Showing posts with label sedition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sedition. Show all posts

Friday, November 06, 2015

Mike Huckabee suggests that Congress defund the White House. Seriously?

Courtesy of Crooks and Liars:  

"He's got a Republican Congress that has never tried to slow him down on his unconstitutional actions. They don't try to slow down the judicial branch when it goes into judicial overreach and practices what Thomas Jefferson would have called judicial tyranny. They've ignored the typical checks and balances that are the constitutional duties of the other branches of government. So I think Obama's going to just go ahead and do whatever he thinks he can get away with, and up until now he's gotten away with pretty much anything he wanted to do. 

"And I hold the Republican Congress responsible and accountable. It's time for them to step up, and if they have to cut the funding out of the White House and simply not appropriate funds for him to function, they have the power of the purse, they simply need to start exercising it."

Holy shit that is a boatload of stupid!

This of course is the same idea floated by professional moron Louie Gohmert over a year ago, so that gives you some idea of the level of wingnuttery we are dealing with here.

If Congress were to attempt such a step it would open them up to charges of sedition and would certainly open a rift between the executive branch and the legislative branch that would have long term ramifications lasting long past the end of the Obama presidency.

Only an idiot or an anarchist would suggest such a thing, so which one is Huckabee?

P.S. By the way you might notice that this interview was giving to Newmax, which is the same low rent Fox News knock off that invited Sarah Palin to spew nonsense after the last Republican debate.

Which just goes to show how far the Huckabee candidacy has fallen these days.

And that is so far that he now has been excluded from the grownups table during the next RNC debate.

Gee what a shame. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

By signing that letter to Iran newly minted Senator Joni Ernst might have just opened herself up to a court martial.

Courtesy of the Daily Kos:

Lt. Col. Joni Ernst, the junior senator from Iowa, is a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard. As such, she is bound by the Iowa State Code of Military Justice. Her signing of the seditious letter to Iran is a clear and direct violation of Chapter 29B.85 of the Iowa State Code of Military Justice


Any person subject to this code who uses contemptuous words against the president, the governor, or the governor of any other state, territory, commonwealth, or possession in which that person may be serving, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.

Well now isn't THAT interesting?

Ernst of course is not the ONLY Senator who might have reason to regret signing that letter.

John McCain does not seem terribly thrilled with his decision either:  

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), one of the signers of the controversial letter to Iran’s leadership, admitted Tuesday night that the letter might not have been the way to express frustration that President Obama isn’t working with Congress on nuclear negotiations with Tehran. 

“What that letter did was tell the Iranians that whatever deal they make, the Congress of the United States will play a role,” he said on Fox News’s “On the Record with Greta van Susteren.” 

“Maybe that wasn’t the best way to do that, but I think the Iranians should know that the Congress of the United States has to play a role in whether an agreement of this magnitude.” 

“It’s also symptomatic between the total lack of trust that exists now between we Republicans and the president,” he said. 

“This has established a poisoned environment here which sometimes causes us to react maybe in not the most effective fashion.”

Perhaps somebody needs to remind this old fossil that it was NOT President Obama who fired the first round in the war with the Republicans they started that skirmish the night of his inauguration:  

On the night of Barack Obama’s inauguration, a group of top GOP luminaries quietly gathered in a Washington steakhouse to lick their wounds and ultimately create the outline of a plan for how to deal with the incoming administration. 

“The room was filled. It was a who’s who of ranking members who had at one point been committee chairmen, or in the majority, who now wondered out loud whether they were in the permanent minority,” Frank Luntz, who organized the event, told FRONTLINE. 

Among them were Senate power brokers Jim DeMint, Jon Kyl and Tom Coburn, and conservative congressmen Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan. 

After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning.

I defy John McCain to explain how ANY President is supposed to work toward compromise with THAT sort of entrenched oppostion.

This Iran letter is just the latest example of the kind of uncooperative, underhanded, and even treasonous behavior exhibited by members of the Republican party since the very day this President was sworn into office.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Republican official in Missouri asks why the military is not taking action against a dangerous domestic enemy, of course meaning the President of the United States.

The above is what showed up on Debbie Dunnegan's Facebook page a few days ago.

Dunnegan is currently up for reelection as the Recorder of Deeds in Jefferson County, and probably does not want the kind of attention that this has attracted.

Which is why she kind of, sort of, took it back: 

Dunnegan said she merely wanted to know what oath the military took to protect the country from enemies both foreign and domestic. 

“I meant no ill intent toward the president. I meant no ill intent toward anybody,” she said. 

“Something innocent and simple got twisted into a disaster because it’s an election,” Dunnegan said.

Yes if it were not for an election, there is probably no way that anybody would mind a little innocent and simple seditious talk on Facebook now would they?

And people wonder why there are so many death threats against this President.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

There exists over on a petition calling for the arrest of the Republicans responsible for the government shutdown.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

A petition posted online at is calling for the arrest of prominent House Republicans on sedition charges for their role in engineering a 16-day government shutdown. 

“I call on the Justice Department of the United States of America to arrest Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor, Speaker of the House John Boehner, and other decision-making House Republican leaders for the crime of seditious conspiracy against the United States of America,” the petition says. 

The petition had attracted nearly 36,000 digital signatures by Friday morning. (By the way the number as of this posting is 43,905 and it is only asking for 50,000.)

“Arrest and try all those who were a party to deliberately trying to destroy the American Economy,” said one signer. 

The petition’s author, Mark Belisle, said GOP lawmakers bent the rules to prevent the Democratic minority from bringing measures to the floor that could have allowed a so-called clean funding resolution to be brought to a vote. 

“The House GOP leadership’s use of the Hastert Rule and H. Res 368 to shut down the government and threaten the U.S. economy with default is an attempt to extort the United States government into altering or abolishing the Affordable Care Act, and thus, is self-evidently a seditious conspiracy,” the petition claims. “Arrest the perpetrators in Congress immediately and bring them to justice.”

I have to start by admitting that I am not the biggest fan of petitions, especially national ones, because I don't think they usually have much of an impact. 

However I have to admit that this man makes some very compelling arguments. And in a perfect world I would love to see thee people punished for what they did to this country and to the American people, especially considering that it was a lost cause from the very beginning.

Anyhow I signed it.

Friday, May 03, 2013

New GOP ad uses footage of grieving mother of slain six year old to attack President and celebrate their ability to block any new legislation coming from the White House or Democrats.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Even as poll after poll shows that obstruction of the Toomey/Manchin background check bill is more poisonous than a dart frog with an attitude, the Republican National Committee has decided to release an ad bragging about it. Political wisdom aside, though, the RNC has crossed a line that should cost them dearly with voters who have any sense of decency. Included in their gloating attack ad was a still frame of President Obama consoling Nicole Hockley, mother of Dylan Hockley, who was six years old when he was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The shot was taken minutes after the Republicans defeated the bill with a minority of votes. 

On Thursday afternoon’s Martin Bashir show, host Martin Bashir played a portion of the ad, and while this disgrace needed Bashir’s outrage if anything ever did, he was struck nearly speechless. “It’s one thing for republicans to celebrate their obstruction of the President’s efforts to prevent children from being massacred by semiautomatic firearms. that’s par for the course. But to feature a grieving mother, whose 6 -year-old has just been murdered?” 

There really are no words for how despicable this ad is, because they’re not just rubbing President Obama’s face in it, they’re rubbing Nicole’s, and every other Newtown parent who supported the effort that the Republicans sabotaged. This was an attack ad against them. You betcha, Reince Priebus, you sure showed Nicole Hockley! Pop the cork, and drink the delicious tears. You earned them.

It is hard to find new ways to get me to hate the Republic party these days, but congratulations  GOP you did it again!

The footage of grieving mother Nicole Hockley being comforted by the President being used in an ad celebrating his inability to protect future six years olds thanks to the obstructionism of your party is a so despicable it seems that the Republican party has now cast THEMSELVES as the evil super-villians fighting against the causes of good.

And they must have been over the top with glee to have captured that sound bite of the President jokingly suggesting that perhaps he should  "just pack up and go home." THAT it what they have been trying to get him to actually do since the day he was inaugurated.

There are NO LONGER two different political parties working toward the betterment of the country or on behalf of their constituents, albeit  perhaps with different ideologies and concerns. No today we have one President trying to get things accomplished, and his political party supporting him, and a group of individuals who are simply there to make sure that no progress is ever made.

And one of them even admitted that.

In other words the Republican party has now become the party of traitors to their country, and the ONLY way we will ever see any progress is to vote as many of them out in the 2014 election as is humanly possible.

Friday, January 11, 2013

With new gun control laws on the horizon, when will Alaska Congressman Don Young keep the pledge he made to convicted terrorist Schaeffer Cox to help overthrow the government?

The video above is from way back in 2009, before Schaeffer started getting into legal trouble and well before the Feds started building their case against him. A time back when, for reasons that are not clear to me, he was considered a respected political leader and was able to attract the attention, and support, of Alaska's lone Congressman.

Here is a portion of a Q and A with Congressman Young at that Denny's restaurant in Fairbanks which starts at the 58 second mark:

Unidentified man: "If any government should decide that we have to register certain of our arms or turn them in, what would you say?"

Congressman Young: "Don't do it. I sincerely mean that. Don't turn them in!"

Later in the video Alaska's sole Congressman is shown signing the document presented that day by now convicted domestic terrorist Schaeffer Cox, which read as follows:

"Let it be known that we, the people of Alaska, stand in recognition of the true principal that whenever a government abandons the principle for which we have created it and even becomes hostile toward that which it was a defender of, it is no longer a fit steward of the political power that is inherent in the people and lent to this government with strict conditions. These conditions are clearly defined in the United States Constitution and understood by the common man. Furthermore, to the extent that our government violates these conditions, they nullify their own authority, at which point it is our right and duty, not as subjects but as sovereign Americans, to entrust this power to new stewards  who will not depart from the laws we have given them."

"This being the case, let it be known that should our government seek to further tax, restrict or register firearms or otherwise impose on the right that shall not be infringed, thus impairing our ability to exercise our God-given right to self defense which precedes all all human legislation and is superior to it, that the duty of us good and faithful people will be to not obey but to alter and abolish them and institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to us shall seem most likely to effect our safety and happiness."

Clearly this is a poorly written call for the overthrow of the federal government if ever they attempt to implement new gun laws requiring a tax, registration, or restriction of any American's firearms. (Which of course is EXACTLY what is about to happen.)

And at the 2:50 mark you can clearly see Don Young signing it.

This of course begs the question, with these new gun restrictions clearly coming down the pike, exactly WHEN will Don Young alert his constituents that it is time to take up arms and overthrow the government?

And of course the follow up question would be, WHY do we Alaskans have as our representative somebody who "pals around" with domestic terrorists and pledges to them that he will join them in a gun fight against the federal government in response to legislation designed to protect our children from violence or death?

(P.S. If the video above looks familiar to you, it is probably because I posted it way back in March of 2011. Believe it or not I was reminded about it the other day by somebody working with the FBI. So yeah, they are paying attention.)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Five more charged in military militia case in Georgia.

Courtesy of Fox 11:

Four former Army soldiers and a civilian have been charged in new indictments for connections to an anti-government militia that authorities say was led by Fort Stewart troops who stockpiled weapons and talked of ultimately overthrowing the U.S. government. 

A Liberty County grand jury indicted the five on charges of illegal gang activity and various counts involving theft, burglary and auto break-ins. Those crimes were committed to help fund the militia group, which called itself F.E.A.R., short for Forever Enduring Always Ready, District Attorney Tom Durden said Tuesday. 

"The burglaries and entering autos, they were committed in an effort to fund F.E.A.R. and what F.E.A.R. was at least advocating they wanted to accomplish," said Durden, the top prosecutor for southeast Georgia's Atlantic Judicial Circuit. Their plans included bombing a Savannah park fountain and poisoning apple crops in the state of Washington, prosecutors say. 

The new indictments Monday bring to 10 the total number of people charged in connection with the militia group.

I actually got a little info from one of my sources who did a little work with this case, and he said that it was in many ways very helpful to the case that these individuals were in the military, as it affords the Feds more leeway in doing their investigations. Apparently when you are in the military Uncle Sam calls the shots, and the rights that civilians take for granted are not always applicable to military personnel.

I also learned that the minute that the Feds knew about these guys they were under 24 hour surveillance and that there was never any real danger that they could pull off any of their schemes.

I felt a sense of relief at that news.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Audience member at Teabagger town hall asks "Who's going to shoot Obama?"

From Salon:

Here's the latest evidence that nothing has changed in post-Tucson America: A person at a Tuesday town hall with Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga., got up and asked, "Who is going to shoot President Obama?"

The exact wording of the question is not clear because, the Athens Banner-Herald reports, there was a lot of noise at the event.  (The exact wording has now been confirmed by Broun's press secretary, and my headline is indeed accurate.) Perhaps more significant than the question was the response of the crowd and Broun, who is a member of the Tea Party Caucus and one of the most right-wing members of Congress.

The question prompted a "big laugh" from the crowd, in Oglethorpe County, Ga., according to the Banner-Herald. Broun, for his part, did not object to the question. He said in response:

"The thing is, I know there’s a lot of frustration with this president. We're going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we'll elect somebody that’s going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare."

The proper response to this question should have been to tell the person who posed it that such talk was against the law and then reported his ass to the Secret Service.  However this Teabagging tool decided to pander to the most hate filled members of his party by essentially expressing his solidarity with the sentiment.

In my opinion if, God forbid, anything DID happen to our President these public servants should be charged with promoting sedition and fanning the flames of violent rhetoric against the leader of this country.

The individuals using this kind of language are certainly old enough to remember what happened in the 1960's when words were followed by actions and we lost our President, his brother, and our most famous icon in this nation's battle for equal rights.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Joe Miller countersues for legal cost of fighting to keep the truth about his past unethical behaviors from being revealed. And just what are his ties to the Alaska Citizens Militia anyway?

From the Alaska Dispatch:

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller is not happy about having to deal what he's termed a "petty" issue: His use of his colleagues' computers to try to unseat a GOP leader he'd had enough of.

The media lawsuits were filed against the Fairbanks North Star Borough, which is Miller's former employer and the keeper of records related to his job there as a part-time attorney.

Now, Miller wants the borough to pay for any legal fees he'll rack up, according to papers filed in court Wednesday. And, he wants the borough and former mayor Jim Whitaker punished. Miller has suffered damages from "illegal and unconstitutional disclosures" of contents in his personnel file, according to a filing by attorney John Tiemessen, and will wait to show how severely he has been harmed until the cases go to trial.

Miller is arguing that borough law and the Alaska Constitution protect his right to privacy, and that leaks about his job history are in violation of those protections.

So essentially Joe Miller is suing for the legal costs that he will accrue as he fights to keep any facts from being revealed that may further damage his reputation, completely ignoring the fact that if he had simply cooperated with the press in the first place there would have been NO legal cost for him to worry about.

Of course Miller was afraid to do that because he is well aware that the information in his employment file may blow his campaign out of the water.

(For those confused by the fact that Miller seems to be represented by a different attorney than Sarah Palin's pet poodle Thomas Van Flein, don't be.  He is a member of Van Flein's law firm.)

I have to imagine that Miller is having significant difficulty focusing on his campaign right now.  Especially since the ties between the militia nutjobs in Alaska and his rent-a-Gestapo are coming to light.

From TPM:

William Fulton, the head of DropZone Security, denies that he's a member of the Alaska Citizens Militia -- though he inarguably has some ties to the militia, and has even been referred to as the "supply Sergeant" by the head of the group.

The ACM was started by Norm Olsen, who the Southern Poverty Law Center reports also started the Michigan Militia, though he was kicked out after touting this theory about the Oklahoma City bombing: "The Japanese government had bombed the federal building there as a return favor for the sarin gas subway attack that he said the U.S. government carried out in Tokyo."

(You know getting kicked out of one of these militias for being to wingnutty is almost like being kicked off of a pro-basketball team for being too tall. This Norm Olsen guy is obviously a real headcase!)

And though Fulton denies being a member of the ACM, Olsen is among those Fulton communicates with on the ACM message board. Writing under the username "bob bob" but signing his posts "DropZone Bill," Fulton has posted 42 times since January, according to Google.

Check out one of "DropZone Bill's" posts on the ACM forum page from just last Saturday:

Thats why I said we all should know our flanks if your in My AOR (Area of Ressponsibility) by all means say hi tell me what area your operating in and how I can identify you same goes for me I will be more than happy to provide that same information to all those on my flanks by doing that before hand we can fix a lot of these issues what I don't agree with is getting involved with what ifs, triggers, internal politics, or communicating tactical information with other groups/units the less technical details we know about each other before the ballon goes up the better that way if one goes down for being stupid or set-up or both, the rest of us are clean. I'm not saying we should hide in the shadows by any means I just think tactical planning should stay within individual groups.

Get to know the guys and groups around you cut up the land scape like a pie each group having its own AOR it is responsible for. If your a lone operator it may just be your house or block but disseminate that information to the group or groups that butt up against you. Get a map of your area draw boundary lines, but that is all that should be on it. I have no problem sitting down with you or any of the other guys operating out of the Anchorage bowl and hacking out areas that way we all know each other and where everybody will operate the larger issues come when we start sharing plans and other tactical information.

I also am very glad this conversation sprang out of our meeting this needs to be had better now then later and this bulletin board is a great resource allowing us all to develop our thoughts and really take the time to hammer this out we all owe Norm a thank you for making this venue available to us.

Dropzone Bill

It is obvious from reading this forum post, and the ones both  preceding and following it, that these guys really believe that a war with the Federal government, and UN peace keeping troops, is imminent.  They are essentially gathering weapons and exchanging tactical information so that they will only kill Federal agents, military personnel, and civilians who wander into their perimeter, and NOT EACH OTHER.

I am beginning to believe that THIS information might be just as important, or even more important, than finding out about Joe Miller's unethical behavior while working for the North Star borough.

I would like somebody to ask Teabagger Joe, what his involvement is with ANY militia members in Alaska, and if he is aware that the guy he hired to rough up Tony Hopfinger is actively planning to take up arms against our own military members and Federal agents? Remember he DID make that remark about admiring how East Germany managed to control the flow of immigrants with that great fence of theirs.

(BTW for any of you who think I might be exaggerating the crazy, I invite you to click the link to the ACM forum page and read a few of those posts for yourself. And if you live in Alaska good luck trying to sleep tonight.)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Right Wing fringe uses computer games to spread lies and indoctrinate undereducated children into helping them prepare to overthrow our government.

The apparent purpose of this site is to allow its visitors to engage in an online strategy game that sets up the following scenario:

As far back as the 1950s there were many who would talk of the N.W.O., or New World Order, behind closed doors--and the plan to implement it. Rumors of this clandestine planning were scoffed at by the media and political elite, and the majority of people were in the dark concerning the true nature of the processes and policies unfolding before their eyes. By 2007 the N.W.O was being spoken about freely in the media. By 2009, the President of the United States and world leaders openly discussed how to achieve this New World Order, and how to ensure the permanency of a regime that would represent the successful culmination of the Marxist experiments of the 20th century. Back in 2007, one brave newscaster was the first in what used to be called the 'mainstream media' to ring the alarm bell. That man was Lou Dobbs of CNN. Click to see video. Lou Dobbs was reported missing during the media purges of January and February 2011, when Mark Lloyd and the FCC, on Obama's orders, cracked down on all dissent in broadcasting. Glen Beck, another broadcast media personality who rang the alarm bell before the coup, was found dead of an 'aspirin overdose' in late 2010, after the devastating elections in November.

Other broadcasters and 'new media leaders' Neil Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, and Sean Hannity, among the hundreds of others who dared to speak against what was going on, were rounded up shortly before the newly elected Congresspeople and Senators were to be seated. This event is now referred to as the Great Media Purge of 2011. President Obama and the Draconian FCC, now filled with his appointed Marxists including Mark Lloyd (Click to watch video), were quick to abolish FOX news, talk radio and all other dissent. The elite media, formerly called the mainstream media, were ecstatic as their audience had been declining week after week beginning in 2008. Unable to face a real media that investigated and reported news, they acted in self-interest in hope of getting government bailout money promised to them by officials in the Obama administration. This was the first step in the nationalization of all media in America, which officially began in 2010, a move that Americans would not welcome and helped spur the Second American Revolution. It all seemed to be coming to a head by late 2009. With over a million (by some estimates) people gathering in Washington D.C. for the anti-tax rally on 9/12, spurred on by Americans from all parties, the media's complicit bend toward dictatorship showed itself for the world to see.

Yahoo News, NY Times, and most other media outlets simply ignored the rallies. Rather than cover the news as news outlets used to do before journalism died in 2008, they preferred to tar the attendees as "racists" and "extremists." It now seemed as if all of middle America were being called racists and extremists. Even the Department of Homeland Security put all Patriots on a watch list for daring to want smaller government or less taxes. They dared even to classify our returning vets as security risks to be watched, which helped to add to the military's disgust with the Obama Administration and media. The proverbial straw that broke the camel's back for most Americans came when Obama appointed avowed communists and ex-felons such as Van Jones to White House positions "advising" Obama. No one to this day knows how such people could pass the formerly required background checks of the F.B.I. The NY Times, oozing bias, formerly the newspaper of record, didn't even mention most of these Czars' names until the bloggers and FOX investigative reporting outed them as the crazed radicals that they were.

Of course, using recent video tape of the Marxists talking of either overthrowing America or of their love of Castro, Chavez and other Marxists, was enough for the NY Times to claim a 'hatchet job' had been performed on the Czars. This was a laughable matter for any American who knew how Obama was filling all posts with real Marxists and revolutionaries who hated the United States and freedom. The fallen Glenn Beck put it all together for us and the question was asked "Could a coup ever take place in America?" Andrew Breitbart led the way in exposing the communists in ACORN and their massive voter fraud schemes. The elite media turned a blind eye as usual. The bloggers came out over and over again exposing the entire collapse of our financial system and how it was executed via the CRA or Community Reinvestment Act. Even Obama's past was well-hidden, with the help of the elite media. In fact, his entire past was shielded from the public. These facts further incensed the public. The Revolution brewed and brewed and nothing had stopped it by early 2010.

The powderkeg had a short fuse, which Obama was more than happy to light. American citizens were not sheep like the citizens of Britain, who allowed their government to take away their right to bear arms, and Americans would not go quietly into the night. Even before Barack Obama was elected, the destruction of America was well-planned by the global Marxists and N.W.O. proponents. American citizens were also well-prepared and the Revolution turned out to be one of the bloodiest any nation would ever see. With literally millions of Americans taking to the streets and even facing down Federal troops in Michigan, New York, California, Texas, and Illinois, Obama knew his days were numbered. Admiral Mullen of the Joint Chiefs finally recalled all Federal troops from their remaining posts in American cities after 4,000 soldiers in Michigan, most of them Oathkeepers, turned on and killed the commander Obama had hand-picked for them. This was the 8th incident across America where American Soldiers or Marines dared to follow the Constitution and not obey the Un-Constitutional orders given to them by Obama's appointed commanders. The Joint Chiefs decided not to be on the wrong side of history and declared that the military would stand aside and guard against any foreign threats during the remaining days of the crisis.

Essentially the game encourages the young people who participate to fantasize about taking part in overthrowing the Obama administration. They imagine an incredibly ridiculous scenario to justify their sedition and then offer points for murdering UN Peacekeepers, Congressmen, and a number of imaginary pro-Obama military units. Below you can see the targets of their attacks and the points awarded for a successful slaughter.

Location: Virginia, U.S.A.You are a militia commander and in control of 1 county. Mission: To defeat all enemies of the United States, both foreign and domestic. Includes:
C.O.R.N.Y. (Congress of Rejected and Neglected Youth) Shock Troops
Obama's police force (Ameritroops)
The Cong (Former congressional leaders)
Nation of Malsi (Islamic fundamentalist troops)
Black Tigers (black nationalist troops loyal to Obama)
NHKS (National Honor Killing Society) Yet another Islamic army
I.S.U.E. ( International Service Union Empire) Troops
U.N. (United Nations) Peacekeepers

To Win: If you control 10 counties by end of turn 40, you get 1 'win' in challenge section. Game Time: 1 turn per minute with each turn representing days of battle. It takes 2 turns to take over a district, county, or city with the Blitzkrieg attack. All troops in a Blitzkrieg cannot be used until Blitzkrieg is settled. Misc. Details: Be sure to train your troops at start-up by clicking 'resources' then paying for the type of militia troops you want. You will need to do this every turn ( every minute). You start with 3000 points and get 300 more militia recruits eager for battle per turn per county controlled. You will also get more militia troops joining after each battle you are in, as the people are eager to defeat all tyrants. You will also get 300 points per turn per county controlled.

This seems to me to be blatantly illegal. I cannot imagine that this would have been considered acceptable under the George Bush administration or any other administration before it. How much longer are people going to keep their eyes closed to the kind of anti-American rhetoric that these so-called "patriots" hide behind to cover for their seditious behavior?

Did you notice who the creators of this game identify as their heroes? Glenn Beck, Lou Dobbs, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and virtually anybody associated with Fox News.

Now go ahead and tell me that Fox News is not creating this kind of fear and paranoia on purpose.

If you really must visit this site to see this garbage for yourselves then click here. But remember they get paid by the click.