Showing posts with label childish. Show all posts
Showing posts with label childish. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Donald Trump the Retweeter-in-Chief.

So this morning Trump sent out these original tweets, the second one apparently mocking Kim Jong Un, but he followed them up with a series of retweets.

As you can see Trump really likes tweets that stroke his ego and blow sunshine up his ass.

He also likes tweets which attack his current or former opponents.
Well that's certainly mature.

Keep reminding yourself that this is the Twitter account of the most powerful man on the planet.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Trump to Manafort: "Am I a baby to you?"

Courtesy of Yahoo News: 

A new book details a fight that it says led Donald Trump to oust Paul Manafort, who served as chairman and, for a time, manager of his presidential campaign. 

The book, "Devil's Bargain" by Bloomberg Businessweek correspondent Joshua Green, was previewed in the Daily Mail on Monday. 

According to the Daily Mail, the book says a New York Times article led to the fight that precipitated Manafort's removal from the Trump campaign. 

The Times article noted that Trump's aides used TV appearances to get their messages across to him because they found that more effective than communicating face-to-face. 

The day after the article's publication, apparently at the urging of Rebekah Mercer, a Republican donor who threw her weight behind Trump during the election, Trump reportedly called a meeting with his top staff at his Bedminster, New Jersey golf club. The meeting, the Daily Mail said, included Manafort, Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York, former Fox News chief Roger Ailes, and Manafort's deputy Rick Gates. 

When everybody was assembled, Trump reportedly shouted at Manafort, "How can anybody allow an article that says your campaign is all f----- up?" 

"You think you've gotta go on TV to talk to me? You treat me like a baby!" Trump added, according to Green's account of the meeting quoted in the Daily Mail. 

"Am I like a baby to you? I sit there like a little baby and watch TV and you talk to me? Am I a f------ baby, Paul?" Trump reportedly continued.

I think we all know the answer to that is "Yes."

According to the book the next Times article which revealed that Manafort had been paid millions by a pro-Russia Ukrainian political party sealed his fate.

Jared Kushner actually did the firing, but clearly Trump was humiliated by the first article and that was why Manafort had to be punished.

I have the feeling that this is only one example of the kind of turmoil that took place during the campaign, and now happens within the White House on a daily basis.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Former Trump campaign staffers explain how to control the giant orange baby.

Courtesy of Politico:  

President Donald Trump’s former campaign staffers claim they cracked the code for tamping down his most inflammatory tweets, and they say the current West Wing staff would do well to take note. 

The key to keeping Trump’s Twitter habit under control, according to six former campaign officials, is to ensure that his personal media consumption includes a steady stream of praise. And when no such praise was to be found, staff would turn to friendly outlets to drum some up — and make sure it made its way to Trump’s desk.

"If candidate Trump was upset about unfair coverage, it was productive to show him that he was getting fair coverage from outlets that were persuadable," said former communications director Sam Nunberg. "The same media that our base digests and prefers is going to be the base for his support. I would assume the president would like to see positive and preferential treatment from those outlets and that would help the operation overall."

So apparently their methodology was to treat Donald Trump like a bratty, tantrum throwing child, by only saying nice things to him to keep him calm and deflecting negative information that might cause him to act out.

That is not only a terrible way to support the most powerful man in the world, that is extremely poor parenting.

If Trump's handlers want him to rise the responsibilities of the job that the Russians gave him they need to use a little tough love.

Definitely tell him the bad news, ALL of the bad news, and then tell him how much worse that news could get if he goes off on a Twitter tirade.

The president HAS to know the real dangers facing the country, also how complicated the solutions will be.

Keeping this man in a bubble to protect his ego and control his impulses is not going to, in any way, help the American people.

I once again have to take a moment to wonder just how in the hell people in this country could have voted to put somebody this incredibly unfit, unpredictable, and potentially volatile in the most important job on the planet.

It literally boggles the mind.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

So this is what the GOP presidential race has devolved into. Update!

Cruz puffed his moobs in response.
But Trump's not buying that BS.
I will assume that next we will see Cruz egging Trump's house, and Trump trying to give him a wedgie.

Hey does anybody else remember when the Republican party had a little class?

You know what, me either. 

Update: Just in case you thought Donald Trump could go any lower.

Oh yeah, he is going to completely self destruct going up against Hillary.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

After Univision cancels Miss USA telecast due to Donald Trump's racist comments, Trump sends letter forbidding them from setting foot on any of his properties. Trump diplomacy at work.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Donald Trump has banned any employee of Univision from stepping foot on one of his properties after the Spanish-language network cancelled the Miss USA telecast. 

The billionaire real estate baron, who is now running for president, sent a signed letter to the company's CEO and made threats about future policies. 

"Please congratulate your Mexican Government officials for having made such outstanding trade deals with the United States. However, inform them that should I become President, those days are over. We are bringing jobs back to the U.S. Also, a meaningful border will be immediately created, not the laughingstock that currently exists," Trump said in the letter.

 Yes this is the guy we won't negotiating foreign policy with Putin, or working out a nuclear agreement with Iran.

The guy would start a war over the slightest provocation.

Essentially he is a big orange baby, with weird hair, and an over inflated ego.

He actually may be too clownish to be permitted to sit in the GOP clown car. And that's really saying something.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fox News White House correspondent storms out because Jay Carney ignored him and hurt his widdle feelings. Update!

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Fox News correspondent Ed Henry walked out of a White House press briefing after being repeatedly ignored by spokesman Jay Carney on Friday. Henry attempted to ask Carney a question twice, but Carney called on other people instead. 

After the first time, Henry could be seen shaking his head and muttering something to colleague Major Garrett. After the second time, Henry angrily got up and left the room. The briefing continued without him.

You can see the head shake at the 4 sec mark, the slow burn at the 2 minute mark, and the storm out at the 3:20 mark. Such a professional.

Personally I don't think that the President or his spokespeople should EVER call on any Fox News reporters. After all if you want to disseminate information it is best to do so by  providing it to actual journalists, and NOT Republican propagandists.

Update: Oh this just keeps getting better:

The exchange, or lack of one, followed a contentious session on Wednesday in which Henry essentially accused the president of being indifferent to the families of servicemembers killed in action. The Wednesday exchange between Carney and Henry over the restoration of military death benefits centered on Henry repeatedly asking when Obama “learn[ed] specifically that the military death benefits would not be paid,” the tone becoming more confrontational with each back and forth between Henry and Carney. 

Carney described Henry as a partisan opponent during that exchange. This wasn’t the first contentious exchange between the two. Henry badgered Carney last month about whether or not the White House staffer would sign up for Obamacare. Though Henry meant it as a gotcha-type accusation, Carney replied “If I did not have employer provided health insurance, like I’m sure you do, unless there’s something about Fox I don’t know, then I would absolutely enroll and it would be more affordable.” 

At the impromptu Friday press conference, Carney called on no television reporters, and ignored Henry’s attempts to ask a question.

So NO television reporters were called on, but only ONE cable news idiot threw a tantrum because of it. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Donald Trump gets into yet another Twitter war and gets his ass handed to him.

This is somewhat off topic for this blog, but I simply could not resist sharing with you this incredible, and satisfying smack down that resulted when Donald Trump picked a fight with Modern Family writer Danny Zuker. Now keep in mind as you read this that Trump was the keynote speaker at this weekends Faith and Freedom Coalition, which is a gathering which includes virtually ALL of the who's who in the Republican party.



There were a few other back and forths which you can see here but this gives you an idea of just how childish, pathetic, and arrogant this lunatic is, and yet he is warmly embraced by a party that is supposedly trying to reinvent itself in order to win future elections.

Yeah, good luck with that GOP.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

During his Univision appearance, Mitt Romney threw a temper tantrum over his introduction, and broke the rules by filling the audience with non-student activists to give the impression of more support from Latinos.

Hear that? The brown people who talk funny, love me!"
Courtesy of Buzzfeed:  

When the Republican took his place Wednesday night in the first of two back-to-back candidate forums televised on the mega-network, he was greeted by an adoring, raucous crowd that cheered his every word, and booed many of the moderators' questions. The next night, President Obama was treated to stone cold silence from the audience as he was aggressively grilled on his lackluster immigration record. 

The contrast was widely noted by observers who watched both forums — and it was glaring enough to evoke some boasting from the Romney campaign in the immediate aftermath. 

"These forums are going to be watched by more Hispanics than watched the conventions," said Alberto Martinez, a Florida-based Romney adviser. "I think [Romney] did an amazing job, and I think it was pretty clear there wasn't the same excitement for President Obama." 

But the enthusiasm gap may have been an optical illusion formed by a series of last-minute demands by the Romney campaign, according to Maria Elena Salinas, one of the Univision anchors who moderated the forums. 

Salinas told BuzzFeed that tickets for each forum were divided between the network, the respective campaigns, and the University of Miami (which hosted the events) — and she said both campaigns initially agreed to keep the audience comprised mostly of students, in keeping with the events' education theme. 

But after exhausting the few conservative groups on campus, the Romney camp realized there weren't enough sympathetic students to fill the stands on their night — so they told the network and university that if they weren't given an exemption to the students-only rule, they might have to "reschedule." 

The organizers relented. 

WTF? So essentially if the Romney campaign had played by the rules Mitt the Twit would have been sitting  in front of a number of empty seats in his brown face, instead of receiving the prearranged applause that we heard on the tapes.

Oh and that is not the ONLY time that Romney acted like a spoiled toddler.

While introducing Romney at the top of the broadcast, Salinas's co-anchor, Jorge Ramos, noted that the Republican candidate had agreed to give the network 35 minutes, and that Obama had agreed to a full hour the next night. Ramos then invited the audience to welcome Romney to the stage — but the candidate didn't materialize. 

"It was a very awkward moment, believe me," Salinas said. 

Apparently, Romney took issue with the anchors beginning the broadcast that way, said Salinas, and he refused to go on stage until they re-taped the introduction. (One Republican present at the taping said Romney "threw a tantrum.") 

"Our president of news was talking to the Romney campaign and negotiating it," Salinas said. "But at that point, you can't really argue with that. The candidate is there, everyone is in their seats, the show must go on. There's a limit to how much we can object to it." 

The compromise reached was that the anchors would note the discrepancy in the candidates' time commitments at the end of the broadcast. But Salinas said, by then, the crowd was cheering so loudly that they drowned out the anchors' words. 

Here is a CNN interview with Maria Elena Salinas about the two interviews.

Okay I am being serious here, just who in the FUCK would support this pompous, over-privileged, fraud at this point? Anybody?

You know you can almost hear the wheels flying off the campaign bus as it careens out of control. What a miserable joke this guy has turned out to be. And no WONDER his fellow GOP candidates hated his ass!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

This is the guy who wants to replace the President and become the leader of the free world?

This was taped to the press buses following Mitt Romney on his five day campaign tour.

Apparently Mitt Romney, the guy who believed that cutting a schoolmate's hair was a "prank," is STILL acting like a twelve year old over privileged little shit.

And didn't his campaign bus recently drive in circles around the President while he was speaking, honking their horn?

Several reporters on the bus tweeted with confusion, at first, why the bus seemed to be aimlessly circling in Ohio. Soon, the campaign’s brilliant scheme revealed itself as they realized the bus — emblazoned with the Romney campaign’s logo in giant letters — was circling the president’s speech site and honking at Obama supporters. The president’s talk doesn’t begin until later this afternoon, but the move seemed to be an attempt to harass, distract or annoy attendees.

Oh yeah, THIS is the guy we want to put in the White House!

(H/T to the Daily Kos.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

In middle of GOP debate Mitt Romney and Rick Perry suddenly get all pre-school on each other's ass!

Now before I start getting complaints just let me say that, yes I am aware that preschoolers are far more respectful of each other, and that they demonstrate higher functioning social skills than either Perry or Romney, but it was just the best term I could come up with that seemed to fit the pathetic cry-baby antics I was watching.

Though to be fair I thought that Mitt won that exchange even though he did not respect little Rickie's personal space. At least he tried to use his inside voice, and did tell an adult (Anderson Cooper) that Perry was acting like a butthead.

(H/T to Mediaite.)

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Watch the immature middle school tactics used by GOP to harrass and silence the female speakers on the House floor. A shameful performance

If I had voted for one of these assholes I would be dialing their Congressional office and demanding that they conduct themselves in a civilized manner while representing me and my district.

I hope the Republican voters are taking a good long look at the people representing them in Congress.

Update: Don't forget that Orrin Hatch already admitted the REAL reason that the Republicans are against this bill. "And if they get there, of course, you're going to have a very rough time having a two-party system in this country, because almost everybody's going to say, 'All we ever were, all we ever are, all we ever hope to be depends on the Democratic Party.' "

It has NOTHING to do with helping Americans, and EVERYTHING to do with retaining power.