Showing posts with label obesity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obesity. Show all posts

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Just your daily reminder that you now live in a country where this guy is the president.

I typically don't like to fat shame, but remember this is a guy who made fat jokes about Rosie O'Donnell and judged women by their breast size.

In my opinion that makes it open season on Mr. Visible Panty Line here.

Friday, June 05, 2015

So this is something that happened the other day.

Well I for one would like to welcome Chris Christie into the presidential race as the first transgendered candidate in American history.

What, he's not transgendered?

Well then what in the hell is going on down there?

Okay does anybody else have this song playing in their head right now?

I don't know which one of Christie's staff told him that dressing like this was a good idea, but they should be fired immediately.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Anti-obesity advertisement should be shown to ALL parents of young children.

This commercial hit me really hard.

Just last week I was in a discussion about the terrible food habits of a client of mine, and how important it was for his health to intervene. Some looked at me with blank faces until I started listing off the increased number of type two diabetes cases in Alaska, especially within our native communities.

This is actually a very troubling problem in the mental health field, since many professionals will use the promise of treats to motivate their clients and do not recognize the long term negative effects of using food, especially jink food, as a reward for appropriate behaviors.

I have been fighting this bullshit for years, but there are still a lot of very intelligent people who are simply looking for a quick fix to inattentive children, and are introducing a potentially life altering problem as a side effect.

Obesity is the leading cause of preventable death in this country.

Perhaps it's just me, but I would rather have an inattentive kid on my hands then to contribute to the early death of a child.

Saturday, November 02, 2013

Mitt Romney eliminated Chris Christie as a running mate and mocked him due to his weight.

Courtesy of HuffPo:

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie was on Mitt Romney's vice presidential short list initially, but the GOP nominee took him off in part because of his weight. 

In their new book Double Down, journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann reveal that one of the reasons Romney quickly eliminated Christie as a running mate was that he was bothered by his lack of physical fitness. 

"Romney marveled at Christie’s girth, his difficulties in making his way down the narrow aisle of the campaign bus," the authors write. "Watching a video of Christie without his suit jacket on, Romney cackled to his aides, 'Guys! Look at that!'" 

The Romney campaign had dubbed its search for a vice presidential nominee "Project Goldfish," and Christie was stuck with the code name "Pufferfish," according to a report on the book by The Washington Post.

Wow, as if we needed another reason to think that Mitt Romney was an asshole.

Look I am somebody who looks at Christie and worries that he may be unhealthy at that size, but to openly ridicule him is just cruel. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Sarah Palin made it into yesterday's Hardball Sideshow along with Larry "Wide Stance" Craig. Seems like a fitting place for her.

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Here is Palin's actual tweet:

"Liberty loving soda drinkers?" Seriously?

I guess it would be a waste of time to inform Palin that Mayor Bloomberg is really battling the drink manufacturers who create these bladder bursting, sugar infused, contributors to childhood obesity,  and not the people are so easily duped into purchasing them.

You would think a woman planning to write a fitness book would be supportive of such a measure.

Oh that's right, now she is writing about the "War on Christmas" instead.

Personally I doubt she knows any more about that topic, than she did about fitness.

Oh, and by the way, the government was never not going to "stay out" of Palin's refrigerator. This law was for New York only, a place that even Sarah Palin cannot see from Alaska, and it had to do with the sale of large servings of sugary drinks in restaurants, stadiums, and other eating establishments, not what was stored in a private refrigerator.

So the tweet is, as usual, ridiculous.

Saturday, March 02, 2013

Bill Maher takes on food in America.

"If we don't fix how we grow food and don't stop turning our oceans into a carbon sink for coal... your grandkids are going to grow up dreaming of getting some horse meat while they munch down on their McPlankton sandwich."

Do I really need to remind you that this is NSFW?

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Chris Christie will NEVER be the Republican nominee for President in 2012.

Look I am not discriminating against individuals with a weight problem, nor am I saying it is fair that others do.  I am just pointing out that Americans are easily swayed by the visual.

When looking at this picture of these two men, I see one looking energetic and ready to tackle America's problems, and the other looking as if he is one short flight of stairs away from a massive coronary.

Who do YOU think can handle the job?

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Michelle Obama launches campaign to battle childhood obesity.

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This is not something that I talk about very often on this blog, but it is a real passion of mine.

When I worked at the elementary school up the street, I helped the school nurse develop a program to address the problem of obesity with the children in our care.

We talked about nutrition, I developed a program of calisthenics for my kindergarten class, and we added an extra P.E. class during the week. (We had originally only had one, if you can believe it.)

As a personal trainer I talked to the teachers and even helped them to work on exercise programs of their own so that they could be examples to their children. It was a lot of fun and we had some pretty amazing results. (And by the way this was not about making people skinny, it was about making them healthier. Some of the teachers actually gained weight but the fat percentage in their bodies went down and their heart rate improved along with flexibility and even an improvement in their moods.)

I read someplace where conservatives were complaining that the government should not be telling children how to raise their children, and that parents could determine for themselves how much to feed their kids or when to make them exercise. But the cold hard truth is that childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years and there is no indication that it is going to get better on its own.

Michelle Obama gets it. Her speech (and I encourage you to listen to the whole thing) is dead on.

However Mrs. Obama is constrained by rules of decorum and the need to be politically correct. So as eloquent as she is I would like to make the case a little more bluntly.

If you are letting your children sit around stuffing their face with empty calories while playing video games all day, you are committing child abuse! You are helping to actually shorten their lifespan and are guaranteeing them a life of chronic health issues and expensive medications. In other words as a parent you suck!

Not only that but you are taking the genetic material bequeathed to you by your Homo-Sapien forefathers, who struggled to survive in the harshest of environments so that you might live, and squandering it on a life of gluttony and slothfulness. How dare you!

Okay all done now. I am sorry if that seemed a little harsh, or as Sarah would say "like lecturing", but I care about you and your children, and I care about our country, and I just think we need to start taking better care of ourselves.

And by the way, Michelle Obama agrees with me. You might be able to ignore me, but she is so nice wouldn't you like to put a smile on her face by making some healthier choices for your family?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Why do we need a Public Option if people are happy with their current insurance plan? I don't know, let's ask baby Alex.

Four-month-old Alex Lange is described as a "happy, adorable, big baby." Yet he can't get health insurance.

Rocky Mountain Health Plans refuses to cover little Alex because he's too large.

Okay, I admit it. When I first read this I thought it HAD to be a joke.

But it is not.

Insurance companies make these kinds of decisions all of the time. We just don't usually hear about them. Well now we are.

"Death Panels"? The insurance companies have been condemning Americans to death for decades. And they will continue to do so until we create an alternative health care plan that makes them lower their prices, accept individuals with pre-existing conditions, and makes them have to compete for new clients.

And my friends THAT requires the public option.

The idea that these companies are suddenly going to start doing the right thing because Congress passed a bill telling them to is ludicrous. They will be slow to comply, hire attorneys to argue why it is unconstitutional for them to be harassed by Congress, and continue to let Americans die with no impact on their conscious whatsoever.

Come on folks open your eyes! If they are willing to turn down a BABY to save costs what chance do you and your loved ones have?