Showing posts with label white powder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white powder. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Mysterious white powder sent to Sarah Palin. And no its not snow!

Authorities are investigating a letter containing a suspicious white powder sent to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

Similar suspicious mailings were addressed to seven other governors this week.

It wasn't immediately clear if the letter addressed to the former Republican vice presidential candidate had a Dallas postmark, as the other letters did. A Palin spokeswoman said it was sent to her Juneau office and received Tuesday.

An FBI spokesman in Alaska says the powder is being tested.

Letters containing white powder have also been sent this week to governors in Alabama, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana and Rhode Island.

In those seven cases, tests showed the powder wasn't dangerous.

Okay now let me get this straight.

"Somebody" decided to frighten Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, by sending her white powder?

We are Alaskans! We see "white powder" everytime we leave our freaking house!

But seriously if this does not smack of a desperate cry for attention then I don't know what does.

"The other Governors are getting white powder for Christmas so I want some too!"

Let me once again predict the future. This powder will turn out to be something benign like baking soda, or baby powder, or crushed up aspirin. There will either be a small story which will appear on the back page of the entertainment section confirming that, or nothing will ever be said about it again.

White powder, that is just so...2001!

Besides didn't they blame the initial Anthrax attacks on a guy that conveniently committed suicide?