Showing posts with label Scientology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scientology. Show all posts

Friday, April 03, 2015

Neil deGrasse Tyson kinda sorta defends Scientology. You know kinda sorta.

This comes from a much longer, more expansive interview over at The Daily Beast.

At one point during the interview Tyson is asked about the HBO documentary "Going Clear" an expose on Scientology.

Here was his response:  

DB: I’m curious what your take on Scientology is, because the intergalactic story of Xenu does encroach on your territory a bit. 

NDT: So, you have people who are certain that a man in a robe transforms a cracker into the literal body of Jesus saying that what goes on in Scientology is crazy? Let’s realize this: What matters is not who says who’s crazy, what matters is we live in a free country. You can believe whatever you want, otherwise it’s not a free country—it’s something else. If we start controlling what people think and why they think it, we have case studies where that became the norm. I don’t care what the tenets are of Scientology. They don’t distract me. I don’t judge them, and I don’t criticize them. 

Now, where the rubber hits the road is, since we are a free country where belief systems are constitutionally protected—provided they don’t infringe on the rights of others—then how do you have governance over “all” when you have belief systems for the “some”? It seems to me that the way you govern people is you base governance on things that are objectively true; that are true regardless of your belief system, or no matter what the tenets are of your holy documents. And then they should base it on objective truths that apply to everyone. So the issue comes about not that there are religious people in the world that have one view over another, it’s if you have one view or another based on faith and you want to legislate that in a way that affects everyone. That’s no longer a free democracy. That’s a country where the few who have a belief system that’s not based in objective reality want to control the behavior of everyone else. 

DB: The documentary essentially argues that Scientology shouldn’t be granted tax-exempt status as a religion. 

NDT: But why aren’t they a religion? What is it that makes them a religion and others are religions? If you attend a Seder, there’s an empty chair sitting right there and the door is unlocked because Elijah might walk in. OK. These are educated people who do this. Now, some will say it’s ritual, some will say it could literally happen. But religions, if you analyze them, who is to say that one religion is rational and another isn’t? It looks like the older those thoughts have been around, the likelier it is to be declared a religion. If you’ve been around 1,000 years you’re a religion, and if you’ve been around 100 years, you’re a cult. That’s how people want to divide the kingdom. Religions have edited themselves over the years to fit the times, so I’m not going to sit here and say Scientology is an illegitimate religion and other religions are legitimate religions. They’re all based on belief systems. Look at Mormonism! There are ideas that are as space-exotic within Mormonism as there are within Scientology, and it’s more accepted because it’s a little older than Scientology is, so are we just more accepting of something that’s older? 

The line I’m drawing is that there are religions and belief systems, and objective truths. And if we’re going to govern a country, we need to base that governance on objective truths—not your personal belief system.

This is essentially what I have been saying for years.

The length of time that a belief system or religion has existed should have no impact on its acceptance. However we tend to trick ourselves into thinking that once something has aged over time, and attracted a number of adherents, that it somehow becomes more acceptable to empty our minds and accept it as truth.

Having said that I also feel that the impact ANY of these religions have should end at the exit doors of their church, synagogue, or temple. There is really no justification for forcing your sense of morality, or faith in an afterlife, on others unless you have quantifiable evidence to support your point of view.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

HBO films documentary on Scientology. Has 160 lawyers looking at it before broadcast. You know that might not be enough.

Courtesy of CNN:  

HBO is backing a documentary based on "Going Clear," a book about Scientology and Hollywood -- and isn't taking any chances with the legal side of things. 

"We have probably 160 lawyers" looking at the film, HBO Documentary Films President Sheila Nevins told The Hollywood Reporter. (HBO, like CNN, is a unit of Time Warner.) 

"Going Clear," by Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Lawrence Wright ("The Looming Tower"), digs into the life of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard and the influence his church has had on its believers, many of whom have close ties to Hollywood.

I have believed for years that Scientology exists solely as an opportunity for religious people to recognize how fundamentally ridiculous ALL religions are.

It is true that Scientology is filled with the so much batshit crazy that I tend to believe that L.Ron Hubbard was just putting everybody on, and would be shocked to learn that not only did his completely made up religion survive, but that it prospered.  However if you if you really examine religions, there is really NONE that stand up to even the most basic scrutiny. (Golden plates transcribed in "reform Egyptian" that only Joseph Smith ever saw? Seriously Mormons?)

And the list of famous people who follow Scientology is jaw dropping. From Tom Cruise, John Travolta, and Sharon Stone to J.D. Salinger, William S. Burroughs, and Van Morrison there are a number of highly intelligent and talented people who buy into its bullshit.

Well I certainly hope that HBO is adequately prepared for the backlash, because the Scientologists are famously litigious and not know for taking perceived attacks on their beliefs lightly.

After South Park's hilarious Scientology episode the "church" went after Trey Parker and Matt Stone with everything they had. Fortunately they found nothing they could use against the duo, but it was not for lack of trying.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Now THAT'S a coincidence.

It kind of reminds me of L. Ron Hubbard quote, "You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion."

I mean it is almost as if these two were charlatans who recognized how easily manipulated people were by noticing the sway that previously established religions had over their actions, and purse strings. 

But nah, that's just crazy talk.

Monday, December 31, 2012

Belgium to charge Church of Scientology with fraud and extortion. Well that's a start!

"Goddammit Belgium!"
Courtesy of

 After a long lasting legal battle Belgium prosecutors demand to label the Church of Scientology as a criminal organization and charge it and its leaders with extortion, fraud, privacy breaches, and the illegal practice of medicine. 

The subpoenas have been sent to the scientologists, the local financial newspaper De Tijd reported. 

The charges against the Church of Scientology stem from employment contracts issued to recruit volunteers and members allegedly breaching the country's strict employment laws. In Belgium as in some other countries Scientology is not recognized as a faith. 

In 2008 the Belgium Labor Mediation Service complained about number of labor contracts, prompting an investigation. 

A judge then ordered raids on Scientology premises where police allegedly “managed to seize a wealth of evidence,” that the organization had spied on and extorted money from its members, the Flanders News reported. 

Belgian authorities have been legally battling Scientologists since 2007, when the country tried to label the movement as a cult. Around the same time Belgian prosecutors ruled that the Belgian Church of Scientology, plus Scientology's Office of Human Rights and their 12 members, should be charged with extortion, fraud, organized crime, illegal medical practice. 

They were accused of practicing medicine without a license and violating privacy laws.

God I love this!

Now since they are going after false faiths that lie to the congregations and make impossible claims to in order to extort, who's next? I mean Belgium's not going to just stop there are they?

Oh, but of course they are. As if the crazy belief system embraced by Scientologists is REALLY any crazier than the one embraced by the adherents of any number of different faiths.

Oh well, baby steps. Perhaps someday we'll ALL finally get there.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

If Mitt Romney were REALLY honest about his religion.

As you all know I don't have much use for ANY religion, and rarely differentiate between which one is sillier, or more bizarre, than another.

However I just have to say that when it comes to how much BS you have to swallow in order to be an adherent, perhaps only Scientology can hold a candle to Mormonism.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

I just thought this needed to be said, though it SHOULD be obvious to all.

Now do you get it Fox News? Rush? Sarah?

Religious tolerance does NOT mean only protecting the rights of Christians.  It means making ALL people, of ALL faiths, feel included in this great country of ours.

I am pretty sure that is what Jesus would have wanted.