You know in my real job, the one that pays my bills, I often have to work with individuals who are very dedicated liars. So dedicated in fact that they believe the lies that they tell to such a degree that to identify what they say as a lie can become very difficult.
But there are what I call "gives." These are subconscious indications (Much like a poker player whose face betrays his royal flush) that betray the truth they are hoping to conceal.
One of these gives is providing TOO much detail in an attempt to make your lie more believable, when in fact you make it too complicated to adequately keep track of all of the moving parts.
The other give is the need to revisit the lie over and over again, much like an arsonist who returns to the building that they set afire over and over to see if people have figured out who did it, or simply to admire their handy work.
Sarah Palin has demonstrated both of these "gives" a number of times.
In the speech above Palin cannot help but revisit a number of her lies, as well as stories that she is still very angry were ever reported on. I cannot help but find it especially entertaining that she has resurrected older stories, ones that hardly anybody talks about anymore, and which were first reported here on IM.
Clearly she is STILL irritated by the fact that I reported on those stories, and in some cases continue to report on them, and is bringing them up in a relatively unnecessary attempt to refute them even though many in her audience have probably never heard of the Montana land deal, or the FBI investigation, or the Hampton's rumor.
That Montana land deal story WAS a very good story, by the way. And I was quite confident that I had my facts correct, but the Palins apparently quashed it JUST to prove me wrong. Which of course was, at the time, a much better outcome than I was hoping for.
The same was true of her divorce, which I first reported in my, now somewhat notorious,
Splitsville post. After that, according to various sources that we have talked to since, Palin circled the wagons and offered Todd a deal to "play the happily married spouse." Once again, in my opinion, the best outcome I could have hoped for at the time.
As for her impossible pregnancy, and Trig's ridiculous birth story, Palin simply CANNOT resist revisiting the burned ashes of that particular lie constantly. I believe that she considers it a successful lie even though the falsity of it is now accepted by a larger population of Americans than never before, and though she is STILL actively working to keep the truth hidden from view.
I wonder just HOW much money the tabloids and blogs have manged to suck out of her bank account in order for her to continue to hide the truth from us?
Another thing I found rather interesting about the speech fragment in the video is that while Palin is attempting to espouse the virtues of the "new media" while slamming the "old media," the stories that she is clearly still irritated by were reported in, what she has labeled, the "new media." Blogs were the ones that discussed her fake pregnancy, her Montana property, and the federal investigations, NOT Katie Couric! However Palin is on a roll, and as we know with Palin facts rarely matter.
And as for the person she claims wants to be "the prince of Make-crap-up-istan? How is that NOT Rupert Murdoch?
All in all I think we have to chalk this up to yet another Sarah Palin EPIC FAIL!
Update: I forgot to mention that the Grizzled Mama's influence has now been so dramatically reduced that in order to get people to attend a conference which features her as a speaker,
Tea is also offering a get rich quick scheme that they guarantee will quadruple the attendance fee:
This opportunity is so important…and I’m so confident that the New Orleans Conference will pay for itself many times over…that I’ll offer you this ironclad guarantee:
If you attend New Orleans 2012 and don’t make back at least four times the money you paid to register — in six months or less — just let me know.
I’ll happily give you a prompt, hassle-free refund on your entire registration fee. Every penny.
Yeah but first you have to be subjected to the screech that passes for speech from the "Wasilla Banshee" and spend the day with tricorner hat wearing dipshits who don't understand the Constitution.
I think I'll take a pass.
Update 2: For those who are interested
here is the entire speech.