Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Shep Smith from Fox News: "Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq?" Are we sure he still works for Fox News?
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith provided some useful history on Friday about many of the same people who are now pressuring the Obama administration to take military action in Iraq, where Islamic militants have overrun two cities in recent days as they march toward Baghdad.
Smith kicked off his afternoon broadcast with a recap of the deteriorating security situation in Iraq before he offered a barely veiled commentary on the debate playing out here in the United States.
"Are we about to be drawn back into a conflict in Iraq?" Smith asked. "The same people who 12 years ago told us this will be quick, this will be easy, this will be inexpensive, they will see us as liberators, it's the right thing to do, are now telling us: It's the right thing to do. What's the endgame? Who's thought this through?"
Later in the broadcast, Smith, who's earned a reputation for occasionally bucking his employer's conservative orthodoxy, told fellow Fox News host Chris Wallace he still hasn't forgotten "being bamboozled" by the Bush administration before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.
"Well, I remember it. I think it would be wrong for us to just sit around and listen and not ask big questions," Smith said.
At the end of his interview with Wallace, Smith said he believes the media "will operate differently this time than it did the last time."
"I hope we do, hope we do," Smith said. "I hope we ask lots of questions."
Shep Smith reminds me of a guy that stayed in the insane asylum visiting a friend too long, and then found himself locked in after visiting hours were over and realized that the staff thought he was a patient.
"No dammit! I do not hear voices in my head, I was just not keeping track of the time! Let me the fuck out of here!"
"Too late, here's your Xanax. Now get ready to broadcast the conservative side of the news. And remember, everything is Obama's fault."
Thursday, June 05, 2014
Fox's Shepherd Smith is disgusted by the rush to condemn Sgt. Bergdahl as a traitor. Update!
Many Fox News hosts and pundits rushed to brand recently released Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as a deserter and a traitor, but Shepard Smith took a different line by saying he was "disgusted" by the rush to judgment, cautioning that Bergdahl is innocent until proven guilty.
You know I often wonder if Shep is being held at Fox News against his will.
I mean he really does not seem to be on the same wavelength the majority of the time.
I am sure MSNBC could provide a time slot for him. Hell as far as I'm concerned he can have Chris Matthews' slot.
Update: Speaking of Sgt. Bergdahl I think that before passing judgment on the man that everybody needs to read this Rolling Stone article.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Can somebody please explain to me why Shep Smith still works for Fox News?
Obviously he has stopped drinking the Kool-aid, and does not seem to be working for the GOP, or their corporate overlords, so just HOW is he still at that network?
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
Stephen Colbert calls Sean Hannity out on his ignorance. You know, again.
The Colbert Report | Mon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c | |||
Hosni Mubarak Will Not Run Again | |||| | ||||
Oh Fox News! How would all of us know how intelligent we are without your cable hosts around to use as a measuring tool?
I believe the "Fox News Intelligence Determinator" goes something like this:
Can engage in intelligent conversation, handle complex facts, and is so far above his fellow employees in intellect, that he has them trained to prepare his meals and wash his ass for him = Shepard Smith
Can ask softball questions and maintain eye contact (with the one non-squinty eye anyway), while keeping the interview relatively focused on the topic at hand, though exhibits loss of control over interview in the presence of anybody from Wasilla, Alaska = Greta Van Susteren.
Has basic knowledge of facts, but finds them boring or non-useful if they do not support his point of view, so replaces them with made up stuff and delivers the fantasy information in a condescending manner which makes him feel smart and keeps interview subjects questioning his sanity = Bill O'Reilly
Knows only a few talking points and how to comb his hair. Essentially a rutabaga in a suit = Sean Hannity.
Writes on chalkboards, eats his boogers, and smears his feces all over the break room = Glenn Beck.
Personally I feel, at a minimum, that I am somewhere between Greta and Shephard Smith. maybe even a little higher. How about you?
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Wait! Is there a glaring omission in this Fox News promo?
Okay I watched it twice and I can't help but notice that one of the Fox channels talking heads is clearly missing. I believe I saw Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, Shep Smith, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Greta Van Susteren all prominently displayed but I can't shake the feeling that somebody did not make the cut.
Hmmm, who could it be?
Let me go through the faces again. Okay pretty blond who may be psychotic, check. Guy that looks like Sean Hannity's kid brother, check. Guy that clearly belongs on a REAL cable news station, check. Arrogant prick, check. Sarah Palin panty sniffer, check. Sister of the beast, check. Wait...
Where is the little pudgy developmentally delayed guy who is always crying?
Where is the Beckster?
Isn't HE like one of the biggest draws on the Fox network? Why would he be excluded from the promo?
Is it because he is hemorrhaging advertisers like a gutted pig!
Is it because Rupert Murdoch finally realizes that he has created a monster bent on world domination and does not want the Fox News viewers/villagers to come after HIM with torches and pitchforks when they finally decide they don't want to be terrorized by Beck's insanity anymore? (Of course he might take solace in knowing that the crowd that turns on him will probably be larger than the crowd that Beck can actually attract on his own.)
Or is it because they have finally realized that Glenn was really only in it for himself all along?
Hmm could it finally be that Beck has gone too far even by Rupert Murdoch/Fox News standards? Could be. Even Rupert Murdoch must have SOME limit to how much poison he is willing to spread on the airwaves.
By the way sources are telling me that there will be a fairly impressive group of protesters outside of the Dena'ina Center during Beck's appearance along with Sarah Palin this Saturday. Perhaps I will be able to bring you some footage of that so you can see for yourselves that not ALL Alaskans are crazed Teabaggers and Sarah Palin acolytes.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
I think somebody needs to rescue Shepherd Smith from Fox "we are not the" News.
We keep seeing the wingnuts from other networks slowly making their way over to Fox News.
There was Glenn Beck who went over in January of this year and, after finally finding a place that wanted him BECAUSE he was bi-polar, was able to present his special brand of mental illness to the world. Then we had John Stossel come over to the still struggling Fox Business Network, and now there is talk of Lou Dobbs finally getting the chance to embrace his racist tendencies on the network where it is considered everyday workplace behavior.
Yet besides Keith Olbermann we have NOT seen anybody leave Fox "we are not" News and make a break for sanity.
Personally I think that Shepherd Smith is the best candidate for rescue.
I mean look at the poor guy. We all saw him struggle to make sense of the inhumanity he witnessed during Katrina, and during the Bush administration he clearly had difficulty sticking to the White House approved talking points, and now the guy looks like one of those puppies in the pound who just wants a loving family to rescue them and take them home.
Dammit, MSNBC needs to mount that rescue mission and spring Shepherd Smith!
He can have a show right after Keith and Rachel. Or perhaps he can replace Dylan Ratigan in the morning. I just don't like Dylan Ratigan! It might be his bombastic attitude, his crappy interview style, or that freaky hair of his, but I just absolutely will not watch him.
I would however watch Shep Smith.
I am just saying.