Showing posts with label basketball. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basketball. Show all posts

Monday, February 05, 2018

Some of the new Superbowl winners have no intention of visiting the White House to see Donald Trump.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Fresh off his Super Bowl win, Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins told CNN Monday that he intends to skip the Philadelphia Eagles upcoming visit to the White House to commemorate his team's victory. 

"Nah, I personally do not anticipate attending," Jenkins told CNN's "New Day." 

Asked if he has a message for Trump, Jenkins said, "My message has been clear all year ... I want to see changes in our criminal justice system. I want to see us push for economical and educational advancement in communities of color and low-income communities. And I want to see our relationship between our communities and our law enforcement be advanced."


Jenkins has been one of the most outspoken NFL players amid President Donald Trump's feud with the league over players taking a knee during the National Anthem to protest racism. 

Jenkins, who has raised his fist during the National Anthem to protest racism, leads the Player's Coalition — a group of NFL players negotiating with the league to address the concerns of those who protest. 

His teammates Torrey Smith and Chris Long also indicated that they would not attend, citing their opposition to Trump. 

I would not be surprised if there are many more players who will also be giving this a miss.

I don't see how Donald Trump could possibly suggest that he could bring the country together, or solve the Middle East crisis, if he cannot even get a team of football players to come to the White House.

We will have to wait and see if Trump goes on the attack against these players like he did when some of the Golden State Warriors basketball team members refused to show up last September.
I think we know he will have to say something.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

So that guy that the Russians put into the White House was up early embarrassing America again.


Trump then followed that up by bitching that the NFL may simply keep players in the locker room during the playing of the National Anthem, which is what they used to do before making that deal with the Pentagon.
Not a "new idea."

And then Trump also retweeted this beauty.
Let me remind everybody, that like it or not, this man is the president of the United States.

He represents all of us, and his tweets are read by people all over the world. 

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Donald Trump suggests that an American basketball player should have remained in a Chinese jail because his father did not adequately kiss his ass.

So as you all probably heard these three UCLA basketball players got busted in China for shoplifting and spent some time in jail over there.

Eventually they were released and Donald Trump wanted to make sure that everybody knew that he was the one that made that happen.

So gracious, don't you think?

Anyhow one of the player's dads was interviewed about the incident yesterday, and he clearly is not a Trump fan.

Courtesy of ESPN: 

LaVar Ball downplayed his son's shoplifting incident in China, as well as President Donald Trump's involvement in getting LiAngelo Ball and two other UCLA basketball players back to the United States earlier this week. 

"Who?" LaVar Ball told ESPN on Friday, when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter. "What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

Now that may seem a little ungrateful since Trump DID intervene on the player's behalf with Chinese president Xi Jinping, though the Chinese themselves suggested that the players were going to be released anyhow.

Courtesy of WaPo:

For their part, the Chinese government wasn’t eager to say that Xi had followed through on Trump’s request to intervene. 

“I am not aware of the details, but I believe the Chinese police would have handled the case in strict accordance with the law,” Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said at a news conference Wednesday, when asked if Xi had intervened.

Whoever is actually responsible for getting the players released is almost beside the point, because the real news is how Trump responded to not being given the credit.

Now keep in mind that the young man, LiAngelo Ball, already personally thanked Trump during a press conference for helping get him out, but now that his father refuses to do the same, Trump is actually suggesting that should have left the players to rot in a Chinese prison.

Damn! That is the very definition of thin skinned.

Trump does not seem to have any understanding of what is means to be a public servant and to do selfless things for his constituents.

Instead he demands that everybody applaud every simple fucking thing that he does, as if he is a one year old who successfully made his first boom boom in the big toilet. 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Donald Trump is now in a fight with NBA superstars.

LeBron James and Stephen Curry.
Courtesy of the New York Post:

NBA star Stephen Curry was dis-invited from the White House on Saturday by President Trump.

Curry, a Golden State Warriors guard and two-time NBA MVP, said Friday he would vote against the team visiting Trump’s White House to celebrate the team’s 2017 championship. 

That was enough for Trump to decide against inviting him.
Not going to the White House would send a message, Curry told reporters, “that we don’t stand for basically what our president has — the things that he’s said and the things that he hasn’t said at the right times — that we won’t stand for it.”

That tweet of Trump's also pissed of  NBA superstar LeBron James:
Getting called a bum by LeBron James, damn you have to be a real fuck up to earn that kind of shade!

But the fact is that Donald Trump is a racist Nazi sympathizer, and there is no WAY that he should expect black team members to want to have their pictures taken with him.

At this point I am surprised that there are ANY black folks who still want to be associated with him. 

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Donald Trump gets famed Indiana basketball coach Bobby Knight's endorsement. Basketball? Donald Trump? Sarah Palin is all over this.

Courtesy of the one basket wonder's Facebook page:  

Bobby Knight Endorses Trump! (Oh my God, you can almost smell the dampened Depends from here.)

Coach Knight knows what it takes! (Yes he does! Cussing out his minions, choking subordinates, and throwing chairs! The Bobby Knight keys to success!) This means a lot to Americans who really want to win again. Thank you, Coach Knight. You've always been a courageous one. 

And thank you, Hoosiers! And all the other states who slam dunked it for FREEDOM last night! Your good judgement in trusting the Trump Movement with your vote is so incredibly encouraging! Gives us faith in the oncoming Great Awakening many of us recognize and appreciate, where the GOP Machine shall deservedly be dismantled while eradicating the stupidity of the failed Liberals' agenda via votes representing the will of the people. (Saving the country from economic disaster, bringing health care to millions, and ending two very unpopular wars? Is this the "failed Liberal agenda?") Americans are sick and tired of the corrupt Establishment's status quo, so kudos to you: Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Delaware and Pennsylvania for last night's victories. 

The Trump Movement will not disappoint. We need a revolution; we've found our revolutionary for America to win. (Yep just like Cuba found Fidel Castro to help them win!)

Our candidate has the will to win. More importantly, as proven by his unmatched work ethic and record of success, Donald Trump has the "will to prepare to win..."

I have to admit that I am not sure how the "will to prepare to win" is somehow better than the "will to win" but then again I don't speak basketball.

You know I am not exactly sure that Bobby Knight's endorsement of Trump should be seen as a positive. This is what he identified as the reason that he supports Trump:

"We gotta talk about this presidential crap just for a moment here," Knight said. "I'll tell you who they said wasn't presidential. I don't even know what the hell presidential means (Well that's enlightening.), but they told him he wasn't presidential. And that guy they told all these people that wanted to say, you're not presidential, that guy was Harry Truman." 

"And Harry Truman, with what he did in dropping and having the guts to drop the bomb in 1944 saved, saved millions of American lives," Knight said. "And that's what Harry Truman did. And he became one of the three great presidents of the United States. And here's a man who would do the same thing, because he's going to become one of the four great presidents of the United States." 

So Knight supports Donald Trump because he is willing to drop a bomb on Japan?

Wait, wait, wait he MUST be talking about ISIS, right?

But you know the problem with that is that ISIS is not located in just one country, they are all over the place. So dropping a freaking nuclear bomb would only kill a handful of them at a time.

What's more we are not at war with any of the countries in which ISIS operates. So dropping a freaking nuclear bomb on them means killing potentially hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of peaceful non-combatants.

Quite literally if the United States were to do ANYTHING this horrible WE would be the terrorists and the entire national community would form an alliance against us.

Which we would completely deserve.

I think Bobby Knight needs to stick to throwing chairs and throttling basketball players, because when it comes to politics I think Trig Palin has a better handle on things.

P.S. Here is a look at what it means to be a fighter for ISIS. Nuclear bomb, you could take these idiots out with a pea shooter and a well placed stink bomb.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Supporters of Catholic school basketball team chant "You killed Jesus" at Jewish opposing team members.

Courtesy of the National Post:  

An ugly thing happened at a high school basketball game in a suburb of Boston on Friday night. 

It occurred at a division title game between the all-boys Catholic Memorial School and the public Newton North High School, which has a large Jewish community of students. The game was held at Newton South High School, where an estimated 100 young men sitting in the student section cheering for Catholic Memorial shouted, “You killed Jesus, you killed Jesus,” according to several witnesses who asked not to be identified. Most of those chanting fans wore red shirts as a display of support for their team. Some of the witnesses, who were Jewish, said they found the chant alarming. 

One spectator who was shaken by the events — and who asked not to be identified — is a native of Skokie, Illinois, where in the mid-1970s, a controversy erupted when neo-Nazis wanted to march through the heavily Jewish town. Skokie officials tried to stop it but lost the case in court. This spectator, whose parents are survivors of World War II concentration camps, said, “I can’t believe it,” she said. “I just can’t believe it.”

Nothing like religion to bring people together, don't you think?

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Remembering the one and ONLY time that I interviewed Sarah Palin.

I am sure that many of you will remember this video as the one from my "Bloggers and the Barracuda" post.  However many of you will also remember that it, and many of my other videos, were taken down when Dennis Zaki decided that he had had enough of Palin and took them all off of his You Tube page.

So I decided that I would post some of them periodically and remind people that they exist, now hosted on MY You Tube page.

For those who want to read the entire account jut click the ling above for the entire bizarre story of my one interview and what happened afterward.

It is rather long but here is a taste:  

We finished packing things up, thanked her for the interview, and exited the building to load up the car. 

After we finished I left Dennis outside with the equipment and went inside to get my friends and tell them that we were ready to hit the road. 

When I located them in the sports center one of my friends asked “Did you see her?” 

“See who?” I asked warily. 

“Sarah Palin! When you left she handed Trig to Piper and charged across the middle of the basketball court in hot pursuit of you guys!” 

Uh oh! 

As we walked toward the exit we kept our eyes peeled, but did not see any sign of the Governor, so I figured that maybe it was no big deal and that she had given up and decided to rejoin her kids on the basketball court. 

However when I climbed into the car I asked Dennis if HE had seen Palin. 

“Oh yeah” he said. “She came out with a notebook and wrote down your license plate number.” 

Uh oh!

Oh yeah, THAT happened!

The other reason I wanted to revisit the video is because sometimes newbies seem confused as to how we know that Trig needs hearing aids. 

Well for one thing we have information from Palin herself and others that Trig communicates in sign language and as far as we know he is not yet speaking.  It is fairly common for those with Down syndrome to suffer from hearing loss, and it would seem that Trig is among that number.

However I personally first began to suspect that was the case during the interview at the top. If you watch it carefully you will notice there is a quite a lot of background noise and that Trig is seemingly asleep. (He was.) That might not seem that unusual, but at the 1:21 mark there is a very loud buzzer which, to be honest, startled me more than a few times. And yet Trig remains in a deep sleep.

THAT is when I first became convinced that he had some type of hearing loss.

A hearing loss that seemingly is not taken seriously, as evidenced by the fact that Trig is NEVER photographed wearing his hearing aids. Not even on the first day of school.

After all who needs to hear in order to learn in school? Right Sarah?

Friday, July 12, 2013

Why does Fox News hate America's babies?

That Brian Kilmeade guy is SUCH an idiot.

He probably did it on purpose because he was jealous that even a toddler has more talent than he could ever hope to achieve. (Did you notice how he tried to cover the baby's mouth to keep him from crying and ratting him out?)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Republicans warn professional sports leagues not to promote Obamacare.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Senate Republican leaders have sent letters warning six professional sports leagues not to provide the Obama administration any assistance in promoting Obamacare. 

The letters, dated June 27, warn the chiefs of the National Football League, Major League Baseball, National Basketball Association, National Hockey League, Professional Golf Association and NASCAR that partnering with the administration to publicize the benefits of the health care law would damage their reputations. 

“Given the divisiveness and persistent unpopularity of this bill, it is difficult to understand why an organization like yours would risk damaging its inclusive and apolitical brand by lending its name to its promotion,” wrote Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Whip John Cornyn (R-TX). 

The letters come days after Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she’s spoken with the NFL about potentially partnering to let people know the benefits of the Affordable Care Act ahead of the implementation of its major components. (She said there was no deal yet.) The Republican senators rattled off a slew of conservative arguments against the law, stressing polls that signal its unpopularity with the public. 

The letter also suggests the Obama administration could be threatening the pro sports leagues to extract support for Obamacare: 

"We have long been concerned by the Obama Administration’s record of using the threat of policy retaliation to solicit support for its policies or to silence its critics. Should the administration or its allies suggest that there will be any policy consequence for your decision not to participate in their outreach efforts, we urge you to resist any such pressure and to contact us immediately so that we may conduct appropriate oversight."

I am almost without words here.

It is vitally important to get the word out about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act to those who desperately need to know, and having it promoted by teams from the NFL, NHL, NBA, and MLB is a stroke of genius.

And clearly the GOP knows this, and are now actually attempting to bully these teams into refusing to help.

I literally to not have a word in my vocabulary which adequately describes my disgust with this putrid pod of pompous pissants!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Yes there is NO doubt, Sarah Palin did get booed at that Pacer's game!

Courtesy of Sports Grid:  

Sarah Palin attended the Heat-Pacers playoff game on Saturday for no other apparent reason than she was also in town for the Indianapolis 500, for which she was a special guest. So, courtside seats for her and husband Todd at Bankers Life Fieldhouse to watch Miami take a 2-1 series lead: the Miami Herald even got a short interview (see below), in which Palin revealed she was rooting for the Pacers. 

But during a timeout, the Pacers for some reason decided to show Palin up on the giant video screen. If they were hoping for loud booing, they got it.

The article then goes on to list a rather impressive number of tweets by people who heard the  boos first hand.

Young Alwin also followed up with this.
So yes Palin-bots she DID get booed, so you all can stop asking if there is any video of the event. (Like YOU people ever cared about proof before!)

Don't forget this is not the first time that a story about Palin being booed has been challenged.

Of course back in 2010 the blowback was MUCH more aggressive because Palin had not yet finished her political prick tease. 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Palin shows up to Pacers game and gets loudly booed. Oh yeah, the people love her!

Courtesy of YardBarker:  

One of the star-studded celebrities that attended game three of the Eastern Conference Finals between the Pacers/Heat was former GOP Vice Presidential candidate/governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin. Palin attended the game with her husband Todd and apparently, she was shown on the Conseco Fieldhouse videoboard during a stoppage of play in the fourth quarter. How do Indiana fans react to Saint Sarah? Well, let the fine folks over at the Daily Thunder tell you: Sarah Palin showed on the big screen and booed LOUDLY. — Royce Young (@dailythunder) May 27, 2013 Oh well, at least she can see Russia from her house….

Here is Royce Young's original tweet:

Which was followed by this tweet:

Damn the jokes almost write themselves don't they?

However the joke is not over as Palin was also interviewed on camera.

God that screech!

She was also interviewed by an intrepid print reporter from the Miami Herald 

ME: “Since you’re here sitting in the front row, I figured I would be remiss if I didn’t try to interview you.” 

PALIN: “You can try. It’s your job.” 

ME: “So, I guess what do you think of the game so far?” 

PALIN: “We love the NBA. We love Indiana. We go back to being big Hoosier fans. So, anything that has to do with Indiana, we’re going to support, so coming here and rooting for the Pacers is kind of parlaying our love of Indiana.” 

ME: “Were you here for the race?” 

PALIN: “For the race and we were lucky enough to get to come to this game then, too.” 

ME: “So, you did the Indianapolis double today.” 

PALIN: “Yeah, this a dream come true for sports nuts like Todd and me. It’s really, it’s surreal.” 

ME: “What did you do at the race? I covered the Daytona 500 one year when you were there.” 

PALIN: “What we got to do is hang with Parnelli Jones and do a lap with Parnelli yesterday and it’s the 50th anniversary of his win in Indy, so that was cool to get to be with him. And then just to experience the race, something so iconic and all-Americana, something we grew up watching on TV all these years to be there today was spectacular.” 

ME: “So, growing up in Alaska, who were some of your favorite NBA stars?” 

TODD PALIN, interjecting: “Well, back in the day, Dr. J., Larry Bird, Magic… 

PALIN: “Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, I mean the crew in the 80s, growing up in the 80s, you know. But all these guys today, these athletes are amazing athletes. And Miami is so doggone stacked, but the Pacers have this tenacious, scrappy, underdog persona that everybody’s going to root for.” 

ME: “But you’ve got to be pulling for Miami, too, right? Because they’ve got an Alaskan on the team.” 

PALIN: “We love Chalmers. Any of the Alaskan kids who make it so big, like Trajan Langdon and Carlos Boozer, all those guys we’re always going to root for, but when it comes to team, though, I’m always going to root for the underdog. Go Pacers!” 

TODD PALIN: “I always like seven games in a series, though.” 

PALIN: “That’s the thing. I just texted my girlfriend that hopefully it goes seven.” 

ME: “So, where do you see your political future going?” 

PALIN: “That’s up to the American people. And if they want to see positive change in this country, or if they want to just kind of keep embracing the status quo of going down the wrong road. It’s up to the American people and where someone’s political future is going to go.” 

ME: “You got anything planned in the near future?” 

PALIN: “Near future is helping change the senate in the 2014 races, get some good common sense conservatives elected.” 

Palin with young fan
 So Palin is going to help "change the Senate" by getting some "good commons sense conservatives elected?"

Well that should come as good news for their opponents, since virtually EVERYTHING she touches turns to mooseshit.

By the way the Pacers lost that game.

P.S. This really puts that Politico story down below into perspective doesn't it?

Monday, April 29, 2013

NBA player becomes first athlete on a major sports team to come out as gay. And so it begins.

Courtesy of Sports Illustrated:

I'm a 34-year-old NBA center. I'm black. And I'm gay. 

I didn't set out to be the first openly gay athlete playing in a major American team sport. But since I am, I'm happy to start the conversation. I wish I wasn't the kid in the classroom raising his hand and saying, "I'm different." If I had my way, someone else would have already done this. Nobody has, which is why I'm raising my hand. 

My journey of self-discovery and self-acknowledgement began in my hometown of Los Angeles and has taken me through two state high school championships, the NCAA Final Four and the Elite Eight, and nine playoffs in 12 NBA seasons. 

I've played for six pro teams and have appeared in two NBA Finals. Ever heard of a parlor game called Three Degrees of Jason Collins? If you're in the league, and I haven't been your teammate, I surely have been one of your teammates' teammates. Or one of your teammates' teammates' teammates. 

Now I'm a free agent, literally and figuratively. I've reached that enviable state in life in which I can do pretty much what I want. And what I want is to continue to play basketball. I still love the game, and I still have something to offer. My coaches and teammates recognize that. At the same time, I want to be genuine and authentic and truthful. 

This is a pivotal point for the LGBT community. And Jason Collins is a very brave young man to take this one.

I have little doubt that after this there will be many more pro-athletes who will join him.

However he will always be the first that had the courage to proudly tell the world who he really is.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Posted by Palin-bots with the headline, "Latest Photo Almost Too Hot To Publish!" WTF?

Chick-fil-A? Really?

More to be found here.

Update: It looks like the Daily Mail also has a picture to share:

Oh yeah, that is certainly "almost too hot to publish."

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

President Obama's coolest moments.

Click photo to play video
I had forgotten some of these moments, others I had never seen, but they are all destined to put smile on your face and remind you of just why you worked so hard to give this man a second term.

Monday, July 16, 2012

President and Mrs. Obama on Kiss Cam.

When was the last time you saw a political couple that were clearly still THIS in love?

Yeah I am having trouble remembering too.

(H/T to the Obama Diary.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Oh Noes!!!! Palin endorses the Knick's amazing Jeremy Lin!

video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
Maybe, just maybe, the Palin curse will skip him by and he will be the one person who will be unaffected by having Palin endorse him.

Like maybe when he was a kid he got a Cooties shot and it is still working.

 Dammit! I really like this guy too!

(Courtesy of TMZ.)

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Picture of the day.

Photo courtesy of the Obama Diary.
This picture was taken as Secretary of State Clinton was naming the great Kareem Abdul Jabbar as a global cultural ambassador.

I am a big fan of Jabbar from years past, and I think he will do a great job.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

President Obama's Weekly Address: Veteran's Day edition.

Here are some of the pictures of the President and Mrs. Obama during that NCAA Men’s Basketball game between the University of North Carolina and Michigan State University on board the USS Carl Vinson that the President mentioned in the video.

That is a couple that ALWAYS look like they are having a good time when they are together.

Man I need to get me one of those leather jackets, because it looks like a chick magnet to me. LOL!

Photos courtesy of The Obama Diary.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Jimmy Kimmel asks "Would you sleep with Sarah Palin?"

That is hysterical!

I loved the guy that said he would sleep with her, but not vote for her.

This kind of goes hand in hand with this article from the New York Daily News which claims that Palin is now nothing more than an x-rated punchline. (Seriously? Was she ever REALLY anything more than that?):

The allegation about Rice, of course, is just one more swinging strike against Palin, who has become the world's most famous hypocrite/talk-show host/Presidential wannabe in a land of tarnished political souls on both sides of the aisle. Palin was a non-running joke before this material surfaced. She is now an X-rated punch line. 

If Joe McGinniss's book does nothing else (And I am quite confident it will do quite a lot more), just the fact alone that it has now made it completely impossible for Palin to get the support from her base to even start a fake temporary political campaign, should make Americans everywhere feel forever in his debt.

Sarah Palin reporting on Glen Rice's basketball team for KTUU three months after they did the nasty.

Courtesy of Deadspin:

Just about three months after her alleged one-night stand with Michigan star player Glen Rice, Sarah Palin (then Sarah Heath) reported on a Wolverines game for Anchorage's KTUU-TV. In the clip above, she's reporting on Michigan's 80-67 loss against Purdue on March 3, 1988 in to clinch the Big Ten championship game. Her alleged former lover had just 11 points and shot 5 for 16 from the field in the game, so he goes unmentioned. 

Okay this might just be the result of knowing that Palin and Rice bumped uglies, but does EVERYTHING she says in this sportscast seem packed with sexual innuendo to anybody else?