Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label birthday. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Today is going to be a tough news day so let's take a moment to enjoy warm glow of the Obama-Biden bromance.

I saw this yesterday on Twitter and it just made me feel good again, for a little while.

We were so blessed once, I just wish we had taken the time to enjoy it more.

I read an interview with Biden recently where he said that all of those Obama-Biden memes on the internet are all true. Not literally of course, but they reflected the relationship that he had with his boss and best friend.

Damn I really hope that some of these are true.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Happy ninth birthday Trig Palin!

Well it looks like Trig is back in Wasilla.

He seems relatively happy and well adjusted, which is really saying something considering his environment.

Here was Palin's Facebook post on Trig today.
 This what she wrote:

Happy Birthday Best Boy in the World! (Usually. Sometimes.) 
Your Family

Gee, how supportive.

Can you guys even believe that we have been reporting on this little guy and his family for over nine years now? (Well, at least I have.)

P.S. By the way try to resist the urge to say anything nasty about Trig alright? After all what his family does, and how he was used, is certainly no fault of his. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

E Online writes a gushy happy birthday post to Bristol Palin consisting mostly of information from her Instagram account. Have your vomit bags ate the ready.

Courtesy of E Online:

As the famous daughter to former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin celebrates her birthday Tuesday, it's impossible not to highlight the past 12 months that have been filled with milestones and memorable moments. 

Shortly before celebrating Christmas, Bristol welcomed a beautiful baby girl into her family. "My sweet Sailor Grace was born yesterday, our family couldn't be more complete," she shared from the hospital. "My heart just doubled."

The article then skims the surface of Bristol's custody battle with Levi, but completely glosses over her court battle with Dakota to first establish that the baby was his, and then his fight to get some kind of custody.

Bristol would address the development in a lengthy Instagram post. "These babies are my world and I will always be doing what is best for them. Every child deserves two loving parents, so I will continue to encourage that no matter what. I have never, and will never, keep them from having a positive relationship with their fathers," she wrote. "I did not 'lose' any custody case—my son has always spent most of his time with me and he will continue to do so, he is happy, healthy, and knows both of his parents love him." 

Ultimately, everything changed when Bristol said "I Do" to her on-again, off-again boyfriend Dakota Meyer in June. 

"We are so happy to share with loved ones the wonderful news that we got married!" the couple announced to Entertainment Tonight. "Hard work and God's grace are the foundation of our new life together, and with the love and support of our family we know we can get through anything."

As all of you here know that custody battle with Levi was ugly as hell, and the only reason that he ended up with what he did is because she was freaked out by the fact that he might start going to the media. In the end she acquiesced to his demands just to get him to stop talking to me.

(Which of course he did. Probably.)

As for Dakota well she just pulled a reverse Donald Trump on him and grabbed him with her.....uh....what are we calling it these days? Kitty cat?

Now hat she has him safely..uh..kitty cat whipped, she can go on and pretend this was the plan all along.

The article then refers to a number of Bristol's Instagram posts insisting that everything is perfect in her sad little life, and ends with this completely nonsensical quote which she undoubtedly stole from an equally ignorant Instagram user:

"Life is full of ups and downs but in the end, you'll end up where you're supposed to be."

Bristol should visit a hospital burn unit or a battered woman's shelter sometime and spout her nonsense to them. I am sure they would have quite an interesting reaction.

So I was kind of waiting for Bristol to introduce her shiny new life to the tabloids and start trying to increase her name recognition for whatever she and her mother have planned next.

As of right now it appears that her short term plan is to continue using her kids to hawk these ridiculous energy drinks, but I am confident that they have a more complex long term plan in mind.

And I think it very likely centers around Dakota.

After all their name is shit right now, especially after Trump loses this election, and their only hope of reinventing themselves is as the wife and mother-in-law of a Medal of Honor winner.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Wow! So Trig Palin is eight years old today. Update: Sarah remembered!

A photo posted by Bristol Palin (@bsmp2) on
I am usually better at keeping track of this, but I have to admit this birthday sneaked up on me.

Hard to believe we have been talking about this little boy and his complicated origin story for so long now.

And we STILL don't know the whole truth.

Update: Somebody must have sent Bristol's Instagram message to the Grizzled Mama:

Happy Birthday Trig Paxson Van Palin! You're the best gift God could have ever given us. The years are zipping by, so enjoy every minute and have so much fun on your special day (after school!) "working" in the backhoe with Uncle Freeman and showing us how it's done shooting hoops. You are cherished, little Love Bug!

Gee I wonder if Palin will be back in Wasilla to celebrate with her cherished "Love Bug" today? 

Or is she not finished pitching that ridiculous reality judge show yet?

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Well look who finally reared her road kill bewigged noggin.

Happy Birthday Rush! From your strongest chickified fans who join you in the fight against wussification in the...
Posted by Sarah Palin on Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Okay so why is she still posting from New Orleans?

After all she has a new granddaughter to snuggle and family scandal to quell up here in Alaska.

Well at least TRY to quell. 

And the thing that brought her back to Facebook after seven days was to wish a corpulent misogynist a happy birthday?

Damn that is some set of priorities.  

Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy belated birthday Tripp Johnston. Update!

Courtesy of Sunny's Facebook page.
We were so caught up in the strangeness of Bristol's most recent delivery that we forgot about the one that happened on December 27th seven years ago.

Actually considering some of the conspiracy theories surrounding THAT one it almost makes this one pale by comparison.

Personally I think that Tripp's future is much brighter now that all of that custody stuff has been worked out and he knows for a fact that he will remain in Alaska, and that his dad, Sunny, and his sisters will always be in his life.

Stability is key to raising well adjusted kids, and let's face it this little guy has enough working against him already.

Update: Willow's contribution.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Bristol Palin had a birfday!

Courtesy of Bristol's Pikore account:Thank you to my co workers for making my 25th so special ❤️❤️

So Bristol is now a quarter of a century old huh?  Yet, still just as ignorant as always.

Now before you start sniping at her mother for not posting anything to commemorate her birthday you should know that she did. Kind of:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY(s)! 🎉🎈🎊 It's Alaska Day! On this date in 1867 the USA received transfer of this abundantly rich territory, eventually becoming the 49th state in 1959. Thank you Abe Lincoln for hiring William Seward as Sec. of State, for it was he who nabbed Alaska from the Russians... for 2-cents an acre! We scored. THAT is the art of the deal. 🎁🎉🎂🇺🇸 

And sweeter around here today, it's also Bristol's birthday so HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRISTOL! Check out her fantastic blog that keeps us all all informed: We love you so very much! 

- Mom. And the whole crew

So as you see Palin was perfectly willing to acknowledge her oldest daughter's 25th birthday, just so long as she could also include something to improve her credibility as an Alaskan, and also pimp the blog she pays Nancy French to write in order to convince people that Bristol shares her ideology and can string two coherent sentences together.

Kind of telling that Bristol posts a photo of her birthday celebration with her work mates, but nothing about her celebration with family.

That along with the fact that Sarah has mentioned nothing about Bristol's pregnancy, did not accompany her on her recent trip to Hawaii, and has not been featured in a photo with Bristol for about five months, does seem to indicate that perhaps there is a little trouble at the old compound.

In fact it seems that the only time Sarah mentions her daughter is when she is referencing the blog that we all know she has virtually NOTHING to do with.

Or am I just reading too much into this?

P.S. A lot of you sent me this Daily Mail today which states that Levi and Bristol have settled their child custody case. 

According to my sources that is absolutely not true, and if you visit Court View you can look the case up and see for yourself that it is still open.  In fact there are some murmurings that things are about to heat up again.

I don't know how the Daily Mail got this wrong, but it's not the first time that somebody has prematurely declared the case closed.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Bristol Palin posts old photos to wish her father a happy birthday. Still better than his wife did for him.

Courtesy of Bristol's Pikore account: 

Happy Birthday Dad!!!!!! Best Friends!!! Loves me the most 😜 #ididntcauseasinglegrayhair

Happy 51st Dad!!! Thank you for all you do for all five of your crazy kids, we love and appreciate you more than words could describe!!

Of course the "wife" was a little busy today, what with vomiting forth word salad with moosenugget croutons on CNN, and then later going to the Alaska State Fair to flirt with this guy.

Patriotic superstar Lee Brice let his out-of-this-world band climb a glacier, fish a river, and meet country music's biggest fans before putting on a rip roarin' show at the Alaska State Fair... best part was his tear-jerking tribute to the United States Military! Hoohah, Lee Brice! Fun to do what we do every year at this time right before winter roars in - family time at the Fair. Glad the kids and cousins got to meet Lee! 

Pres. Obama just changed the name "Mt. McKinley" to "Denali"... controversy ensued; here at the concert with niece, McKinley (in green hat), looked for my other niece, Denali... no controversy there - family's as diverse as ever! 

Still harping on the Denali/McKinley thing isn't she? Which apparently is so much more important than spending the day with your official purse carrier, and the guy stuck with raising your kids, on his 51st birthday.

Oh well, I'm sure that by now Todd has found somebody else to keep him warm at night.

Friday, September 04, 2015

I'm trying hard not to see this as creepy.

Courtesy of Bristol Palin's Pikore account:

Favorite 🙌 definitely went all out at work today 🙈🙊☺️🎉🎈

Yes that IS a picture of Bristol's employer  plastered on her chst.

Happy 75th Doc!!!

Oh and she was not alone.

Monday, July 06, 2015

Apparently Willow Palin is so done with her family that Sarah has to dig up an old picture in order to wish her a happy birthday.

Courtesy of Poisonous Palin's Facebook page:  

Congratulations to Team USA for their amazing Women’s World Cup victory! #FightLikeAGirl 

And on this great celebratory day, Happy Birthday to two very special people in this picture. Not wanting any spotlight, guess I won't I.D. them... but we can wish Willow and Doug the very best on their shared birthday!

 - Sarah Palin

Oh I hear murmurings of much discontent among the Palin tribe as of late.  And some members have decided to create as much distance as they can from the daily drama.

Guess who is among them.

By the way the "Doug" Palin refers to might be adviser (Or former adviser?) Doug McMarlin, pictured here with Jason Recher.

Well anyway I want to wish Willow Palin a very happy, belated birthday from all of us here at IM, and once again extend an invitation to come speak to me anytime she wishes.

Well at least Willow was thrilled to receive one person's happy birthday wishes.

By the way the most recent (And possibly last now that TAPP has given her the old heave ho.) Fartknocker Report features Palin given parents advise on raising their kids.

No I am not joking.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

It looks like Sarah Palin has been lurking here on IM again. Update!

So just a few hours ago I posted this about Palin's kind of backhanded recognition of Track and Tig's birthdays.

Well no sooner had I left for the grocery store to buy my liberal wine and cheeses, when what should suddenly pop up over on Palin's Facebook page:

Just look how happy the boys are to be involved in this photo-op.
Celebrating the boys' birthdays – in new snow on 4/20! Trig takes another lap on his restored '88 Élan (thank you, Garret and Ellie!) while enjoying this "climate change" (also known as "seasons"). 

See? You can tell how important this celebration was to Palin by the obvious effort she put into having somebody shlep to the store to buy cupcakes, and to dig up some left over candle to jam into the middle of one of them.

But what's up with that mention of climate change?

Oh wait, there's more.  

100% Human-Caused Global Warming? What a racket. A money-making, politically-driven tool that ignores history to enable control freaks' mandates that fundamentally transform your lifestyle and stall American progress. 

Well, happy birthday, sons; may you and your generation never cave to Al Gore and his liberal idiotic ilk as elitists pretend to play God, claiming they control Mother Nature. They can't predict this afternoon's weather but foolishly demand trust in their supernatural power to predict it 5000 years from now. Stay strong, boys! We need men like you to un-do what's been done to our country under liberal control. Meanwhile, enjoy the snow! 

- Sarah Palin 

And here's a picture of Trig playing in the snow, to drive home her point.

So not only is she late, but she simply cannot resist turning the post into an attack on Al Gore, the science behind Climate Change, and liberals.

However besides confusing weather with climate, Palin also must not have been in the state long enough to recognize that virtually ALL of us have been discussing how crazy this winter has been.

In fact this has been the second lowest snowfall on record.

But the real crime here is that Palin cannot simply wish her children a happy birthday without dragging politics into it. First yesterday with the whole Taya Kyle thing, and now today with her unprovoked attack on Al Gore.

What a small, sad, hateful woman.

If she doesn't knock it off I'm not going to let her come here anymore to learn what she is doing wrong. I'm serious.

Update: Oops I forgot to add this video of Trig at school from Willow.

Sarah Palin finally acknowledges Track and Trig's birthdays. (Well sort of.)

As we noted on the 18th Palin had for some reason failed to acknowledge the birth of the child who has been instrumental in helping her to make millions of dollars.

The next day there was still no mention, though Bristol did take some time out from soiling her image as an abstinence spokesperson in Kentucky to post a little something.

And then yesterday a number of you noted that Palin was also forgetting her warrior bodied son, now mostly replaced in her affections by MOH Dakota Meyer, by not posting anything about HIS birthday.

Well Sarah Palin, and her ghostwriter, have just one thing to say to you, "Nanny nanny boo boo!"

Because late yesterday the ghostwriter, probably with Palin's awareness, posted this on her Facebook page:

Taya Kyle shows her strength and grace again last night at the ACM! This beautiful American woman introduced a patriotic tribute to our troops called "All American Kid". Thank you to the country music community for boldly supporting our military vets and their families!

So there you have it she finally did......wait a minute this is just about Chris Kyle's widow. Where is the......oh wait here it is tacked onto the bottom of this post, like an afterthought.

(And happy birthday to my favorite vet, just two days after his little brother's birthday; I'm undeservedly blessed with some great men in my life!)

See, are you happy now?

I mean Sarah Palin is a busy woman, so it is understandable that she does not always have time to pay attention to her only sons. Besides it's not like they're helping much these days.

I mean do we really think that Trig helps to apply Palin's trowel of makeup before she leaves the house? (Though if he did that might help to explain things.)

Do we think that Track EVER helps to wrestle that road kill wig onto her head?

Or help her pick out her camouflage clothing?

Or run the camera for her while she says ignorant things on her internet channel?

Hell it seems that neither one of them has even TRIED to find a nice Medal of Honor winner to marry. So really what are they doing to help?

I mean is it any wonder that celebrating the day of their births (Or supposed births) is just not that big of a big deal in her life anymore?

Of course not.

They're just lucky she has not tossed them to the curb and replaced them with somebody more helpful to her image.

Oh yeah, I forgot.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Well look who finally acknowledged that Trig had a birthday.

From Bristol's Enjoygram account:

happy 7th birthday trig paxson!!! #daylate #cutest #mybrotherhasmorechromosomesthanyours

As of this post Sarah herself has not yet bothered to acknowledge the milestone.

 In the past it seems she has managed to get to it sometime on the 18th. I guess when you are no longer useful as a prop, sometimes you just get ignored.

Right Track?

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday Trig Paxson Van Palin!

Most recent picture I could find courtesy of Bristol's Enjoygram account.
Seriously is there ANY seven year old on the planet whose birth, and the pregnancy leading up to his birth, has attracted as much scrutiny as Trig's?

I seriously doubt it.

And there are some who argue that after all this time, in the words of Hillary Clinton, "What difference at this point does it make?"

And that is actually a good question.

Personally I think that we here at IM have done a pretty admirable job of proving, beyond what I think is a reasonable doubt, that Sarah did not give birth to Trig on April 18th, 2008.

Some of that proof can be found here, here, and here.

I have just one more lead that I am chasing right now, and it is a humdinger. But to be honest it will still proof insufficient to convince those who simply refuse to entertain the possibility that ANYBODY, Sarah Palin included, would ever attempt to pull off such an audacious hoax.

And once again there are those who wonder does anybody really even care anymore?

So I put it to you my friends, do you think it is still worth the effort?

And if I do manage to gather a few last pieces to the puzzled which proves that she faked the pregnancy, what then?

Feel free to speak your mind. After all this is the place for it.

Monday, December 29, 2014

You ever have one of those nights?

For those confused as to what happened with the simple little Happy Birthday Tripp post on Saturday night, let me explain.

Originally I had the Sea of Blue post scheduled for that last slot at the end of the night.

However when I visited Facebook to see what my family was up to I happened to see a post from Mercede wishing her nephew a happy birthday.

"Oh yeah it's Tripp's birthday" I thought so I quickly put up a simple post wishing him a happy birthday, which I have done several times in the past. No biggie.

After that I kind of turned away from my computer and started doing other work while watching Netflix in the background.

At around 8:04 I received a comment suggesting that Tripp's birthday is actually two days away.

Wait, what? So at this point I have also had a glass or two of wine and am exhausted and not thinking at all clearly.

So I Google Tripp's birth date and find this. In my somewhat bleary eyed state all I do is read the date, which is December 29th, and think "Oh crap I might be premature." (The article actually says that Tripp was born on Saturday which would have made it the 27th. But hey. who reads the articles?)

I then went to my post on the day that we all learned that Bristol gave birth, and once again only read the date it was posted, December 29th. (The actual ADN article listed the birth date on the 28th. More confusion.)

So at this point I have confused myself completley since I am literally running on fumes. In response I quickly write a post saying that I might be wrong, and how weird it is that Mercede would have Tripp's birthday wrong.

Then I post that and go back to Facebook to ask Sadie about it. When I get there I see that Sunny has also wished Tripp a happy birthday and talked about spending the day with him to celebrate.

After that I changed the post once again to what most of you saw Saturday night and Sunday morning.

When I woke up in the morning I went back to see where I had screwed up and was able to figure out where I had, if you pardon the term, tripped up.

Tripp's birthday is, and always has been, December 27th. Which is something I have known because I have wished him a happy birthday several times in the past.

So let me apologize for my rather confusing post, and remind all of you that drinking and posting never mix.

I would also like to mention that though I may have bungled my birthday post for Tripp, at least I took the time to make one.

As of right now neither Bristol nor Sarah have bothered to do the same.

P.S. For those of you who are curious about the next post coming from my source, I will let you know that I sent her a list of the questions that many of you left in the comments and she has responded. I am still working on followups and clarifications, but the post is planned for January 2nd which will place it outside of the holiday slow period when blog traffic is traditionally down.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Can't let the day go by without wishing a Happy Birthday to this little guy.

Breeze, Levi, and Tripp Johnston
You know for being so young this kiddo has certainly been the center of a lot of conspiracy theories, arguments, and, at least this year, brawls.

Here's hoping that in 2015 the legal battle between his parents finally comes to an end.

Gee I wonder what happens next?

Update: For those confused about the date of Tripp's birthday, according to Facebook posts by Sunny and his Aunt Mercede it's today.

However according to every other source, including this blog, it is not for two more days.

Oh crap! Do we have another mystery?

Sunday, September 07, 2014

Oops forgot to wish the purse carrier a happy birthday.

"You're nothing without me and don't you forget it!"
From the spouse hating she-devil's Facebook page:

I was traveling yesterday, so I'm posting Todd's 50th birthday greeting a day late, which is fine because the handsome guy barely looks a day over 50. - Sarah Palin

Yeah I am sure that it was only because she was traveling that she forgot that Todd was turning the big 5-0 today. Yeah, somehow I think that she forgets about him with some regularity these days.

No worries though, she already gave him his favorite present.

She left the state.

Pretty sure that all he really cares about is continuing to receive that check to keep on pretending that they are still one big happy family.  After all you know the song;

"Postage, postage  will keep us together
Think of me bitch whenever
Those SarahPAC numbers come out, don't ever doubt
I'll sing like a bird,
I'm a man of my word
Just remember, I'll take you down with me
And then I'll be free
So don't stop, remembering that postage will keep us together"

(With heartfelt apologies to the Captain and Tennille.)

Monday, June 23, 2014

It's Monday so let's start it off with something sweet.

A little girl was bothered that her daddy worked too hard, so she wrote a letter on his behalf to his employer, who happened to be Google.

Just in case you can't read it clearly: 

Dear Google Worker, 

Can you please make sure when daddy goes to work, he gets one day off. Like he can get a day off on Wednesday. Because daddy only gets a day off on Saturday. 

 From, Katie 

P.S. It is Daddy's BIRTHDAY 

P.P.S. It is summer, you know 

Yeah, it's summer you know. 

Believe it or not, Katie's dad's boss at Google wrote back.

Wow, he got a whole week off for vacation. Nicely done Katie!

You know the only time my daughter got me out of work was when I had to use vacation days to stay home with her when she caught chicken pox.

We still kind of had fun. You know in between the itching and applications of calamine lotion.

(H/T to Business Insider.)

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sarah Palin shares an Easter greeting on Facebook, and finally remembers a certain birthday.

The Easter greeting is the same old mooseshit, but I thought this portion was worth sharing:

PS: Happy birthday to both my boys, too! Here’s the littlest one on Friday heading into school to share birthday treats with his classmates – Peeps and applesauce!

Nice try but I think it is pretty telling that she forgot to mention his birthday yesterday, when it was actually happening, and instead combined it with Track's birthday greeting, which IS actually today.

I guess it is only Palin's biological children who get a shout out on their birthdays and props get theirs whenever she damn well gets around to it.

Oh well, better late than never.

Does anybody else think this photo, and the other one on Facebook, look like they were posed in order to sell a certain message?

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mad Magazine celebrates Sarah Palin's 50th birthday. Oh she's going to love this!

I hate to break this to Mad Magazine but Sarah Palin has been getting plastic surgery for years, well before Bristol who got her first surgery when she was underage teenager.

Other than that I think Mad did a great job.

You can tell by counting the dings in her refrigerator.