Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Americans. Show all posts

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Majority of Americans have confidence in the Robert Mueller investigation. Far less have confidence in Trump.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

A majority of Americans say special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation into possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia is fair and should continue without interference, a Marist College poll reports. 

The poll, released Friday, finds that just more than half of those surveyed, 53 percent, say that the special counsel probe is a "fair" investigation into Trump's campaign, while 28 percent say it is "unfair." This marks an increase from 48 percent who said the investigation was "fair" in the same poll last month. 

In addition, respondents said they are more likely to trust Mueller than Trump. Given an option between the two, 55 percent said they would believe Mueller over Trump, compared to 30 percent that said the reverse. 

Most Americans still have a positive view of the FBI despite weeks of attacks from Trump and congressional Republicans over the bureau's handling of both the Russia investigation and the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's private email server, the poll finds.

You might think this would be obvious.

I mean of course more people trust Robert Mueller over Donald Trump. Right?

But keep in mind that the entire Devin Nunes, Republican attack, Fox News propaganda machine is all about destroying Mueller's reputation and undermining his investigation.

So the fact that all of that has only increased confidence in Robert Mueller and his investigation is good news indeed.

Hopefully that will continue to be the case.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Americans once again choose Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the most admired man and woman.

Courtesy of Gallup: 

Americans once again are most likely to name Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton as the man and woman living anywhere in the world they admire most, as they have for the past 10 years. The pair retain their titles this year, although by much narrower margins than in the past. Obama edges out Donald Trump, 17% to 14%, while Clinton edges out Michelle Obama, 9% to 7%.

The 2017 survey marks the 16th consecutive year Clinton has been the most admired woman. She has held the title 22 times in total, more than anyone else. Eleanor Roosevelt is second with 13 wins. Obama has now been named the most admired man 10 times, trailing only Dwight Eisenhower, who earned the distinction 12 times. Obama won all eight years he was president, plus 2008 -- the year he was first elected -- and this year, his first as a former president.

I love the fact that Hillary has the first spot on the female side, and is closely followed by Michelle Obama, with Melania Trump showing up eighth on the list well below Elizabeth Warren and Angela Merkel.

Trump showed up at number two, which is troubling, but he did lose a percentage points since last year.

However I seriously doubt that he will spend very long near the top, as the more we learn about him the less the American people like him. 

Friday, December 22, 2017

More Americans want to see Donald Trump impeached than are planning to vote for him in 2020.

Courtesy of Newsweek: 

Donald Trump is hemorrhaging support among the American people, and now more than 40 percent of them think it's time to start the process to impeach him, a new poll finds. The number is higher than the percentage of Americans who said they planned to vote for the president in the 2020 election.

The NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey, out Wednesday, carried very little good news for the president and put him on notice that 41 percent of Americans believe there is enough reason for Congress to hold impeachment hearings, even before the conclusion of special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation. 

The poll found that 70 percent of Democrats, 40 percent of independents and even 7 percent of Republicans The number of people calling for impeachment proceedings to get underway closely parallels the 38 percent of Americans who believe Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 election.are in favor of the hearings.

Americans' desire for impeachment wasn't the only bad news for Trump in this poll. If he does survive his first term without being impeached, his chances of re-election are looking extremely bleak. 

Just 36 percent of respondents said they would probably or definitely vote for Trump against a generic Democratic candidate. Conversely, 52 percent said they would probably or definitely "vote for the other party." Such numbers would clearly leave Trump with no path toward a second term. 

Damn! You know that is going to drive Trump a little further over the bend.

Saturday, November 04, 2017

58% of Americans approve of how Robert Mueller is handling his investigation, while 49% think it is likely that Donald Trump is a criminal.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

More than twice as many Americans approve as disapprove of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation of possible coordination between Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign and the Russian government, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds, indicating that the conservative effort to discredit the probe has fallen flat as the case has progressed toward its first public charges. 

A 58 percent majority say they approve of Mueller’s handling of the investigation, while 28 percent say they disapprove, the Post-ABC poll finds. People’s views depend in large part on their political leanings, but overall, Americans are generally inclined to trust Mueller and the case he has made so far. 

Meanwhile, fewer than 4 in 10 Americans say they believe Trump is cooperating with Mueller’s investigation, while about half believe he is not. 

A similar 49 percent think it is likely Trump himself committed a crime in connection with possible Russian attempts to influence the election, although more say this view is based on suspicion rather than on hard evidence.

To put it simply almost sixty percent of Americans have faith in how Robert Mueller is conducting his investigation, while just under fifty percent think that Trump is guilty of a crime.

That makes it all but impossible for Trump to fire Mueller, or successfully sabotage this investigation.  

Friday, November 03, 2017

Poll shows that 59% of Americans believe this is the lowest point in US history that they can remember.

Courtesy of Vox: 

The APA has been conducting its Stress in America poll every year since 2007, and the latest one finds that 63 percent of Americans say the future of the country is a very significant source of stress in their lives. 

Even more tellingly, 59 percent said this is the “lowest point in our nation’s history that they can remember.” And this sentiment transcended generations: A majority of baby boomers, Gen X-ers, millennials, and adults over the age of 72 felt it.

I am definitely part of this 59%.

Even 911, which rocked me to my core, at least later left me feeling that we could overcome anything.

Right now there is just a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness.

The only thing that brightens my outlook is the knowledge that the Mueller investigation exists and the hope that it will eventually lead to an end to all this. 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Russian trolls paid actual American activists to help fund protests during 2016 election cycle.

Courtesy of The Guardian:  

On Tuesday, the newspaper RBC published a major investigation into the work of a so-called Russian “troll factory” since 2015, including during the period of the US election campaign, disclosures that are likely to put further spotlight on alleged Russian meddling in the election. 

The existence of the troll factory, which has a history of spamming Russian and English blogs and comment forums, has been reported on by many outlets including the Guardian, but the RBC investigation is the first in-detail look at the organisation’s activity during the election period. 

RBC said it had identified 118 accounts or groups in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter that were linked to the troll factory, all of which had been blocked in August and September this year as part of the US investigation into Russian electoral meddling. 

Many of the accounts had already been linked to Russian disinformation efforts in western outlets, but RBC said its sources at the troll factory had provided screenshots of the internal group administration pages of some of the groups, as proof they were run from Russia. It also spoke to former and current employees of the troll factory, all of whom spoke anonymously. 

Perhaps the most alarming element of the article was the claim that employees of the troll factory had contacted about 100 real US-based activists to help with the organisation of protests and events. RBC claimed the activists were contacted by Facebook group administrators hiding their Russian origin and were offered financial help to pay for transport or printing costs. About $80,000 was spent during a two-year period, according to the report.

So another $80,000?

Oh but that is not all. Not by a long shot.

Courtesy of CNN:

A social media campaign calling itself "Blacktivist" and linked to the Russian government used both Facebook and Twitter in an apparent attempt to amplify racial tensions during the U.S. presidential election, two sources with knowledge of the matter told CNN. The Twitter account has been handed over to Congress; the Facebook account is expected to be handed over in the coming days. 

Both Blacktivist accounts, each of which used the handle Blacktivists, regularly shared content intended to stoke outrage. "Black people should wake up as soon as possible," one post on the Twitter account read. "Black families are divided and destroyed by mass incarceration and death of black men," another read. The accounts also posted videos of police violence against African Americans. 

And then there is this:

A group linked to the Russian troll farm behind thousands of fake Facebook ads paid personal trainers in New York, Florida, and other parts of the United States to run self-defense classes for African Americans in an apparent attempt to stoke fear and gather contact details of Americans potentially susceptible to their propaganda. 

"Be ready to protect your rights... Let them know that black power matters," the group, known as Black Fist, wrote on its website promoting the events. 

The group appears to have been set up in January 2017, and it ran events before stopping at some point this year, evidence that Russia's attempts to use social media to meddle in American affairs have extended far beyond the 2016 presidential election. 

The events, which appear to have been designed to suggest a connection to the Black Lives Matter movement, were -- unbeknownst to the trainers who led them -- likely conceived by the Russian government-linked Internet Research Agency. 


At this point nobody could possibly say that the Russian government was not all in to help Donald Trump get elected.

And you simply do not put this much effort into something unless you are getting a substantial, guaranteed, benefit.

Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Despite attacks from Donald Trump confidence in the American media is on the rise. Same cannot be said for confidence in Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Reuters:  

Americans are increasingly confident in the news media and less so in President Donald Trump’s administration after a tumultuous year in U.S. politics that tested the public’s trust in both institutions, according to a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll released on Tuesday. 

The poll of more than 14,300 people found that the percentage of adults who said they had a “great deal” or “some” confidence in the press rose to 48 percent in September from 39 percent last November. Earlier this year, Trump branded the entire industry as the “enemy of the American people.” 

The percentage of those who said they had “hardly any” confidence in the press dropped to 45 percent from 51 percent over the same period.

On the flip side Americans who say that they have a "great deal" or "some" confidence in Trump went from 52% in January to 48% in this most recent poll.

Of course that still seems much too high, but I have confidence that it will only continue to slide.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

New poll says that only 16% of Americans like the way that Donald Trump conducts himself as president.

Courtesy of the Pew Research Center: 

The survey, conducted by Pew Research Center Aug. 15-21 among 1,893 adults, finds that 15% of Americans say they agree with Trump on all or nearly all issues, while another 18% say they agree with him on many but not all issues. Most say they agree with Trump on either a few issues (21%) or “no or almost no issues” (45%). 

Setting issues aside, a majority (58%) say they do not like the way Trump conducts himself as president, while 25% have mixed feelings about his conduct. Just 16% say they like the way he conducts himself as president.

Is it wrong that I think at this point that 16% is still much too high?

But there's more.

Among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, just 31% say they agree with Trump on all or nearly all issues, while an additional 38% agree with him on many, but not all, issues. Fully 93% of Democrats and Democratic leaners say they agree with Trump on, at most, a few issues, including 77% who report virtually no agreement with Trump on issues. 

In views of Trump’s conduct as president, 46% of Republicans express mixed feelings, while 19% say they do not like his conduct; 34% say they like the way he conducts himself as president. Among Democrats, 89% have a negative view of Trump’s conduct.

I have no idea how people find ANYTHING about Trump's conduct to be positive.

Rabid wolverines conduct themselves more positively than Donald Trump.

Still these are truly terrible numbers for Trump since typically a sitting president could rely on the fact that at least 95% of his own party would support how he conducts himself in his job.

I think even a dead guy in the Oval Office could pull higher numbers.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

The good news, belief in Creationism is at an all time low. The bad news, there are still 38% of Americans who believe in that superstitious nonsense.

Courtesy of Gallup: 

The percentage of U.S. adults who believe that God created humans in their present form at some time within the last 10,000 years or so -- the strict creationist view -- has reached a new low. Thirty-eight percent of U.S. adults now accept creationism, while 57% believe in some form of evolution -- either God-guided or not -- saying man developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life.

This is the first time since 1982 -- when Gallup began asking this question using this wording -- that belief in God's direct creation of man has not been the outright most-common response. Overall, roughly three-quarters of Americans believe God was involved in man's creation -- whether that be the creationist view based on the Bible or the view that God guided the evolutionary process, outlined by scientist Charles Darwin and others. Since 1982, agreement with the "secular" viewpoint, meaning humans evolved from lower life forms without any divine intervention, has doubled.

It is my habit to celebrate every one of these successes, as Americans slowly, almost imperceptibly, move toward enlightenment. 

I just wish they would hurry up.

I am not getting any younger, and my dream of witnessing a world without religion seems to fade further and further from a possible reality every day.

Oh well, everybody needs a dream to cling to, and this is mine.

Friday, May 19, 2017

New poll shows that now only 24% of Americans believe that the Bible is the "literal word of God."

Courtesy of Gallup: 

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) now believe the Bible is "the actual word of God, and is to be taken literally, word for word," similar to the 26% who view it as "a book of fables, legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man." This is the first time in Gallup's four-decade trend that biblical literalism has not surpassed biblical skepticism. Meanwhile, about half of Americans -- a proportion largely unchanged over the years -- fall in the middle, saying the Bible is the inspired word of God but that not all of it should be taken literally.

From the mid-1970s through 1984, close to 40% of Americans considered the Bible the literal word of God, but this has been declining ever since, along with a shrinking percentage of self-identified Christians in the U.S. Meanwhile, the percentage defining the Bible as mere stories has doubled, with much of that change occurring in the past three years. 

Okay that's progress, but there are still WAY to many Americans buying into this superstitious nonsense.

Our gullibility makes us easy marks for frauds and charlatans, and that gullibility is fed into and nourished by these primitive books of fairy tales.

You would think in the days of Google, where computers are built into our mobile phones, and information about EVERYTHING is only a button click away, that we would stop clinging to stories of miracles and ancient demigods.

And yet here we are, still pathetically unable to shake off the shackles of ignorance and the desperate need to believe in the impossible.

Friday, April 28, 2017

It is easy to get depressed about the state of the country these days. But every once in a while Americans do something awesome.

As you might imagine the calls and tweets were very imaginative.
Yep, faith in mankind officially restored.

Friday, March 10, 2017

The majority of Americans disagree with nearly every single one of Trump's policy positions save one.

Courtesy of WaPo: 

Among the many questionable claims that have come from the White House over the past month and a half, one of the most questionable came from an unexpected source: Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference last month, Priebus asserted that the policies President Trump had outlined to that point met with the approval of 80 percent of the American public. We considered that claim and determined it to be true — if you considered only Republicans to be Americans. 

An expansive new poll from Quinnipiac University allows us to look at the question more closely. The pollsters gauged public opinion on a broad range of issues that have already emerged from the Trump White House — policy on Russia, transgender school bathroom use, deportations. On only one did more people agree with Trump’s position than oppose it.

Gee, Trump and his spokespeople lie, had no idea. 

I am also on board with spending more on infrastructure.

My only caveat is that I would like somebody besides Trump and his corporate buddies to be in charge of that spending.

Just the idea of the guy who repeatedly filed for bankruptcy and is famous for not paying his debts being in charge of spending billions of taxpayer dollars makes me very uncomfortable. 

As for every one of his policies you can put me down as a big fat "NO!"

Saturday, February 11, 2017

New poll is very bad news for Trump administration.

Courtesy of PPP:

PPP's new national poll finds that Donald Trump's popularity as President has declined precipitously just over the last two weeks. On our first poll of his Presidency voters were evenly divided on Trump, with 44% approving of him and 44% also disapproving. Now his approval rating is 43%, while his disapproval has gone all the way up to 53%. If voters could choose they'd rather have both Barack Obama (52/44) or Hillary Clinton (49/45) instead of Trump.


That is not the only place where Trump is having a hard time.

For instance the Muslim ban:

66% of Americans consider the United States to be a safe country, to only 23% who consider it unsafe. Perhaps as an outgrowth of that sentiment only 45% of voters support Trump's Executive Order on immigration, to 49% who are opposed to it. 

Of course those numbers are higher among Trump voters, who also identify another factor as convincing them of its necessity:

By a 51/23 margin Trump voters say that the Bowling Green Massacre shows why Trump's immigration policy is needed.

Well that certainly explains some things.

Americans are also not terribly thrilled with the people that Trump surrounds himself with:

Betsy DeVos may have been confirmed this week, but she made a horrible impression on the public. Only 27% of voters see her positively to 49% with a negative opinion of her. Clinton voters are almost unanimous in their distaste for her (5/83 favorability), while she doesn't generate nearly an equivalent amount of enthusiasm from Trump voters (53/12 favorability.) Other people close to Trump have come off poorly as well- Steve Bannon has a 22/45 favorability rating, Kellyanne Conway's is 34/47, and Sean Spicer's is 32/41.

They also want to see his taxes:  

58% want him to release his tax returns, to just 31% who don't think he needs to. In fact by a 53/32 spread, voters would support a law requiring that candidates for President release 5 years of their tax returns in order to appear on the ballot.

That of course is exactly the opposite of what Trump believes to be true, which of course is in no way unusual.

However with all of this negative news Americans are still a little ambiguous on whether it is time to start talking impeachment yet:

Just three weeks into his administration, voters are already evenly divided on the issue of impeaching Trump with 46% in favor and 46% opposed. Support for impeaching Trump has crept up from 35% 2 weeks ago, to 40% last week, to its 46% standing this week. 

Unsurprisingly Clinton voters are far less ambiguous:

While Clinton voters initially only supported Trump's impeachment 65/14, after seeing him in office over the last few weeks that's gone up already to 83/6.

I think I would be more on board with these last respondents if it did not mean facing the reality of four years of a Mike Pence presidency.

All in all this is a very bad poll for Donald Trump.

Which of course means that it has now earned the title of "fake news" within the Trump bubble.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Majority of Americans believe that Russia interfered in election. Gee, no kidding.

Courtesy of CNBC: 

A majority of Americans believes that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, a new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll has found. 

That finding shows substantial public acceptance of the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion about the hacking of Democratic Party computers. President-elect Donald Trump, who takes office Friday, has only grudgingly accepted that finding while accusing intelligence officials of leaking unflattering information about him. 

The survey showed that 51 percent think Russia interfered with last fall's campaign, while 36 percent said it did not. Some 13 percent weren't sure.

Gosh I wonder if it would help those who are unsure if they saw this?

 That is a commemorative coin minted by a Russian company who clearly think that Donald Trump's presidency is worthy of celebrating.

Here is how the director, Vladimir Vasyukhin, explains his excitement: 

“There are more hopes associated with Trump with regards to the lifting of sanctions; maybe the environment (between the U.S. and Russia) will change,” Vasyukhin told the network, explaining his motivation.

Gee look, even the guy running the coin making shop knows what Trump's policies will be toward Russia. 

Are there really 36 percent of Americans too stupid to see what happened?

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Not even president yet and already Donald Trump is threatening to punish Americans for exercising their right to free speech.

So not only does Trump want to diminish the rights of the press to do their job, he also wants to punish American citizens for demonstrating their First Amendment rights as well.

How much longer do we think it will be before he threatens to take away our right to assemble peacefully or petition the government for a redress of our grievances?

Are you afraid yet Trump supporters?

Well if you were smarter you would be. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton now has more than one million more votes than Donald Trump.

Courtesy of The Hill:  

Hillary Clinton has surpassed 1 million in her popular vote margin over President-elect Donald Trump, according to a Tuesday tally from the nonpartisan Cook Political Report. 

Trump won the White House via the Electoral College a week ago, while the former secretary of State is now the fifth nominee in American history to win the popular vote but lose the presidency. 

At first I was a little confused by this post because the numbers they used actually did now show Hillary ahead by a million.

However when I clicked this link it proved that she was indeed ahead 62,414,099 to 61,255,290, so yes she is comfortably ahead by well over a million votes.

Of course in our current system it doesn't mean anything. And no, signing petitions and arguing against the electoral system is not going to change that.

However it does provide a least some solace to those of us who voted based on reality, that the majority of American voters are not slack jawed simpletons who actually believed that Donald Trump would make a better president than Hillary Clinton.

Don't get me wrong, it still means that almost half of the Americans who bothered to vote probably can't tie their shoes without referring to the manual, but at least it's a little better.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Ever wonder why there are all of those erectile dysfunction ads on TV during prime time? Here you go.

While I appreciate Vice attempting to be even handed here, I actually think these advertisement have dome more harm than they are reporting in this piece.

As a matter of fact the AMA wants them banned completely: 

“Today’s vote in support of an advertising ban reflects concerns among physicians about the negative impact of commercially-driven promotions, and the role that marketing costs play in fueling escalating drug prices,” AMA board chair-elect Patrice A. Harris said in a statement Tuesday. “Direct-to-consumer advertising also inflates demand for new and more expensive drugs, even when these drugs may not be appropriate.”

Yeah, no shit.

In my opinion not only are these ads completely distasteful but they also feed into a kind of national hypochondria which otherwise healthy Americans that they need a pill to somehow improve their lives.

What most of them need is a gym membership and a self driving car that refuses to take them to McDonalds or Pizza Hut.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

So President Obama just announced sweeping reforms of our prison system. Seriously, has nobody explained the term "lame duck" to this guy yet?

Here is President Obama's op-ed in the Washington Post explaining what he has done: 

As president, my most important job is to keep the American people safe. And since I took office, overall crime rates have decreased by more than 15 percent. In our criminal justice system, the punishment should fit the crime — and those who have served their time should leave prison ready to become productive members of society. How can we subject prisoners to unnecessary solitary confinement, knowing its effects, and then expect them to return to our communities as whole people? It doesn’t make us safer. It’s an affront to our common humanity. 

That’s why last summer, I directed Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and the Justice Department to review the overuse of solitary confinement across U.S. prisons. They found that there are circumstances when solitary is a necessary tool, such as when certain prisoners must be isolated for their own protection or in order to protect staff and other inmates. In those cases, the practice should be limited, applied with constraints and used only as a measure of last resort. They have identified common-sense principles that should guide the use of solitary confinement in our criminal justice system. 

The Justice Department has completed its review, and I am adopting its recommendations to reform the federal prison system. These include banning solitary confinement for juveniles and as a response to low-level infractions, expanding treatment for the mentally ill and increasing the amount of time inmates in solitary can spend outside of their cells. These steps will affect some 10,000 federal prisoners held in solitary confinement — and hopefully serve as a model for state and local corrections systems. And I will direct all relevant federal agencies to review these principles and report back to me with a plan to address their use of solitary confinement.

I have to say that this is incredibly good news.

Keeping kids out of solitary confinement seems like a no-brainer, and more treatment for the mentally ill, where prison is often the FIRST place they get diagnosed and receive the help they need, is always welcome news. 

I swear if this guy keeps this up he is liable to earn himself a place on Mt. Rushmore.

Boy won't the racists have a conniption fit then!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Once again among Americans Hillary Clinton and President Obama are the most admired man and woman in the world. This makes twenty years in a row for Hillary.

Courtesy of Gallup:  

Americans again name Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama the woman and man living anywhere in the world they admire most. Both win by wide margins over the next-closest finishers, Malala Yousafzai for women and Pope Francis and Donald Trump for men.

 This makes the twentieth time that Hillary has claimed this honor and the eighth time for Obama.

I have to admit I am more than little saddened by the fact that Trump is so close to the top and completely puzzled by Palin's inclusion at all. 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Majority of Americans more afraid of gun violence than terrorism.

Courtesy of McClatchy DC: 

When it comes to danger, voters are far more afraid of gun violence than terrorism. 

But like almost everything else this election season, there’s a partisan split, a new McClatchy-Marist poll finds. 

Overall, 63 percent of registered votes say they’re more worried that they or someone they know will be a victim of gun violence, while 29 percent more fear that they or a friend will fall prey to a terrorist attack. 

Democrats and independents lean heavily toward gun violence as the bigger threat, a sentiment reflected in the party’s push for stricter gun laws in the wake of mass shootings this year in Charleston, S.C., Rosenburg, Ore., and Lafayette, La. 

Democrats fear guns over terrorism by 77-15 percent. Independents fear gun violence over terrorism by 64-28 percent. 

Republicans edge toward terrorism as the bigger threat, but only narrowly, by 50-45 percent over a fear of gun violence. 

African-American voters have the biggest concern about guns: 71 percent say they’re worried about being a victim of gun violence and only 13 percent are afraid of being caught in a terrorist attack. 

Finally people are starting to wake up to the reality of our gun culture.

And it looks as if Hillary's stance on gun control might be EXACTLY what the majority of voters are looking for in 2016.

I am going to hang my hat on the hope that we might actually make the same kind of positive headway addressing guns in this country under a President Hillary Clinton as we made under President Obama on LGBT rights.