Showing posts with label Reverend Wright. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reverend Wright. Show all posts

Saturday, April 05, 2014

After the debut of her new show non-political show, brought to you by the makers of green screen, Sarah Palin returns to what she knows best, endorsing loser candidates and bitching about liberals.

Yesterday on Facebook Palin endorsed Pete Ricketts and had her ghostwriter write up a post just chock full of cookie cutter conservative jargon and anti-liberal vitriol.

Here is a taste:

While Pete’s opponents in this race have made a career for themselves as politicians, bureaucrats, or lobbyists, Pete spent his career in the private sector helping grow his family’s successful business from the bottom up. I believe in teaching kids to never fear success and in fact to look to those who’ve ethically earned their success and emulate their work ethic! 

Yeah I have no idea what all of that blabber meant, but it is interesting to note that Ricketts actually TRIED to be one of those career politicians that Palin vilified up above back in 2006, when he ran against Democrat Ben Nelson for his Senate seat.

He failed in that endeavor, after spending over eleven million dollars of his own money, and so he is back and newly reborn as a Tea Party conservative.

While giving Ricketts his political reach around Palin also decided to go on the attack against the evil liberals.

The alternative is woeful dependency on an inevitable sinking ship I call “Liberal Lunacy.”

Yes of course, WE are the lunatics.

The rest of the post is overflowing with the usual hackneyed Palin-aprops. Such as "common sense conservative," "fearless patriot," and of course, "servant's heart."

Palin also warns about the "recycled old discredited attacks" which I believe refers to this one about his position on amnesty leveled at him by Charlie Janssen, who is running for the same nomination.

Palin goes onto say this:

Pete has the business acumen, the moral integrity, and the conservative common sense to lead Nebraska into a prosperous future. 

The problem is that she is describing the wrong Ricketts family member. In fact it is his father who seems to have the business acumen, as evidenced by the fact that it he who owns TDAmeritrade, the company for whom his son Pete serves as the CEO.

In fact it appears that the father, Joe Ricketts, is the REAL political heavyweight.

It was the senior Ricketts who started the super PAC "Taxpayers Against Earmarks," now known as "Ending Spending," and who spent 10 million dollars of his own money attempting to prove that President Obama was a leftist radical who was heavily influenced by the Reverend Wright.

This from May 2012, in the New York Times:  

“The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way,” says the proposal, which was overseen by Fred Davis and commissioned by Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Mr. Ricketts is increasingly putting his fortune to work in conservative politics.

Oh yeah, this explains why Palin is so enthusiastic about the son.

Palin at Friday morning Ricketts fundraiser.
These are her kind of people. Completely out of their fucking minds!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Steve Schmidt schools Sarah Palin on the stupidity of bringing Reverend Wright into the political arena.

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Martin Bashir speaking of Palin: "Did she, ever say to you, or John McCain, that she wanted to use the Reverend Wright against Barack Obama?"

Schmidt: "Well she did Martin, she did all the time, and I think something that is important to understand here, is that this was John McCain's decision. John McCain ran for President of the United States. John McCain won his party's nomination. It was his call. John McCain said absolutely not, under no circumstances, do I want to light this fuse, do I want to inject the poison of race into this campaign. It was the right thing for John McCain to do. It was the right thing POLITICALLY for John McCain to do. And most everybody who disagreed with that decision understood that it was John McCain's right to make the decision and got in line with it."

With ONE notable exception of course.  Clearly Palin NEVER got in line with McCain's decision, and continues to THIS DAY to try and resurrect the Reverend Wright issue in order to discredit Barack Obama, who now has over three years as President under his belt, making the Reverend Wright issue even less relevant as a determination of his character today than it was back in 2008.

An opinion by the way that Steve Schmidt confirms with no equivocation.

Maritin Bahir: "And yet Steve, many on the Right say that he might not have lost that election if he'd used Jeremiah Wright."

Schmidt: "Yeah, well that's dumb!"

Do you hear that Sarah? That's dumb!

Tomorrow I have a rather interesting tidbit to share about John McCain's campaign manager that might make many of you see him in an entirely different light. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

New surgically enhanced Sarah Palin appears on Hannity to blast President Obama. New face, same old moosepoop! Update!

Of course right out of the gate Hannity takes a few shots at Newark Mayor Cory Booker, over his MTP gaffes. (Interestingly enough while this was taking place, Rachel Maddow had Booker on her show talking a mile a minute trying desperately to do damage control. My opinion? He's a douche!)

Then the trumpets were sounded, the curtains parted,  and "Tah-Dah" the surgically tightened Lunatic from Lake Lucille makes her appearance. If I may say, she looks faux fabulous, and if it weren't from her voice which is suffering from smoker's croak...screaming at her children...recent neck surgery...a slight cold, she was flawless.  Okay, well not "flawless" but a damn sight better than she has looked in recent appearances.

Palin appears very chipper (Because until her face relaxes from the surgery, THAT is the only emotion she can display) and goes right after President Obama with the ferocity of a rabies infected Chihuahua.

Her Lego hair bobbing up and down Palin goes right to work attacking the President, however when it comes to defending the GOP nominee Mitt Romney she can still barely bring herself to say anything supportive about him, though she sort of defends the "idea" of him.

Here is a brief synopsis of Palin's remarks: "Time tested organizer...redistribute wealth...don'tcha know?"

About halfway through the interview Hannity brings out his favorite chew toy, Reverend Wright.

Hannity: "This is relevant. You thought so in 2008. Do you think it's relevant, these issues, today?"

(Red meat thrown, Palin spies it on the floor, and pounces.)

The Lunatic from Lake Lucille:  

"I do. And I thought so in 2008, and that's why I went rogue if you will, and disagreed with some of John McCain's advisers when they said no, a lot of these issues, past associations, Bill Ayers, and those that helped shape Obama's world view, needed to be off the table and not discussed. I disagreed then, I disagree now! Barack Obama back in 2008 was an empty vessel (Hooah, hooah! Projection alert!) the public did not know what, or who, filled this vessel in order to create, what has become, I think a very confused and mission envision-less leader for our country. (Seriously is she looking into a mirror here?) Well now, its not too late to change course and, this next go-around, understand what has filled up that vessel, who are these people? Who are the radicals, the Marxist professors that he said he'd like to, he'd hang out with, and some of his friends and associations. And even what his past voting record represents. How that filled up that vessel and has led to this very confused country in so many respects."

Later in the segment Palin goes on to attack teacher's unions, continues to bring up the fact that Obama was not vetted, claims that the media are Obama "lap dogs," compares some GOP operative's fighting spirit to Sesame Street's Mr. Snuffleupagus (WTF?), and states that Mitt Romney (without ever saying his name of course) should choose Alan West as his running mate.

All in all the interview is reminiscent of watching an intake interview before having a patient is committed to a psychiatric unit. "Okay lady, how about we take all of these sharp objects out of your pocket and have you go with these nice men in the white lab coats."

Palin is clearly agitated and still desperate to fight those 2008 battles that she feels she was not allowed to fight back then. However she also seems to want to blame her OWN confusion on the President. As if the fact that she cannot maintain a coherent thought in her head is HIS fault.

Listen lady, you were a dipshit while running Wasilla.

You were a dipshit while governing Alaska.

You were a dipshit while running for VP in 2008.

And you will remain a dipshit long after President Obama has successfully finished his second term.

Deal with it!

(P.S. And by the way you crazy bitch, don't you ever, and I mean EVER, bring up the delightful Mr. Snuffleupagus in one of your crazy tirades again! He is a shy loveable creature who disdains conflict, and simply wants everybody to get along. If certain people I could mention would recognize, and embrace, his message this world could be a much, much better place. Long live Snuffy!)

Update: By the way this is how the folks at Fox News labeled this interview with the "Disasta from Alaska."

I have every confidence that President Obama feels completely "un-pulverized" this morning and probably does not even know that the moron was talking trash about his again.

You can read more over at News Corpse.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Lawrence O'Donnell digs further into the attempt to smear President Obama using the Reverend Wright.

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This O'Donnell segment actually contains my favorite Romney quote of all time, "I stand by what I said, whatever it was."  Which I think should be printed on t-shirts and worn at Mitt Romney rallies all over the country until election day.

Nothing sums this guy up better than that quote.

As for a visual image that best illustrates Romney, watching him flee down the aisle of the press plane after the Reverend Wright issue is brought up is the perfect metaphor for how he is running his campaign.

This attempt to inject race into the 2012 election cycle is STILL all over cable this morning and it does not look like it is going away anytime soon. I imagine that the Sunday talk shows will feature it front and center as well.

Which, by the way, I think is awesome.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Everything old is new again as the Right Wing prepares to resurrect the ghost of Reverend Wright to use against the President in 2012. You know, because that worked so well in 2008. Update: Plan scrapped!

Courtesy of the New York Times:

A group of high-profile Republican strategists is working with a conservative billionaire on a proposal to mount one of the most provocative campaigns of the “super PAC” era and attack President Obama in ways that Republicans have so far shied away from. 

Timed to upend the Democratic National Convention in September, the plan would “do exactly what John McCain would not let us do,” the strategists wrote. 

The plan, which is awaiting approval, calls for running commercials linking Mr. Obama to incendiary comments by his former spiritual adviser, the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr., whose race-related sermons made him a highly charged figure in the 2008 campaign. 

“The world is about to see Jeremiah Wright and understand his influence on Barack Obama for the first time in a big, attention-arresting way,” says the proposal, which was overseen by Fred Davis and commissioned by Joe Ricketts, the founder of the brokerage firm TD Ameritrade. Mr. Ricketts is increasingly putting his fortune to work in conservative politics. 

The $10 million plan, one of several being studied by Mr. Ricketts, includes preparations for how to respond to the charges of race-baiting it envisions if it highlights Mr. Obama’s former ties to Mr. Wright, who espouses what is known as “black liberation theology.” 

The group suggested hiring as a spokesman an “extremely literate conservative African-American” who can argue that Mr. Obama misled the nation by presenting himself as what the proposal calls a “metrosexual, black Abe Lincoln.

"A metrosexual Abe Lincoln?" My assumption is that THIS kind of  labeling is an attempt to put a question mark beside Obama's sexuality since the Right Wing simply cannot fathom how somebody, who was not gay themselves, could stand up for same sex marriage.

So THIS is what the Right Wing has been reduced to? Hell this is so pathetic that it comes right out of the moldy dogeared Sarah Palin playbook for attacking the President.

Even cranky old John McCain knew enough to avoid this like the plague.

Apparently the idea is to bring up President Obama's so-called "radical past," while making the case that he was relatively moderate during his first term to lull the electorate into a false sense of security before unleashing liberal Armageddon during his second term. ("It's not what he HAS done, it's what he MIGHT do!" screams the frantic Right Winger.)

And of course the usual suspects from Sean Hannity, to Sarah Palin, to Andrew Breitbart's website are all piling on.

To me this smacks of absolute panic on the part of the Right Wing.  They know they cannot attack the President on his ability to protect America from terrorism, the jobs are coming back, and even gas prices are starting to go down, so what's left?

 And according to this poll the majority of Americans believe that Obama will win reelection.

Apparently only the Republicans still believe that Obama will be defeated in 2012. But if that is true, then WHY are they so desperate that they are willing to risk being labeled racists by resurrecting the ghost of Reverend Wright?

But hell if this is the Republican's best tactic, I say "Go for it!:

However if we are going to attack the candidate's religion in this next campaign season I have some rather serious questions about Mitt Romney's faith as well.  (He says while rubbing his hands together in a gleeful fashion.)

Update: Well that did not take long.

According to The New York Times:

Mitt Romney condemned efforts to use President Obama’s former pastor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright, in ads attacking the president, as reportedly planned by a “super PAC” working toward electing Mr. Romney in November.

The guy whose name this plan was named after is doing damage control as well:

Joe Ricketts is a registered independent, a fiscal conservative and an outspoken critic of the Obama administration, but he is neither the author nor the funder of the so-called Ricketts Plan to defeat Mr. Obama that The New York Times wrote about this morning. Not only was this plan merely a proposal — one of several submitted to the Ending Spending Action Fund by third-party vendors — but it reflects an approach to politics that Mr. Ricketts rejects and it was never a plan to be accepted but only a suggestion for a direction to take. Mr. Ricketts intends to work hard to help elect a president this fall who shares his commitment to economic responsibility, but his efforts are and will continue to be focused entirely on questions of fiscal policy, not attacks that seek to divide us socially or culturally. can they possibly not like this plan?  After all Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin LOVE this idea. Oh, right.

Well personally I am saddened by this news. I had all kinds of great ideas for going after Romney if he took this approach. 

Oh well I am sure the next idea will be almost as stupid. After all, it IS the GOP we are talking about.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Barack Obama finally kicks Reverend Wright to the curb after his most recent outrageous comments.

Democrat Barack Obama said Tuesday he was outraged and appalled by the latest comments from his former pastor, who asserted that criticism of his fiery sermons is an attack on the black church and the U.S. government was responsible for the creation of the AIDS virus.

The presidential candidate is seeking to tamp down the growing fury over Rev. Jeremiah Wright and his incendiary remarks that threaten to undermine his campaign.

"I am outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday," Obama told reporters at a news conference.

It seems that Reverend Wright let his ego get in the way of his judgement and he took personal offense at Obama's dismissal of some of his views.

Obama did a great job of letting the media and voters know that he does not condone nor agree with the more bizarre beliefs and opinions of his former pastor.

Here is the video of Obama's statements today:

Well this is not exactly shocking news.

Obama's campaign has disavowed Wright's media tour, and a correspondent notes an interesting detail:

Wright was invited to the National Press Club by a journalist and minister who supports Clinton.

The Tribune reports that Wright was invited by Barbara Reynolds, a former USA Today editorial board member who has written on her personal blog of her support for Clinton.

This Reverend Wright issue is really all the Clinton's have to use in their attempt to derail Obama's nomination.

Of course if you really examine it you realize that it is a red herring and tells you absolutely nothing about what kind of President Obama will be.

And if we are going to use the guilt by association ploy to determine who is unfit for office I seriously doubt Hillary is ready for that same tactic to be used against her. I mean in her own marriage is a man who is a philanderer that lied to the American people while under oath.

I would certainly never use that as an attack against Hillary but then I am not one to use these types of scurrilous tactics.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Here is the full interview of Reverend Wright by the amazing Bill Moyers.

Instead of just seeing the small edits that are used on Hardball and Fox News it will prove more informative if you watch the whole thing.

I am a firm believer in getting the whole story before reaching any conclusions.

So if you feel the same take some time to watch the REAL Reverend Wright.

I will not attempt to direct you to my way of thinking by making any comments ahead of time, but feel free to leave your own comments before you leave.