Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comics. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Captives of Sinclair Broadcasting. Update!

There is no part of me that could allow myself to work for a soulless corporation that spreads lies like this one does.

But then I was raised with a little something called "integrity."

Update: This addresses some of the points made in the comments section.

Courtesy of Bloomberg:

After Sinclair Broadcast Group Inc. drew widespread criticism for having anchors read a statement taking aim at the integrity of other U.S. media outlets, many wondered why some of the company’s journalists didn’t just quit. 

The short answer is the cost may be too steep. According to copies of two employment contracts reviewed by Bloomberg, some Sinclair employees were subject to a liquidated damages clause for leaving before the term of their agreement was up: one that requires they pay as much as 40 percent of their annual compensation to the company. 

While they were also subject to a six-month noncompete clause and forced arbitration, three current and former Sinclair employees said it was the potential financial penalty that had the greatest impact on those thinking of quitting. Under the clause, there’s a specific window of time during which employees can give notice. One current employee who requested anonymity because he wasn’t authorized to speak publicly said the clause’s limitations are the reason he hasn’t quit. A former employee who also requested anonymity said both the noncompete and the damages clause dissuaded her at first from looking for work elsewhere.

It's like they knew all along that their practices would inspire employees to run for the hills, so they shackled them to their desks.

Hard to believe this is even legal. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

A no pulling our punches comic to start your day.

I don't really have anything more to add than to say that this is just as gross as it is accurate.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

The scales of injustice.

And keep in mind this is the party that constantly brags about its pro-life agenda.

I guess lives are only precious while they are in the womb.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Poor baby.

There is literally, in my opinion, no amount of human suffering that Donald Trump does not deserve to endure.

He is truly a disgusting POS and has brought mountains of misery to those who have had the misfortune to enter into his orbit.

Saturday, April 29, 2017


And the same holds true for jobs numbers, criminal activity within the administration, and demonstrating patriotism.

He's white, and he's a Republican, so it just doesn't matter.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Go ahead, tell me this wouldn't work.

It would work.

In fact something like this is probably all Trump can ever hope to actually get for all of his efforts to wall off America from Mexico.

Instead of the Great Wall of China that he envisions he will probable have to settle for increased border patrols, drone surveillance, and stricter laws concerning undocumented immigrants.

Though to be clear I think the invisible wall scam would work just as well.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Well you knew cartoonists would have fun with this.

You know it almost seems unnecessary to illustrate these four as they are essentially comic strip character come to life anyway.

Monday, April 03, 2017

Garry Trudeau gets it.

Damn this is so fucking accurate.

It is almost impossible to talk about anything these days without it somehow coming back to Donald Trump.

I know, I've tried.

He is essentially our new 9-11.

He's a national disaster that we would all like to forget, but we can't because everyday we are faced with the ramifications of that terrible day in November.

Friday, February 24, 2017

The world for Republicans right now.

Remember the only thing these Republican lawmakers fear is losing a bid for reelection.

If it becomes obvious that supporting Donald Trump will cost them their seat in Washington we might see them launching investigations on those Russian hacks, demanding to see his tax returns, and even supporting his impeachment.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Garry Trudeau uses misdirection to remind us that we are all worried about the same thing.

I love this!

There is no doubt that both Trump supporters and detractors leaped to the same conclusion while reading this, because we are ALL experiencing this lunacy at the same time.

The comic subtly takes you down a road that we are all traveling on a daily basis, and then abruptly changes direction, reminding us that we are all very narrowly focused on what is happening with the presidency right now.

It also demonstrates that despite our partisan differences we are ALL spending an inordinate amount of time worrying about what happens next.

And that is simply not good for the country.

Sunday, February 19, 2017


This is EXACTLY what that press conference on Thursday felt like.

Friday, February 10, 2017

I love this cartoon.

I really think that the best way to obstruct Trump's agenda is to keep pointing out that Stephen Bannon is the actual president and that Trump is only an empty suit following orders given to him by the Alt Right and his Russian puppet masters.

I don't think that Trump's ego can handle that for very long.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

LOVE this illustration.

I only hope this can last until the tangerine tyrant is finally removed from office.