Showing posts with label Brian Wiiliams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brian Wiiliams. Show all posts

Saturday, February 07, 2015

Brian Williams to take leave of absence from NBC Nightly News.

Personal note from Brian Williams courtesy NBC News:  

In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions. 

As Managing Editor of NBC Nightly News, I have decided to take myself off of my daily broadcast for the next several days, and Lester Holt has kindly agreed to sit in for me to allow us to adequately deal with this issue. Upon my return, I will continue my career-long effort to be worthy of the trust of those who place their trust in us.

You know the worst part of this is that Sarah Palin will TOTALLY think that she made this happen.

I don't know why he said what he said, but I feel bad for Williams. I really do.

Is Brian Williams career still twitching? Well Sarah Palin is ready to finally put him out of her misery, and the rest of the mainstream media with him.

Courtesy of Media Watchdog Palin's Facebook page:

Friends, this is a very important post I respectfully ask you to read through. Forgive its length. May it help you nail the coffin that's given shelter to a corrupt press that would stop at nothing in their fight against right. 

(Do you hear that folks? THIS post is important and must be read. The others were shit, but this one is TOTALLY important.)

Reports today claimed Tom Brokaw was calling on his former network to fire Brian Williams for lying for years about being hit by enemy fire in Iraq. Brokaw apparently denies the reports. (Personally, I hope Williams keeps his job as the face of network news to remind America how this all works, and to justify our complete turning away from his ilk in mainstream media.) It appears that some at NBC did know that Williams was lying for over a decade but never said a thing about it. Keep in mind that Williams repeated his bogus story many times on air, yukked it up with David Letterman over the made up drama, and even accepted praise as a "war hero." 

(This is where Palin links to a Breitbart article claiming that Brokaw is calling for the head of Williams. Problem with that is that it is untrue: Tom Brokaw, who held the anchor chair before Mr. Williams, said in an email that he “neither suggested nor demanded Brian be fired,” refuting news reports that he had done so.)

Let’s consider the herd mentality these journalists use to empower and cover for each other. It’s precisely the way a corrupt organization works, like a crime syndicate. (Network news is like a crime syndicate?) Remember the “JournoList” scandal where hundreds of prominent members of the media were finally exposed for operating a secret internet chat group to strategize on how they would cover (read: spin) the news of the day to fit their leftwing agenda, regardless of truth? I haven't forgotten. They would stop at nothing. I was aware of their collective unethical character not only because my college degree was earned using the complete opposite journalism tactics of JournoList's (Wait, what?), but also because I lived it first hand as they began their relentless BS about my family, my hometown, and my record when I was asked to come on the national scene in 2008. 

(Of course by "BS" Palin means multiple truthful stories that the media uncovered with a few that did not quite past the smell test. She also links to the Daily Caller coverage of those Journolist e-mails where Trig's parentage was discussed and the decision not to pursue that story was rendered.) 

My parents just reminded me that right after my acceptance speech at the RNC in 2008, Brian Williams repeated on national television a completely false story that I banned books while I served in office. (Not false.) He did so by reading on air a completely false op-ed by another unethical character who's never clarified nor apologized for including that outrageous censorship lie, among many others. (Thanks, Joe Klein, hope you're keeping it classy.) Those lies – proclaimed on air as if Williams was merely reporting "the news" – were heard by many that night. Lies like that were like a gut punch to my parents that knocked down the foundation of trust they've lived their good lives upon, for they realized, defenselessly, the power of a corrupt press. (To reveal a pattern of lies and coverups that had served Palin well in Alaska.) The media lies rung a bell that can never be “un-rung.” In the minds of millions of Americans, I was tainted as an anti-First Amendment book banning wacko. Brian Williams lied about me in order to affect the way I would be perceived by Americans during the 2008 election. He lies. There is no other way around it. But what’s especially disgusting is the way his corrupt colleagues covered for him. I have never and will never let the shroud of victimization cover me (Seriously? Did she just say that?)– God's given me way too many undeserved blessings to dishonor His goodness by wasting time crying "victim" – but I'm happy to recall the hundreds of Palin-centric false reports if it helps America understand you must never trust JournoList-types. (Well, not exactly "happy" to do it, but willing – all the whilst throwing up a little bit in my mouth, believing the reason the harshness perpetuates may be for others' edification.) 

(So to be clear she does not WANT to play the victim, but will do so in order to help the American people realize how she was victimized. Got it.)

Don't be lulled into thinking this is only an NBC problem. It's all the major networks. Look, for example, at the outrageous media bias at CNN at the same time Williams was making up stories about his “war valor.” 

(Yeah don't think this is just an NBC problem, ALL media who ever reported anything negative about Palin should be blamed. Which essentially is ALL media.)

There is a serious problem with the liberal media’s herd mentality. It's too late for their mea culpa because they've already lost America’s trust (As opposed to Fox News who earns it every day. IF you don't fact check their reporting that is.), and that is a dangerous thing. But while they're still on our airwaves, they need to clean up their act as the rest of us turn to new media that will be held accountable. A free press is a cornerstone of our democracy. They have the tools to be our watchdogs, not liars and lapdogs for the powers that be. 

Thanks for hearing me out. And, *sigh*, for the umpteenth time – for the benefit of the most unprofessional among the herd who will never clarify nor apologize – yes, I am my son's mother. - (Which son is she talking about? If she means Trig, then adopted mother maybe, not birth mother.)

Sarah Palin

Hang on I need an anti-venom shot before continuing.

You know besides the media bashing did anybody else catch the reoccurring theme that ran through this rant?

It was frustration about the supposed "lies" told about her and her family, specifically about Trig's parentage.

It seems that Matt Lewis was right that the thing which is driving her around the bend is the constant searching for answers concerning the babygate story.

So, I guess I know exactly what I need to focus on for the next couple of weeks.

Thanks Sarah. I had been kind of putting that off.

Friday, February 06, 2015

Sarah Palin is still going after Brian Williams like a dog with a bone.

You know I was thinking about what might have possibly given such hard on to go after Williams, and my bet is that it goes ALL the way back to October of 2008.

You remember this interview, right?

(Did you notice the question about her medical records at the 1:39 mark? Yeah, whatever happened to those? And no this does not count.)

This of course was after Palin's disastrous Katie Couric interview when the McCain campaign tried to gain some control over Palin's ignorance and habit of saying whatever stupid thing popped into her pea brain.

So during this interview Palin is working hard to hold it together, and yet she cannot help but complain about the media. She also suggests that people are making things up about her family.


Personally I think this is when Palin REALLY started to despise the media and perhaps that it why certain news people, like Katie Couric, Charlie Gibson, and Brian Williams occupy a permanent place on her shit list.

Thursday, February 05, 2015

With allegations that NBC anchor Brian Williams lied about coming under attack in Iraq, Sarah Palin smells blood in the water. Seriously kiddies keep your arms and legs tucked in for this one. Update!

Just in case you have not heard, currently Brian Williams is under fire for conflating the observation of an attack with actually being attacked. 

Williams offered a halfhearted apology but the conservatives are having none of it.

So somebody obviously removed Palin's muzzle and directed her to go on the ghostwritten attack.

And of course she is only too anxious to do so.

Courtesy of Facebook: 

It's said that a man's word can affect the course of history. Certainly a man with a microphone can. Mainstream media lies. Without accountability their power can influence national debate, shift momentum, and destroy a person's good name. All affecting history. 

(Is she actually calling somebody else out for lying AND calling for accountability?)

When one of their own repeats a lie for 12 years but is excused with the help of the media's herd mentality, tragic distrust and despondency blankets our land. The veil is torn, however, with the revelation of exaggerated, self-centered falsehoods like NBC's perpetual lie that belittled our soldiers and their truly courageous missions. The face of that network’s news lied about combat experiences in Iraq and then with false humility accepted the title of "war hero" while the press ignores, disrespects, and often destroys the good name of our true war heroes. To me, that's like soiling sacred ground.

(You know with the ghostwriter's help you still get a full helping of Palin's poisonous venom dripping from words that actually make some kind of sense. That is what is missing from her interviews and free associating speeches.)

Palin then goes on to address the lie that Williams told, with equal servings of mock outrage and middle school vindictiveness. (She even gets a dig in about his use of a Teleprompter.)

Then she goes after her real target. The media.

An enlightened public grows more confident everyday knowing we do not have to settle for mainstream garbage insulting our intelligence as it's sold as "news". The American public deserves so much better and it's encouraging to see so many rise up and demand better. It's why we've turned off the old, we turn on the new, and we’ll never look back. 

(I find it interesting that she so readily embraces the new media when it has long been responsible for keeping her lies in check, and keeping her off balance concerning just when things will be revealed.)

Leftist media and their minions in politics tried for too long to fundamentally transform America with their shared assumption we would fall in line and bend our backs as they rode us with reins to control our individual sovereignty. America said enough is enough and we strengthened our spine so we could fight for freedom, sometimes requiring battles against our own leaders. 

(Holy crap! She actually doubled down on the bent back comment from her Iowa speech. Now see this is where a ghostwriter comes in handy, as Palin will now expand her attack on the "leftist media" to an attack on Hillary for her own exaggeration from 2008.)

Remember Hillary Clinton, always seeking the title of Commander in Chief, using a harrowing account of coming under enemy fire in Iraq?  Of course it didn't happen. But a protecting press excused her with sympathetic descriptions of an exhausting schedule – evidently a schedule having more negative impact than that of her equally busy male competitors, because it was blamed for her dramatic lapse in recalling a near-death war zone experience that was really all made up. It goes without asking, would the press have done the same with others we can think of, had she or he "mistakenly" claimed taking on such danger in their drive to win an election?

(Got a twofer there didn't she?)

It is right about now that Palin boldly steps into dangerous territory.

Taking the Williams and Clinton examples, it also goes without asking, if they lie about things like this, what and who else do they lie about? 

(The mere idea that Palin would suggest that people who lie should not be trusted indicates that she really feels confident that nobody will ever make her answer publicly for the many, many lies that she has told over the years. And she might be right so long as she hides on Facebook, and only gives interviews to Fox News.)

Be encouraged though, America! The demise of old media is a result of us saying, "No more." It shows you what you can accomplish as a free and exceptional nation! We demand truth in reporting by shifting a market away from those refusing to give it. We demand adherence to our Constitution by taking back our government from those refusing to do it. We demand the fundamental restoration of America by refusing to bend to anyone dangerously transforming it. 

Thank you for that! And thank the Lord for blessing us with the wisdom and wherewithal to get this done.

 - Sarah Palin

"Thank the Lord for blessing us with wisdom?" Seriously?

I have to say that this is the rare case where Palin is actually working with some real meat.

Indeed what Williams said is demonstrably untrue, and it will indeed cause substantial embarrassment. However it in no way detracts from his past reporting nor from the fact that his show "NBC Nightly News" easily wins its time slot every week.

And Hillary's Bosnia Sniper story is equally embarrassing and back in 2008 when I was blogging about the upcoming election I went after her over it as well. However the thing to keep in mind is that it WAS back in 2008, and everybody is over it now.

Everybody that is except Sarah Palin, who never lets ANYTHING go.

But this Facebook post was not really about going after Hillary and Brian. This Facebook post was about how Palin herself feels that SHE has been mistreated by the press, and how, from her perspective, she gets eviscerated for every misstep, while the media allows folks like Hillary and Brian Williams to get a free pass.

Aww, poor baby!

Update: It looks like Brian Williams might be in for a little vindication:

Explaining that he was piloting the Chinook helicopter following closely behind the one that was struck by an RPG, Krell said that his chopper “took small arms fire” in the attack. He said Williams “would have been aware of it because of the activity of the crew and the door gunners were returning fire” and said the small arms fire only creating some minor damage to the helicopter. 

Leaving the RPG question aside, Tapper asked if Krell took issue with other parts of the story Williams has been telling for years, “that the helicopter took small arms fire and that he was scared.” 

“Well, no, we were all scared. That’s the truth,” the pilot responded. He said could understand why members of the crew of the chopper that was struck by an RPG do “take issue” with Williams’ accounts. “I don’t think it was anything derogatory towards them,” he said. “I agree he needs to apologize and get the record set straight, but I don’t take offense to it personally, no.” 

Asked once more if Williams is being “accurate” when he said the helicopter he was in took fire, Krell replied, “Yes, that is a true statement.”

Hmm, well perhaps Williams is not such a big liar after all.

But we all know that Sarah Palin remains exactly that. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Flashback to Katie Couric interview: Sarah Palin cannot answer a simple question about who is the most influential journalist.

(Palin portion starts at the 1:21 mark.)

Does she EVER know anything?

First she has to ask Todd, who is JUST as much of a dimwit as she is. Then she says she has to go think about it (as if the interviewer will still be standing there when she can finally come up with an answer), and then somebody tells her to say "Greta" and she grabs onto it like a drowning victim.

Who in their right mind would accept Greta Van Sucks-to-be-Palin's-Buddy as the example of an influential journalist? You know who besides the woman whose influence depends on Greta and Sean Hannity's softball questions of course?

Personally I agree with Contessa Brewer. I also think Rachel Maddow rocks!

(Video courtesy of the Huffington Post.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Brian Williams interview with Sarah Palin part trois.

"Americans deserve to know the background, the associations, the affiliations of the VP candidate. I am willing to be an open book"

Alrighty then, is this anything like the pledge to be open and transparent made to Alaskan voters when they elected her Governor? Or her promise to cooperate with the "Troopergate" investigation before being chosen as John McCain's VP and then refusing to be deposed, or allow many of her staffers to be deposed, for the report? If that is the case I am not going to be holding my breath.

To his credit Williams offers Palin the chance to correct the "lies" that the media has told about her, but the Governor does not take the opportunity. Too bad I would love to have heard that.