Fox News talking heads being interrogated as to where they received their information, why they believe the country has turned to socialism, and why they do not accept Barack Obama as their President.

Rachel Also addressed Palin's China speech with guest, Nobel Prize winner in economics, Paul Krugman.

You know I have to include this.

Who wouldn't pay big money to watch a debate on economics between Sarah Palin and Paul Krugman? Or is that just mean?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Census worker found hanged with the word "Fed" scrawled on his chest.

The FBI is investigating the hanging death of a U.S. Census worker near a Kentucky cemetery, and a law enforcement official told The Associated Press the word 'fed" was scrawled on the dead man's chest.

The body of Bill Sparkman, a 51-year-old part-time Census field worker and occasional teacher, was found Sept. 12 in a remote patch of the Daniel Boone National Forest in rural southeast Kentucky. The Census has suspended door-to-door interviews in rural Clay County, where the body was found, pending the outcome of the investigation.

Investigators are still trying to determine whether the death was a killing or a suicide, and if a killing, whether the motive was related to his government job or to anti-government sentiment.

What in the hell would make somebody kill and deface the body of a census worker? When did people become angry at this group of government workers?

Oh yeah.

To be fair we do not know exactly what happened in this particular case, but don't you think when people start making these kind of unfounded allegations about government workers, community organizers, and sitting Presidents, that somebody is bound to get hurt?

And when it finally happens who holds those who created the fear and hate accountable?

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

There is a politician even wackier than Sarah Palin, I kid you not! I don't if I should feel relieved or jealous?

So Bachman is afraid that these "young people" will be forced to enter into "re-education camps" where they will be trained to do the job that they are volunteering to do. You know like the military does now, or the Peace Corps, or for that matter Wal-Mart.

And I believe that the "philosophy" that Michell Bachman is so concerned with is the philosophy of reaching out to help those less fortunate then ourselves. Yeah I can really see how Rep. Bachman would want to keep her children form learning that. That seems to go against everything the Republicans believe in.

She wants people to be educatged so that they can be "dangerous to the policies on the left". Well so much for that whole Kumbaya moment.

Damn this woman is out of her freaking gourd!