Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Franklin Graham. Show all posts

Saturday, March 03, 2018

It seems Sarah Palin came slithering out of her hidey hole to attend Billy Graham's funeral.

Courtesy of NPR: 

Some 2,300 guests sat under a symbolic large white canvas tent in Charlotte, N.C., for the Rev. Billy Graham's funeral service on Friday. 

The setting evoked the "canvas cathedral" — two circus tents pitched together in Los Angeles in 1949 — to shelter the thousands of people who came to watch Graham preach, according to the Billy Graham Library. "The Los Angeles Crusade," eight weeks of services, would help raise Graham to national prominence.

President Trump and Melania Trump sat in the front row of Graham's funeral service Friday. Vice President Pence and his wife, Karen, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd, were also there.

This just gives more credibility to the idea that Palin wants her next job to be as a fire and brimstone evangelical preacher.

Of course Palin's connection was only tenuous, her real connection is with Franklin Graham, the man now being credited with undermining his father's legacy.

A legacy it should be mentioned that also contained heaping amounts of antisemitism. 

By the way Palin also got an dishonorable mention on Real Time last night.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

When talking about former communications director Hope Hicks, Maher recalled the way she helped the campaign by steaming Trump’s pants while he was wearing them. She was the keeper of the steamer. 

“Hope Hicks feels like she can be more effective steaming the pants of those in the private sector,” he joked. 

When it came to Jared Kushner, he couldn’t believe someone would be so stupid as to hold a meeting in the White House for his own personal business affairs. 

“I want to see his birth certificate,” Maher said. “I think it’s going to say: Birthplace: Alaska. Birth name: Jared Palin.”

Palin may want to be an evangelical preacher, but her real job will always be to serve as punchline for late night comedians. 

Monday, December 11, 2017

Outspoken Brits don't want Franklin Graham and other American hate mongering Evangelical ministers anywhere near them.

Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Several British pastors and politicians are voicing concerns about a controversial American evangelist’s plans to preach in the U.K. next year. 

Franklin Graham, a prominent evangelical pastor who has made blatantly homophobic and Islamophobic statements in the past, is scheduled to headline the Lancashire Festival of Hope in Blackpool in September 2018. Graham’s three-day event — similar to the “crusades” once led by his famous father, Billy Graham — is reportedly taking place with the blessing of more than 300 church leaders and members in England. 

But not all residents of the area are enthused about Graham coming to town. Some have urged the U.K.’s home secretary Amber Rudd to ban the preacher from entering the country altogether, the Guardian reports. 

Nina Parker, the pastor of a church in Blackpool, told HuffPost in an email that she’s worried that Graham’s visit could embolden those who are prejudiced toward Muslims and queer people to express that hate. 

“It will give oxygen to those who hate as they will be aware of hatred being expressed by a man of high status in the Church,” Parker wrote to HuffPost. “It will portray a Trump style, hard line, hate filled version of Christianity devoid of understanding of and acceptance of ordinary people. It will destroy the reputation of Christianity in this region as it will be assumed that this man speaks for all. It will bring Christians into disrepute.”

Parker has more than 60,000 signatures on a petition to block Graham and his merry band of trouble makers from poisoning the UK with their hate speech. 

Personally I wish we could start a petition here in America to kick Franklin Graham and his toxic crew of evangelicals the hell out of this country.

But it wouldn't help.

Even if they left they would be quickly replaced by more just like them, some perhaps even worse.

You know it seems these days that all America exports anymore is stupidity, racism, and intolerance.

I guess that's what MAGA really means.

Tuesday, June 06, 2017

Sarah Palin pretends to be standing up for children, while using her own to hawk crappy merchandise on the internet.

Courtesy of Buy One Get One Free Barbie's Facebook page:  

The left seems to have a "War on Decency". We used to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. The left has turned this into an all out war. A perfect example of this is people like Kathy Griffin attacking innocent children. Who does that?!?!  (Perhaps the same people who use their own children to grift for cash online. Just a thought.) is speaking up to those snowflakes who cry for equality and tolerance but can't even handle the actions of their own consequences.... SUCK IT UP CUPCAKE!!! 

There's only 3 days left to support Operation Heal Our Patriots by purchasing through this campaign.

According to the website a "portion" of the proceeds will go toward Samaritan's Purse.

I would imagine that is a small portion indeed.

After all Palin does not do these things out of the goodness of her heart. (What's in it for us?)

One has to wonder at the decision to attack liberals while supposedly raising money for an organization that claims to be working to "Heal our Patriots," as if only conservatives ever serve in the military, demonstrate patriotism, or come home wounded from the battlefield.

In an earlier post on her rarely visited website the Queen of Hypocrisy made this statement: 

Do you often give someone a piece of your mind? I confess to it – and most of us probably have pieces of our minds all over creation! As we grow in grace, however, we’re to exercise freedom of speech more responsibly – in a manner that uplifts, rather than destroys. Even when we have to correct, even when we disagree, we can speak truth in love.

Not sure how much love is contained in the phrase "Suck it up Cupcake."

And Palin's Facebook page and website are chock full of attacks on progressives, the media, and politicians with whom she disagrees.

Many of those posts are full of inaccuracies, exaggerations, and "fake news."

Is THAT her example of speaking "truth in love?"

Remember it is not simply Palin's opinions that are so disgusting, it's the hypocrisy.

Monday, May 01, 2017

The Washington Post reports on the roots of the alliance between American conservatives and Russia.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

On issues including gun rights, terrorism and same-sex marriage, many leading advocates on the right who grew frustrated with their country’s leftward tilt under President Barack Obama have forged ties with well-connected Russians and come to see that country’s authoritarian leader, Vladimir Putin, as a potential ally. 

The attitude adjustment among many conservative activists helps explain one of the most curious aspects of the 2016 presidential race: a softening among many conservatives of their historically hard-line views of Russia. To the alarm of some in the GOP’s national security establishment, support in the party base for then-candidate Donald Trump did not wane even after he rejected the tough tone of 2012 nominee Mitt Romney, who called Russia America’s No. 1 foe, and repeatedly praised Putin. 

The burgeoning alliance between Russians and U.S. conservatives was apparent in several events in late 2015, as the Republican nomination battle intensified.

Top officials from the National Rifle Association, whose annual meeting Friday featured an address by Trump for the third time in three years, traveled to Moscow to visit a Russian gun manufacturer and meet government officials. 

About the same time in December 2015, evangelist Franklin Graham met privately with Putin for 45 minutes, securing from the Russian president an offer to help with an upcoming conference on the persecution of Christians. Graham was impressed, telling The Washington Post that Putin “answers questions very directly and doesn’t dodge them like a lot of our politicians do.” 

The growing dialogue between Russians and U.S. conservatives came at the same time experts say the Russian government stepped up efforts to cultivate and influence far-right groups in Europe and on the eve of Russia’s unprecedented intrusion into the U.S. campaign, which intelligence officials have concluded was intended to elect Trump. 

Russians and Americans involved in developing new ties say they are not part of a Kremlin effort to influence U.S. politics. “We know nothing about that,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskov said. Brown said activists in both countries are simply “uniting together under the values we share.”

There are some however within the intelligence community who seriously doubt that last statement:

“Is it possible that these are just well-meaning people who are reaching out to Americans with shared interests? It is possible,” said Steven L. Hall, who retired from the CIA in 2015 after managing Russia operations for 30 years. “Is it likely? I don’t think it’s likely at all. . . . My assessment is that it’s definitely part of something bigger.”

The article goes on to explain how the Russians were able to gain support from the NRA by complaining that Obama's sanctions in response to the invasion of Crimea interfered in their ability to buy certain guns.

This inspired the NRA to speak out against the sanctions.

Putin was also able to sucker Franklin Graham by telling him that his own mother maintained her Christian faith even during the communist rule.

That was all Graham had to hear in order to convince him that Putin was an ally and to start pushing for more positive interactions with Russia from the Evangelical community.

Perhaps that's why Putin's poll numbers increased so dramatically with the Republicans.

So to put it all in perspective, the election of  Donald Trump was not an anomaly, but rather the result of a long ranging plan to manipulate American conservatives into jumping through Russian held hoops.

And it worked out perfectly.

But remember, we're not supposed to disrespect the Trump supporters, or call them stupid.

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

So for Labor Day apparently Franklin Graham had Sarah Palin, her daughter, and her new son-in-law giving marital advice to veterans and their spouses. Seriously.

Courtesy of the Samaritan's Purse website:

The veterans participating in the Operation Heal Our Patriots project this week are suffering with a variety of injuries and health issues, including an amputation, shrapnel to the back, traumatic brain injury, and post-traumatic stress disorder. (Gee, you would have thought they had suffered enough, but nope they still had to hear Palin speak.)

Palin and Meyer commended them for their service to our nation. 

“I can’t think of any place I’d rather be than here with some of America’s finest heroes,” Palin said. “You and your spouses have sacrificed so much for this country. My oldest son is in the military and I know that it is not easy on the soldier or the spouse when the deployment is finished. 

“That’s why a ministry like Samaritan Purse’s Operation Heal our Patriots is needed so badly. Marriage is inherently challenging, and the stress of military service can add to that.”

Palin encouraged the soldiers and their spouses to keep a firm commitment to their marriage, and never give up on each other. 

“This week, you’re going to learn the process for your marriage to endure the tough times,” she said, “and have the tools to make it work. You have to give all over to God and put it in His hands. Keep your souls open to Him. It will change your life.”

So Sarah Palin is giving folks advice on keeping a marriage strong?

What did she suggest, separate houses and an iron clad legal agreement?

Palin also dragged Dakota along to give her that military cred which her girlfriend beating son simply refuses to provide.

Of course that was yesterday when they were working to buoy up the Palin mythology 2.0, and then today arrived and we all got to reminisce about the day when the truth about the family oozed into the public's consciousness.

The article only quotes Meyer as saying this: 

“No matter how many deployments you have, you come back from battle a changed person,” he said. “Take the time here to work together, and you can leave with a better marriage.”

However on his Facebook page the other day Dakota had a more pointed idea of what might make a marriage stronger.

 Gee I can't imagine what might have inspired him to post that.

After all by all accounts his new wife has had a handle on the whole sex part of marriage for quite a number of years now.  It's the providing sex ONLY to her partner that always seemed to be the issue.

Once again, from what I hear.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Franklin Graham has quit the Republican party because they are funding Planned Parenthood. How long do you think it will take them to notice?

"That's it I'm out of here unless they beg me to stay. Hey, isn't anybody going to beg me?"
Courtesy of the Facebook:

 Shame on the Republicans and the Democrats for passing such a wasteful spending bill last week. And to top it off, funding Planned Parenthood! A Huffington Post article called it “a big win for Planned Parenthood.” I call it a big loss for America. After all of the appalling facts revealed this year about Planned Parenthood, our representatives in Washington had a chance to put a stop to this, but they didn’t. There’s no question—taxpayers should not be paying for abortions! Abortion is murder in God’s eyes. Seeing and hearing Planned Parenthood talk nonchalantly about selling baby parts from aborted fetuses with utter disregard for human life is reminiscent of Joseph Mengele and the Nazi concentration camps! That should’ve been all that was needed to turn off the faucet for their funding. Nothing was done to trim this 2,000 page, $1.1 trillion budget. This is an example of why I have resigned from the Republican Party and declared myself Independent. I have no hope in the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, or Tea Party to do what is best for America. Unless more godly men and women get in this process and change this wicked system, our country is in for trouble. I want to challenge Christians, even pastors, across the country to pray about running for office where they can have an impact. We need mayors, country commissioners, city council members, school board members who will uphold biblical values.

Well now that is quite a rant.

Look, he even invoked Nazism.

Sadly for Graham I seriously doubt that anybody gives a shit. 

The Republican party is dying, so obviously the first ones off the ship are the rats.

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Franklin Graham to visit all 50 states in attempt to turn America into a theocracy. Well that's helpful.

Courtesy of Opposing Views: 

Rev. Franklin Graham recently announced his Decision America Tour, which will travel to all 50 states in 2016 to encourage Christians to vote for Christians, and to urge Christians to run for political positions on federal, state and local levels. 

In an op-ed penned for Charisma News, Graham recalled Nehemiah, from the Bible, who supervised the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days even though he faced opposition from Samaritans, Ammonites, Arabs and Philistines. 

Graham claimed: "America's walls of biblical morality are crumbling," and "Christianity and our religious freedoms are under siege. Progressives and secularists want to see God removed from everything and to burn every gate of protection." 

Graham didn't say which religious freedoms were "under siege," or name any progressives and secularists who wanted "God removed from everything."

You know usually these Fundamentalist asshats are a little more subtle, but apparently Graham is tired of pussy footing around. 

And who can blame him? With millennials turning away from the church in droves, and science answering more and more of the questions that were once considered unanswerable, Christians are seeing their power base crumbling all around them in this country.

So of course they are going to make an aggressive and clumsy grab for power.

However Franklin Graham is going to have to face the fact that he is a dinosaur, and his superstitions are no longer finding favor with many of the young people who will someday lead this country into the new enlightenment.

I only hope I can hang on long enough to see it fore myself.

Friday, September 04, 2015

Sarah Palin writes article about President Obama's trip to Alaska using "Denali" as her nom de plume. No, I am not kidding.

Sarah Palin February 20, 2008.
Okay so either I am having another LSD flashback (I swear I thought they were just sugar cubes.) or Sarah Palin just passive aggressively threw her daughter, and her daughter's ghostwriter under the bus by using the name that the Secret Service gave her as her byline for this article entitled "What the President didn't see from Alaska."

As you can imagine it is full of attacks on the President, though unlike her Facebook posts there is an attempt at civility.

Here are a few of the low lights.

It starts off with this qualifier:

NOTE: “Denali” was the name assigned to Gov. Sarah Palin by the United States Secret Service during the 2008 campaign. Her husband’s code name, per Secret Service, was “Driller.” 

Of course WE already explained all that days ago.

There is a little gentle teasing at first:

While here, he enjoyed spectacular autumn weather which he commemorated with many selfies on a stick. He danced, he held a fish, he hiked a glacier (thankfully not the Mendenhal Glacier, for that chunk of ice is, literally, the size of Rhode Island. Instead, he enjoyed one of the other 100,000 Alaskan glaciers). And, he renamed a mountain…our mountain…the tallest peak on the North America continent.

That's really all Palin says about the renaming, which kind of leaves Nancy French and Bristol out on that iceberg of ignorance all on their own. Now that is cold.

But enough with the sweet talk, time for Palin to pull off the mittens. Which she does by jabbing Obama over his message concerning climate change:

Unlike most tourists, the President heads home now with his enormous fleet of transport vehicles – ironically after plenty of finger pointing on this Global Warming tour. Astoundingly, with just this one trip, a bigger carbon footprint was created than what 33 cars combined would create in an entire year.

Never going to stop being that mean girl from Wasilla High are you Sarah?

Oh here is one of the conservative's favorite new talking points, the Chinese ships in the Bering Sea.

Five Chinese warships off our Alaska coast – right there in the Bering Sea this morning – a signal that growing Superpowers like China (and Russia, with its recent brazen claims to lands and waterways that a sleepy America should be claiming) are no longer respectful of America, nor intimidated.

Bristol's ghostwriter also made some hay with this.

However the facts are that the Chinese are breaking no laws as those are international waters, and the Defense Department does not characterize their actions as a threat:

Another official told the Wall Street Journal the defence department did not "characterise anything they're doing as threatening".

I am not sure what Palin would have President Obama do, short of sending Donald Trump out on a rubber raft to start insulting them until they left the area.

Palin, sorry "Denali," also bitched about all of the oil still underground in Alaska that has not been ripped out, burnt, and released as a toxin into our atmosphere.

She then dinged the President for not visiting any of the military bases: 

The Commander in Chief wasn’t able to make time to visit with Alaska’s 22,000-plus active duty military personnel proudly fighting for our freedom. We’ll thank the troops for you, sir.

Hang on I have to wipe the venom off of my keyboard.

And then Palin complained that the President did not visit one of Franklin Graham's bullshit charities:

Next time I hope the President can take a minute to visit groups like Franklin Graham’s “Operation Heal our Patriots” near Bristol Bay; the faith-based charity working to heal scars inflicted in war.

Does she mean scars inflicted by the wars that George W. Bush started, and President Obama ended, thereby saving perhaps hundreds of American military lives?

Then, believe it or not, Snowdrift Snooki complains that Obama did not bother to confirm that yes you can see Russia from Alaska. (Damn she simply CANNOT let things go can she?)

The article ends with this blurb:

Denali served as Alaska’s 9th Governor, the youngest and first woman governor of America’s largest state. Prior to serving as Governor she was Mayor and Manager of the state’s fastest growing community, then went on to regulate energy development as Chairman of Alaska’s Oil & Gas Commission. Denali’s husband, a Yupik Eskimo from Dillingham, is the four-time “Iron Dog” race champion, is a pilot, and worked for nearly two decades as an oil field production operator in Prudhoe Bay. The family owns and operates a commercial fishing business in Bristol Bay.

Can you believe that shit?

Now if you will excuse me I have to go rinse my brain out with disinfectant.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sarah Palin and Franklin Graham are all pissy that Target is not going to tell you which toys are for girls and which one are for boys.

Sarah Palin showing off her feminine side.
So last week Target announced that they were no longer going to give store aisles with bedding and toys gender specific labels in response to some criticism on social media.

For instance.

If you are the parent of a girl you also might have been offended by the fact that the girl's toy aisle is all pink and full of dolls and stuffed animals while the boy's toy aisle is full of awesome Lego sets, remote control trucks, and action figures.

I know I was.

Well apparently there are some people who are terrified that taking down signs pointing out where the boy's toys and girl's toys are located in Target will lead to a breakdown in society and rampant homosexuality.

And who would be so ignorant? Why Franklin Graham of course:

And as you know if Franklin Graham is going to get his righteous panties in a bunch over something, that means Sarah Palin totally has to throw her crusty panties in a wad right beside them.

Holy shitballs kids, sure God made the two genders with handy dandy "don't need no fucking science" hocus pocus, but there is no earthly WAY to tell them apart if Target does not label the bedding aisles now is there?

Thanks to Target the entire country will be filled with little boys falling asleep on Barbie bedsheets, and little girls having tea parties with GI Joe's and Ninja Turtle action figures.

And you know what that leads to don't you?

No seriously do you have any idea what that leads to, because I am at a loss.

Less misogyny maybe?

Boys playing with stuffed animals? (They already do, or haven't you seen Ted 2?)

Less frustration for kids not being allowed to shop in the cool toy aisle?

Am I getting warmer?

Look in all seriousness I worked with young kids for most of my life. Their sexuality is in no way tied to the kinds of toys they play with, or which color they prefer. (Plenty of little girls fucking hate pink, but fucking love little boys.)

Little boys playing with dolls, just means they are boys who play with dolls. And little girls who play with Matchbox cars are not necessarily destined to become grease monkeys who love the poonanny.

Personally I applaud Target for moving forward with the times. And they should remember that any decision they make which causes Franklin Graham and Sarah Palin to lose their shit, is undoubtedly the right decision.

After all, that's my criteria for decision making.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Fox's Todd Starnes interviews Franklin Graham about Supreme Court decision on marriage equality so you know this will be ridiculous.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

While it is a sad day for America when the Supreme Court will "endorse sin," Graham vowed that "I will never recognize it in my heart" because "God gave us marriage and God does not change his mind." 

Graham went on to warn Christians that "you had better be ready and you had better be prepared" because the wholesale persecution of Christianity will now be unleashed, as will, ultimately, God's judgment on this nation. 

"I do believe that God's judgment will come on this nation," he said, noting that just as God brought judgment upon the nation of Israel in the Bible, so too will He bring judgment on America.

Of course Graham's assertion that marriage was given to us by his Christian god is absurd.

In fact marriage, both polygamist and monogamist, existed many of thousands of years before Christianity, and even Judaism.

Not only that but there are societies that do not even recognize a deity where marriage is just as important as it is to religious assholes like Graham.

Christians seem determined to take ownership of marriage, as if the marital unions of those from other religions or secularists were somehow illegitimate by comparison.

It is that kind of arrogance which is causing people to leave the Christian church in droves.

Friday, June 19, 2015

So Todd Palin got a new plane.

Click image to see pretty plane video on Willow's Instagram.
Now if you are like me you are probably wondering just how Todd could afford to buy a plane when we all know that SarahPAC dollars are drying up like Palin's nether regions and Sarah's ability to make money off of reality shows, speeches, and public appearances is all but disappearing?

Well an industrious member of our IM team did a little checking, and though the source for the money is not revealed the time of the sale and the former owner is.

As you can see the N-number on the tail is N305SP.

According to Flight Aware that plane is now registered to Iron Investments which has exactly two members:

Sarah and Todd Palin.

Now according to Flight Aware the previous owner was Samaritan's Purse, and we all know that it is a "charity" run by none other than Franklin Graham.

You know Graham, the guy who went with Palin to drop off cookies to the wrong Alaska village in response to pleas for assistance by natives in entirely different villages.

And as for Todd's old plane? Well he sold that to Matthew McKenna.

You remember McKenna don't you? He was the guy that kinda sorta backed up the Palin version of the Throwdown at the Hoedown.

Gee it all seems a little....incestuous doesn't it?

And why do I feel that there is much more going on here than meets the eye?

And speaking of meeting the eye does Palin even own a mirror these days?


Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Franklin Graham calls for boycott of Wells Fargo because their new ad featuring lesbian moms is "being crammed down our throats."

Aw, that is just all kinds of sweet and adorable don't you think?

Well if you do you are a lesbian loving heathen pagan scum. Well at least according to Franklin Graham who is outraged, outraged I say!

This from Graham's Facebook page:  

Have you ever asked yourself–how can we fight the tide of moral decay that is being crammed down our throats by big business, the media, and the gay & lesbian community? Every day it is something else! Tiffany’s started advertising wedding rings for gay couples. Wells Fargo bank is using a same-sex couple in their advertising. And there are more. But it has dawned on me that we don’t have to do business with them. At the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, we are moving our accounts from Wells Fargo to another bank. And guess what—we don’t have to shop at Tiffany & Co., there are plenty of other jewelry stores. This is one way we as Christians can speak out—we have the power of choice. Let’s just stop doing business with those who promote sin and stand against Almighty God’s laws and His standards. Maybe if enough of us do this, it will get their attention. Share this if you agree.

First off anybody who sees this commercial about two loving people adopting a hearing impaired child, and sees it as sinful is a fucking POS.

And secondly why the hell are these fundamentalist Christians always referencing things being shoved down their throats?

Personally I thought it was a lovely advertisement.

But then again why wouldn't I?

After all I was not raised to hate people because of who they love, what they believe, or how they look.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Sarah Palin commemorates Memorial Day by suggesting that if you don't like guns to get the hell out of the country.

So the above is an image from Palin's Facebook page.

As you can see she did not think that the Bald Eagle, the national bird of the United States, was patriotic enough so she found a picture of one with red, white, and blue foliage.

You know just like they are often found in nature.

Palin then subtly alludes to her daughter's recent broken engagement:

Kicking off Memorial Day weekend, here's to any and all looking for a bridge over troubled waters. Every person on earth encounters those waters. 

Yes who hasn't, at one time or another, manipulated their daughter and a controversial war hero into an unsteady relationship, quickly publicized their rushed engagement so that they could bask in the reflected glory, and then had the whole thing blow up in their face after learning that there was a secret marriage?

Troubled waters indeed.

Then Palin decides to go all evangelical:  

Billy Graham once said, “The Bible is not an option; it’s a necessity.” This is especially true in times of despair that can lead to anxiety and fear

Yes what an appropriate thing to say about the Bible not being an option on a weekend where we remember the troops who died to make sure that we had the option of which religion and religious text to embrace.

After this Palin quotes a number of lines from scripture which I am sure most of you are familiar with after seeing them on motivational posters, bumper stickers, and on those signs in front of your local church.

Palin then adds a truly tasteless cartoon about the President and tops the post off with this image:

So to be clear, on the weekend where we memorialize the soldiers who gave their lives to "protect our freedoms," Palin tells those who call for stricter gun control to protect our citizens from unnecessary violence or death to move their "happy ass" to another country.

You know somehow I don't think she truly understands the whole idea of "freedom."

Oh and by the way, nothing I saw posted today convinced me that the Palins and the Meyer families got together for some barbecue this weekend, and since it looks pretty clear that Bristol is out camping with her exotic model friend in Alaska...

....let's mark this down as yet another epic fail for the Palin family shall we?

Monday, March 02, 2015

Franklin Graham seems pretty okay with ISIS killing people in the Middle East. And his fans? Well his fans are downright ecstatic.

Courtesy of The Friendly Atheist:  

Franklin’s statement reverberated throughout Christian media. Thousands of ecstatic replies on Graham’s Facebook page reveal that many Christians are thrilled by the drama brought by ISIS. Below you see them celebrating the apocalypse they believe ISIS is bringing them. The consistency of a few popular themes is striking; I’ve left in just some of the endless repetition to show the odd uniformity in rhetoric. Hundreds simply say “Hallelujah!” and “Amen!”

The Friendly Atheist has posted an incredible number of responses to Graham from his Facebook page, that simply put at chilling to read.

Here are but a few:

Amen, we know the day would come and it’s here!!! 

Amen!!! Praise God…thru Christ we have the victory! Our brothers, the Coptic Christians that were beheaded for their faith in Jesus, are now in the arms of Jesus in Heaven! 

Amen, the second coming of Jesus is near. All Christians rejoice. 

Yes, Rev. Graham, they are trying to accelerate the Apocalypse… although we know how the story ends… Amen. 

Have been to Israel, have seen the valley in which this final battle will take place , true not vacant , beautiful fertile fields as far as the eyes can see… Awesome just awesome…. 

With each event that happens my mind thinks how close we are to the coming of the Lord… and hearing the trumpet sound, that its time to go home. 

ISIS just doesn’t know they they are laying out the red carpet for my Jesus. 

Amen and these are truly exciting times, to know that soon we shall behold his glory. 

You are so right. We are staring the end times in the face. Very exciting!

WTF is wrong with these people?

I know that Fundamentalist Christians like to differentiate themselves from Muslims fundamentalists,  but I have to say that I am having a harder and harder time telling any difference.

And before all of you Christian apologists start yelling at me that Christians are not beheading people, you might want to keep in mind that that is not always true, and that the urge to behead your enemies is greatly reduced when you can simply drop bombs on them from a distance.

Point of fact is that at their core both ISIS and Evangelical Christians are two sides of the same apocalyptic cult, which believes the death of thousands of innocent people will usher in the appearance of Isa/Jesus bringing peace and Islamic/Christian dominance to the world.

So WHY would true Christian believers condemn the actions of ISIS when they are working toward the same outcome?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Well here's a magazine I will never subscribe to.

Abortion, Euthanasia, ISIS, and Hollywood are all comparable to one another?


I actually had never heard of this magazine until I found this image on Reddit.

After a little digging I found that it is a magazine put out by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. And that many of the articles are written by Sarah Palin's look but don't touch boyfriend Franklin Graham.

From what I can determine it is a magazine filled with dire predictions for the end of the world as we know it and the only cure for all of that is.....wait for it.....God.

Oh yeah and on the magazine's webpage they also beg for donations, because though God is all powerful he does not work for free dammit!

Monday, September 01, 2014

Sarah Palin squeezes every little bit of attention out of her schmoozing with the Duck Dynasty clan, even manages to include Franklin Graham and Fox News.

"Don't poke my fake boob with that flag Todd. It might deflate."
Courtesy of Granny Grifter's Facebook page:

Such a beautiful day in Port Alsworth, Alaska, as our family joined Rev. Franklin Graham & the Duck Commander crew to again welcome veterans and their spouses at an Operation Heal Our Patriot's retreat. This tremendous program for wounded warriors is run by Samaritan's Purse and works to help heal our returning heroes who have the same emotional and spiritual scars the rest of us have (You know after Franklin Graham skims a little from the top first.), but theirs are compounded by extreme circumstances in war zones, and they return with scars all to often overlooked. Thank you to all the dedicated OHOP volunteers committed to our returning heroes to heal marriages affected by these scars. (Not sure she is the best person be talking about "healing marriages.") Our prayers are with the couples we welcomed yesterday on a chilly end-of-summer evening that reminds us our Alaskan winter rolls in quickly and spectacularly. It was 27 degrees there this morning (She got this part right. Colder than hell this morning.), and bear viewing is great as the nearby animals fatten themselves up before hunkering down for the cold winter months. This Bristol Bay region is a most beautiful spot in the Last Frontier; it's the region where Todd was born and raised. We're blessed to have this chunk of God's country in our backyard. Glad the Duck Commander crew traveled North for these views, too! 

America, please join us in supporting and praying for all our vets and their families. If you love your freedom, thank a vet!

 - Sarah Palin

Nothing says "We're just small town living Americans like all of you" like hobnobbing with reality TV stars and having it covered by a host on a popular cable news channel.

And of course while she has this "star" power at her disposal, why not use them as a lure to get somebody to finally visit her stupid all about me vanity channel?

Photo courtesy of Chuck Jr.'s Facebook page.
Seriously where is a hungry bear fattening up for winter when you need one?

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Franklin Graham tells a group of conservative preachers that they have to stop being cowardly about demonstrating their homophobia.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Rev. Franklin Graham told a group of conservative pastors that he loves LGBT people enough to warn them they risked falling into the “the flames of hell.” 

“I love them enough to care to warn them that if they want to continue living like this, it’s the flames of hell for you,” Graham said Thursday night at the Watchmen on the Wall National Pastor’s Briefing in Washington, D.C. 

“Now, if you don’t like that, don’t get mad at me,” Graham said. “I didn’t write the rule book. Almighty God wrote it, and it’s a sin against Him.” 

He said religious leaders were stifled by political correctness. 

“We don’t want to be called a homophobic,” he said, “and I tell people, listen, I’m not afraid of homosexuals, I’m really not — matter of fact, I love them.” 

Graham, who has repeatedly praised Russian President Vladimir Putin for his anti-gay policies, cautioned the pastors not to compromise in their teaching. 

“Listen gentlemen — we live in a world where there is so much compromise,” said Graham. “This city that we’re in, that’s all they do is compromise. We cannot go down that road because you and I are going to have to stand before God one day and give an account to Him, and you don’t want Him to say from His lips, ‘You were a coward.’”

A man who openly praises Vladimir Putin who is invading neighboring countries and murders reporters who dares to question him, and who  condemns men and women for loving in a way that he does not condone.

And yet he claims to love the people who he insists must deny their nature and live a life with love or sexual fulfillment. 

Fuck him.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Concerning laws against gays, Franklin Graham says that Putin is going to do what's right for Russia. Calls gay adoption "recruitment."

Courtesy of the You Tube page:

Rev. Franklin Graham on Sunday said that he stood by earlier comments agreeing with so-called gay "propaganda" bans in Russia because President Vladimir Putin was doing "what's right" for the country. During a March interview with the Charlotte Observer, Graham had asserted that LGBT people were trying to "recruit" children by adopting them, and suggested that it was "exploitation." 

He also said that he "agreed" with Putin because "protecting his nation's children was a pretty smart thing to do." 

Speaking to ABC News on Sunday, Graham doubled down on his praise of the Russian president. 

"Putin is going to do what's right for Russia, and not what's right for America, but for Russia," he opined. "We used to have a president in this country that did what's right for this country, but we don't seem to have that right now." 

"Putin is going to make these decisions that he thinks is best for the Russian people, and he thinks that taking advantage of children — exploiting children — is wrong for any group so they passed a law," Graham added. "So, I do agree with him." 

When asked about his father, Rev. Billy Graham, he again brought the discussion back around to the issue of same-sex parents. 

"When we talk about families, when we talk about gay people, many people, maybe gays that are watching want to know, 'Can God forgive me or can I go to Heaven as a gay person?' Absolutely," he declared. "But the same for any of us, we have to repent of our sins and turn." 

"A person cannot stay in adultery and be accepted by God," Graham continued. "You have to repent."

It is kind of hard to believe that anybody would suggest that what Putin is doing right now is "good for Russia" but I guess when you are a fellow homophobe you tend to give your fellow hate mongers the benefit of the doubt.

As for this idea that gay adoption is about recruiting children into homosexuality, that could not be farther from the truth.

I have known, and worked with, several gay adoptive parents and essentially I can think of only one family where a child they had adopted turned out to be gay.

The rest were quite heterosexual, though to be honest they seemed to lack the gene which inspired them to call every kid they did not like a "faggot." Unless of course that is NOT a heterosexual feature and instead a learned behavior.

Franklin Graham is a POS and really should serve as an embarrassment to Christians everywhere, as well as to Americans who find Vladimir Putin to be a chest thumping megalomaniacal bully.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Franklin Graham praises Vladimir Putin for "protecting children from any gay agenda or propaganda."

Courtesy of HuffPo: 

Evangelist Franklin Graham is praising Russian President Vladimir Putin for his aggressive crackdown on homosexuality, saying his record on protecting children from gay “propaganda” is better than President Obama’s “shameful” embrace of gay rights. 

Graham, who now heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association started by his famous father, praises Putin in the March issue of the group’s Decision magazine for signing a bill that imposes fines for adults who promote “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations to minors.” 

The Russian law came under heavy criticism from gay rights activists, and from Obama, ahead of the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. In response, Obama included openly gay athletes as part of the official U.S. delegation to Sochi. 

“In my opinion, Putin is right on these issues,” Graham writes. “Obviously, he may be wrong about many things, but he has taken a stand to protect his nation’s children from the damaging effects of any gay and lesbian agenda.” 

“Our president and his attorney general have turned their backs on God and His standards, and many in the Congress are following the administration’s lead. This is shameful.” 

With the caveat that “I am not endorsing President Putin,” Graham nonetheless praised Russia’s get-tough approach toward gay rights. 

“Isn’t it sad, though, that America’s own morality has fallen so far that on this issue — protecting children from any homosexual agenda or propaganda — Russia’s standard is higher than our own?”

Homophobic, traitorous, POS!

And of course this "gay agenda" that he so reviles is simply to be treated like everybody else, and to be allowed to marry who they love.

The idea that his piece of garbage would extoll the virtues of a man who has his political enemies murdered, oppresses any who dare speak out against him, and is right now invading a sovereign nation, over a man who has ended two unnecessary wars, saved the economy from ruin, and worked to provide better access to health care for all American citizens, is indefensible.

No wonder he and Sarah Palin get along so well.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Good news for Duck Dynasty's outspoken homophobe Phil Robertson, the Christians have your back.

Courtesy of WYFF:

Franklin Graham posted a statement on with the title, “I Support My Friend Phil Robertson”. 

The statement said, “Phil Robertson’s desire is to see all men and women repent—that is to turn from their sin and follow Christ in obedience. Indeed, that’s his own story, as he freely shares. This is my desire too. We live in a culture that openly supports and promotes sin against God. While Phil Robertson is not anyone’s judge—God is, and will judge all sin. Jesus Christ came to this earth to save sinners, which includes me. I have appreciated the Robertson family’s commitment to biblical values, and that they have not backed down in a politically-correct world that is tolerant of everything except biblical standards and values. I pray that we would be a nation where we can disagree civilly while holding firm convictions. I support my friend Phil Robertson.” 

Hey if it's in the Bible than how can the Christians NOT support it right?

Well that is certainly the thinking of the Westboro church people, who ALSO have come out in support of Phil Robertson: 

The Westboro Baptist Church plans to picket the A&E cable network in support of Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson after A&E suspended Robertson from his hit show for using his Christian faith to justify some disturbing and offensive anti-gay remarks. 

According to a report issued Dec. 21 by Raw Story, the Westboro Baptist Church will be picketing A&E on February 1, 2014 because, it claims, “F*gs run A&E!” 

The Westboro Baptist Church, a notorious Christian hate group, joins other Christian hate groups, such as the Family Research Council, in supporting Robertson’s controversial and demonizing characterizations of LGBT people.

Well now isn't THAT interesting? Remember, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I would like to point out that this whole accepting the gays thing is just the latest moment in history where the Christians have been pulled kicking and screaming into the future. The Bible was also used to argue against working on Sundays, freeing the slaves, and allowing women to vote.

Progress and equality does not occur BECAUSE of religion, it occurs in spite of it.