Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mitt Romney. Show all posts

Monday, March 05, 2018

Did the Kremlin push Donald Trump to reject Mitt Romney and instead choose Rex Tillerson for his Secretary of State? Yeah, quite possibly.

Here is the passage courtesy of the New Yorker:  

One subject that Steele is believed to have discussed with Mueller’s investigators is a memo that he wrote in late November, 2016, after his contract with Fusion had ended. This memo, which did not surface publicly with the others, is shorter than the rest, and is based on one source, described as “a senior Russian official.” The official said that he was merely relaying talk circulating in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but what he’d heard was astonishing: people were saying that the Kremlin had intervened to block Trump’s initial choice for Secretary of State, Mitt Romney. (During Romney’s run for the White House in 2012, he was notably hawkish on Russia, calling it the single greatest threat to the U.S.) The memo said that the Kremlin, through unspecified channels, had asked Trump to appoint someone who would be prepared to lift Ukraine-related sanctions, and who would coƶperate on security issues of interest to Russia, such as the conflict in Syria. If what the source heard was true, then a foreign power was exercising pivotal influence over U.S. foreign policy—and an incoming President. 

As fantastical as the memo sounds, subsequent events could be said to support it. In a humiliating public spectacle, Trump dangled the post before Romney until early December, then rejected him. There are plenty of domestic political reasons that Trump may have turned against Romney. Trump loyalists, for instance, noted Romney’s public opposition to Trump during the campaign. Roger Stone, the longtime Trump aide, has suggested that Trump was vengefully tormenting Romney, and had never seriously considered him. (Romney declined to comment. The White House said that he was never a first choice for the role and declined to comment about any communications that the Trump team may have had with Russia on the subject.) In any case, on December 13, 2016, Trump gave Rex Tillerson, the C.E.O. of ExxonMobil, the job. The choice was a surprise to most, and a happy one in Moscow, because Tillerson’s business ties with the Kremlin were long-standing and warm. (In 2011, he brokered a historic partnership between ExxonMobil and Rosneft.) After the election, Congress imposed additional sanctions on Russia, in retaliation for its interference, but Trump and Tillerson have resisted enacting them.

If accurate this would indicate that not only did the Kremlin help Trump get elected, but that they are still influencing his decision making so that it directly benefits Russia and not  the United States of America.

And yet the Republicans continue to support him and protect him from impeachment.

By the way this New Yorker article is a deep dive into the Steele Dossier and how it was assembled, so it is well worth your time to read. 

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Petty Donald Trump makes Romney niece change name in order to get work.

Courtesy of WaPo:

Before Ronna Romney McDaniel took over as Republican National Committee chairwoman earlier this year, President Trump had a request: Would she be willing to stop using her middle name publicly? 

Trump followed up by saying in a lighthearted way that McDaniel, the niece of former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, could do what she wanted, according to two people familiar with the comments. But the change was soon plain for all to see. Though she had used her maiden name for years in Michigan, where her grandfather George W. Romney had been governor, McDaniel dropped “Romney” from most official party communications and has rarely used it since. 

The moment offers a window on Trump’s complicated and often tense relationship with the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, who has remained a frequent critic of the president and is considering a Senate campaign next year in Utah. The pair’s history stretches from Romney’s pained courtship of Trump’s endorsement in 2012 to Trump’s searing criticism of Romney in 2016, when he called his predecessor a “stone cold loser” who blew an easy chance to beat then-President Barack Obama. 

Those tensions were on display again this week, when White House aides scripted a trip to Utah with a single political goal in mind: to convince Sen. Orrin G. Hatch (R-Utah) to run for reelection and thwart Romney from mounting his own bid for the seat, according to a senior White House official involved in the preparations.

This guy simply never drops a grudge.

That's why he is still obsessed with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Hell I think his entire campaign was inspired by his desire to get back at then President Obama over those jokes he made during that 2011 White House Correspondents' Dinner.

And as for this suggesting to Romney McDaniel to change her name being "lighthearted," it was not lighthearted, it was a thinly veiled threat.

It was just like the "lighthearted" thinly veiled threat that he issued to James Comey about dropping the Flynn investigation.

Comey's refusal to comply cost him his job, should we actually believe that McDaniel would have this job if she did not knuckle under?

By the way have you noticed how Trump likes to surround himself with the female relatives of his vanquished foes?

I'm almost surprised that he has not offered Chelsea Clinton a job.

Oh that's right, she is far too intelligent to allow him to marginalize her and make her act like a brainless sycophant.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Trump campaign demands an apology after Hillary Clinton refers to their supporters as a "basket of deplorables." Oh, I was just calling them a "flock of assholes." Update!

Courtesy of Politico: 

Donald Trump’s campaign is demanding an apology for comments Hillary Clinton made at a fundraising event in New York City, where she said half of his supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables” -- “the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it.“ 

Clinton’s comments came as she urged the crowd of donors not to “get complacent” after seeing “the latest outrageous, offensive, inappropriate comment” from Trump and assume, “Well, he's done this time.” 

“You know,” she said, “to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables.” 

“Right?” she said as the crowd laughed and applauded. 

“The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it,” Clinton continued. “And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up. He has given voice to their websites that used to only have 11,000 people -- now have 11 million. He tweets and retweets their offensive, hateful, mean-spirited rhetoric.” 

Some are referring to this statement as Hillary's 47 percent moment, after the famous comments made by Mitt Romney during the 2012 election, but that is just bullshit. Not to mention wishful thinking on the part of the Trump campaign.

Instead of painting all Republicans with the same broad brush strokes Hillary is trying to cut the non-crazies from the herd and convince them to vote for her, or at the very least NOT vote for Donald Trump.
No, it won't.

Let's face it the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic voting block is NEVER going to vote for her no mater what she says or does, so she is simply attempting to draw a bright line between that part of he GOP base, and the part who are simply habitual Republican voters.

And it's working.

So is she going to apologize?

Fuck no!

Update: Well crap she kind of did apologize. Well kinda.
Personally I would have let the statements stand, since we all know that most Americans likely to vote for Hillary agree with them 100%.

Update 2: And this is WHY she should not have even KINDA apologized:
Because she's fucking right.

Yeah this will cost her the election just like Obama's "bitter clingers" comment cost him his two elections. 

Saturday, August 06, 2016

Trump supporters don't like the poll numbers so they just start making up their own

If these numbers look a little off, it's because some of them were pulled out of somebody's ass.
Courtesy of Vox:

The polls don’t look good at all for Donald Trump right now. The RealClearPolitics average of the polls has Hillary Clinton up by 6.7 points. The Huffington Post Pollster has Clinton up by 7.4 points. The New York Times gives Clinton an 80 percent chance of winning the election, and FiveThirtyEight gives her an 81.7 percent chance. 

In the face of all this bad news, some Trump supporters have taken it upon themselves to, essentially, make up poll numbers that look favorable for Trump. This is Long Room, the website dedicated to changing poll numbers so they’re "unbiased." 

These poll numbers are total bullshit. The website’s methodology page claims that the tracker incorporates state data to accurately reflect the demographics of voters. But it seems that, in reality, if a pollster consistently gets results that favor Clinton, it’s deemed more "biased" — and Long Room changes the number further in Trump’s direction.

Apparently the pro-Trump folks on Reddit are promoting this Longroom "polling" site in the hopes that it will rally the troops to continue supporting a candidate that shoots himself in the foot as often as some people blow their nose.

You may remember that this same thing happened back in 2012 when polls showed President Obama destroying Mitt Romney.

Gee, how did that work out again?

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Mitt Romney on Donald Trump: "I don't want to see trickle-down racism."

Courtesy of CNN: 

Mitt Romney suggested Friday that Donald Trump's election could legitimize racism and misogyny, ushering in a change in the moral fabric of American society. 

The 2012 Republican nominee, who has openly opposed Trump's candidacy, went further than he has before in outlining to CNN's Wolf Blitzer how the country's character would suffer in a Trump White House. Trump's rhetoric has caused even some other Republicans to label him a racist, and Romney said he would not be able to paper over his incendiary remarks.

"I don't want to see trickle-down racism," Romney said in an interview here in a suite overlooking the Wasatch Mountains, where he is hosting his yearly ideas conference. "I don't want to see a president of the United States saying things which change the character of the generations of Americans that are following. Presidents have an impact on the nature of our nation, and trickle-down racism, trickle-down bigotry, trickle-down misogyny, all these things are extraordinarily dangerous to the heart and character of America."

Romney, who you may remember also praised the husband of Bristol Palin's ghostwriter during his short lived career as a third party candidate, is now saying that he would not rule out voting for Libertarian Gary Johnson.

I don't know, does anybody really care what Mitt Romney says anymore?

Well Donald Trump seems to:
In other Donald Trump is having a shitty week news, guess who's dropping in the polls.

My theory is that, with Sanders now essentially out of the way, Hillary's numbers will continue to rise while Trump's drop like the IQ's of his supporters.

By the time we get to November, assuming Trump is still in the race, we may see his poll numbers barely nudging thirty.

And let's face it if Hillary adds Elizabeth Warren she could come into November in the high 70's.

Oh man is this going to be great!

Saturday, May 07, 2016

In desperation over Trump's impending nomination some conservatives are looking to a savior, Mitt Romney. Romney? Wait, that can't be right.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

In spite of his insistence that he will not run, Mitt Romney is being courted this week by a leading conservative commentator to reconsider and jump into the volatile 2016 presidential race as an independent candidate. 

William Kristol, the longtime editor of the Weekly Standard magazine and a leading voice on the right, met privately with the 2012 nominee on Thursday afternoon to discuss the possibility of launching an independent bid, potentially with Romney as its standard-bearer. 

“He came pretty close to being elected president, so I thought he may consider doing it, especially since he has been very forthright in explaining why Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should not be president of the United States,” Kristol said in a phone interview Friday, during which he confirmed that he and Romney had a “little meeting in Washington.” 

But knowing Romney’s reluctance, Kristol told Romney that if he remains unwilling to run, many top conservatives would appreciate having the former Massachusetts governor’s support for an independent candidate, should Kristol and other right-leaning figures enlist a willing contender. 

“Obviously, if there were to be an independent candidacy, Romney’s support would be very important,” Kristol said. “I wanted to get his wisdom on whether it was more or less doable than I thought.”

Mitt Romney? The guy with the "binders full of women?" The guy who lost so miserably in the last presidential election that he seemed to have a mini breakdown?

THAT Mitt Romney?

Surely the Republican party cannot be this freaked out about the nominee chosen by their party can they?

Oh yes they can.

In fact there are several GOP leaders who have flat out said they will NOT support Trump, and quite a few more who are still in the "undecided" category.

Even Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, cannot bring himself to jump onboard the Trump train:  

"I'm just not ready to do that at this point. I'm not there right now," the Wisconsin Republican told CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper" in an interview.

And Lindsey Graham is literally between a rock and a Trump place: 

"As for me, I absolutely will not support Hillary Clinton for President. She represents the third term of Barack Obama, and our nation cannot afford to continue those failed policies at home or abroad," he said in a Friday afternoon statement. "I also cannot in good conscience support Donald Trump because I do not believe he is a reliable Republican conservative nor has he displayed the judgment and temperament to serve as Commander in Chief."

Well I for one would welcome a Mitt Romney or some other establishment Republican jumping into the race.

After all, as I have mentioned before, that only helps those of us wanting to keep Donald Trump out of the White House.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Violent clashes between protesters and police outside of Trump rally in Utah. And this is just be the beginning.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

Protesters clashed with supporters of Donald Trump after he gave a speech in Utah on Friday, ending a day full of presidential candidate appearances that also saw Mitt Romney intensifying his criticism of the GOP front-runner. 

Hundreds of people chanted "Dump Trump" and "Mr. Hate Out of Our State" as police in riot gear blocked the entrance to the Salt Lake City building, after protesters tried to rush the door and got into dozens of screaming matches with Trump supporters who didn't make into the venue. 

Trump said he loves Mormons in his first public appearance of the campaign in Utah. He had critical words, though, for former presidential candidate and Utah resident Mitt Romney, who said he was supporting Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in the state's upcoming caucuses.

 "Are you sure he's a Mormon? Are we sure?" he jokingly asked his crowd at the Infinity Event Center.

For those who thought that perhaps the anger and violence would cool down, and that Trump had learned his lesson after Chicago, uh nope.

In fact there are signs that it is only going to ratchet up even more.

Courtesy of Politico:

Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County is relishing the opportunity to host Donald Trump at a rally on his own turf Saturday — and serve as the muscle at the same time. 

“Here I’m gonna be kinda wearing two hats — in charge of the security there in the town and also participating, I would imagine, with Trump in the rally, so it makes it interesting,” Arpaio said in an interview with POLITICO, adding that it “is going to be a lot of fun taking care of business there.” 

Arpaio, who officially endorsed Trump back in January, said that he’s expecting protests at Saturday’s event. But the 83-year-old sheriff who has repeatedly been accused of racial profiling Hispanic residents says Trump’s clashes pale in comparison to his own. 

“I’ve had demonstrations against me constantly,” he said. “He hasn’t had that many demonstrators compared to me.”

Earlier today protesters blocked a road leading to the Trump rally in Arizona. And true to his word Arpaio had some of them arrested.

I seriously doubt this will discourage protesters in the future however. In fact I would imagine that their numbers will only increase.

During that speech in Arizona today Donald Trump had this to say:  

“We’re going to win with our Second Amendment,” he said as the crowd cheered. “We’re gonna win big league with our Second Amendment!”

Yes, that should do tons to tamp down the violence.

Personally I think we can predict with some certainty that there will be a fatality at a Trump rally. The only question is where will it happen, and will it be inside or outside the venue?

Currently half the country sees "fascist undertones" in Donald Trump's campaign.

And my response to that is, "Really, only half?"

Monday, March 07, 2016

SNL's cold open featuring impressions of Donald Trump., Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and Mitt Romney.

Damn that is excellent work by SNL.

I especially liked Bobby Moynihan's Chris "Fat piece of crap" Christie standing in the back responding with "Yes sir, thank you sir, may I have another."

I have to confess that I missed this on Saturday night as I was recovering from a pulled muscle in my back, which kept me awake all night on Friday, so I essentially passed out around 8:30 PM on Saturday like a little boy after a day at the fair.

I figured since I missed it perhaps some of you did as well, which would be a shame because it is damn funny. 

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Mitt Romney dares to criticize Donald Trump so the Trump Tramp goes on the attack.

Earlier today Mittens had this to say:

"His is not the temperament of a stable, thoughtful leader," Romney declared. He called Trump "a phony" who is "playing the American public for suckers," a man whose "imagination must not be married to real power."

Of course Trump came out immediately to slap Mitt down because, well because he is ALWAYS itching to do that. 
So presidential, don't you think?

Apparently Chris Christie was in a food coma most likely as a result of  his embarrassingly awkward time standing behind Trump on stage and trying not to look like one of those politician's wives whose husband just got caught banging an intern. So instead they unleashed the Wasilla Wendigo.

From Palin's Facebook page: 

Thank You, Mitt 

Trump's favorables just rose again, as did the veil you willingly wore while being used by the corrupt political establishment who can't afford to lose their power in liberal D.C. Your speech was so silly and contradictory it confirmed the reasons Trump received tens of thousands more votes than you did in your own home state that you governed. (Ouch low blow! I certainly hope Romney was wearing his cup.) Silly man. Could the establishment really not find anyone credible in their holier-than-thou movement to spew the deception you regurgitated today on tv? (Boy somebody certainly woke up on the wrong side of the Mugshot Saloon's dumpster this morning.)

Independent, commonsense conservative patriots: now it's our time to ramp it up, to prove even more adamantly that our movement in this time for choosing is wisely chosen by those who know what's at stake for America. The political establishment's desperation is nailing its coffin - obviously a good thing - but we mustn't let the Alinsky tactics (Alinsky tactics? Seriously!)used to destroy our We the People movement go unanswered. His shoulders are broad, but Donald Trump must not carry this on his own shoulders. (Those aren't his shoulders, those are his moobs.) Thankfully, Mitt's anti-Republican Platform speech just strengthened our own. Americans' shoulders just got bigger and broader. Way to go, Mitt.

Meeyow! Pfft pfft!

Somebody seems to have missed their methamphetamine laced saucer of milk this morning.

Okay I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that Palin did not get any help from her usual ghostwriter for this post. Though I am sure she had somebody go over it and check it for misspellings and venom stains, it sounds very much like Palin word salad, dipped in poison, and thrown directly into Romney's face.

Hey a girl has to please their sugar daddy now doesn't she? After all bail and court costs don't just pay for themselves.

So when Trump snaps his fingers and says "jump" Palin says "I'm high." Which in this case doesn't really matter because she really never makes any sense anyhow.

Speaking of sugar daddies, it appears that Palin's original old man with deep pockets is going Team Romney on this one: 

U.S. Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential nominee in 2008, joined 2012 nominee Mitt Romney on Thursday in criticizing front-runner Donald Trump, particularly on foreign policy. 

“I share the concerns about Donald Trump that my friend and former Republican nominee, Mitt Romney, described in his speech today," McCain said in a statement. 

"I would also echo the many concerns about Mr. Trump’s uninformed and indeed dangerous statements on national security issues that have been raised by 65 Republican defense and foreign policy leaders," he said of the letter, published online.

I don't want to make you all jealous but my mother got me an actual movie style popcorn maker for my birthday, and it seems like it arrived just in time. 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Mitt Romney suggest that there might be a "bombshell" in Donald Trump's taxes. Irony alert kids.

Hey, remember me?
Courtesy of CNBC: 

Mitt Romney on Wednesday raised questions about Donald Trump's taxes that strikingly resembled attacks used against the former GOP presidential nominee four years ago. 

"Frankly, I think we have a good reason to believe that there's a bombshell in Donald Trump's taxes," Romney said in an interview on Fox News. 

"I think there's something there. Either he's not anywhere near as wealthy as he says he is or he hasn't been paying the kind of taxes we would expect him to pay, or perhaps he hasn't been giving money to the vets or to the disabled like he's been telling us he's doing," he added.

As many of you are probably aware in 2012 Harry Reid suggested that Romney was not paying ANY taxes, so this coming from Mittens is tinged with no small amount of irony.

And as you might imagine Trump is not taking it lying down.

Well he might be lying down, but his fingers are tweeting like crazy.

I actually have little doubt that there are things in "the Donald's" tax records which he would not like to see the light of day, and they probably never will.

However I am also fairly convinced that if they did it would still have no real impact on his seemingly bullet proof campaign. 

Sunday, February 07, 2016

So now unemployment has dropped below 5% and wages are on the rise. I think President Obama is just doing this to irritate the Republicans.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

After years of scant real gains despite steadily falling unemployment and healthy hiring, wages picked up significantly last month, a sign the job market could be tightening enough to force companies to pay more to attract and retain employees. 

The half a percentage point increase in average hourly earnings in January was the brightest spot in a generally positive Labor Department report on Friday, which showed job creation slowing from the white-hot pace of late 2015 even as the unemployment rate fell to an eight-year low of 4.9 percent. 

The last six months were the best extended period for employee paychecks since the recovery began six-and-a-half years ago.

Just a reminder that before Obama took office we were losing approximately 651,000 jobs per month.

Didn't Romney promise to bring unemployment down under 6% if HE were elected?

Well good thing we elected the Democrat isn't it?

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

New book called "The American President" on Ronald Reagan: "No one had ever entered the White House so grossly ill informed."

Courtesy of Salon:

In all fields of public affairs—from diplomacy to the economy—the president stunned Washington policymakers by how little basic information he commanded. His mind, said the well-disposed Peggy Noonan, was “barren terrain.” Speaking of one far-ranging discussion on the MX missile, the Indiana congressman Lee Hamilton, an authority on national defense, reported, “Reagan’s only contribution throughout the entire hour and a half was to interrupt somewhere at midpoint to tell us he’d watched a movie the night before, and he gave us the plot from War Games.” The president “cut ribbons and made speeches. He did these things beautifully,” Congressman Jim Wright of Texas acknowledged. “But he never knew frijoles from pralines about the substantive facts of issues.” Some thought him to be not only ignorant but, in the word of a former CIA director, “stupid.” Clark Clifford called the president an “amiable dunce,” and the usually restrained columnist David Broder wrote, “The task of watering the arid desert between Reagan’s ears is a challenging one for his aides.” 

No Democratic adversary would ever constitute as great a peril to the president’s political future, his advisers concluded, as Reagan did himself. Therefore, they protected him by severely restricting situations where he might blurt out a fantasy. His staff, one study reported, wrapped him “in excelsior,” while “keeping the press at shouting distance or beyond.” In his first year as president, he held only six news conferences—fewest ever in the modern era. Aides also prepared scores of cue cards, so that he would know how to greet visitors and respond to interviewers. His secretary of the treasury and later chief of staff said of the president: “Every moment of every public appearance was scheduled, every word scripted, every place where Reagan was expected to stand was chalked with toe marks.” Those manipulations, he added, seemed customary to Reagan, for “he had been learning his lines, composing his facial expressions, hitting his toe marks for half a century.” Each night, before turning in, he took comfort in a shooting schedule for the next day’s television- focused events that was laid out for him at his bedside, just as it had been in Hollywood. 

His White House staff found it difficult, often impossible, to get him to stir himself to follow even this rudimentary routine. When he was expected to read briefing papers, he lazed on a couch watching old movies. On the day before a summit meeting with world leaders about the future of the economy, he was given a briefing book. The next morning, his chief of staff asked him why he had not even opened it. “Well, Jim,” the president explained, “The Sound of Music was on last night.”

The rest of the Salon article is just as damning as the excerpt up above and of course it simply reinforces what most of us who lived through the Reagan presidency already know to be true.

In fact Reagan was essentially the perfect Republican president. An empty vessel that the conservative puppet masters could use to put forth their message, and implement their policies, in the most amiable way possible.

After all even Ronald Reagan's detractors were often charmed by the man.

And if you think about it the GOP has been looking for a similar standard bearer ever since.

We all know that George W. Bush was at least as ignorant and easily manipulated as Reagan, and I have little doubt that Mitt Romney seemed to them the perfect mannequin to voice the policies that were fed to him by the real power behind the office.

I would think that John McCain would be less likely to play ball, but then they had Sarah Palin waiting in the wings didn't they?

Anybody else just get a cold chill run up their back?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mitt Romney once again rejects calls for him to enter the 2016 presidential campaign.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Mitt Romney is resisting pleas from within the Republican Party to join the 2016 race as a fail-safe against Donald Trump and Ben Carson. 

 'I'm not running, I'm not planning on running,' he told Today's Savannah Guthrie this morning. 

Guthrie asked the 68-year-old about the rumors this morning and noted that neither Trump nor Carson have foreign policy experience. 

Romney seemed unconcerned and pointed out that 15 Republicans are competing for the party's blessing and without naming names said that 'among them maybe two or three that could potentially become our nominee and also win the general election.' 

As the primary process plays out, those people 'will be found to have the experience necessary,' he said. 

Asked point blank on NBC who would be 'better' and have 'more experience' dealing with foreign affairs - Trump or the likely Democratic nominee, Clinton, Romney said, 'There's no question that Hillary Clinton has a lot of experience - she just has very bad experience.' 

I don't know which is more humorous, that Republicans are so worried about nominating Trump or Carson that they would beg Romney to enter the race, or that they actually think Romney would have a better chance against Hillary than he had against Obama.

Well to be honest I think the most humorous part of this article was the inclusion of Sarah Palin: 

Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on the other hand left the door open in an interview that aired yesterday to political office. 

'I'd be willing. That's a good way to put it,' she said in a CBS special. 

Well there you go Republicans. If you are unhappy with the current front runners you could always attempt to recruit Sarah Palin.

Nah, there is no way I would get that lucky.

By the way it should be remembered that this marks the second time that moderate Republicans tried to convince Romney to run, and the second time he told them "Hell no!"

Friday, November 13, 2015

Establishment Republicans starting to panic at thought of Trump or Carson winning nomination. Did somebody say Romney?

Courtesy of the Washington Post:  

Less than three months before the kickoff Iowa caucuses, there is growing anxiety bordering on panic among Republican elites about the dominance and durability of Donald Trump and Ben Carson and widespread bewilderment over how to defeat them. 

Party leaders and donors fear that nominating either man would have negative ramifications for the GOP ticket up and down the ballot, virtually ensuring a Hillary Rodham Clinton presidency and increasing the odds that the Senate falls into Democratic hands. 

The party establishment is paralyzed. Big money is still on the sidelines. No consensus alternative to the outsiders has emerged from the pack of governors and senators running, and there is disagreement about how to prosecute the case against them. Recent focus groups of Trump supporters in Iowa and New Hampshire commissioned by rival campaigns revealed no silver bullet.

Can't really blame the Republicans for wanting to curl up in the fetal position and pray that Ben Carson finally loses his battle with his narcolepsy and passes out in the middle of a press conference or Donald Trump's hair goes rogue and strangles him in his sleep. But barring some fortuitous outcome like that what other options do they really have?

I mean you don't think they're desperate enough to....

They wouldn't actually consider......


According to other Republicans, some in the party establishment are so desperate to change the dynamic that they are talking anew about drafting Romney — despite his insistence that he will not run again. Friends have mapped out a strategy for a late entry to pick up delegates and vie for the nomination in a convention fight, according to the Republicans who were briefed on the talks, though Romney has shown no indication of reviving his interest.

Really? the "binders full of women" guy running against the first female presidential nominee?

Hell why not? Bring him on.

After all it really does not matter at this point just WHO Hillary defeats, and by choosing Romney the Republicans would essentially be signalling that they realize that as well.

Saturday, July 04, 2015

Mitt Romney invites Chris Christie and Marco Rubio over for a pajama party.

"I'm going to have this man over for a pillow fight."
Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney will be hosting two rival Republican presidential contenders at a holiday sleepover Friday evening. 

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio will both be staying over at Romney's property in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire, an aide to Romney confirmed. 

The aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of what the aide called the private nature of the event, said the former governor and his wife opened their home to the Christie and Rubio families after hearing they would be in town for the holiday weekend. Both candidates are scheduled to march in Wolfeboro's Fourth of July parade. 

Christie, who formally jumped into the race this week, told reporters in New Hampshire Friday that he was grateful for the invitation. 

"I suspect there might be a little politics discussed tonight with Mitt and Ann, but me and Mary Pat, and Andrew and Sarah are really happy that Mitt and Ann invited us to stay with them tonight," he said, according to video posted by

Well how adorable.

I wonder if they will stay up late braiding each others hair, telling scary stories about Obamacare, and playing Truth or Dare. (Though I think we all know they would choose "Dare" because Republicans are genetically incapable of telling the "Truth.")

Update: You know the Romney's like sports. Maybe they'll want to play baseball.

That should be fun.

Do you think when you spend the night at the Romney's they make you wear their super secret magic Mormon underwear?

Well I guess this would be a great opportunity for Romney to prepare Christie and Rubio for what it's like to be a political loser and national laughingstock.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Surprisingly enough Mitt Romney takes a stand against the Confederate flag. The President tweets his response.

This is how President Obama responded:
See? Bipartisanship is possible when the response is obvious.

And the President was not done there either.

Well it looks like somebody is fired up and ready to go.

And as we saw yesterday, Hillary is right there with him.

Man, no wonder the conservatives are shitting bricks.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Woman gets three and a half years for running down husband with her SUV because he did not vote for Mitt Romney.

Courtesy of AZ Family:

A judge has sentenced an Arizona woman to 3 1/2 years in prison for running over her husband with an SUV because he didn't vote in the 2012 presidential election. 

Thirty-one-year-old Holly Nicole Solomon, of Mesa, pleaded guilty to assault charges stemming from injuries her husband suffered days after President Barack Obama was re-elected. She was sentenced on Thursday. 

Authorities say Solomon was upset about Obama's re-election and began arguing with her husband when she found out he didn't vote. 

Her husband told investigators Solomon believed her family would face hardship as a result of Obama's re-election. 

Police say Solomon chased her husband through a parking lot, circled him as hid behind a light pole, struck him and pinned him under the vehicle as he tried to flee.

Wow, I knew that Republicans who voted for Mitt Romney were probably a little unhinged, but this takes it to a whole new level.

However you have to admit that the woman wasn't wrong. Her family really DID face hardship after the reelection of President Obama. 

Monday, May 18, 2015

The Mitt Romney-Evander Holyfield fight. One of the most disturbing spectacles I have ever seen.

Things to note:

30 second mark: Ann Romney wearing a Batman cap sideways trying to pull off the boxing groupie cosplay.

1:49 mark: Evander Holyfield makes his appearance looking far to authentic and majestic to be associated with this garbage.

3:16 mark: Mitt removes his robe revealing a suit and tie underneath it.

3:25 mark: They strip the suit and tie leaving Romney shirtless.

6:44 mark: The "fight" starts.

9:43 mark: After touching Holyfield with his outsized gloves like a man engaged in a tickle fight, Romney "knocks" Holyfield down.

10:03 mark: The Romney corner throws in the towel and the "fight" comes to an end. And not a minute too soon.

Okay here's the thing, I KNOW this was supposed to be for charity. And I know it supposedly raised a million dollars.

But I also know that the money went to something called CharityVision which is run by Romney's son Josh.

I also know that Romney could have reached into the back pocket of his faded jeans and simply handed the charity that same amount from his small change purse.

And he could have done that without acting like a fool and taking a giant dump all over the great sport of boxing. A sport that I used to really love.

Watching Romney throw those baby like punches was painful for me to watch. I have seen kittens leisurely swatting at floating dust particles that have more power than Romney demonstrated.

But even worse than that was watching the once great, and I mean GREAT, Evander Holyfield pretend that he also could not throw an effective punch and then take that dive in the second round.

That hurt my heart.

Look I've fought in the ring, and I've trained fighters. I know how much dedication it takes to develop those skills, to build your endurance, and to overcome your trepidation over stepping into a canvas ring that you may end up being carried out of at the end of the fight.

I will hand it to Mittens, he looked fit. But he had no business doing something like this.

Due to our knowledge of the massive head trauma suffered by boxers, the rise of MMA style fighting, and the diminishing interest from the public, boxing is on its death bed.

But it certainly did not need Mitt "Money bags" Romney to deliver such an ugly kidney punch before it breathes its last.

There I've had my say.

Monday, March 30, 2015

President Obama trolls the Republicans by using their own predictions of doom and gloom against them.

I like how this video plays the Republicans actually making the statements as Obama shoots them down word for word.

And yes I think this President deserves to take a little credit. Hell he deserves to take a mountain of credit.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

If only Iowans were allowed to vote in Presidential elections Chris Christie and Jeb Bush would not stand a chance.

A new poll shows that Iowa Republicans do not want ANYTHING to do with what they see as establishment candidates.

Here is more courtesy of the Washington Post: 

While Romney's favorable/unfavorable split is 57/40 (This poll was taken before Romney took his name out of contention.), Bush's is even worse: 46/43. And New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's image is downright bad: 36 percent favorable vs. 54 percent unfavorable. Again, this is among Republicans. 

Other, less establishment-oriented Republicans don't have this problem. Sen. Rand Paul (Ky.) is at 64/25. Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee is at 66/28. Walker is an unparalleled 60/12. None of the Democrats have this problem, either; Hillary Rodham Clinton is at 84/15, Vice President Biden is at 78/20, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) is at 58/11. 

The reason voters are picking on Romney, Bush and Christie? It's because they are perceived as too moderate. Thirty-seven percent each say Romney and Bush are too moderate, while 46 percent say that about Christie. Nobody else comes close.

Personally I don't think the Iowa caucus means anything for Republican candidates these days. After all Huckabee won in 2008 and Rick Santorum won in 2012. Did anybody see their name on the ballot for those years?

However it does indicate that if Jeb Bush has any hope of attracting the Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin crowd he is going to have to do some serious pandering.

Oh and he needs to awkwardly eat a corn dog as well.

For some reason these conservative folks in the Midwest just love seeing a politician cram a piping hot tube of meat in their mouths.  I'm not sure why.