Showing posts with label McCarthy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label McCarthy. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 04, 2017

Bill O'Reilly refers to celebrities not wanting to perform at Trump inauguration as "reverse McCarthyism."

Courtesy of Mediaite:

During Bill O’Reilly’s Talking Points segment this evening, the Fox News host took aim at the entertainment industry, claiming that it is putting pressure on individual entertainers to not appear at Donald Trump’s inauguration. 

After noting that the short list of acts performing so far, O’Reilly then brought up how previous inaugurations, noting that the contentious election of George W. Bush didn’t stop major musical artists from showing up. 

He then went on to compare the industry to Joseph McCarthy. 

“The harsh truth is that there is reverse McCarthyism going on in the entertainment industry,” O’Reilly stated.

After O'Reilly made this ridiculous claim he had Charles Krauthammer on who essentially said to O'Reilly's face that it was a ridiculous claim.

That's right, Charles Krauthammer was the voice of reason.

Celebrities are not avoiding the inauguration because they fear being ostracized.

They are avoiding the inauguration because they do not want to be party to the rise of a demagogue.

I am sure they would have refused to appear at a Hitler rally as well. 

Besides I thought the Trump campaign's new talking point was that they don't need no stinking celebrities anyhow?

Of course that would make it hard to explain why Trump then feels the need to post this tweet:
So pathetically transparent.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Washington Post compares "Palinism" with McCarthyism.

Try this on for size: Palinism. What is it? It is an updated version of McCarthyism, which takes its name from the late Sen. Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin liar, demagogue and drunk, and means, according to Wikipedia, "reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries." As far as we know, Sarah Palin is not a drunk. (Well as far as we know. If I had to guess I would lean more toward over the counter pharmaceuticals. But that is just a guess.)

But she certainly shares McCarthy's other attributes -- and this one as well: the ability to drive the debate. In McCarthy's day, it was anti-communism coupled with national security, and it hardly mattered that he frequently did not have his facts straight. He got huge amounts of attention anyway.

With Palin, the subject is health care, which in many ways is the Red Menace of our day and lends itself to a kind of political pornography. For sheer disregard of the facts, her statement about President Obama's "death panel" has to rank with McCarthy's announcement that "I have here in my hand a list of 205" (or 57 or 72 or whatever) names of communists in the State Department. They were both false -- McCarthy's by commission, Palin's probably by omission. She rarely knows her facts.

(Just click the title to read the rest of the article.)