Showing posts with label Greta Van Sustern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greta Van Sustern. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Palin on Fox and Friends: President Obama "Not fit to hold this office." Hey, at least he didn't quit halfway through!

Part one of this little gabfest is pretty much the same old anti-Obama rhetoric that Palin has been spewing in interview after interview. Except where she foolishly makes the claim that "There is access to preventative care and contraception out there, and we don't need government to tell our employers that they must provide that for us." 

(Says the woman with a house full of children born out of wedlock, and possibly yet another pregnant teen.)

Palin is also stunned when confronted with tape of Mitt Romney responding to her claims that he is not "conservative enough." Caught unaware she kind of walks it back and blames her statement on the"70% of GOP and independent voter" not being convinced that he is the best candidate.

When pressed about her own feelings concerning Romney's conservatism she decides to go passive aggressive and responds with "A lot of this has to do with somebody's past, ya know were they pro-abortion in the past and now perhaps they're pro-life? What allowed that, that switch..kinda that flip flop. How have their positions evolved over the years? Were they pro-big government, pro-increase of taxes back then? And where are they now?"

Of course Palin knows full well where Romney stands on those issues today, he is currently twisting himself into the kind of conservative pretzel that the Right Wing will support in the general election. But the Grizzled Mama simply refuses to accept that the eventual candidate will be Romney and that her candidate, the Newt, is out of the running.
Now she has been demoted to just a "Fox News Contributor." Click collagen to play video.
However it is in part two where Palin doubles down on her blatant lies and attacks on President Obama. After hearing the President, quite rightly explain that "everybody" had it wrong in estimating that how badly the economy was damaged by Bush before he took office, Palin goes on the attack with this:

"What he does is defy common sense. And also did you catch what he was saying in there? He is now blaming the estimators, the statisticians, the economists. Every one else is to blame for the economic woes except for his 'felled' policies. That is another indication of his naivete and his un..un..he's not fit to hold this office."

Palin goes on to attack the President's plan to reduce our nuclear arsenal (Which by the way is simply an expansion of Ronald Reagan's START treaty), in recognition that those systems are outdated and expensive, and do NOT increase our security. (If in fact they ever did.)

She is still clearly stuck in a Cold War mindset, and seems to believe that if we have one less missile than China or Russia attacks then on our shores are only hours away. Apparently she is unaware that her idol, Ronald Reagan, had planned all along for America to dramatically reduce our nuclear capabilities.

In this case Obama is far more like Reagan than Palin could ever allow herself to be in this current political climate.

By the way as many of you reminded me, Palin was also on with Greta last night, sporting her "Lego hair."

Click wig for video
There was not too much about this interview that was new either, but Palin did explain her Facebook shout out to Allan Dershowitz in this way:

"I'm appreciative of Allan Dershowitz being very bold, and um non-partisan with quite a few of the positions that he has taken. You know he defended me. stuck his neck out when he didn't have to on the whole Gabby Giffords shooting issue, where I, and um a lot of other conservatives were being blamed for that." 

Wow! Does she REALLY want to remind Americans of how she handled herself during that terrible episode? Somehow I doubt it.

By the way my working theory for why Palin flew to do the CPAC convention and is now suddenly SO accessible Fox News hosts, is that she is trying to schmooze Roger Ailes into giving her a more permanent job.  Her reality show opportunities have run out, her chances of getting another book deal look less than promising, and her PAC is only a shadow of its former money laundering glory.

Simply put, she is out of options.

She might actually be forced to work for a living! Oh the horror!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Palin on Greta tonight.

From Politico:

Asked by host Greta Van Susteren about the news of Couric’s departure, Palin said: “Yea, I think I read that in a newspaper” — elongating her pronunciation of “newspaper” — “one of many newspapers that I read, online.” Her inability to answer Couric’s question in 2008 about what newspapers she reads was widely mocked.

“And yea, I hear that she wants to now engage in more multi-dimensional story-telling,” Palin added, “versus, I guess, just the straight-on reading-into-that-teleprompter-screen story-telling. So more power to her. I wish her well with her multi-dimensional story telling.”

Yes that's right.  Palin actually mocked Katie Couric for using a teleprompter in the same interview where she was waving a hand covered with crib notes.

That an idiot.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

All hail the glory that is Sarah Palin.

I have been a little tough on Palin and her supporters lately. I hope this will smooth things over.

You know the scary thing is that THIS is exactly how her followers see her.

(H/T to the artist who created and e-mailed this image to me.)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Greta has the Sarah-Furby on to discuss the President's speech, the controversial Superbowl ad, and the Teabaggers convention.

Part One

How in the world does Greta ask the quitter what she would do in Obama's place without rolling her eyes or banging her head on the desk?

Doesn't she already know that Palin is going to spout the same barely understood talking points that she ALWAYS uses! I mean doesn't Greta watch her own damn show?

I think that Greta got a little fed up toward the end and tried to actually get Palin to give a substantive answer. I wonder how much longer it will be before she is on O'Reilly's show complaining about how dumb Sarah is like Beck did?

Now in Part Two Palin addresses the Focus on the family Super bowl ad. Oh this ought to be good.

Did this nasty woman just call Planned Parenthood a "pro-abortion" group? This is the group that tries desperately to educate young men and woman on how to practice safe sex to avoid unwanted pregnancies and the risk of contracting an STD. It sure as hell beats the Palin method of faking a pregnancy to cover for your daughter, than outing that same daughter to cover for your lie, and then convincing her to tell the world she has been "re-virginized".

Somehow just putting on a condom seems far less complicated and somewhat more cost effective, don'tcha think?

I am still confused at how Pam Tebow giving birth to Tim, "made the world a better place". I mean it is JUST football, right?

So according to Sarah herself she IS going to speak at the Teabagger convention in Nashville, "you betcha"! And by the way this "cause" she is donating her speakers fee to? Who else believes it will go right to Bristol's LLC?

I am still completely distracted by Palin's mouth. It looks like she is trying to make it appear natural but when she really gets into her argument she loses control of it ans it starts to skew sideways. Very difficult to concentrate on her words with that going on.

Of course, then again, maybe that is a good thing.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Did Sarah's plastic surgeon give her the Greta Van Susteren treatment? Update!

You know sometimes when I am watching a video, while deciding what to post about it, I miss things. I am a little embarrassed to admit that I did not pick up on Sarah's spanking new addition to our American vocabulary, "mandation", until others pointed it out. Oops.

I also did not pick up on another odd thing about Sarah's interview, until I received an e-mail from a plastic surgeon. Now watch this video again, with the sound off this time, and focus on Palin's mouth.

This e-mail essentially says they may have pulled too far on the left side of her face. If this is in fact true, it WILL slowly get worse. Much, much worse!

Now just for comparison watch an older Sarah Palin interview conducted by Greta Van Susteren. You can see two things here. First, how different Palin's mouth appeared back then, and also how MUCH it now resembles Greta's. (Leave the sound off for better concentration.)

Well? What do you think? Do you agree with the plastic surgeon?

Update: I just received another e-mail form the plastic surgeon. Here are the highlights.

It looks like "damage to the marginal mandibular branch of the facial nerve" is possible. "It's truly impossible to tell from a video but it looks like that is probably what happened. Usually nerve damage is temporary and will return to normal within 6 months to a year, although sometimes it can take 2 to 3 years for complete regeneration. Weakness or paralysis of certain muscles is possible if a nerve related to muscle movement is impaired. It can be treated with reconstructive surgery."

He also added that "stress is to be avoided at all costs." Well good luck with THAT Sarah.

You know what might help to relieve your stress? Choosing NOT to fight Levi for custody of his son. Just imagine how relaxing it would be to not worry about how that will play out in the media.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Sarah Palin in her own words with Greta Van Susteren.

Though I NEVER watch Fox News, I did watch this yesterday and was amazed. As much as it may turn your stomach, if you watch this entire interview you will have seen Sarah Palin completely unguarded. She feels safe with Greta and does not hesitate to let her insanity come out to play.

Part Two: Palin gets pissed at our President.

Part Three: Sarah demonstrates jawdropping ignorance concerning foreign affairs.

Part Four: Back on the bus with Palin, where she takes the opportunity to lie about why she quit.

Unbelievable. And this is an interview with an ardent supporter. Did you notice that Sarah accidentally admitted she is running in 2012? I did.

The word salad evident in this interview is overwhelming. Sarah has absolutely no idea what she is talking about, and, as evidenced by yesterdays video of her supporters, some people are anxious to embrace it as "being real".

This is EXACTLY how George Bush got elected, and without vigilance it could happen again.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Greta Van Susteren a little pissy about allegations she and her husband are Palin-bots. Gee I wonder who would accuse them of something like that?

On her Fox News prime-time show, she covers murder trials one minute and bailout money the next. On her popular blog, she posts almost hourly on most days and chats with viewers via Skype.

She responds to seemingly every perceived blemish — and lately there have been plenty. Her critics have questioned her husband’s advising of Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska and portrayed Ms. Van Susteren as a spokeswoman of sorts for the governor and the governor’s husband, Todd. (But only because she is.)

Ms. Van Susteren has interviewed Ms. Palin three times, the first time during the candidate’s vice presidential campaign last fall. The weekend after the election, Ms. Van Susteren and her husband, John Coale, met the Palins at their home in Alaska for a widely promoted interview. Viewers also saw her on a snowmobiling ride with Ms. Palin’s husband. ("Hit more of those bumpy things Mr. Palin, I LOVE the bumpy things!")

While there, Mr. Coale, a prominent trial lawyer who helped lead the tobacco litigation of the 1990s, talked to Ms. Palin about her legal bills and advised her to start a political action committee. “I started the PAC for her over the next month or two, and helped start a legal defense fund for her. That’s about it,” Mr. Coale said last week. “I never advised her on any politics or anything like that.” ("Gee I just set up a method for her to get tons of money to use anyway she sees fit and helped set up a legal fund to help her keep Levi Johnston from seeing his baby or going public with the dirt he has on the Palins. How is that very much help really?")

Mr. Coale’s assistance to Ms. Palin, first reported by The Washington Post in March, prompted questions about the couple’s combination of journalistic and political work.

Many news organizations have policies that discourage or prohibit staff members from covering events to which their spouses are connected. (But that is only for REAL news organizations, and how could that possibly include FOX News?) Last week, the news Web site Politico said that Mr. Coale had also suggested to Ms. Palin that she forge an alliance with Hillary Rodham Clinton by using the PAC to help pay down Mrs. Clinton’s campaign debts. (And right after that Mr. Coale decided to teach pigs to fly!)

In an interview, Ms. Van Susteren defended her husband’s work, calling him “almost a quintessential citizen” who had encouraged politicians to “reach across the aisle.” She said she had had only one private conversation with Ms. Palin. “I don’t have a relationship with her,” she said. “It’s not like people think (know) it is.”

She said that conversation occurred three weeks ago when the governor called to cancel her trip to Washington for the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner. On the recommendation of an executive at Fox, Ms. Van Susteren had invited the Palins, a hot booking for the celebrity-studded dinner.

Mr. Palin still traveled to Washington and worked the party circuit with Ms. Van Susteren, prompting Politico to call her his “handler” after she told a reporter that his presence at a garden party was off the record. (She felt it was good manners to intercede because it was a social event, she said.) (Yeah a famous "social event" which included virtually every reporter in Washington. Why would she expect them to want to ask Todd Palin any questions?)

Bill Shine, the executive vice president for programming, expressed little concern about the ties. “There are always some sort of, let’s just say, unique relationships that happen when you live in Washington,” he said in a telephone interview. “It’s the culture of that town.”

He said Ms. Van Susteren did “not necessarily” have to disclose on television that her husband had worked with Ms. Palin.

Some critics have accused Ms. Van Susteren of playing favorites with Ms. Palin. David Zurawik, a longtime television critic for The Baltimore Sun, wrote that she had conducted “cotton-candy interviews” of Ms. Palin. ("Cotton-candy interviews". Oh I love that term!)

In an interview, he called Mr. Coale’s work “an extension of what Greta’s doing on the air.”

“They’re her champions or her defense attorneys,” Mr. Zurawik said.

Okay let's cut through the bullshit shall we? There is absolutely NO doubt that Greta and her husband are covering for, and promoting, Sarah Palin and her family. From the "cotton-candy" interviews she has conducted with Sarah and Bristol, to the bulldog like defense of Palin whenever she perceives her idol is under some attack, it should be clear to EVERYBODY that the Susteren/Coates team are completely smitten with the Palins.

Add to that Mr. Coales fawning attention over Sarah, and the fact that you can actually see Greta's granny panties getting moist every time she is near Todd, and you have the makings for one of the creepiest parasitic relationships in political history.

Monday, May 18, 2009

John Coale, husband of Palin-bot Greta Van Susteren, tried to convince Governor Sarah to pay off Hillary Clinton's debt using her PAC. I kid you not.

Coale, a wealthy trial attorney and the husband of Fox News talk show host Greta Van Susteren, approached Palin with the improbable plan in February while in Alaska with his wife, who was taping an interview with the former Republican vice presidential nominee.

An outspoken Clinton supporter during the Democratic primary who switched his allegiance to the GOP ticket for the general election, Coale made his case to Palin at the Iron Dog snowmachine competition in Fairbanks, where Todd Palin was competing over Valentine’s Day weekend. His broader aim, say Palin camp insiders, was to help Palin develop a relationship with the former first family that he thought could bolster the polarizing governor’s standing with Democrats and independents.

Palin was amenable to getting acquainted with the Clintons but was skeptical of using her PAC to help the former first lady.

She expressed concern to aides about Coale’s request that weekend and a few days later directed Meg Stapleton, an Alaska-based campaign aide, to tell Coale that she would not help retire Clinton’s debt.

Methinks that Mr. Coale does not understand our Governor very well. And that is why she set her rabid attack spokesperson Meghan Stapletongue on him.

Sarah Palin does not do anything for anybody else without an absolute guarantee of double the return on her investment or to get the bloggers and media types to shut up about her not caring about something she should have done but did not do. You know like save a village full of people, or accept Federal stimulus money, or show us "proof" that a baby could not belong to her daughter.

As much as John Coale may have wanted to get his two favorite political crushes together as one big happy dysfunctional family, it simply was never going to happen. For one thing Sarah Palin does not share the limelight with ANYBODY that she cannot sling over one arm and carry across the stage with her, and for another thing Hillary Clinton is much too politically savvy to allow the trainwreck that is Sarah Palin anywhere near her!

If this is the guy giving Sarah Palin political advice than she her career is all but over.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Greta Van Susteren makes her move.

With his wife back in Alaska dealing with a natural disaster, Todd Palin was being led around the brunch by Fox's Greta Van Susteren, who is apparently his host AND handler.

POLITICO started to chat with Alaska's "first dude" when Van Susteren intervened. The host of On The Record told us this brunch was "off the record" - no talking with the husband of former Republican vice presidential nominee, Gov. Sarah Palin.

Asked why, Van Susteren told us - as we held pen, pad, recorder and camera in hand - well, you know, at these things you can't always figure out who's on the record or off the record when you chit chat. And, she added, with all the background noise Palin could easily be misquoted.

Palin demurred.

But he did answer a question about how his new grandson is doing. "He's doing great," he said, "really good."

He "demurred"?

Alaskan men don't "demur"!

We say "Fuck off"!

I don't care if he does ride a snowmachine until his balls won't stop vibrating, any man who has to have the protection of his wife or of Greta Van Susteren when he is out in public is not a real Alaskan man in my book.

But apparently he is enough of a man for Greta.

We have seen her look at him with adoring eyes. We have seen her checking out his ass. And now she has him all to herself. Poor Todd, the little pantywaist does not have a chance. She will devour him like a rabid she-cat.

You know that Greta is a cougar, just look at her face! Since her botched plastic surgery she actually LOOKS like a cougar!

Friday, March 13, 2009

On the Factor with Bill O'Reilly, Greta denies being a palin-bot. But as we already learned from that interview with Bristol this woman CANNOT act!

"Type and run like cowards"? Now that hurts.

By the way as far as I know nobody is "reveling" in Bristol Palin's failed romance.

What we are doing is pointing out that most thinking individuals did not believe this situation was going to turn out the way Sarah Palin and the McCain campaign claimed it would. We believe that Bristol and Levi were pushed into either a real relationship that one or both did not want, or a pretend one for the cameras.

Personally I hope that both Bristol and Levi put this episode behind them as soon as possible, with the exception that I hope both of Trig and Tripp's parents stay in their lives. Whoever they are, and however many of them their are. See how supportive I am?

Does ANYBODY buy that Greta did not spend any "off camera" time talking with Bristol? Please lady we have functioning brains over here! You are much too used to talking with the FOX News knuckle dragger's you call viewers.

And O'Reilly's contention that he always takes the high is unbelievably laughable, has he never watched his own show?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Part Two of Greta Van Palin-lovers interview with Bristol.

From Van Susteren's comments you would think the woman had never even seen a baby before. She comes across as a complete idiot.

Why can't Bristol explain why she named her baby Tripp? I mean you would think she gets that question all of the time. Well I guess in a family with a Willow, a Piper, a Bristol, a Track, and a Trig, naming your kid after a stumble is no big deal.

Watching this again I am once again struck by how staged everything is, and how Trigs use as a prop continues to this day. Greta asks a question about the age difference between Trig and Tripp (and once again they pound home the point that Trig is 8 months older. And isn't that the reason for this entire farce?), and that is the cue for somebody to bring Trig out in front of the camera.

Does anybody else wonder what makes Bristol so uncomfortable, and to look off camera for support, when Greta asks her if she has met any other young mothers? I found that odd. (Could this be a reference to the mystery Wasilla teen who is reputed to be carrying Levi's next baby? Intriguing no?)

  • Other talking things we learned.
  • Bristol will graduate in May WITH her class (So take that all you pajama clad bloggers who claimed she was a dropout!)
  • Greta Van Susteren has a very low opinion of males.
  • Greta is very impressed at how cleverly Bristol told her parents that she was knocked up.
  • Babies are cute.

Oh yeah this was quite an intellectually stimulating exchange.

But hey I did actually come away feeling a little more sympathetic toward Bristol, a little less sympathetic toward Governor Plain, and completely creeped out by Greta Van Susteren.

So I guess it was not a complete waste of my time. (Who are we kidding? Of course it was!)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There's a part two?

Okay so I just watched the second part of this Greta-Palin lovefest.

My first impression is that it was somewhat less uncomfortable then last nights freak show, but still oddly disconcerting.

When Governor Palin finally tore herself away from the klieg lights to go hang out on some frozen river (I have no idea what that was supposed to indicate. Ice fishing maybe? You know for that "Alaskan feel"), Bristol clearly relaxed and seemed much more comfortable and at ease.

I actually found myself interested in what she had to say. (And not just because I was waiting for her to slip up either. Well maybe a little.)

They brought Trig in for some reason (contrast perhaps) and encouraged him to touch little Tripp. Clearly Trig is very low functioning and did not seem interested in the other baby.

By the way I did read the comments on the thread after last nights show and I have to say I disagree with some who think this baby is not Bristol's. I believe that it is. The way she interacted with him was very maternal and natural. The REALLY interesting part is how much more maternal Governor Sarah is toward Tripp then she ever appeared to be with Trig. Almost like she was disappointed or unhappy with Trig, but very pleased with this new "normal" grandson.

I will post the videos from the show when they become available and provide some commentary as well. Though I have to admit it took me most of the day to recover from watching the first ones this morning.

And just to add insult to......well insult, I purchased that future best seller "Trailblazer: An Intimate Biography of Sarah Palin" today. I have started reading it, and will try to provide some opinions on it as I work my way through it.

I have no idea how long that will take me, I guess it all depends on how often my eyes start bleeding.

Watch as Greta Van Sustere helps the Palin Family provide further obfuscation about family scandals.

Watch as Greta guides and coaches Bristol carefully through her prepared responses.

By the way, I am pretty sure that the "best friend" Bristol refers to that blurted out she was pregnant is Mercedes Johnson, Levi's sister.

I am struck again by how that question about school really makes Bristol look uneasy. Shifting eyes tell the tale.

Greta "Do you have any idea how to raise a child?" Bristol "Yeah, because....(pause).....I have been babysitting my whole life." Almost stepped in it that time dear.

The bizarre load of crap that Greta Van Susteren flew her whole film crew up to interview Bristol Palin without getting her mother's pre-approval is an insult to our intelligence. Nobody with even a handful of working brain cells would ever buy into that premise. Governor Sarah was clearly the driving force behind this interview, and you can take that to the bank.

When Bristol gets to the part about being an "advocate" (clearly her mother's word) to help young women avoid teen pregnancy, it almost makes my heart hurt. I really do feel badly for this young woman and wish the best for her. It is really too bad that she has found her self in this situation.

The other stumbling point for Bristol in this last part of the interview was the question about Levi and "what he is doing". Bristol is a sweet kid and clearly lying to the media does not come easy.

Next up the White Queen herself, Sarah Palin.

If you closely watch Bristol's face in the beginning of this interview you can see her nervousness has increased. I think it is pretty clear that Mama Grizzly is already standing off to the side with the baby. And that her "surprise" visit is a load of moose nuggets.

As hard as it was to watch Bristol struggle through her lines, watching the strained performances of Greta and the Governor is even worse. Keep pounding home that idea that this was Bristol's idea to do an interview and talk about teen pregnancy. Maybe SOMEBODY will buy it. (Actually if you visit Gretawire you will see hundreds of these "somebodies".)

Did Sarah Palin really say that Bristol has it "easier" then many young mothers? How many teen mothers have to spend their pregnancy on the campaign trail, followed by numerous accusations, and are then forced to give an interview to cover for the lies of their parents? Easier? Really? (By the way, in Alaska we say "ideal" not "idill". I have no idea where this woman's accent comes from!)

Well if this was Caribou Barbie's way of taking our attention off of the book "Trailblazer" it worked. For today. But if she thinks we are done digging for the contradictions and lies in that book she is sorely mistaken.

Monday, February 16, 2009

My first impression of the Greta Van Sustern interview with Bristol Palin.

(Photo "borrowed" from Gretawire.)
I have seen better acting in an elementary school production of "Fiddler on the Roof". And I mean much, much better acting.

Bristol clearly had only a couple of lines to memorize and she just kept repeating them over and over. Not that she had much to worry about since Greta was so kind as to remind her what her responses were supposed to be with her leading questions. (I noticed two times where she almost blew a line. Once when she was asked about how her pregnancy affected her school work, and once when she was asked about where Levi was working.)

Did anybody notice how desperate Caribou Barbie was to get on camera? She even used the baby to give her an excuse to interrupt this "surprise" interview.

Will she ever stop prostituting her children, and grandchildren, to get more attention?

I will probably write more on this tomorrow but I just finished watching the whole interview and I am feeling a little queasy.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Greta Van Susteren has made contact!

As you might have guessed, there are many changes in the Palin family since November 4….including a new member of the family Tripp. We just met Tripp….and interviewed several family members. We are now headed to the finish line of the Iron Dog race….

Holy crap. she really has done it. She has seen the baby that nobody outside of the family has ever claimed to have seen. So the question is, did she get little Tripp Palin on video?

Born December 27th, and hidden from sight along with mother until February 14th. Does this mean anything? Why allow access to the baby now? Why choose creepy Greta Van Susteren? Why do I keep chasing this story?

Well dammit I guess I will have to make myself watch that horrible "On the Record" show and find out what the big mystery is.

You know I am not positive but there is a chance I may be allowing myself to be manipulated by Sarah Palin and FOX News. Nah!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Question of the hour.

Why is Greta Van Sustern in Alaska?

And who is she set up to interview in the Ann Stevens room at the Loussac Library in Anchorage?

Stay tuned for the answers. (Damn I cannot believe I have to watch FOX News tonight!)

Update: According to Sustern's blog she is visiting in Anchorage and then heading up to Fairbanks. Isn't that interesting? Isn't Fairbanks the final destination of the Iron Dog Snowmobile Race? I do believe that it is.

I also just saw a teaser which explains everything. According to what I just saw Greta is going to interview Governor Sarah, Todd Palin, and Bristol Palin.

Bristol Palin? OMFG!

Yep, according to FOX News Greta is going to ask Bristol how she feels about being a teenage mother. Well now that is very interesting.

This can only be Palin's attempt to finally put an end to the rumors swirling around about the lack of a Tripp Palin sighting. Does this mean that we will finally get a chance to see the latest family addition? I guess we will have to wait and see.

From the rumors I have heard I am not sure how they will pull this off.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Greta Van Sustern still hearts Sarah Palin and attacks CNN for not sharing her love of the Palinator.

Okay apparently there is some sort of scandal surrounding our Governor, that for a change is NOT of her doing.

CNN made a list of "Politicians who made headlines for the wrong reasons". It contained Governor Blagojevich, John Edwards, Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, Mayor Larry Langford, Congressman Tim Mahoney, ex-Governor Eliot Spitzer, our disgraced Senator Ted Stevens, and of course the aforementioned Sarah Palin. (Now since removed.)

Now even though MOST reporters have found it almost impossible to continue defending Sarah Palin after her many antics on the campaign trail, Greta Van Sustern has taken it upon herself to protect our Governor from this scurrilous attack.

Which is kind of interesting since some of the most damaging information concerning Sarah Palin came from FOX News itself, such as this report:

But irregardless Ms. Sustern has taken up the Palin cause and called CNN on the carpet for daring to lump the conservative darling along with adulterers, liars, and criminals.

And CNN blinked! They actually took Palin off of the list and issued a freaking apology! Which Van Sustern dutifully reported on her blog. (Oh God, everybody has a blog nowadays! Now NOBODY will take us seriously!) Which just goes to prove that CNN is turning into a bunch of pansy asses! (With the exception of Jack Cafferty of course. I have a man crush on Jack Cafferty.)

Now I am not exactly sure why Van Sustern decided to leap to Palin's defense (maybe she had a bite of that Palin family moose chili and was smitten.), but in this case I believe she clearly overreacted.

The list was called "Politicians who made headlines for the wrong reasons". How does Sarah Palin not qualify for that?

She made headlines for looking stupid in a number of interviews. She made headlines for saying her unwed teenage daughter was pregnant. She made headlines for an ethics investigation right here in Alaska, which ultimately found her guilty. She made headlines for calling Barack Obama a "terrorist". She made headlines for charging thousands of dollars to the RNC to purchase clothing for herself and her family. Shall I go on?

Should Sarah Palin have been on the list? Hell she should be the subject of her very own "made headlines for the wrong reasons" list! Personally I am offended that those other "one measly scandal apiece" pretenders even got on that list with our "a new scandal every week" Governor!

So why did Greta Van Sustern decide to come out in Palin's defense? I have a theory.

I think that Greta is now officially a "Palinista"! She is one of those crazy people who believe that Sarah Palin, despite all evidence to the contrary is the single hope for the future of this nation.

And as a super secret Sarah supporter Van Sustern has no choice but to defend her candidate from all attacks that may come her way and keep her from attaining her destiny.

Today Greta Van Sustern, and tomorrow the world!

Wow! I just freaked myself out a little.